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Cataclysm Closed Beta Key Contest!Follow

#802 Jul 27 2010 at 12:38 AM Rating: Decent
I just can't wait for The Barrens to get revamped. From what I understand, it will be two zones now!? It's about time. I don't think I could spend a half an hour crossing it ever again.

I can only hope that new Barrens will come with new Barrens chat. Maybe something a little classier. Sean Connery rather than Allakhazam, perhaps... Maybe even an end to "'offensive adjective' [action]" statements; you know what I mean. Well, that's probably wishful thinking, but fresh quests and smaller zones with a new look is enough to be excited about.
#803 Jul 27 2010 at 12:40 AM Rating: Decent
Hands down, I am most looking forward to the re-designing of the Barrens. After leveling five alts through that tedious desert, I'm hoping that not only will we see some more humanity on Blizzards part in terms of the questing experience and sheer size of the zone, but maybe by some miracle, the General Chat will have less of a raging obsession with Chick Norris and my mother
#804 Jul 27 2010 at 12:40 AM Rating: Decent
I cannot wait for Worgen Druids and Dwarf Shamans. I've had hard times leveling those two classes so I'm hoping the race change and new zones will help with that a lot. Plus I love WoW lore so seeing how everything is being played out is so exciting!
#805 Jul 27 2010 at 12:41 AM Rating: Decent
I am definitely most excited about the reshaping of Azeroth. I have tried to get many of my irl-friends to play WoW, but only a few of them really liked it, since the games really isn't that interesting before reaching endgame. It seems like the new levelling experience will offer a lot more fun, a better storyline, and a great way to introduce new players to this wonderful game.
#806 Jul 27 2010 at 12:41 AM Rating: Decent
I am most looking forward to the Guild Achievement system, as I think this will really help the guild to thrive and encourage a stronger sense of team. In the information I have seen so far, they have come up with something for every kind of guild, and I think that its great!

(I also can't wait to make a Worgen druid because I can't stand those silly skinny night elves!)
#807 Jul 27 2010 at 12:45 AM Rating: Decent
I'm really excited about all the Warrior changes and design philosophy - really looking forward to raiding as an arms warrior.
Also the return to the Old World is awesome, I hated the ghost towns caused by BC and WotLK and it is great to be playing the same game as new and leveling people again. Also love all the world pvp possibilities and conflict-ish flavor of revamped zones, but will have to see if that works out.
#808 Jul 27 2010 at 12:45 AM Rating: Decent
Yay Cataclysm! And shall the whirlwinds of the Maelstrom engulf me to Deephome rift!

I can't wait for the new troll druid forms - toothsaber cats and nasty-looking frenzy-hippy bear. And I am a mount collector, so with the small sporebat next to my side I want to ride a seahorse in the depths of Vashj'ir!
#809 Jul 27 2010 at 12:46 AM Rating: Decent
Really looking forward to the changes with the Paladin class. Always enjoyed the class, but felt like it needed more depth in its play style, and with the new talents and Holy Power mechanic it looks like we may have finally gotten it. Despite it changing nearly every build, I would really enjoy getting to play around with the class.
#810 Jul 27 2010 at 12:49 AM Rating: Decent
I am really looking forward to questing in the new and updated zones, as I have leveled many characters and need some new quests/content/scenery. I am also looking forward and hoping to have all my mounts scale with my 310% flying speed. As I want to fly around on my magic carpet with my super fast speed!!
#811 Jul 27 2010 at 12:50 AM Rating: Decent
In Wrath of the Lich King blizzard showed us some awesome new music that wasnt all electronically made. Most of the Northrend zones and level 80 dungeons and raids had music made from a full orchestra. I was SO impressed and excited to play in zones with great music. One thing i am looking forward to most in Cataclysm is the music. I also cant wait to see what the new water looks like in game. looks amazing from videos.
#812 Jul 27 2010 at 12:52 AM Rating: Decent
I just exited to see how all the new changes have improved the way the classes play. For instance, how the forced talent point in spec choices will affect my warrior, or how the focus system is working out for the hunter. Oh, and there was one other thing... oh yes. GIMME MAH WORGEN PLOX!
#813 Jul 27 2010 at 12:52 AM Rating: Decent
I'm most looking forward to stealthing around as a Worgen rogue and pouncing out of the shadows on my unsuspecting prey! Ninja werewolves unite! and then vanish. ;) Secondarily I'm looking forward to DPSing as a frosty harbinger of doom with my DK, stomping things into the ground with a heroic leap on my warrior, and swinging the light around with the new pally mechanics. Absolutely can not wait. ^_^
#814 Jul 27 2010 at 12:52 AM Rating: Decent
If I had to pick one thing that I am looking forward to the most, it would have to be the Paladin changes. Paladins have been broken ever since wow began. In Vanilla wow you were pretty much forced to heal to get a raid spot. You couldn't tank because Warriors were the most dominate. BC came along and you could finally be a somewhat decent tank, but still not main tank material. Retribution still was still broken. WotLK is where finally all 3 specs because viable, but they were so watered down and simple that they were frowned upon because of how face-roll the class had become.

With the changes coming in Cataclysm I can finally see some light at the end of the tunnel. The developers have finally given in and are completely rebuilding the class. I'm so excited about the changes and looking forward to testing out my pally. My main used to be a Warlock and what I loved about them was the theory crafting aspect and how much difficulty the class brought. I'm hoping they can achieve that same feel with Paladins.

The Guild Leveling System would have to be my second most anticipated feature. I run a successful raiding guild and this feature alone would help to solidify the structure of the guild and help to achieve goals that I could have never done without it.

Edited, Jul 27th 2010 3:03am by KenleyN
#815 Jul 27 2010 at 12:52 AM Rating: Decent
I'm looking forward to the new Shaman talents and abilities like Healing Rain and I'm especially excited to test the new instances and zones. Flying over Azeroth will be awsome and I think remodelling the old world is the best change Blizzard ever made. :)
#816 Jul 27 2010 at 12:53 AM Rating: Decent
I'm really looking forward to flying mounts in Azeroth. I love exploring and this will add a whole new depth to that as well as giving raids on enemy capital cities a whole new dimension since now you can get a whole raid together and then just fly in and not have to worry about running through the whole city to get to Varian Wrynn or Garrosh but instead just dropping in right on them with no warning and not letting the rest of the city have a chance to get any defense together.
#817 Jul 27 2010 at 12:53 AM Rating: Decent

First of all I'm looking forward to level my character once again in the completely new and revamped zones :)

The most of all I'm interested in Cataclysm is the new raid content and also the new guild stuff that would make the guild mean something more than just having members in it. I'm also really exited about the new mastery and the new achievements that awaits me!
#818 Jul 27 2010 at 12:55 AM Rating: Decent
I'm pretty excited about the new crop of quests, being a lore nerd and all, but what I'm really looking forward to is what's happening with fire mages. It looks like a major overhaul with some exciting new stuff to play with, and it's changing often. By the time Cata is actually released, it should be epic.
#819 Jul 27 2010 at 1:00 AM Rating: Good
Hi Blizzard. Yeah i would love to see the new set out of WoW. Being a all the new char, Having Rock packs seem Bad A!. lol. Also having the chance to change from a human into a wargon. Would killer o yeah.. Also seeing the new Starting zones. Cause u kind of get tried of the same ones u start out in WOTLK. But its all cool. An i want to try out the new Dungeon feature. Like u can have Normal Deadmines and u can change that into Heroic thats going to be so great. Can not wait for that to come out. Plus were able to fly now in the low lvl regoins Thats going to be way easyier to tavel. Whats really cool is how u have the talent points set up if u choose one. it tells u whats this class is all about. and once u choose it u have to up that talent tree or u pay to reset it. So thats going to awesome. Plus its going to have me intrest in lvling my Char all over again from 1-85 Awesome!!! Can't foget about the New raid gear, new Dungeons/Raids, Even new PvP grounds I can not wait for all of those new Features.... I think this might be true of fack i dont remember who i heard this from. That theres new mounts that theres going to be go carts. and some other new mounts Witch the go cart i can't wait for those Zoom Zoom.... Speedy wooohooo.
Also once anyone gets into the beta. U won't be called a noob. cause mostly everyone is a noob some way cause there like what do we do he. and some people can fit in and learn together, instead of being called a noob and not Learning **** Cause that really makes me mad cause u cant learn from it as well as some.

Char: Colemanatorr - 80 Pally Tank/holy.
Char: ihealyouu - 24 Priest holy/dps But maybe on this one. Mostly Colemanatorr
Char: Deathgodess - 80 Deathknight Dps.

Plus i want to try the new skills that everyone gets. Thats going to be so Killer. Plus you guys might not even care. But i've been playing this game since 2004 When the first WoW came out. and i would really love to get into the beta. cause it would give someone a better chance to play it and give feed back then someone who has just started out something like that. Since i know u guys are going to want more Feed back ok the beta.
#820 Jul 27 2010 at 1:01 AM Rating: Decent
What I'm most excited about with Cataclysm is trying out the new races, flying in Azeroth, and questing in Azeroth with the new changes. I haven't wanted to level a toon through questing in ages. In the new expansion there are going to be so many changes that it's going to be fun again to level a new toon. I'm also excited about the revamping of vanilla content. That's going to be fun again to do.
#821 Jul 27 2010 at 1:01 AM Rating: Decent
I'm excited about all the changes in the old world, revamps of zones such as The Plaguelands, Silverpine Forest, Westfall, Stonetalon and others. I am also looking forward to leveling a goblin or an worgen and the lore of their areas. Another interesting fetaure that I am looking for is the new, better quests such as the Old Blanchy chain in Westfall, the Forsaken quests in Silverpine and Androhal. Also I am looking foward on how Blizzard will develop the character of Deathwing. The final feature I am excited about is the revamp of the talent trees, which will be great for leveling and diversity in the classes.
That is what I am looking forward in Cataclysm. Also hoping for another Kael'thas setback :).
#822 Jul 27 2010 at 1:02 AM Rating: Decent
Im most looking forward to the changes that are affecting us much loved Healers. Also the new dungeons and raids that are getting more complex and harder to beat, which makes it more of a challenge for all of us hardcore raiders. Also the re-vamp of classical zones, with 5 lv 80s already, leveling up another alt character gets on my nerves, but with a new storyline, I CANT WAIT!!!
#823 Jul 27 2010 at 1:02 AM Rating: Decent
Well, i'm most excited about the Worgen and the Worgen storyline in Gilneas.
Can't wait to experiance Worgen gameplay and storyline.

Would like to see the Goblin gameplay and storyline too, but i think the worgen is the most exciteing Cataclysm part.
Will be very fun too see the changes of Quests, Questhubs and enviorment in Azeroth too though.
#824 Jul 27 2010 at 1:04 AM Rating: Decent
Looking forward to the new healing changes in cata, just watched lore from tank spot talk about it some and finally healing will be more interesting than just spamming with no regard to mana. And I am definatly going worgen in cata :D
#825 Jul 27 2010 at 1:04 AM Rating: Decent
I looking forward to all the new factions and to farm reputation with them. I currently know about the following factions

Bilgewater Cartel
Dragonmaw Clan
Wildhammer Clan
Guardians of Hyjal
The Earthen Ring
The Tol'vir
Guild Reputation

Let's see what other faction perhaps will be added to the game later. For sure there will be an 'Against Deathwing' Faction again.

Also I'm looking forword to the change of some regios How will South Ahn Quiraij look like and will they use the old ruins there for some questing and another faction? Or what will be with the Ironforge Airport. Pherpas we can use planes now to some spots in the world.
#826 Jul 27 2010 at 1:04 AM Rating: Decent
As a dedicated warlock player I'm very excited to try out the new warlock mechanics, I can't express how happy I am that I won't have to farm for soul shards before each and every raid! I am also looking forward to leveling a new character and try out all the (hopefully) awesome new quests.
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