- visit a buddy from highschool, these... so many years later. We actually live only an hour apart again so may get to chill on occasion.
- this of course entails organizing the house now that I'm moved back to the city and having wonderful internet... I miss my desktop computer which I haven't moved with me yet, maybe next weekend... or the one after.. I'll go pick it up, weather dependent.
- enjoy the real internet, download / youtube the videos I kept trying to watch but the poor connection didn't allow
- job hunt
- see about buying Cataclysm
- finish northrend loremaster on the one who is 70/140 for Icecrown left, remember to buy my oracle egg since the cooldown is down to 3 days.
- keep leveling the low level alts, they have professions I want access to for my main and with the levels blowing by... 48,49,50,51 on the mage in what feels like no time, and I will say that this was a point I always found LONG before, hence the mage, warrior, lock all being right about that point waiting for me to have some free time to work them up. Having a blast in the revamped zones though, The..burning steppes? with the Thorium brotherhood? went from no rep with them to 5K/21K towards exalted just questing in their zone without touching the repeatables. Badlands quests were ROFL first time through with the deathwing thing. Get them worked up.
- Remember to do the fishing / cooking dailies on each of my Characters, what a nice way to up cooking/fishing for those that aren't capped, take forever but that's a day less than it felt like it used to (other than the thanksgiving event allowing cooking from unskilled to 350ish with just event cooking)
- see if I get time to log in and do any of the above, still job hunting
- edited to add - the next character I level will be one with mining, OH the mithril / thorium nodes I'm seeing in these zones untouched by anyone!
Edited, Jan 8th 2011 12:16am by Gwenorgan