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#177 Feb 26 2007 at 6:01 AM Rating: Decent
Ghost in the Machine
36,443 posts
Stop it, Azoth!

You make me want to roll a Priest. Smiley: frown

Must.. focus.. on.. Warlock!
Please "talk up" if your comprehension white-shifts. I will use simple-happy language-words to help you understand.
#178 Feb 26 2007 at 6:01 AM Rating: Decent
1,287 posts
TheRealAzoth wrote:
Once at the boss, any Priest worth there weight in cloth armor should switch to healing IMO.

Doesn't that kind of depend what the party's made up of? When I leveled from 60 to 70, I was pure Retri, and usually had a pure Shadow priest with me in instances. The shadow priest just stayed shadow and kept VE up, and all his drain added to my life and thus with Spiritual Attunement to my mana. My only healing talents were the +6% healing to Sanctity Aura (which affected both the mana I got from the priest and the healing I did to the tank), which, in addition to the VE healing, was plenty to keep the group alive. Both healing removed a DPSer, seriously lengthening the fight which could've but both of us in mana problems.
#179 Feb 26 2007 at 6:18 AM Rating: Decent
1,888 posts
I think that the changes were ok. As a druid, i can understand the less healing and less armor. I think that the less damage is unecessary, but the rage increase is because the criticals will happen less times.
And the warriors buffs were nice, rly nice. They only need a way to receive less damage from spells. Maybe a talent with CD, don't know.
#180 Feb 26 2007 at 6:34 AM Rating: Decent
1,287 posts
Warriors have 10% in defensive stance regardless of spec, and another 6% from talents. They also have spell reflect.

Paladins have 6% from talents when using Righteous Fury, and another 4% from talents.

If Warriors need additional spell damage migitation, then paladins need a whole lot more.
#181 Feb 26 2007 at 6:45 AM Rating: Decent
59 posts
ThelsDeKwant Scholar wrote:
Doesn't that kind of depend what the party's made up of? When I leveled from 60 to 70, I was pure Retri, and usually had a pure Shadow priest with me in instances. The shadow priest just stayed shadow and kept VE up, and all his drain added to my life and thus with Spiritual Attunement to my mana. My only healing talents were the +6% healing to Sanctity Aura (which affected both the mana I got from the priest and the healing I did to the tank), which, in addition to the VE healing, was plenty to keep the group alive. Both healing removed a DPSer, seriously lengthening the fight which could've but both of us in mana problems.
Absolutley, the setup of the party is going to effect what roll each player is going to take. It was more of a general observation that once a party gets to an end boss, a priest should be ready to take on the role of the healer. Personally I have a bunch of +spell damage gear that helps in either HealBot or DPS role. Interesting way to take on a boss though... Pally healing the tank with a shadow priest using VE and doing DPS to heal the party. Unfortunetly now it will be that much more difficult. With the less healing and 0% chance of crit you'll receive significantly less health and in turn less mana using Spiritual Attunement. Was the priest also casting Vampiric Touch? This will give 5% mana to all party members similar to how VE works. It's a short lived (15 second), costly (425 mana), castable (1.5 second) spell but may be the only thing that can make up for your mana loss from the VE nerf.

- Azoth
#182 Feb 26 2007 at 6:59 AM Rating: Good
3,801 posts
ThelsDeKwant wrote:
Warriors have 10% in defensive stance regardless of spec, and another 6% from talents. They also have spell reflect.

Paladins have 6% from talents when using Righteous Fury, and another 4% from talents.

If Warriors need additional spell damage migitation, then paladins need a whole lot more.

Ahhh, good ol' Spell Reflect. If only it could be used on bosses where the damage you take actually matters.

You know, in all honesty, I really wish that spell would even work on all the trash mobs in the game, but even a lot of those mobs can completely bypass it. Yet the amusing thing is that shield bash can interrupt their casts. What, I can interrupt it but not reflect it?
#183 Feb 26 2007 at 7:00 AM Rating: Decent
1,287 posts
No, only VE, it was more than enough to make up for not being holy. Maybe you'll need to put 1 or 2 points in Imp VE to make up for it, but I wouldn't call this tactic impossible after the nerf.

Oh, and the priest did cast PW: Shield on occasion, if the tank was getting low, giving me an easier time bringing him back up.

Used the same tactic in a 5 man Ony a little while ago, only on a holy build, so then the VE's only extra. Unfortunately, the priest didn't have aggro-reducing skills, so the tank couldn't keep the aggro off him.

Edited, Feb 26th 2007 4:03pm by ThelsDeKwant
#184 Feb 26 2007 at 7:25 AM Rating: Decent
1,392 posts
PolecatEZ wrote:
Any news about item eyes are now bleeding from reading through 50 or more posts about how circus bears suck now. I just want to know some things the rest of us can use, like did they nerf the Teron Gorefiend helmet rewards or not?

Yes they have, they were deemed too strong. Its only minor changes though, for example the warrior helm lost 3 strength.

They are changing other items they feel are too strong as well, most notable for tanks being the Timewarden tanking legs from CoT Revered (-10 stam, -10 def, smidge off of dodge rating) and the Junior Tech 3rd Grade Bracers(-18 stam supposedly).
#185 Feb 26 2007 at 7:30 AM Rating: Decent
1,287 posts
Muggins wrote:
most notable for tanks being the Timewarden tanking legs from CoT Revered (-10 stam, -10 def, smidge off of dodge rating)

Cry :( That's actually the slot I was planning on not using Tier gear, to try and cling along stamina wise. This is actually a warrior/pala nerf in comparison to druids, while the major content of the patch is the other way around :S
#186 Feb 26 2007 at 7:35 AM Rating: Decent
1,392 posts
There is a slight upside in that they're also modifying our Tier gear to compensate, though no where near enough to make it anything more than a sidegrade when compared to those legs.
#187 Feb 26 2007 at 11:18 AM Rating: Decent
59 posts
Unfortunately, the priest didn't have aggro-reducing skills, so the tank couldn't keep the aggro off him.
Yup that'll happen. Often even with -aggro talent points a priest can pull a mob off a tank. Too many Flash heals or a big Greater Heal crit and watch out. Most times the tank can pull it back immediatley... sometime we wind up running for our lives :)

I was planning on moving some talent points from Shadow into the Disc tree. I was only going to use one talent point in Imp VE for 25% healing instead of 30% that 2 points give. Now I'm going to have to keep both in it to keep it from dropping to 20%. Oh well. A free respec would be nice of Blizzard with this patch, but I won't hold my breath.

- Azoth

Edited, Feb 26th 2007 2:19pm by TheRealAzoth
#188 Feb 26 2007 at 11:56 AM Rating: Decent
All this yelling about druid tanks being best tanks in the game currently...
Can anyone PLEASE point me at any serious raiding guild, that's worth a damn that has a top MT being druid?
I have not seen one yet, so give me some examples(and how far did it get them, if you be so kind).

Or is it just a lot of overreacting, and hormones?
#189 Feb 26 2007 at 12:42 PM Rating: Decent
Mazra wrote:
Lamnethx of the Seven Seas wrote:
I know this was way up the thread but I laughed pretty hard when I read it...

I give up. A level 48 Warrior is arguing with me about end-game content and a guy who never played the Druid class, or at least doesn't have a Druid at the moment, claims I lack foresight because I didn't see the nerf coming.

Play the class for a few levels. Then we'll talk.

Mazra Level 64 Night Elf Druid on Agamaggan. Updated 2007-02-18 03:02:16

Smiley: rolleyes

Remember when level 60 was end-game? I know it's a month or so ago, but remember it?

Remember when 60 was end-game, and the expansion didn't throw off the class balance 60-70? Nobody was in outlands and none of the outlands gear was available? Ring a bell? Maybe nullify your reply?

We're talking about a different endgame here, all you've done is point out your utter lack of understanding in the matter.
#190 Feb 26 2007 at 12:45 PM Rating: Default
Ghost in the Machine
36,443 posts
Smiley: lol

I forgot, Warriors are now dedicated healers. My bad.
Please "talk up" if your comprehension white-shifts. I will use simple-happy language-words to help you understand.
#191 Feb 26 2007 at 12:49 PM Rating: Decent
Mazra wrote:
I forgot, I still haven't reached the endgame everyone's talking about. My bad.

#192 Feb 26 2007 at 1:02 PM Rating: Decent
Ghost in the Machine
36,443 posts
Last time I checked, Warriors still tanked at level 70, so did Paladins and Druids. Rogues still do damage and so do Hunters, Warlocks and Mages.

In fact, I see very little change from 60 to 70 when it comes to each class' role in a party. Perhaps the odd Enhancement Shaman instead of a Rogue, but other than that, it's pretty much the same.

Besides, I was arguing with a level 48 Warrior, so I still win by 16 levels, nyah nyah!

*speeds off on his tricycle*
Please "talk up" if your comprehension white-shifts. I will use simple-happy language-words to help you understand.
#193 Feb 26 2007 at 1:40 PM Rating: Good
1,748 posts
I think a lot of druids are over-reacting overall, but I think blizzard did knee jerk a little far. At the same time, tho...all the warriors and rogues acting like this is the greatest thing ever make me not ever want to heal them. Good thing every warrior wants to tank! Oh wait.... "I'm not a tank I'm arms/fury/piddling poodle specced"
#194 Feb 26 2007 at 1:40 PM Rating: Decent
728 posts
Personally I don't give a stuff about whether a warrior is better than a bear tank or vice versa. All I care about is that we now have more tanks available...

My thoughts exactly.

That, and it's fun to see druids and priests doing more than healing.

IF these nerfs are so harsh that beartanks are no longer viable, I will join the protest squad...because I've enjoyed having a larger pool of tanks available.

It's not a matter of not being viable. It is the slashing of abilities that is, to me, the issue.

Blizzard seems incapable of making minor changes. They mess up (yes, they mess up...often enough to warrant being called incompetent) then over-correct. Any change that's on the order of 30% represents abject failure on the part of the game designers. At this stage, it would be reasonable to expect 2-4% changes to the game mechanics. No. I take that back. At this point they should know their own game well enough to not require rule changes. Of course, by now the rule set is a cluster-kludge.

The end result, for any class that gets nerfed, is taking a class/spec that's fun to play (finally) and making it decidedly unfun.

It happened recently to warlocks (it was, finally, fun to be an affliction spec or demonologist warlock...can't have that). It has caught up with druids and it will happen to every other class in turn. Until and unless Blizzard can control their Monty Haul-ism, the cycle will continue.


Playing with Blizzard is like playing a card game with a five-year-old. They change the rules every time they get dealt a bad hand.


So, did druids "deserve" a nerf? No. They deserve to have a consistent rule set and a valuable role to play in all three trees. Every class deserves that.
#195 Feb 26 2007 at 1:44 PM Rating: Good
221 posts
Mazra wrote:
So what if Druids are better tanks on single targets in 5-man groups at the moment? In a month people will be geared to their teeth in TBC blues and epics and you could run 5-mans with a group of Warriors if you wanted.

oh wooooow. no, druids are NOT better at holding one mob at a time, are you kidding me? Druids are getting this nerf because they could hold 7 man mobs in shadow labs where as warriors in the prot trea could not.....

soooo your just wrong. dead wrong. I cant even think of where you got that idea.
#196 Feb 26 2007 at 1:57 PM Rating: Decent
510 posts
There has been a lot of talk on here...but you guys are missing out on the main problem with the patch.

Where is the buff to Rogues?

(Ok, sorry, couldn't resist)
#197 Feb 26 2007 at 2:21 PM Rating: Decent
Ghost in the Machine
36,443 posts
spoonofthebeast wrote:
Mazra wrote:
So what if Druids are better tanks on single targets in 5-man groups at the moment? In a month people will be geared to their teeth in TBC blues and epics and you could run 5-mans with a group of Warriors if you wanted.

oh wooooow. no, druids are NOT better at holding one mob at a time, are you kidding me? Druids are getting this nerf because they could hold 7 man mobs in shadow labs where as warriors in the prot trea could not.....

soooo your just wrong. dead wrong. I cant even think of where you got that idea.

Uh, it was a reply to another person's claim. And most importantly, it was just an example. I could've just as easily used "So what if naked Blood Elves are hotter than naked Night Elves. In a month it won't matter because of beer goggles."

Ps. If you write [quote=Mazra] where Mazra is the name of the poster you're quoting, it'll add "Mazra wrote" automatically.
Please "talk up" if your comprehension white-shifts. I will use simple-happy language-words to help you understand.
#198 Feb 26 2007 at 3:06 PM Rating: Decent
* The armor bonus from "Moonkin Form" has been increased from 360% to 400% (to match Dire Bear Form).

Thank God!!!! No I can finally Tank as well as in bear form AND heal at the same time!!!!

In the sake of fairness, You overlooked that one Blizz!

But all in all the nerfs are fine (not that i used bear form anyway!)

#199 Feb 26 2007 at 3:37 PM Rating: Decent
More critical hits. Psh. YOU CAN'T CRIT WITH A DOT, YOU IDIOTS!

That's the point, "you idiot".

Respec balance or restoration if you no longer want to tank. I personally love good moonkins on my paladin, as their crit aura makes healing so much easier.
#200 Feb 26 2007 at 3:54 PM Rating: Decent
Ghost in the Machine
36,443 posts
Inida wrote:
More critical hits. Psh. YOU CAN'T CRIT WITH A DOT, YOU IDIOTS!

That's the point, "you idiot".

Respec balance or restoration if you no longer want to tank. I personally love good moonkins on my paladin, as their crit aura makes healing so much easier.

Ahem, forgot about the Cat form, didn't you?

And tell me the point behind the Demonology change, other than DT/Ruin now being a viable build. They change +damage to +crit for a talent tree with minimal usage of crits. Why? So we can get those mediocre Shadowbolt crits more often? Ruin and +crit is a good combo, yes, but I don't see Ruin anywhere in the Demonology tree.

Plus, crits cause spike damage which pulls aggro from the Felguard. I think it's the first time I've seen a tier 8 talent work against the tier 9.
Please "talk up" if your comprehension white-shifts. I will use simple-happy language-words to help you understand.
#201 Feb 26 2007 at 4:37 PM Rating: Decent
1,392 posts

At the same time, tho...all the warriors and rogues acting like this is the greatest thing ever make me not ever want to heal them.

Just ignore them, every class has trolls and idiots, warriors are no exception. Unfortunately the troll camp are usually the most vocal.

Did bears need a damage nerf? Yes.

Did they need changes to their hp and armour values? If itemisation for them is going to change in the future then yes, if not then no.

Should they have had a change to the flat base threat values of the abilities most affected by the damage nerf? Almost certainly.

There's no reason for anyone to dance and clap, for starters because its a PTR patch note and secondly because its just plain moronic. Then again there were the same trolls from the druid camp who started singing about the demise of the warrior tank back at 2.0, these class-bounding trolls always come out of the woodwork to stir things up yet no one ever seems to be able to find them when they actually need a tank, strange eh?

Mazra wrote:

And tell me the point behind the Demonology change, other than DT/Ruin now being a viable build. They change +damage to +crit for a talent tree with minimal usage of crits. Why? So we can get those mediocre Shadowbolt crits more often? Ruin and +crit is a good combo, yes, but I don't see Ruin anywhere in the Demonology tree.

It would appear that they were worried that Demonology was doing too much damage in relation to the more 'pure' damage trees of Affliction and Destruction. They could have nerfed the damage bonus to a smaller amount or even removed it entirely, but instead they changed it to crit to allow for a different style of build from those who don't like to follow the cookie cutter.

Edited, Feb 26th 2007 7:40pm by Muggins
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