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#52 Feb 24 2009 at 6:50 AM Rating: Decent
151 posts
I thought the hunter talk -prenotes- said BM was getting a slight raise in dammage ... looks like Survival is getting a bigger raise ... ugg I don't wanna cookie cutter

And what about Arrows, no notes on the quiver/ infinite arrow / larger arrow stack size

#53 Feb 24 2009 at 8:05 AM Rating: Default
So i'm not postive if the warlock changes are good or bad infact there all kinda confusing.. i liked how my affliction worked i just wanted it be a little more simple so for fights like 25 man 3D OS would not be so hard to deal correct amount of damage.
#54 Feb 24 2009 at 8:21 AM Rating: Decent
Some rogue about EA wrote:
I refuse to believe it. I need new pants.

Er, the new EA is a blanket nerf for the thing it's usually used for - PvP. They need 20k armour for the new EA to be as effective as the old one (-4k). For everything else, it's less effective. It's a really horrible change for rogues.

Patch notes wrote:
* Divine Purpose has been moved from Tier 5 to Tier 6.

There is a God.
#55 Feb 24 2009 at 8:42 AM Rating: Good
1,882 posts
Zariamnk wrote:
galimim wrote:
Zariamnk wrote:
I dunno why Paladins are drooling over Blessing of Kings being a trainable spell instead of a talented one.

Without Improved Blessing of Kings, it is utterly useless; Blessing of Might, or Blessing of Wisdom will beat it in most cases. Now, IF it gave us 10% Kings without having to take Improved Blessing of Kings, yeah, THEN I see the "yays" everywhere.

You save, what, 1 talent to get a useless spell you will never use, unless you take the Improved talents?

Nothing to drool over, really.

As far as I know BoK that you train is 10% not 2. So you save 5 talent points.

The notes didn't specify, that it was 10%. So, given some of Blizz's past history, I assumed it was 2% and that you still had to take Improved Kings to get the full 10%.

Now, if it IS 10% from the start with NO talents, then yeah, it saves 5 talents.

Blessing of Kings with 2% is completely and totally useless buff. Up until wrath Blessing of Kings (as far as I know) was a 10% buff.

The fact they are removing the blessing of kings talent along with improved blessing of kings is a sure sign that blessing of kings will be trainable as a 10% boost.
#56 Feb 24 2009 at 8:57 AM Rating: Excellent
3,564 posts
Hey, don't quote me out of context :p

I did happen to bold EA (which isn't even on my action bar unless there's no warrior in the raid... and even then I don't typically use it unless asked), but I really need a change of pants over the poison changes. Though Instant Poison's wording (and from rumors) I'm a little worried that it'll be changed to a PPM style instead of a flat % of application which stands to make it worse. If it does change to PPM hopefully it'll have a short internal CD at least. Blizz keeps saying they want to up Rogue PvE damage, but seem to be dropping the ball all over the place (nerfing Mutilate, now making HfB essentially worse than it was... yeah...).

Kind of wish Blizz would stop nerfing everything for the sake of PvP (usually changes made to cater to people who are bad at PvP to begin with).
FFXI (Retired)
Naiya | Mithra | Windurst | Rank 10 | 1st Lieutenant | Ragnarok
WAR: 75 MNK: 75 SAM: 66
RotZ: O | CoP: O | ToAU: O | Apoch Nigh: O

Naiyah | B.Elf | 85 Rogue | Stormscale
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#57 Feb 24 2009 at 9:00 AM Rating: Good
92 posts
Foxximo wrote:
I thought the hunter talk -prenotes- said BM was getting a slight raise in dammage ... looks like Survival is getting a bigger raise ... ugg I don't wanna cookie cutter

And what about Arrows, no notes on the quiver/ infinite arrow / larger arrow stack size

There was a news message on the front page of alla a little while ago where blizz stated that the no consumable ammo change would most likely not be ready for 3.1, but they would work to get it ready as soon as possible.

Personally, with my two highest toons being a Paladin and a Warlock, I'm waiting to see what they're gonna do about soul shards since they're getting rid of quivers/bags/consumable ammo for hunters.
#58 Feb 24 2009 at 10:26 AM Rating: Good
1,606 posts
RPZip wrote:
Interface panel.
* A new Color Blind option is available under the Interface panel.

About dang time. The majority of gamers are male and color blindness almost exclusively impacts males so it would be nice if more games followed suit.

I hope there will be some configuration options to it though.
#59 Feb 24 2009 at 10:59 AM Rating: Good
1,634 posts
I agree that the TG nerf seems a bit extreme.

However - Has anyone considered that hey are going beyond what they expect the nerf to be in an effort to back into the effective damage that they want?

For example: Assume that Paladin Flash of Light is considered way over-powered by Blizzard. (What ever their reasons - that's what they think - let's not debate why they think that...)

Blizz knows that FoL is currently OP, but they are not sure what's "Correct". Blizz isn't sure what is a good nerf, but they don't want to nerf palys 1% every patch for the next 6 - 8 months. Instead - they hit them hard now. Get the QQs and the B1tching out now. Then slowly bring them up through PTR, Hot-Fix, or patch testing.

Blizz decides to nerf all Paly heals by 10%.

Everyone freaks out...

Blizz slowly backs into the final nerf of say -6% through directly adjusting the FoL nerf or buffing other areas of Paly healing to make the effective change = about 6%.

While I'm sure no Warriors using TG are going to be happy - that's my guess as to what is going on. They don't want any class to feel like every patch is a new nerf. People would get really mad if EVERY patch for 1/2 a year or so was a slow nerfing process to get their class. Instead - you cut hard and deep and repair the damage later.
#60 Feb 24 2009 at 12:08 PM Rating: Decent
13,048 posts
Borsuk wrote:
I agree that the TG nerf seems a bit extreme.

Meh, fury warriors have been pulling 6k+ DPS in some cases.

10% damage does seem a bit extreme, but that's what a PTR is for, FFS.
#61 Feb 24 2009 at 12:14 PM Rating: Excellent
I'm still formatting the spell and whatnot but this is up on the wiki as well. Thanks for posting it here RP, much appreciated.
#62 Feb 24 2009 at 12:45 PM Rating: Excellent
2,101 posts
Even more notes about, new pets, mounts and new glyphs... but, uhmmm

Glyph of Hymn of Hope *new* -- Your Hymn of hope provides 3 times the normal amount of mana per time, but its duration is 50% shorter.

Then in the priest section.

Hymn of Hope: This spell has been removed.

Why put a new glyph in on a spell that has been removed...
#63 Feb 24 2009 at 1:47 PM Rating: Good
1,882 posts
SynnTastic wrote:
Even more notes about, new pets, mounts and new glyphs... but, uhmmm

Glyph of Hymn of Hope *new* -- Your Hymn of hope provides 3 times the normal amount of mana per time, but its duration is 50% shorter.

Then in the priest section.

Hymn of Hope: This spell has been removed.

Why put a new glyph in on a spell that has been removed...

Its actually an ingenious idea. See, everyone rolls a scribe. Then you make hymn of hope glyphs and drop them in the AH for like 10g a piece. Every time someone buys one you make note of who it was and put them on your "noob" list :-D
#64 Feb 24 2009 at 3:10 PM Rating: Good
5,599 posts
* Shadowform: Bonus damage from critical strike chance removed and replaced by the ability of those periodic damage spells to generate critical strikes.

I... but... how...

I think I just wet myself with excitement.

* New Talent: Improved Devouring Plague (Shadow): Increases the periodic damage done by your Devouring Plague by 5/10/15%, and when you cast Devouring Plague you instantly deal damage equal to 5/10/15% of its total periodic effect.

I have to admit I'm giggling a little bit. Can you imagine what Devouring Plague crits are going to do to our AoE?

1. Talent for Imp. Devouring Plague.

2. Watch as the DK in the raid casts pestilence, spreading it to all nearby targets (yeah, it works.)

3. Start casting Mind Sear and laugh like a maniac as you pull aggro off the tank.
idiggory, King of Bards wrote:
I have a racist ****.

Steam: TuxedoFish Fishy #1649
GW2: Fishy.4129
#65 Feb 25 2009 at 9:01 PM Rating: Good
1,888 posts
I'm still worried how feral druids vanished. And the changes they are doing doesnt seen like we will se them again anytime soon.
Glad I respecced moonkin when wotlk came.
#66 Feb 28 2009 at 4:04 PM Rating: Default
Either way, it would be at least one talent point I could use somewhere else. That is a good thing IMO.
#67 Mar 02 2009 at 10:33 AM Rating: Good
2,634 posts

* Ancestral Awakening: This talent now accounts for your ineffective healing, rather than effective.
* Cleanse Spirit now has a new icon.
* Riptide: This spell has a new icon.

Wow, im gonna be truely uber with new icons!! Did they forget to nerf shammies as usual? I guess I shouldnt be complaining. XD

Shaman (Skills List / Talent + Glyph Calc.)

* Bloodlust/Heroism: Cooldown reduced to 5 minutes, but Sated and Exhausted now last 10 minutes.
* Poison Cleansing Totem and Disease Cleansing Totem have been merged into "Cleansing Totem." Cleansing Totem pulses every 3 sec, down from 5.

Oh now wait theres the nerf, Zomg. OUCH. This isnt just a nerf to shaman's its a nerf to every class since we all suffer. Boohoo, love abusing my bloodlust button on a regular basis. :(

But hey the combined totems is a rather sick idea. I love it.

Edited, Mar 2nd 2009 1:38pm by lauisifer
#68 Mar 02 2009 at 11:26 AM Rating: Good
8,779 posts
isnt the current bloodlust/heroism cooldown like 10 minutes? so with one shaman we have no effective change to a group or raid, but with two or more its a nerf because you cant have it up 66%-100% of the time.
#69 Mar 02 2009 at 11:36 AM Rating: Good
12,049 posts
Brisin wrote:
I'm still worried how feral druids vanished. And the changes they are doing doesnt seen like we will se them again anytime soon.
Glad I respecced moonkin when wotlk came.

What do you mean how ferals disappeared? I'm personally still alive and kicking as a tank, thanks :-P Though this patch will be a major nerf for me, now that they're cutting 10% of our stamina off. But I'll still do just fine; hp has never been an issue for me and now I get a shield... then again, I'll lose a few thousand armor too. Dang. Well, we'll see.

As for feral DPS, I never saw much of that to begin with. Other specs are just more popular.
#70 Mar 02 2009 at 11:54 AM Rating: Decent
659 posts
Yeah feral druids are getting toned down a bit, but they don't have it as bad as resto druids. The changes to Lifebloom, if they go live, are going to really change the resto druid healing style. Instead of doubling the Lifebloom base mana cost, they only need to up it by 50%. Resto mana regen is already getting hit hard by the OOFSR regen nerfs.

I'm glad I rolled balance just before WotLK came out. My intuition served me well.
#71 Mar 02 2009 at 12:18 PM Rating: Decent
1,188 posts
NeithanTheWronged wrote:
Yeah feral druids are getting toned down a bit, but they don't have it as bad as resto druids. The changes to Lifebloom, if they go live, are going to really change the resto druid healing style. Instead of doubling the Lifebloom base mana cost, they only need to up it by 50%. Resto mana regen is already getting hit hard by the OOFSR regen nerfs.

I'm glad I rolled balance just before WotLK came out. My intuition served me well.

Read them closer. Feral is actually getting a buff with that damage shield ability. As for lifebloom, it sounds like a nerf, but it's actually a buff (probably). Read the second part about lifebloom. When it blooms or is dispelled, it does a mana restore effect equal to 50% of it's cost on the druid (per charge). So, overall, the change doesn't affect the mana cost....or does it? I want to know if that mana restore can crit. If so, this is actually a nice buff and will make lifebloom much more important to druids. But yeah, balance isn't affected that much by this patch, unless you count glyph changes.

Edit: Read a post on elitistjerks. They pointed out that this is definitely made to give resto druids mana back with LB, since it's 50% of the new base cost, and they get a discount to cast it in tree form, so it's effectively cheaper for pure resto druids then before (in a roundabout way).

Edited, Mar 2nd 2009 12:27pm by CrimsonNeko
#72 Mar 02 2009 at 12:56 PM Rating: Good
659 posts
I've read the Lifebloom changes completely and it will change how resto druids heal. The strength of Lifebloom is continually rolling a 3-stack on tanks. It's very efficient. The bloom effect isn't useful in PvE because it's mostly overheal. Right now, Resto druids never let Lifebloom bloom on tanks.

GC stated specifically that rolling 3-stacks of Lifeblooms on several tanks was just too good and they are increasing the mana cost so it's no longer possible. Honestly, I have to agree with him. I just think they increased the cost of LB by a larger amount than is needed.

While many druids are upset about this "nerf," I am interested to see how the changes will play out. It's not really a nerf, more just a change in mechanics. The good druids will adapt. I just hope that druid healers will remain HoT oriented and not become like paladins/priests. With Nourish getting improved some druids are worried this might happen.

Edited, Mar 2nd 2009 2:56pm by NeithanTheWronged
#73 Mar 02 2009 at 1:20 PM Rating: Decent
1,188 posts
I was not aware that was the normal be honest, all these changes fall in line with exactly how I play already.
#74 Mar 02 2009 at 1:39 PM Rating: Decent
659 posts
I was just stating the general consensus of how lifebloom has been used in PvE. How you want to heal is all up to you, as long as people don't die it's all good.

I've just never been a fan of letting LB bloom on tanks. It could have benefits, like if the tank is low on health and isn't going to receive a big heal soon. However, after it blooms you have to spend 3 GCD to get the stack rolling again. Takes time.

With these changes, letting the LB bloom will become more prominent, maybe. It's tricky to time it and not have it overheal.

Edited, Mar 2nd 2009 3:40pm by NeithanTheWronged
#75 Mar 02 2009 at 1:40 PM Rating: Excellent
861 posts
I am still waiting for the ret nerf. C'mon Blizz. Don't leave me hanging!

(Good idea to instead nerf the one plate wearing class that can't heal itself, has mediocre burst damage in its main PvE dps spec and isn't drastically over-represented in Arena.)
#76 Mar 02 2009 at 1:42 PM Rating: Decent
659 posts
I remember reading something GC said that he saw that Ret DPS was lower than expected in PvE.
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