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New troll heroic instancesFollow

#1 Apr 28 2011 at 8:29 PM Rating: Good
Kinda surprised there isn't a 150 post count thread on these yet so guess I'll start it.

Did the ST 85 quest line first night, fast but fun and the baby panther pet is adorable, plus it was some easy guild rep and the lead in to a quest in the new instances, so might as well do the series (the find the ambassador quest is done at the very end after you go to Booty Bay to meet the goblin).

Queued random for the JP and ended up in ZA.

For those of you who haven't figured out that this place is going to be rough based off of the 346 GS requirement, well, it's rough - mobs hit like nobody's business and adds are lethal.

Made it to the bear boss after a few dumb deaths and replacing a party member or two due to zone lag not letting them back in and tried him out.

The tactic I found worked was for everyone to stand on the tank to spread out the damage from the, uhm, think it was mortal strike - it does 155k to my 352 geared bear tank so unless your entire group has 25m raids on farm, you'll probably want to stack up for it.

Next stop was the guy with the eggs that hatch into mini-dragon hawks - that proved to be our undoing - don't know if the problem was DPS or heals but we just couldn't swing him - had him down to 200k best run, most wiped around 500k. We tried a couple of different tactics but none seemed to work - killing the adds before they could release the eggs, going whole dps on boss and me trying to tank the birds (they give a stacking debuff which turned me from tank to spanked inside of five seconds) as well as trying to have the DPS spec'd warrior OT the birds while I focused on the boss.

Group fell apart in frustration at that point so that's all my input - tips and tricks obviously appreciated.

Has anyone managed to run through and beat all the timers - is the bear mount back?
#2 Apr 28 2011 at 8:43 PM Rating: Excellent
7,732 posts
My ZA boss opinions.

Bear you want to rotate who is far. He always does the charge + debuff to farthest away player.

For Dragonhawk, you want to kill one from each pair of hatcher adds then AoE down the birds. Otherwise when he gets low you get too many of em and they overwhelm you.

The bird boss in ZA is easy if people kill white birds fast and get under the storm thing.

The Lynx boss works best I think if you ignore the lynx add and have the ranged/heals stand in it as it heals for a lot.

The 2nd to last guy, you need to CC one add and kill the other. Then either keep CC up or kill the add and kill the boss.

Last boss depends on what ones you get and is random. Lynx + Dragonhawk is brutal and the only combo that really stands out as hard from what I've seen.

Have not gotten bear run done yet, best so far is about half way before the timer expires.

idiggory wrote:
Drinking at home. But I could probably stand to get laid.
#3 Apr 29 2011 at 12:51 AM Rating: Good
You can CC both adds on the second to last boss if you think they can handle it.

For the dragonhawk guy you want to let each side release 2-3 sets of birds each time they come out so they don't all spawn at the end.

Last boss can be super easy or really hard. The lynx and dragonhawk is a healers challege cause there's point where the cat drops aggro to maul some one's face off and you gotta taunt him off the dude so he goes and starts pounding you the tank and it HURTS, if you get to the dragonhawk phase it's not bad just gotta move out of the lines of fire he shoots out at people and not stand in the same place cause there's fire things that hurt you.
if you get the bear and eagle it's a cake walk.
#4 Apr 29 2011 at 3:14 AM Rating: Good
1,888 posts
boss mechanichs are the same as the old boss mechanics, but now with more power, right?
#5 Apr 29 2011 at 3:24 AM Rating: Excellent
7,732 posts
Brisin wrote:
Boss mechanics are the same as the old boss mechanics, but now with more power, right?

For ZA sure, a bit different but close enough. ZG is mostly new boss mechanics.

idiggory wrote:
Drinking at home. But I could probably stand to get laid.
#6 Apr 29 2011 at 6:29 AM Rating: Good
1,622 posts
For ZA sure, a bit different but close enough. ZG is mostly new boss mechanics.

I haven't gotten a chance to run the retuned ZA yet, but I really, really like the boss mechanics from the new ZG.
#7 Apr 29 2011 at 7:33 AM Rating: Decent
ZG is lots of fun but the final boss can be a wipefest if your party dosen't know what to do. If you miss breaking a couple of chains the twisted shadows get overwhelming.
#8 Apr 29 2011 at 10:37 AM Rating: Decent
Pillpeg wrote:
ZG is lots of fun but the final boss can be a wipefest if your party dosen't know what to do. If you miss breaking a couple of chains the twisted shadows get overwhelming.

Jin'do (last fight) sucks donkey balls. After dc'ing for 3rd time by getting sent to graveyard, I gave up. The twisted spirit damage is brutal.

ZA is nearly like the old raid, fight mechanics wise, and I like it far better than the new ZG.

Edit: Did ZA run that went pretty smoothly and fast, with help of someone who'd already ran/knew it, plus a capable group ... and we just opened 3rd chest when timer ran out, with Lynx yet to kill.

Timer didnt extend after killing Dragonhawk, group thought it was supposed to. I dunno if there's a bug somewhere, but I'm a bit stumped how far above and beyond that run folks would have to go to get the bear. If it's not bugged, it surely is a -hard- task (as intended, lol).

Edited, Apr 29th 2011 12:45pm by Azaza
#9REDACTED, Posted: Apr 29 2011 at 10:38 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) ive only seen 1 person get the acheivement,plus i ran ZA with a guild group and we wiped on the first boss
#10 Apr 29 2011 at 11:25 AM Rating: Good
1,148 posts
ZG is PUGable.
Did so a few hours back but I have to admit the group I got was a pretty good one. Although all 5 were strangers to each other (we were from 5 different servers so I'm sure) and there was very little communication and no CC we wiped only once. Mainly because things like "do not stand in evil stuff" and "kill adds quickly" were executed correctly. And the DPS was rather high. For a PUG that is. :)
#11 Apr 29 2011 at 11:55 AM Rating: Good
7,732 posts
Pillpeg wrote:
ZG is lots of fun but the final boss can be a wipefest if your party dosen't know what to do. If you miss breaking a couple of chains the twisted shadows get overwhelming.

Phase 1 is a joke and if the group isn't at full health and the healer at nearly full mana you have serious issues. As all you do is stay in the bubble, casters can pop out while he isn't doing his major nuke as long as they get back in with time to spare. Again, this phase is a joke and you can technically all stay in the bubble and let the tank slowly push him into P2.

Phase 2 takes some coordination.

The best way I've been doing it is to have everyone but the tank stack on the healer near a chain, dancing away from the shadow crashes of course. It is very important to not get hit by shadow crash while near a chain as the void zone created when the big add slams the chain increases the damage done and unnecessarily increase the healing requirement.

The tank pulls a big add up and tanks it near the stairs. The add does his smash the chain open deal and 2 of the DPS focus fire it down. With the 3rd DPS being a designated ghost *****, the tank helps with ghosts during the time where the big add is dead until the chain dies. As soon as the chain dies the tank gets a new add as the group moves over to the next chain.

Rogues, pallies, and DKs make great ghost ******* btw.

idiggory wrote:
Drinking at home. But I could probably stand to get laid.
#12REDACTED, Posted: Apr 29 2011 at 12:17 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) hmm,maybe ill try pugging it then.havent really ran eather of them but seeing as how ive only seen 1 person from my guild get the achievement for running them.i figured it was better to just wait til they get nerfed and then run them
#13 Apr 29 2011 at 4:02 PM Rating: Good
1 wipe does not = not puggable. This is just like when 3.3 hit and we got the new ICC heroics, or when people first got into the 4.03 heroics. You actually have to go and research the boss mechanics so you don't die. Otherwise, prepare to face a few wipes at each encounter while you learn it.
#14 Apr 29 2011 at 4:39 PM Rating: Good
A more accurate term would probably be "not puggable at the moment"

It's possible, and if you're lucky enough to get a group of people who know what they're doing, maybe even likely that you can finish the instance, but with the group of average Joe's going in, you probably won't get much done until everyone is more familiar with the instance. Don't get me wrong - it'll certainly be easily puggable in a month or so. But until then, good luck if you go in without a guild group.
#15 Apr 29 2011 at 5:15 PM Rating: Default
PigtailsOfDoom wrote:
1 wipe does not = not puggable.

so the group i got was just bad then? cuz besides the fact the trash was really rough,everyone left after we wiped a grand total of 1 time on the bear boss.but we managed to get him down to half hp before we wiped

i dont mind a few wipes,but this wasnt a few wipes.this was a grand whopping 1 wipe,but i dont know.maybe today was just a bad day for pugging,cuz i did a regular random heroic and got deadmines and we wiped alot on the last boss to

Edited, Apr 29th 2011 7:28pm by CrunkJuice7

Edited, Apr 29th 2011 7:35pm by CrunkJuice7
#16 Apr 30 2011 at 12:01 AM Rating: Good
Citizen's Arrest!
29,527 posts
Azaza wrote:
Timer didnt extend after killing Dragonhawk, group thought it was supposed to. I dunno if there's a bug somewhere, but I'm a bit stumped how far above and beyond that run folks would have to go to get the bear. If it's not bugged, it surely is a -hard- task (as intended, lol).
Actually, I think it's not supposed to. We used to do bear runs back in BC and I'm pretty sure there was no timer extension after him.

From the old version of the timed event info:

# Killing Nalorakk (bear) will add 15 minutes to your timer.
# Killing Akil'zon (eagle) will add 10 minutes to your timer.
# Other bosses will not grant additional time

Edit: As for being a hard task, it really comes down to how well you can continue clearing without stopping. You need to move quickly, but you also need to be able to run the place near flawlessly. Mana/Strategy explanation breaks need to be at a minimum. DPS who need mana breaks need to take turns drinking while the rest of the group continues to pull.

And interestingly: Heroism/Bloodlust or Time Warp gives you a ton of breathing room you won't have without it.

Edited, Apr 30th 2011 12:06am by Poldaran
#17 Apr 30 2011 at 2:24 AM Rating: Good
We got to the pull before the Lynx with 2 minutes left, so we called off the attempt (Lynx ended up taking 2:30). Next time we flask, food, and mage remembers Bloodlust.
#18 Apr 30 2011 at 6:02 AM Rating: Good
1,148 posts
Ran ZA too. With one friend (healer) and three randoms (2 DDs + tank).
In my eyes the harder of the two new instances. We wiped a couple of times but managed to down everything. No War Bear though. ;)
By just running this two instances once I was able to replace 4 of my 346 blue items with 353 epics (hooray) and am now sitting at ilevel 356 (355,7). Only 2 346 items left. Shoulders + 1 trinket. That makes me a happy shadowpriest.
#19 Apr 30 2011 at 6:16 AM Rating: Good
CrunkJuice7 wrote:
PigtailsOfDoom wrote:
1 wipe does not = not puggable.

so the group i got was just bad then? cuz besides the fact the trash was really rough,everyone left after we wiped a grand total of 1 time on the bear boss.but we managed to get him down to half hp before we wiped

i dont mind a few wipes,but this wasnt a few wipes.this was a grand whopping 1 wipe,but i dont know.maybe today was just a bad day for pugging,cuz i did a regular random heroic and got deadmines and we wiped alot on the last boss to

Edited, Apr 29th 2011 7:28pm by CrunkJuice7

Edited, Apr 29th 2011 7:35pm by CrunkJuice7

It doesn't necessarily mean that the group was bad. Just that the people who dropped after 1 wipe were lazy slackers.
#20 Apr 30 2011 at 8:23 AM Rating: Good
2,069 posts
I haven't tried these yet. My shaman's gear is good enough, but I want to see these with my guild first.

I do like the BoEs that they drop though. I got two of the strength maces for my DK frost set and the plate tanking wrists for my blood set.

Song of the day:
May 26, 2011 -- Transplants
#21 May 01 2011 at 5:13 PM Rating: Good
161 posts
I was a noob with a max level 60 elemental shaman that I had leveled by questing. A friend invited me to a "raid" with his guild. It was one of the troll ones. I didn't really know what to do, just did lightning bolts over and over at some boss whenever my friend told me to.

Today was not that much different. I decided to heal a heroic on my holy priest and accidentally ended up in one of the new troll places instead. I told them up front that I was there by mistake and had no idea what I was doing. We cleared a bunch of trash and a few bosses. I got two awesome pieces of purple gear. Then we got to some boss that wiped us a few times. The dps started complaining that it was the healer's fault. I dunno. Maybe the 8k dps that two of them were doing wasn't enough? I know I spammed heals on everyone the whole fight until I was killed by giant wolves each time. I told them maybe they were right, GL, and left the party.

The experiences were somewhat similar, but at least I got gear the second time. :-)
#22 May 02 2011 at 5:14 AM Rating: Good
1,148 posts
Labiarinth wrote:
I dunno. Maybe the 8k dps that two of them were doing wasn't enough?

Seems a bit low to me.
8k is okay (not great mind you) in the tier1 heroics. Maybe it's possible do to the troll ones with 8k DPS / DD but I doubt it.
Even it 8k was their average DPS and not the boss DPS it still is pretty bad for ilevel 346. I assume they had the 15% damage buff too. Which makes it even worse on their part.
#23 May 02 2011 at 12:19 PM Rating: Good
1,888 posts
Horsemouth wrote:
Brisin wrote:
Boss mechanics are the same as the old boss mechanics, but now with more power, right?

For ZA sure, a bit different but close enough. ZG is mostly new boss mechanics.

If so, ZA should really be puggable. I mean, people already know the mechanics from past time, right? I'm pretty sure I still remember it.
One of the raids I liked more, right beside Kara.
#24 May 02 2011 at 12:46 PM Rating: Good
7,732 posts
Brisin wrote:
Horsemouth wrote:
Brisin wrote:
Boss mechanics are the same as the old boss mechanics, but now with more power, right?

For ZA sure, a bit different but close enough. ZG is mostly new boss mechanics.

If so, ZA should really be puggable. I mean, people already know the mechanics from past time, right? I'm pretty sure I still remember it.
One of the raids I liked more, right beside Kara.

ZA is a lot more forgiving than ZG.

idiggory wrote:
Drinking at home. But I could probably stand to get laid.
#25 May 02 2011 at 1:49 PM Rating: Excellent
970 posts
PigtailsOfDoom wrote:
It doesn't necessarily mean that the group was bad. Just that the people who dropped after 1 wipe were lazy slackers.

Lazy at adjusting their thought patterns, at least. In the final days of Wrath, a group that had heroic/emblem gear /was/ bad if it wiped even once. Now if a group isn't in full raid gear, it's pretty darn good if it /doesn't/ wipe once or so.

And we're starting the troll dungeons much closer to the "minimum to get in" level than the "you don't need anything else from here" level. It's a slog for us even with full guild groups, and most of our core was around when ZA was the furthest thing a strict-10 guild could do.

If I find myself in the position of pugging out, I'd be doing it for the practice and maybe a drop or two. I'd have no expectation of success, especially until I'm more familiar with the changes they've made to the mechanics.
#26 May 02 2011 at 1:57 PM Rating: Default
ElMuneco wrote:
PigtailsOfDoom wrote:
It doesn't necessarily mean that the group was bad. Just that the people who dropped after 1 wipe were lazy slackers.

Lazy at adjusting their thought patterns, at least. In the final days of Wrath, a group that had heroic/emblem gear /was/ bad if it wiped even once. Now if a group isn't in full raid gear, it's pretty darn good if it /doesn't/ wipe once or so.

And we're starting the troll dungeons much closer to the "minimum to get in" level than the "you don't need anything else from here" level. It's a slog for us even with full guild groups, and most of our core was around when ZA was the furthest thing a strict-10 guild could do.

If I find myself in the position of pugging out, I'd be doing it for the practice and maybe a drop or two. I'd have no expectation of success, especially until I'm more familiar with the changes they've made to the mechanics.

ya,i think im just gonna wait til the places get nerfed.and then run em again,unless people i know want to run them

but i dont know,im kinda tired of pugging heroics altogether anyway but i guess it didnt help today that i got stonecore like 3 times in a row.and then when i got tired of failing in stonecore i queued up for specific halls of origination and i couldnt even make it past the first trash pull because apparently even with a mage and a hunter no one felt like CCing anything and the healer didnt feel like healing me.or they nerfed dk survivability because even with death pact i still managed to somehow die

and i dont stand in stuff im not suppose to be in

Edited, May 2nd 2011 3:59pm by CrunkJuice7
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