Wonder Gem PigtailsOfDoom wrote:
Well, after Therion helped me this evening get some clutter off my screen, I played around with power auras some more and was able to set up the DoT trackers for main target so that they bounce when the duration is getting low. While power auras may not be critical for shadow priests, it certainly is useful. It's nice being able to delete all these extra class oriented add ons and just use power auras for everything. Well okay, it doesn't do everything but you get my point. =x I'll post a couple screenies later today. Maybe start up a new UI thread. We haven't had one of those in a while!
I created a small macro for the Cleave (Solar or not)
/castsequence reset=2 Insect Swarm, Moonfire
/targetenemy is the same as pressing tab. Had to use castsequence so /targetenemy would keep going
Surprisingly, Sunfire doesnt work on the macro. You just put Moonfire and it will cast the correct spell.
I keybound it to alt + middle mouse button.
I still have the normal spell keybouded, so I can use it when I dont want to Solar Cleave
Additionally, I keyboud WM to middle mouse button so I can use it while moving easier (middle mouse to cast + left mouse to place where the mouse is pointing at) and keybounded the WM: Detonate to Alt + Left Mouse Click.
I think I will fare better in some AoE fights this way
Edited, Jun 3rd 2011 3:02am by Brisin