I recently quit WoW (Or in other words I'm taking a break till after finals) and I've been thinking about those moments that makes WoW such a memorable game to me.
My very first toon on my 14 day trail (which took 7 days to download) was a Troll Mage. I had killed my fair share of Quilboar and Harpies, and had been given the quest to go to see Thrall. The second I walked through the big gates of Org, my eyes got so huge. I had never seen such a city as large as it in a video game. It just seemed to go on and on for ever, I could never imagine remembering where anything was (only took half a year tongue)
One of the weirder moments to remember, to me it just reminds me of the second summer of playing in a whole. On the one year anniversary of my WoW playing, I made a Blood elf Priest, and started to level it. After passing my friend who I was "leveling with" I found myself in Ashenvale to turn in some marks. With Price is Right of all things on the TV, my normal lunch of Mac and Cheese in my hand, I look at the screen and see myself on my hard earned Artic Wolf, standing on one of the small bridges, angled just right where I could see the trees in the back. I wish I screen shoted that moment, because it really was how my summer was. Spending all my time nerding out to WoW, eatting Mac and Cheese everyday for lunch, while watching the Price is Right. To some that may seem like a terrible summer, but at the time, it was the best summer ever.
So what's your guys' most memorable moments in WoW?
Side Note: What happen to these forums? I've never seen so many grayed out posts.