I never understood why, as you increased haste rating and energy regen, hit and expertise didn't become more important. Missing two Shreds in a row will often leave me energy capped and without any damage done. Not only annoying, but seems counterproductive.
I guess the theorycrafting is based on longer fights where the extra whateverisn'thitorexpertise points will outweigh the misses, but for 5-mans, getting hit capped is highly recommended. My DPS went up and down like crazy, from 13k DPS on some bosses where I missed/got dodged a lot to 18k DPS on other fights where I didn't, before I filled out the hit and expertise to reasonable levels. Now I'm a solid 17k on most fights (Ozruk and every other boss that prevents uptime, I hate you).
Edited, Jun 15th 2011 10:57pm by Mazra
Please "talk up" if your comprehension white-shifts. I will use simple-happy language-words to help you understand.