I just want to know why. Only one good reason will do why there is a limit on being able to kick people out of random dungeon groups? It makes no sense? It only serves to punish everyone else in the group who is legitimately trying to accomplish something.
You have the AFKer which you cannot kick for 20 minutes.
You have the people who try and wipe the groups.
You have the ninja pullers.
All of these I have seen regularly today. The latest example for me was having my tank leave midway through the dungeon, but he doesn't leave the group he goes offline. So we have to kick him. Then we get a new tank and he proceeds to disenchant for 5 minutes. Then runs up to the group of mobs in cat form, moonfire pulls and then sprints away while the mobs aggro me and the DPS since I was the healer. Of course I can't kick this individual because we already used up our kick quota for the instance.
I get that it's in place to keep people from booting new players before giving them a chance, but come on. There has to be a line drawn here.
And one more thing, why can't I queue for an instance and a BG at the same time? Just drop the other one and let them only do the first option that came up. I just don't understand...