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New Solution to Long Queues in 4.1Follow

#127 Apr 09 2011 at 9:51 AM Rating: Excellent
Horsemouth wrote:
Now dedicated tanks/heals only want the VP. They do one a day, preferably with friend/guildies.

Exactly. A pug that lacks uber dps, strategy, cc, can burn 2 hours with multiple wipes, if it doesn't fall apart. At least if it's guildies, we learn and improve, and don't blame the healer.

Why would I put myself through that, when the reward only comes if the last boss goes down. Hey Blizz, you want me to pug heroics as a healer, have each heroic boss drop their share of the VP. A bag of candy isn't gonna do it.
#128 Apr 09 2011 at 10:49 PM Rating: Good
220 posts
selebrin wrote:
The question I have about them making the sack account-bound, do we get to see what's *in* the sack before we pass it over? Are the objects inside account-bound?

In the past (with lockboxes and similar items), you could check what was inside with auto-loot turned OFF to see what it contained without actually looting the items. I haven't done this in a really long time, but I have no reason to believe it has changed.
#129 Apr 10 2011 at 12:48 AM Rating: Decent
13,048 posts
Vladrael wrote:
selebrin wrote:
The question I have about them making the sack account-bound, do we get to see what's *in* the sack before we pass it over? Are the objects inside account-bound?

In the past (with lockboxes and similar items), you could check what was inside with auto-loot turned OFF to see what it contained without actually looting the items. I haven't done this in a really long time, but I have no reason to believe it has changed.

It's still the same. I did that with lockboxes people in my guild sent me to unlock. Smiley: grin
#130 Apr 10 2011 at 10:26 AM Rating: Good
Well so far from the issue on the PTR's with this system is that it is for specific queues and also that everyone who could, was switching to Tank or Heals for the Call to Arms and there was a shortage of DPS
#131 Apr 10 2011 at 9:57 PM Rating: Decent
1,888 posts
selebrin wrote:
Brisin wrote:
And, still, everytime someone asks Blizzard why they dont do different talents for pvp/pve, wich is a request since they invented the arena, they say it would become "too hard" for new gamers.
Well...they dont have new gamers anymore. Just old gamers leaving for a game (rift) that actually has a spec just for pvp. yay.


Myself, of course.
And quite a lot of people I know that, just like me, log only for raids and play rift.
#132REDACTED, Posted: Apr 11 2011 at 8:33 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Worst answer I have seen yet. Why not just say what all the other kiddies are saying, roll a tank.. Typical kiddie stupid answer.
#133 Apr 11 2011 at 8:34 PM Rating: Default
selebrin wrote:
This just in: DPS wants to have cake and eat it.

Try doing any dungeon without them.
#134 Apr 11 2011 at 8:38 PM Rating: Good
7,732 posts
ourdoc wrote:
Overlord Theophany wrote:
Karlina wrote:
The biggest problem I see with this is, what are the pure DPS classes supposed to do? Are my warlock and hunter supposed to just watch all the tanks and healers get goodie bags all the time while I get nothing?

You should probably just be happy you got a group to run a dungeon as a DPS class. Smiley: wink

Worst answer I have seen yet. Why not just say what all the other kiddies are saying, roll a tank.. Typical kiddie stupid answer.

Without DPS and healers Tanks are basically dead useless, unless you want to take a week and a half going through one dungeon.

There was never this much of a problem in WOTLK, it began when Bliz forgot to listen to their own advice. "All things in MODERATION", they have swung the difficulty from easy to hard to the point no one wants to heal or tank, and if they have to put incentives in, they have just proven they broke it even worse and are clueless.

Tanking is not hard. I tank with a bear, the tank with the worst AoE and have no issues in heroics as long as the DPS aren't completely retarded. Same goes for healing.

Wrath was hard when everyone was still in T7. Everyone has just forgotten as once T8, T9 at the latest, rolled around all the heroics became easy. Its called the next tier of gear and look in the mirror.

idiggory wrote:
Drinking at home. But I could probably stand to get laid.
#135 Apr 11 2011 at 8:55 PM Rating: Good
1,622 posts
Ourdoc wrote:
There was never this much of a problem in WOTLK, it began when Bliz forgot to listen to their own advice. "All things in MODERATION", they have swung the difficulty from easy to hard to the point no one wants to heal or tank, and if they have to put incentives in, they have just proven they broke it even worse and are clueless.

Heroics are laughably easy if you have DPS who are willing and able to CC properly and attack the skull. Tanks stop queuing for randoms currently because they get tired of DPS who won't CC, won't attack the skull, won't interrupt, and still manage to cop an attitude all while doing craptastic DPS and standing in a void zone.

As a tank, I'll beg good DPS I know to come on a run with me. Just because I know we'll smoke pretty much anything in 30 minutes tops with solid DPS.

I appreciate the hell out of a good DPS. I just won't deal with a full random anymore. TBH, I doubt that the reward system will change that for me. There's way too high of a chance of idiocy, and I don't have the time or energy for it. Someone else can play Russian roulette and hope they win a goody bag.

You want to get more tanks in the system? It's got to start with DPS. Until then, it's just going to be band-aid fixes.
#136 Apr 11 2011 at 10:00 PM Rating: Good
13,048 posts
ourdoc wrote:
Overlord Theophany wrote:
Karlina wrote:
The biggest problem I see with this is, what are the pure DPS classes supposed to do? Are my warlock and hunter supposed to just watch all the tanks and healers get goodie bags all the time while I get nothing?

You should probably just be happy you got a group to run a dungeon as a DPS class. Smiley: wink

Worst answer I have seen yet. Why not just say what all the other kiddies are saying, roll a tank.. Typical kiddie stupid answer.

Without DPS and healers Tanks are basically dead useless, unless you want to take a week and a half going through one dungeon.

There was never this much of a problem in WOTLK, it began when Bliz forgot to listen to their own advice. "All things in MODERATION", they have swung the difficulty from easy to hard to the point no one wants to heal or tank, and if they have to put incentives in, they have just proven they broke it even worse and are clueless.

Hi, this is your education in how a job market works (also how roles work in MMOs):

Jobs that people don't want to do, or take massive qualifications to do generally make a hell of a lot more money than flipping burgers at Wendys. It's why garbage collectors make ~$20 an hour in the US. Not many people want to collect and deal with garbage every day when they're working.

So since people don't want to do it, you need to increase the incentive so that people will do the job; money is a good incentive.

Right now, people don't want to tank/heal (ergo the long queues for DPS and instant queues for healers and tanks). So Blizzard is basically upping how much healers and tanks get paid to do their job, yet they're not getting significant rewards that will impact gameplay in a large way. Mounts, pets, and flasks/gems are not very large bonuses, yet they will get tanks to queue more.

You're welcome for the lesson, BTW. Next lesson is about why people choose the DPS class/spec that they do.
#137 Apr 11 2011 at 10:59 PM Rating: Default
Well... some of us with years of experience in the real world job market have resisted being fooled into believing WoW is a job. It's a game, and the task should be made fun in itself. If it isn't, you might ask yourself why you're bothering to 'work' for such an ephemeral bonus. I'd rather get paid in cash, thank you.

#138 Apr 11 2011 at 11:40 PM Rating: Good
13,048 posts
shammypowah wrote:
Well... some of us with years of experience in the real world job market have resisted being fooled into believing WoW is a job. It's a game, and the task should be made fun in itself. If it isn't, you might ask yourself why you're bothering to 'work' for such an ephemeral bonus. I'd rather get paid in cash, thank you.

WOOSH, missed the point completely.

It doesn't matter whether you think WoW is a job or not; terms from economics still apply. Opportunity cost is the one I'll use in this post.

You find playing a DPS more fun than playing a tank/healer. That's great. Guess what you pass up for playing a class you find fun? More (useless, though fun) loot.

How is this similar to economics? You could be like a few of my buddies, and enjoy playing professional lacrosse. Of course, lacrosse isn't a major sport in the US, so you only get paid ~$30,000 per year. Your degree (you got drafted after your last year in college, where you likely played for a DI school) would allow you to start at roughly that salary and quickly increase that salary over the next ten years. However, you spend those next ten years playing professional lacrosse because it's something you love.

That buttload of money you passed up for those ten years is the opportunity cost of choosing a job you love over a job you'd be interested in, but wouldn't love as much as you love playing lacrosse.

Same deal with WoW; you play a DPS because you love it. You deal with longer dungeon finder queues because you'd rather be a DPS than a tank. You deal with not getting loot via the Call to Arms because you'd rather be a DPS than a tank/healer.

Holy ****, real life terms can apply to WoW?! Who would have guessed?!

You guys should really learn how to read before you attempt to flame me. Smiley: rolleyes
#139REDACTED, Posted: Apr 11 2011 at 11:56 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Nice try, Theo.
#140 Apr 12 2011 at 12:04 AM Rating: Excellent
7,732 posts
shammypowah wrote:
Nice try, Theo.
My point is too direct to be obscured by such convoluted arguments.

I know it's not over your head.

No, it isn't convoluted. It is actually very logical.

idiggory wrote:
Drinking at home. But I could probably stand to get laid.
#141 Apr 12 2011 at 12:13 AM Rating: Default
It is convoluted. Theo turned it around to the DPS perspective of longer qeues for a desireable role. This fails to address his initial argument which was to justify a reward for an undesireable role. That initial argument is what I refuted by stating that in a game, which is what Wow in fact is, the role itself should be the reward.

See what he did? : )

#142 Apr 12 2011 at 12:22 AM Rating: Good
13,048 posts
shammypowah wrote:
It is convoluted. Theo turned it around to the DPS perspective of longer qeues for a desireable role. This fails to address his initial argument which was to justify a reward for an undesireable role. That initial argument is what I refuted by stating that in a game, which is what Wow in fact is, the role itself should be the reward.

See what he did? : )

No, you're just ******* stupid.

By accepting the role of DPS, you're accepting that you won't have instant queues or bonus stuff like tanks and healers get.

That's what opportunity cost is.

It's not my fault that you don't understand extremely basic economic principles.

The entire game of WoW can't be one big DPS ****** because that's not how the game plays, and some people actually like to heal and to tank. Ergo, since you need a tank and a healer to do dungeons, there's going to be a balancing point in the dungeon finder system.

If you don't like it and want it to be all fun and games, play PvP. That's a completely unbiased queue system (well, Alliance vs Horde but whatever) and it doesn't matter what role you prefer to play.

Or get a guild.

But the dungeon finder system will always be based on the economics of time spent in queue vs how much you like being a DPS. If you like being a DPS enough, you'll either sit in the queues or you'll quit. If you're not that attached to being a DPS, you'll respec in the case of a hybrid, or you'll roll an alt in the case of a pure DPS class.

I don't understand how you missed my point so terribly, but you really did.
#143 Apr 12 2011 at 12:33 AM Rating: Excellent
Meat Popsicle
13,666 posts
shammypowah wrote:
That initial argument is what I refuted by stating that in a game, which is what Wow in fact is, the role itself should be the reward.

I agree, but that isn't working out so well right now. So blizz tried to come up with a solution, and we got a 3 page thread that's going in circles. Smiley: rolleyes

Are there better solutions to the problem?

Ya probably. Rhodekylle had some pretty eloquent solutions, and others have mentioned some as well. All of these take more effort then the 'quick fix' idea of bribing (increasing incentive, whatever...) people to tank.

Will it work?

Probably at least a little bit. I get the feeling blizz is hoping to limp the current system along until we can out-gear stuff a little more and start having WotLK flashbacks.

Is it the final solution?

No. Nothing in WoW is ever permanent anyway. It could be the next gnomish engineering in a couple of months. We'll just have to wait and see. Smiley: wink
That monster in the mirror, he just might be you. -Grover
#144 Apr 12 2011 at 7:11 AM Rating: Excellent
1,622 posts
shammypowah wrote:
It is convoluted. Theo turned it around to the DPS perspective of longer qeues for a desireable role. This fails to address his initial argument which was to justify a reward for an undesireable role. That initial argument is what I refuted by stating that in a game, which is what Wow in fact is, the role itself should be the reward.

Even if we accepted your premise ("the role itself should be the reward in a game"), you're missing the point for Call to Arms. The system we have in place works great for tanks. If I want a queue as a tank, I will have a heroic run within 1-4 seconds. There is no reason for additional reward as far as tanks are concerned.

Unlike me though, Blizzard seems to care about DPS and the insane queues they're forced to endure. The Call to Arms is aimed at helping DPS. Tanks are just fine right now.

You can say, "Well, Blizzard should just making tanking more fun or more rewarding. Blizzard fails." I don't have anything in this entire game that I enjoy more than tanking for a good group. Seriously. I'll tank for friends any time I'm available in game because I enjoy it that much. I'll tank for people who aren't friends but I know are good players any day of the week. But for me (and for many other tanks) it's just not worth dealing with the LFD fodder and queuing for a random. The problem isn't the mechanics of tanking. It's the player base. And there's only so much Blizzard can do about that without a massive redesign of the game. Therefore -- Call to Arms.
#145 Apr 12 2011 at 8:27 AM Rating: Good
Ghost in the Machine
36,443 posts
tabstopper wrote:
The Call to Arms is aimed at helping DPS.

I get the idea, but can you imagine how many bad players are going to try tanking now that they'll get extra rewards for it? What good is a shorter queue time if you're just more likely to end up in a queue with a fail tank? You cut 10 minutes off the queue time and spend 20 minutes wiping before having to requeue.

Maybe it won't be that bad, but I'm getting flashbacks of leveling through Outland dungeons. The amount of fail I've seen in there because of players who queued up as tanks when clearly they weren't is staggering.
Please "talk up" if your comprehension white-shifts. I will use simple-happy language-words to help you understand.
#146 Apr 12 2011 at 9:36 AM Rating: Good
Mazra wrote:
tabstopper wrote:
The Call to Arms is aimed at helping DPS.

I get the idea, but can you imagine how many bad players are going to try tanking now that they'll get extra rewards for it? What good is a shorter queue time if you're just more likely to end up in a queue with a fail tank? You cut 10 minutes off the queue time and spend 20 minutes wiping before having to requeue.

Maybe it won't be that bad, but I'm getting flashbacks of leveling through Outland dungeons. The amount of fail I've seen in there because of players who queued up as tanks when clearly they weren't is staggering.

You're allowed to kick the tank. And the fail tanks who queue up for rewards are *already* queing up for shorter times.
#147 Apr 12 2011 at 9:39 AM Rating: Good
1,080 posts
I do not care if tanks and healers get extra shinies for doing the needed job they like. I just don't want them to get the same shinies that I put weeks and months of work into acquiring, just because they queue'd.
Blizz could just as easily give them some extra gold or different special shinies. But not the ones I, you know, worked for.

/end rant.. :P
#148 Apr 12 2011 at 9:39 AM Rating: Good
Ghost in the Machine
36,443 posts
I'm fairly certain being able to kick the tank is an urban legend. Smiley: tongue
Please "talk up" if your comprehension white-shifts. I will use simple-happy language-words to help you understand.
#149 Apr 12 2011 at 9:59 AM Rating: Excellent
Meat Popsicle
13,666 posts
Mazra wrote:
I'm fairly certain being able to kick the tank is an urban legend. Smiley: tongue


One perpetuated by you no less... Smiley: nod

Evil Maz is evil. Smiley: sly
That monster in the mirror, he just might be you. -Grover
#150 Apr 12 2011 at 10:05 AM Rating: Good
Ghost in the Machine
36,443 posts
This is your fault, SPG.

Please "talk up" if your comprehension white-shifts. I will use simple-happy language-words to help you understand.
#151 Apr 12 2011 at 10:09 AM Rating: Excellent
Meat Popsicle
13,666 posts
Mazra wrote:

This is your fault, SPG.



I suddenly want to go fishing...
That monster in the mirror, he just might be you. -Grover
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