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#27 Feb 23 2007 at 9:29 PM Rating: Decent
Let me state this right off. MY MAIN IS A WARRIOR. I have a druid alt and I think the druid nerfs are ****.

Not only do you Tank better, and Deal Damage better, And heal, and do Magic Damage, and Remove Poisons, you can also run and swim faster.

Druids dont do all this in the same form nor can they tank/dps and do magic damage without gimping one or the other.

Druids get every damn thing rolled into one neat little package.

Druids are a hybrid class, but when you dump 41 points into a certain tree, you become more of a specialist. If you think all of those things come so easily then try it out. See what all they have to deal with and how it is lvling up.

And try not to be so jealous.

#28 Feb 23 2007 at 9:29 PM Rating: Decent
5,903 posts
Mazra wrote:
I give up. A level 48 Warrior is arguing with me about end-game content and a guy who never played the Druid class, or at least doesn't have a Druid at the moment, claims I lack foresight because I didn't see the nerf coming.

Play the class for a few levels. Then we'll talk.

Edited, Feb 24th 2007 12:22am by Mazra

Yet another guy who thinks Endgame is the ONLY game.

Lv60-70 is 10 levels.

Lv1-60 is 60 levels.

So, Warriors don't completely suck Lv60-70. Okay. What about Lv20-60?

Just admit it. Druids can Heal, DPS, and tank all in one package. And they do it Extremely Well. Too Well.

Sure, Sure, you can't do it in Endgame Raids as well as Warriors... your point, is? *You're not supposed to!* You're a hybrid class. Blizzard obviously wanted to put more distinction between Hybrid and Specialty. They want Warriors to do Noticeably better tanking than Druids. They're supposed to!

#29 Feb 23 2007 at 9:32 PM Rating: Decent
Ghost in the Machine
36,443 posts
Xylia, end-game is.. END. GAME.

You will hit 60 and 70 eventually. The whole "But there are 59 levels inbetween" speech doesn't stick. You can bypass every single instance up to level 70 and still do fine. At level 70 there is only raiding, crafting and PvP left. Pick a card, any card.
Please "talk up" if your comprehension white-shifts. I will use simple-happy language-words to help you understand.
#30 Feb 23 2007 at 9:33 PM Rating: Decent
5,903 posts
scudderfunk wrote:
Druids dont do all this in the same form nor can they tank/dps and do magic damage without gimping one or the other.

oooo, clicking a button is SO hard to do....

You do what every OTHER druid I've seen does: Change forms. D'uh.

As a Warrior, I wish I could switch between "Travel Fast without Mount, Tank, DPS, and Healer".

I can switch between Tank and DPS, yes, but then that's the only two things I can do... and I see Druids out-doing me in both.

Now, Mazra claims that Endgame, that changes. Heh. Lot of good that did me from Lv20 to 48, and a lot of good that's gonna do me from 48 to 60+.

And what if I choose not to raid? What If I am content only doing some 5-mans and ******** around in PvP? That means, I am STILL outdone by druids.

#31 Feb 23 2007 at 9:34 PM Rating: Decent
Ghost in the Machine
36,443 posts
Then roll a Druid if you want to fill that role.
Please "talk up" if your comprehension white-shifts. I will use simple-happy language-words to help you understand.
#32 Feb 23 2007 at 9:38 PM Rating: Decent
5,903 posts
Mazra wrote:
Xylia, end-game is.. END. GAME.

You will hit 60 and 70 eventually. The whole "But there are 59 levels inbetween" speech doesn't stick. You can bypass every single instance up to level 70 and still do fine. At level 70 there is only raiding, crafting and PvP left. Pick a card, any card.

Sure, you can Bypass Instances up to Lv70, but its gonna take you a hell of a lot longer to level, and you have to suffer with crap equipment to boot, to make kills a hell of a lot slower. Especially the SM set. That Shield, Helm and a couple of those weapons simply kick *** compared to anything else at Lv39-41. Same applies to some of the other instance drops I could name, too.

So you pass up instances, and make your leveling time take 2-3x as long as it should, because you're using gimp-*** equipment. All because some Hybrid class is stealing your job.

And you still didn't reply to the fact that some warriors never get an opportunity to tank. Okay, so a person rolls a warrior for the first time, play sthrough, and takes your suggestion, and skips all instances.


He joins a RAID, and he's going to look like an utter f---ing n00b because he's never tanked in his life!

I dunno about you, but if I joined a Raid Guild, the last thing I'd want, is to step into a Raid and them go "um, wtf are you smoking, man!?"

#33 Feb 23 2007 at 9:45 PM Rating: Good
Drama Nerdvana
20,674 posts
Seriously Maz, grow up. It is childish to start getting all /butthurt about the situation. Worse yet keep falling back on a "ZOMG! You don't play druid for a main, you know nothing" argument.

It is infantile, embarrassing and reminiscent of the actions you took while posting under the title Qaoz.
Bode - 100 Holy Paladin - Lightbringer
#34 Feb 23 2007 at 9:48 PM Rating: Good
1,288 posts
From all I've heard and read about on Druid and Paladin tanking, even in heroic mode 5 mans, Druids and Paladins for the most part, if not entirely, lack the ability to avoid those Crushing Blows that kill tanks and wipe groups. This will be even more prevalent in 25 man content.

I'm still confident in Warrior tanks, because as a Warlock, they have more tools to get the mob off me, and as a Paladin, well I personally have been a great main tank from 1-59 in the old world 5 mans, but I don't love the responsibility. I still think a good Warrior will do a better job than me.

I'd be happy to see Druids and Paladins left as viable second rate tanks & healers, and let Warriors be buffed significantly and come back into their role of taking the beating for groups.
#35 Feb 23 2007 at 9:52 PM Rating: Good
Drama Nerdvana
20,674 posts
Dread Lord Sanvyn wrote:
From all I've heard and read about on Druid and Paladin tanking, even in heroic mode 5 mans, Druids and Paladins for the most part, if not entirely, lack the ability to avoid those Crushing Blows that kill tanks and wipe groups. This will be even more prevalent in 25 man content.

I'm still confident in Warrior tanks, because as a Warlock, they have more tools to get the mob off me, and as a Paladin, well I personally have been a great main tank from 1-59 in the old world 5 mans, but I don't love the responsibility. I still think a good Warrior will do a better job than me.

I'd be happy to see Druids and Paladins left as viable second rate tanks & healers, and let Warriors be buffed significantly and come back into their role of taking the beating for groups.

Very true, you need that steady block chance that Warriors have to break down CB's. A Prot specced Paladin would need Redoubt + Holy Shield to deal with it and that is just to random a thing to have to count on in a pinch.

There was a very good post on it on the O-board, pally forum earlier today. They had the math and everything for it. Though it was just theory, not tested.
Bode - 100 Holy Paladin - Lightbringer
#36 Feb 23 2007 at 9:53 PM Rating: Decent
Back again. As said before. My main is a warrior. Want to know why. Because it was my first toon and the easiest to play. You stand there and wack at something till one of you dies. Not much more to it than that. Yes once I started tanking instances I learned just how challenging the role can be. But after months and months of tanking I really got tired of it. I rolled a hunter then. WOW what a diffent play style. I could actually drop mobs pretty quick. Lvled that guy up. Boredem sets in again. I always loved the druids but had put them off just because it looked like quite a load to handle. I hate that I waited so long to roll one now. I love the class, love being able to change rolls and play style. As for warriors. Boohoo. Warriors will always have a spot but why cry so much just because someone else can do your job. Not neccessarily better, but different. And NO we cant tank and do anything else at the same time. Its not just pressing a damn button. Shift out and get two shotted. Sure, if your tanking one trash mob you could bash and heal yourself but thats they only time you would dare switch out of bear form. Plus you get no pots or alot of the other skills warriors get for tanking. And if you think a feral spec'd druid could heal an instance without a dedicated set of healing gear, then you are dead wrong.

Very true, you need that steady block chance that Warriors have to break down CB's

Exactly. Druids will never truely replace warriors for many reasons. This being one of them.

Edited, Feb 24th 2007 12:55am by scudderfunk
#38 Feb 23 2007 at 10:23 PM Rating: Default
This nerf had damaged our pvping more than anything. Which, imho, is where all the warrior crys started. Tanking was just an excuse. The nerf makes us less effective tanks, not much but less. It didnt help warriors. They got their buffs, why nerf the druids? The mangle damage, ok, I can understand to a very small degree, but why the other nerfs like armor and savage fury? Why the decrease in crit chance? We sure arent out dps'n any rogues that I know. These may look like very small changes, but they add up to one big nerf. They decreased bear dps AND kitty dps with the predatory instincts nerf. And I still dont understand why ILotP cant crit on a heal anymore.
#39 Feb 23 2007 at 10:59 PM Rating: Good
4,717 posts
* "Ancient Draenei War Talisman" now shares a cooldown with all trinkets that temporarily increase damage done.

****. Off. Blizzard.

I am serious. This is the only reason I got the damn thing. And I went through that bugged, ****** up and mostly useless quest for it. And I freed Corki when I rather feed him to the ogres.

Small nerf to paladins, meh. They nerfed Ret so much this little thing is a joke.
#40 Feb 23 2007 at 11:13 PM Rating: Good
717 posts
Yes, actually. The European CM said that nerfing wouldn't happen, that Druids were fine. Guess he missed the memo.

Then he was a fool, plain and simple.

Jack of all trades, master of none. That's what druid was meant to be and never should they be superior to specialists, ever.

Any druid who is surprised at this shouldn't be. Bliz said themselves they didn't like how warrior turned out in this expansion.
#41 Feb 23 2007 at 11:14 PM Rating: Decent
This seems to ***** over Ferral combat people(mainly bear,wich I hardly ever use).They buffed Moonkin form.Seems I will now fall on the Balance side of the tree after all.I don't do instances anyway.Also,looks like the Priests got jacked a bit too.At least I never got used to what it was,so I lost nothing.
#42 Feb 23 2007 at 11:15 PM Rating: Decent
29 posts
At least hunters didn't recieve another nerf...
#43 Feb 23 2007 at 11:17 PM Rating: Decent
Citizen's Arrest!
29,527 posts
Prince justdistaint wrote:
* "Ancient Draenei War Talisman" now shares a cooldown with all trinkets that temporarily increase damage done.

@#%^. Off. Blizzard.

I am serious. This is the only reason I got the damn thing. And I went through that bugged, @#%^ed up and mostly useless quest for it. And I freed Corki when I rather feed him to the ogres.

Was it behaving old school style where you could have it up at the same time as another trinket?
#44 Feb 23 2007 at 11:34 PM Rating: Excellent
Dear god, why can't you delete threads you create? I read the whole argument on here and wish I'd never posted this.

Xylia, hybrid does not mean "takes any job role except yours." For druids it means "With the right spec and the right gear, can be made completely viable wherever it's needed." Currently we are slightly overpowered in this, and warriors are slightly underpowered in this. This does NOT mean it's the end of the world. I personally feel bear might have been tweaked a little too much in damage without a threat buff (warriors need more threat, the normalization helps that. Druids don't avoid damage so we're capped on threat already most of the time.) But it was the direction things needed to go. That does not mean you were useless before, or we should be useless after. What you've been experiencing is a small gap in the classes turned into a canyon by the players. That's exactly what we faced for a very long time. That's why many druids find it hard to take you seriously, especially with your tone. We've stepped over the gap and found it not that wide.

Also, druids are not hybrids like shamans or paladins are hybrids. When tanking, we cannot do anything but tank. When healing, we cannot do anything but heal. To do something else involves completely giving up the previous task. While tanking (not between mobs) we cannot do quick healing on someone. While healing we cannot bring our full dps to bear against, say, a tank at the end of coilfang, at least not without spending 1000 mana when we're likely tapped out anyway. Is our hybrid nature a strength? Yes, but not usually in any single PvE battle.

Mazra, this is a longtime druid telling you this: you had to have been blind not to see something like this coming. Druids needed a buff, we got a buff. Like the warrior nerf, both overshot their mark. As we've been saying all over the place, druid is damn near perfect except that bearform does a bit too much damage. This patch addresses that. Is it too much? Time will tell. I'm a dang good tank, and I will be a dang good tank after 2.0.10. My dpsers might need to be a little more on their toes, but it's the person that makes the tank just as much as it is the class, if not more. We're not going back to the old days, those of us trying to keep good relations between the classes and maintain the necessary balance won't let that happen. If we're ever truly in danger of that, I have no doubt Quor and I and many other people on here will be yelling right alongside you.

, chill out. Stop making mountains out of molehills, stop believing the opinions you read on the o-boards ("hey, let's compare a twinked out full-proccing druid to a just-70 warrior! NERF DRUIDS!"), and for god's sake stop feeling the only way to convey your ideas is to leap headfirst into hyperbole.

There, that feels good. I doubt anyone will listen but I'm glad I said that.

Edited, Feb 23rd 2007 11:36pm by selebrin
#45 Feb 23 2007 at 11:46 PM Rating: Good
Citizen's Arrest!
29,527 posts
selebrin of the Seven Seas wrote:
stop feeling the only way to convey your ideas is to leap headfirst into hyperbole.


Nobody ever understands my ideas if I leap headfirst into a parabola. I figured a hyperbola was the next logical step!

Just kidding. Excellent Post selebrin. Rate up.
#46 Feb 23 2007 at 11:47 PM Rating: Good
8,779 posts
very well said sel.
#47 Feb 24 2007 at 12:09 AM Rating: Decent
1,113 posts
lol @ topic..

..and Sel wins.

Small Nerf for druids.

Slight buff for Warriors.

Patch looks good, imo.

I can't count the amount of times I've charged a group of mobs, switched to defensive stance, and then realized I didn't thunderclap and had to either lose the rage going back to battle, or dump some rage real quick and go into Battle in order to use it. It was just an inconvenience, but it'll be nice not worrying about it.
#48 Feb 24 2007 at 12:15 AM Rating: Decent
717 posts
When tanking, we cannot do anything but tank. When healing, we cannot do anything but heal.

Ditto, when tanking I can't do anything but tank and when healing...wait a minute...

Any argument that druids should tank as well as warriors fails right there.

Fill in what's missing from the puzzle? Always. Take someone else's place? no

Edited, Feb 24th 2007 3:17am by Shamibell
#49 Feb 24 2007 at 12:44 AM Rating: Excellent
1,233 posts
Thanks for posting this Selebrin.

Personally, and this is my opinion only, your
selebrin wrote:
When tanking, we cannot do anything but tank.
falls far short of the actual mark, and is what Xylia has been fighting over.

Warriors in full prot gear have very very little DPS, Druids in full feral/tank gear have respectable DPS, especially with abilities such as mangle etc. combined with your previous 15% crit buff and LotP aura, you had a very high crit chance along with it while still in bear form. Warriors can't touch that at all. So in full tanking gear while tanking you can still outperform that warrior. And while you may not have potions available you have a bear form rage -> health regeneration ability. On multiple mobs you have swipe (thank god for thunderclap in defensive stance coming up).

If you were both putting together a bike, the warrior shows up with a screwdriver and some overalls and the druid shows up with a welding mask and powerdrill.

This patch should even it up a bit, which is all warriors really wanted anyway.

And no, it isn't the end of the world.
#50 Feb 24 2007 at 5:07 AM Rating: Decent
Ghost in the Machine
36,443 posts
Good post, Sel.

I took a chill pill.

I still think they overdid it with the nerf. And I still think we've been reduced to pre-2.0 state when it comes to usefulness in groups. Time to be a healbot again.

Edited, Feb 24th 2007 8:08am by Mazra
Please "talk up" if your comprehension white-shifts. I will use simple-happy language-words to help you understand.
#51 Feb 24 2007 at 5:36 AM Rating: Decent
150 posts
Omfg can rogues get some lovins too?
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