My 85 druid officially has ilevel 340 gear. One 308, two 325, and everything else 333 or better. I healed on him a lot in WoLK and am experienced healing other toons as well. I can heal regulars just fine, but had disasterous fails in my first two heroic atempts (LFG PuGs). I keep 3 lifeblooms on the tank, then tend to alternate "regrowth" (I think it's called, the green leaf) and nourish, plus heal the dps and myself else as needed. I've read up on stats and gear. Am I just incompetent, need better gear, the two groups were awful, or is druid healing just that broken?
My 83 holy/shadow priest seems to blow the druid away as far as healing goes. Maybe I just know the instances better or the groups better this second time through? Anway, I'm thinking he might be my actual healer. Plus, what the &*%!@#% is the deal where you can't craft any leather healing gear? That sucks. I'm guessing that I'll be able to do much better crafting some healing gear for the priest through tailoring than I could for the druid through LW (been too lazy to look it up).
I have tanking gear for my druid that's about the same level as his healing gear, maybe a little bit better, and I am an experienced tank. It's not my favorite job, but I can do it. (Hate tanking for pugs, but will tank for friends np.) My small friend/family group has elected me to start being the guild main tank soon (that was my job in BC). I have an 80 warrior, pally, and DK. In the past I found druid tanking to be the most limited of them all, and I hear bear dps is about to be severely nerfed. (So much for my reign of terror on the BG with him, and so much for his outrageous leather farming - eight level 84 beasts at a time if I can grab that many.)
Here are my actual questions:
1) Is druid healing really that broken, or am I just that bad at it?
2) Is priest healing really that muich better than druid healing, or am I just that much better at holy priest than I am at resto druid? (Also, how/where do shammy and pally rank in Cata? I liked healing my shammy best in WoLK but have read shammy healing is broken in Cata too. Have never tried pally healing.)
2) If I am displeased with bear tanking (about to start trials this weekend when I have some uninterrupted time), what is the best tanking class in Cata so far? I can level up the warrior, DK, or pally pretty fast, and my blacksmithing is almost maxxed out.
Thanks for the help and advice. I have been a reader and occasional poster (lost track of my original ID) since late Vanilla, and you guys have always given good info.