My 4 Year old son like to watch daddy play his game. From time to time I allow him to sit in the seat and goof around a bit. He usually just runs around Elwynn Forest killing the cows and spiders and such. Must be pretty silly to see a bunch of high level toons wandering aimlessly killing stuff for ***** and giggles. He loves it though.
This eve I was home from work on my lunch break and jumped on the computer to check email and such. He comes in and asks to play daddy's game after I'm done. I allow him on and help him pick out a toon (the one that is the kitty and birdy, daddy). My Druid is also my main.
As I am running out the door I tell my wife how to shut off WoW when my son is finished. The thought that my son would do something other than kill cows and spiders and such did not cross my mind. I guess it should have.
Log in to find myself at the graveyard outside of Stormwind with a big red arrow pointing NNW. No big deal I think -- he probably just shape shifted out of flight form somewhere in the city and fell to his death. I made my way to the north end of the harbor before porting back to the graveyard and taking the rez sickness.
I think we will be having a talk in the morning about all the crazy sight that he may have seen.