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Cataclysm Closed Beta Key Contest!Follow

#727 Jul 26 2010 at 11:07 PM Rating: Decent
I am super excited to check out the new 1-60 leveling experience. Being an altoholic, anything that would make the pre-Outlands/Northrend grind more enjoyable would be a hug win for me, and since I've been keeping up on most of the changes, it sounds like my alt habit is only going to be fed by the redesign of Azeroth.
#728 Jul 26 2010 at 11:07 PM Rating: Decent
I'm most excited about all the changes to Azeroth.
#729 Jul 26 2010 at 11:08 PM Rating: Good
2,269 posts
I would have to say im Most looking forward to in Cataclysm. Streamlined Questing, Guild perks.
Im an Altaholic. Just got Hunter to 80 On my Birthday no less.
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#730 Jul 26 2010 at 11:09 PM Rating: Decent
I am most looking forward to the larger stables for hunter pets. Its something I've wanted and prayed for since my first days as a hunter when I started playing back near the middle of Burning Crusade. I can hardly wait to try a Worgen and Goblin out as well as see what changes they are working out for the other race's starting zones.

While I will not lie the questing and way things are done peek my interest a lot right now I am really looking forward to seeing how the lore and scripted events play out. Rather Garrosh will be the leader some say he is, and how the war between the alliance and horde will affect the war against Deathwing and his minions.
#731 Jul 26 2010 at 11:10 PM Rating: Decent
I am looking forward to many things that Cataclysm will bring us, such as the new leveling content, the new races that we can play with, new spells and talents, the new UI system, the new skills(Reforging and archeology), new system of gaining honor and hero points, new lore content and so much more... I can barely contain myself of how excited I am with the new expansion on the way and I am really looking forward in playing it with my friends. I have been checking everyday of the new things they bring out and I would love to try it all out myself, so I am hoping I get picked for the Cat key give away. Thanks for you consideration.
#732 Jul 26 2010 at 11:10 PM Rating: Excellent
Cataclysm has me excited to try out the Goblin and Worgen races, sure. But the thing that I'm most excited about is to see the changes to the world. It'll almost be like playing a new game. Smiley: grin I love making new characters, and I can't wait to see the new low level areas.

#733 Jul 26 2010 at 11:11 PM Rating: Decent
I'm most excited about all the changes to Azeroth and the new lore that comes along with this, as well as more clarification and expansion of already existing lore.
#734 Jul 26 2010 at 11:12 PM Rating: Decent
I'm interested in joining the beta because:

I have been a loremaster ever since I started WoW back in Vanilla on a private server and still am until now, on EU - Moonglade. The recent changes have been (in my own honest opinion, of course) rather poor lore-wise, but the new mechanics are simply superb. As a Cataclysm beta tester I would love being one of the first to see and test all the new mechanics and elements of Lore in their early stage. After all, old Azeroth is where it all began!
#735 Jul 26 2010 at 11:12 PM Rating: Good
OK, first let me start out by saying, THANK YOU! I have had a list ready for just this occasion. now the thing's i am looking foreword to the most in Cata will be ordered by most exiting to least, then a description will be given for each reason

FIRST. the changes to most of the environment and quests.
the reason for this is simple, i have leveled 4 toon's from 1-80, and 2 1-50 so as you can see i have ran through the content many many many times and after a while it gets eh well... boring so with the changes things will fell new and fresh that will help me get those other toon's to 80(85 if i get the beta key he-he)

second. the changes to raids and raid lockouts.
now the main reason for this is simple i like raiding, and i am in a small family guild with like 13 people i am sick of feeling like a second rate guild because i enjoy raiding with my mom and dad.
third. MANY and i mean MANY class changes.
again simple it will make classes like hunters and warriors fun.

Thank you in advanced.
#736 Jul 26 2010 at 11:15 PM Rating: Decent
More than anything, I'm most looking forward to the old world changes. I still enjoy questing in the old Azeroth zones. Even though the quests aren't as streamlined as the BC and WotLK stuff, there was just something that felt epic with the vanilla questlines and zones. When I first heard the news about Cataclysm, I was more excited than when I first learned about the previous two expansions combined. Part of me will be a bit sad to see some things change, but overall I can't wait to log in and shift into flight form and rediscover all of Azeroth again.
#737 Jul 26 2010 at 11:17 PM Rating: Decent
I plan to spend the first several hours exploring Azeroth. I am totally excited to see all the changes. I've heard the graphics have been souped up too, so that will make the exploration even more awesome. Plus, the chance to see it all from the air (flying mount) is going to rock. I am also a quester, so in my exploration I'm going to be looking for all those new quests.

I do plan to create a Goblin and a Worgen. I also want to level my Troll Hunter, but the exploration comes first.

I've never been a beta-tester before, and I would love to get the opportunity. :)
#738 Jul 26 2010 at 11:18 PM Rating: Decent
I'd love to see all class changes and new talents!
#739 Jul 26 2010 at 11:18 PM Rating: Decent
I'm most excited about seeing not only Ragnaros return, but never seen before Elemental Lords such as Neptulon to make a grand entrance to the game world.
#740 Jul 26 2010 at 11:22 PM Rating: Decent
I am so excited about all the changes to Hunter's. I mean NO MANA, that is sooooo gonna rock! I also can't wait to fly around in Azeroth and see all the amazing changes that will be taking place. I think that this new expansion will be the best. You would have to be crazy not to be excited about being able to play a Worgen. The change effects from Human to Worgen look so cool! I can't wait!
#741 Jul 26 2010 at 11:23 PM Rating: Decent
I'd love to run around as a Goblin(sry, im horde). I will also make a worgen. i want to test out different stuff.

Hope i win!
#742 Jul 26 2010 at 11:24 PM Rating: Decent
There are many things in Cataclysm that everyone will be looking forward to!

Being as though i am a long time player of WoW, since the WoW beta, I believe I have a bit more evolved anticipation than most.

-The first and foremost thing I am looking forward to happens to be as simple as questing. One the best things in WoW was the entrancing storyline and all the new things you learned by questing and reading the quest log. I am overly excited in regards to all the new lore that will released while questing
-The second thing I can't wait for is the Worgen. Alliance have finally gotten an "evil" and "scary" race to play. I think this will add a more level playing field for visual aesthetics in regards to player appearance. (which has been an issue since day one!)
-The third thing I would love to see is all the new zones. Since I first played WoW back after beta, I always wondered what the names of those zones would be and what would be in them. This is a Several long year goal being achieved.
-Lastly I wanna know what happened to Mankrik. After we discovered his wife slaughtered near a hut I never heard if he got remarried or if he stayed single. If he is single I do have a friend of mine that he might be interested in...But have no worries, she IS level 18.

I hope my interests inspired some to realize some new things to look forward to in Cataclysm and most importantly I hope it inspires Allakhazam to get me my key! ^_~
#743 Jul 26 2010 at 11:24 PM Rating: Decent
HC Deadmines, savvy?
#744 Jul 26 2010 at 11:25 PM Rating: Decent
All the announced changes look like a phenomenal upgrade to an already outstanding game. The Goblin and Worgen races will be a great addition to the list of races and the new racial abilities will promote a more wacky experience in regards to the rocket belt and other quirky racials given to the Goblins and hopefully the other races as well.

Flying in the brand new old world will greatly smoothen the leveling process, that and the new zone refinements will make leveling much less tedious, and instead be a far more enjoyable experience for new and seasoned players.

The extensive lore additions will make for an immensely deep look into the happenings revolving Death Wing and his affect on Azeroth.
#745 Jul 26 2010 at 11:29 PM Rating: Decent
I'm looking foward to exploring all of the new Azeroth on the back of my proto drake, checking every little nook and cranny for new areas or easter eggs. The new dungeons also look like a ton of fun, and I'm hoping there will be a lot of teamwork involved in the encounters.
#746 Jul 26 2010 at 11:29 PM Rating: Decent
My most favorite part of the new expiation is just the World of Warcraft experience again! Staying up till 3am trying to get to the next level, or wiping 10 times in a dungeon because no one has done it yet. Also the new races, everyone loved the mighty Big n' Blue Draenei and Mana seeking Blood elf. Now you get to get the thrill of being a Human cursed into a flesh eating Worgen and the Business, Money Loving, Goblins of Kezen. And well my most favorite is re-exploring Azeroth again. I loved the sandy beaches of Strangle thorn Vale and the Snowy Mountains of Altrac.

Thank you for your time!
#747 Jul 26 2010 at 11:32 PM Rating: Decent
1) To be honest the female worgen flirts.......Bacon....i that bacon....whos got the BACON?!!
2) The lore. I am proud to say i am a very enthusiastic lore nerd. Yes its weird to admit but warcraft lore is briliant and amazing and i cant wait to see what cataclysm will do next, Old golds,uldum and the tolvir, Wildhammer clan,Thrall Oh gosh im getting excited thinking about the story!
3)Goblins , im sorry if i am steeping on feet but i dont give a dam about the worgen :D, well i do like their story but since they are Alliance i seem to detest them. Actually that is a little contradiction because i plan on playing one seriously ....through the pain and torment that is the alliance i will stick through it and play one seriously....before i turn crazy and roleplay my way into killing the character into a horde...some how :D
4)The old world being made FUN again, yes its a little funny how giddy we all get over a change to a zone we have known to be a bore. Its like when someone has plastic surgery and they completely change....its so interesting, lets just hope the personality of the zone changes too unlike the person after surgery, they may look different but they don't really change on the inside. From what i have herd each and every zone has a totally new fell and im extremely excited :D.

Thank you for reading my entry on why i am excited for cataclysm and that shiny beta key......are they shiny,its probably just me thinking they look like a complex rubix cube made out of gold :P.
I also apologise for my overuse of smilies...........^_<

Edited, Jul 27th 2010 1:35am by TradePrince
#748 Jul 26 2010 at 11:33 PM Rating: Decent
I'm excited about leveling and the class changes.
#749 Jul 26 2010 at 11:33 PM Rating: Decent
I'm looking forward to the hunter changes. My main is a Night Elf Hunter and I would love to not have to worry about having to go into viper anymore. Learning about and figuring out the best way to use focus would be an enjoyable experience.
I'm also looking forward to archaeology, I love history and have thought about becoming an archaeologist myself. It'll be amazing to search the world for artifacts and to see all the changes that phasing will bring in.
#750 Jul 26 2010 at 11:34 PM Rating: Decent
What i am looking forward to Cataclysm is the brand new content with the new quest But especially the new dungeons and raids that they will come out and i hope they will be challenging because with the last expansion (especially 3.3) blizzard dissapointed me with the dungeons and raid because they were really easy. I hope that will change in cataclysm.
#751 Jul 26 2010 at 11:37 PM Rating: Decent
As a long time moonkin specced druid I am looking forward to the complete overhaul of the Eclipse mechanics. It is what defines use chickens and from what it have been to what it is looking too be you cant get anything more then excited! That and also to see what they have in store for this whole directx 11-thing I've been hearing about, the new water effects looks like it's gonna be a great boost to the already lovely artistics of this great game :)

Oh and ofcourse I am looking forward to play that epic storyline of them worgens!
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