bodhisattva wrote:
If you don't want the challenge there are regular dungeons. Which are pretty forgiving.
This is the quintessential quote of this expansion - for a myriad of reasons. First off, the very first few people in 3.0 that went off to do 80 heroics found a relative challenge. After half the players were geared it became ridiculously easy, and after everyone was geared it became trivial: The
night I dinged 80 on my newest Paladin (pre-cata 4.0) I was not only tanking heroics but was tanking 3.3 heroics with ease - this was not the case in 3.0.
Now backwards to 2.0 - hell even 2.3. Heroics were not done by everyone. They were done by Hardcore PVEers looking for helpful gear to fill in Raid gear slots they were still missing. No JPs, no dungeon finder, no mercy - and TBC dungeons were rather easy but certain encounters on heroic became immense headaches.
Back further to Vanilla and we see that things were not even laid out as clearly or easily to navigate. Many dungeons were plain impossible without a perfect group make-up. Encounters were created to be diverse and a lot of trash was designed to recreate a group-versus-group idea that you would be fighting an equally matched party every time you pulled. Much less organization and explanation lead to much more challenging dungeons even with relatively weak and uncomplicated encounters and trash - and the rawness of it all meant players had to adapt and learn very quickly.
Now, today, they have an extremely easy to learn (the monsters literally tell you everything they do and you can click on it to see EXACTLY what it is) fluent and constructed encounters that are made to be beat not by figuring out a puzzle but by sticking to an exact script which is handed to you.
This happens -> do that. Then this happens -> do that. These encounters are easier to learn than 3.0 Wrath Encounters! Sure there are differences based on group makeup, but these are literally written-in-stone encounters and many of them can not be over-geared and need not be worked around.
Easier to learn, more necessity to put what you've learned into action. But even with these simple scripts that are spelled out for us, very laid back players are unable or unwilling to learn how to do these fights. If they are not up to the challenge then they should just stick to regulars. Its what many of us did in TBC, and Heroics didn't even exist before that. Wrath spoiled A LOT of players into thinking/expecting that they could do heroics. But why should they be able to with no effort?
are forgiving, they are easy. I went into a Random Normal once by accident - Lost City - and it was 3 DKs and a Rogue. Everyone pulled agro, we had no CC, they did not understand/listen to me about the boss encounters, and yet we had no deaths. Sure I had to LG a guy once, but for the most part the Normals are there to show you what you are supposed to do without killing you: Cata Normals are Wrath Heroics, Cata Heroics are TBC Heroics. This isn't wrong, this is what they wanted.