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#227 Feb 27 2007 at 4:29 PM Rating: Decent
1,392 posts

Where did you hear that? Afaik neither has any threat other than dmg done.


Demo shout: yeah, but more threat than ours and people claim spamming ours is good for aoe threat (morons) so I threw it in.

Demo Roar: 42 Threat.
Demo shout: 43 Threat.

Come on now, its splitting hairs. You've said that you're classifying it against a prot warrior so they won't have the imp demo talent either(because they'd be frankly mad to miss imp thunderclap).
#228 Feb 27 2007 at 8:39 PM Rating: Decent
13,048 posts
Warriors build hate on threat levels, Druids build hate on damage done. It needs to be changed.
#229 Feb 27 2007 at 8:52 PM Rating: Decent
463 posts
Wooot! Warriors needed a little buffing! And druids were owning a tad much...was embarrassing to other classes.
#230 Feb 27 2007 at 8:55 PM Rating: Decent
384 posts
What is considered a snare effect? Something that slows you down? Like hamstring or wingclip?
#231 Feb 28 2007 at 12:58 AM Rating: Default
I have read quite a few of the posts, thought he sheer number is staggering to say the least.

As far as I am concerned - was a lev 60 warrior for about 6 months - warriors are very powerful. I spent half my time tanking, and half DPSing. Upon tanking I did well enough, frankly I have only seen a druid tank a few times, and am not sure of the skill/physics of the whole thing. I never lost agro, and seldom died, though I despised tanking. My guild preferred warriors over druids for some reason, I assumed it was because they couldn't tank as well. I am not completely sure as I have never been a druid.

As far as DPSing is concerned, there is not a soul alive that could beat me in the charts. Though it took me about 4 months of respeccing and gearing up. I have only met one person who could top me, and he happened to be a hunter in full epics.

PVP is my favorite aspect of being a warrior. Apart from a Shaman, I prefer to PVP with a warrior. I only have probs with 2 classes, mages and druids. Mages, for obvious reasons, you cannot kill what you can't catch as a warrior. Druids go strait into bear, when I nearly have em killed they vine me and heal <--- BTW the cheapest move in all of WOW. (Apart from the pallies bub-heal) But I have come to accept it, as all classes have at least two classes that easily own them.

I love the buffs, but I am sure they are going to be followed by nerfs. The druids didn't deserve to get nerfed imo. My shaman goes through druids like they are butter. Now that they are nerfed they have even less of a chance.

One last thing to all of you warriors that complain all the time. Learn how to use a warrior you noobs...

#232 Feb 28 2007 at 1:20 AM Rating: Default
I like how this posts is completely devoid of "I'm playing a level 70 warrior". Rather, it's based completely on everything pre-BC. So, it doesn't apply to anything discussed in this thread, at all. This patch and the changes were intended to fix end-game and high-level imbalances.

The experience professed in the post so flagrantly follows a long line poor logic that stupidly refers to a state in the game that no longer exists as a reference to current balance, with the current talents, and the current gear, and the current level cap, and the current instances and class progression. No, none of that comes into the equation.

Just another sock who can't understand how the game works while they preach their opinion. I especially liked the "omg I'm so good at warrior" tyrade. Ignorance is bliss, and this guy is completely blissful. I laugh at the "6 months of level 60, nobody could ever beat me!" schtick. On a PvE server, were you?

I don't want to hear some idiot congratulating himself on a mediocre level 60 and telling me I don't know how to play my 70 warrior. Do you have experience in the gameplay balance at level 70 as a warrior? No? So who the fu[red][/red]ck do you think you're talking to? Judging by your post, you don't even know how to trinket competently.

You talk big for somebody who has 0 credibility.
#233 Feb 28 2007 at 2:11 AM Rating: Good
Ghost in the Machine
36,443 posts
VVillow, I'd love to read a post of yours that used actual facts instead of "you're a doo-doo head" remarks.
Please "talk up" if your comprehension white-shifts. I will use simple-happy language-words to help you understand.
#234 Feb 28 2007 at 6:00 AM Rating: Good
I'm going to take a step back to the original point of the thread which was all PTR changes, not just the druid/warrior stuff. And one of the unlisted changes was Forbearance adding -15% damage dealt. Thankfully, they realized how dumb of an idea that is and have now removed it from the PTR (or so I've been told).

I can see how in 2v2 a 2 pally team might be overpowered, but that was not a well-thought out fix.

I admittedly was looking forward to being able to grief same-faction players who pissed me off by using BoP on them and reducing their damage output.
#235 Feb 28 2007 at 6:14 AM Rating: Decent
1,287 posts
Rumor is also going that DS and AW will share CD's. This already makes AW near useless in PvP, since you'll be relying on your DS later on in the fight. If I use AW at the start of the fight, then if I can stall stuff for a minute, Forebearance will be gone and I can use DS. Already pretty risky. With the chance, AW will become useless. Which is a shame, since it's one of only 3 new spells we got, the 2nd being only a replacement of existing spells (we can only have one Seal at a time), and the 3rd only being usefull out of combat (yes, +20% ride speed is awesome, but it doesn't do us any good in Arena's, Instances or whatever.

If they bring it to the concept to shared CD's at least put in some options that actually help out on our primary roles, IE, a short time heal burst and a short time of damage migitation that does NOT drop the aggro.
#236 Feb 28 2007 at 6:17 AM Rating: Good
1,748 posts
Mazra wrote:
VVillow, I'd love to read a post of yours that used actual facts instead of "you're a doo-doo head" remarks.

wouldn't we all...
#237 Feb 28 2007 at 9:00 AM Rating: Decent
That's why druids are saying we need either more damage than warriors or more threat multiplier than a warrior.

Why on earth do you need more threat multipliers than a warrior?
You're not SUPPOSED to be better than warriors at tanking, neither are you supposed to be better damage dealers than rogues.
You're a little of both (including healing).
#238 Feb 28 2007 at 10:59 AM Rating: Excellent
Colphin wrote:
That's why druids are saying we need either more damage than warriors or more threat multiplier than a warrior.

Why on earth do you need more threat multipliers than a warrior?
You're not SUPPOSED to be better than warriors at tanking, neither are you supposed to be better damage dealers than rogues.
You're a little of both (including healing).

And therin lies the seed of argument in this thread. Allow me to sum it up:

If druids are as strong as their parents' classes they become too powerful in a situation where they can shift forms/gear on the fly, pvp. Thus druids need to be nerfed below them. PvP view.

If druids are not as strong as their parent classes, then in pve the better class will be picked, because idiots don't understand they should be looking for the better player. That means that druids won't be picked for tanking, dps, or magic dps but will instead be grabbed for healing, because the idiots who claim to be "hardcore" almost universally seem to think the solution to any fight is to throw more healers at it. Also because the leaders of said hardcore guilds are often not healers, so don't mind if we take those jobs. If druids are made as strong as their parent classes, with different balancing in the strengths (as we've already seen in healing between druids and priests, or in dps between rogues and kitties), then the best player will get picked, and we get a reward for being the best we can instead of being told we'd be in end-game now if we'd specced healer and slept through raids. Unable to change gear in-combat, druids are unlikely to play more than one role in a fight, and less likely to be strong at all of them in the same fight. Thus druids' shifting abilities don't coe into play in pve. PvE view.

So, which wins? PvP or PvE? The first step is acknowledging that in the current state you can't support both. In the current form, if druids are competitive in PvP they'll be ignored as "weak" in PvE. If up-to-par in PvE they'll be overpowered in PvP. People's stance on this issue will depend on their preferences for this game, and how can we call either stance wrong?

Think about that before you become so attached to one view you ignore all information about the other.
#239 Feb 28 2007 at 12:05 PM Rating: Decent
1,487 posts
WoW is balanced towards Group PvP, so that school always wins.

ThelsDeKwant wrote:
Rumor is also going that DS and AW will share CD's. This already makes AW near useless in PvP, since you'll be relying on your DS later on in the fight. If I use AW at the start of the fight, then if I can stall stuff for a minute, Forebearance will be gone and I can use DS. Already pretty risky. With the chance, AW will become useless. Which is a shame, since it's one of only 3 new spells we got, the 2nd being only a replacement of existing spells (we can only have one Seal at a time), and the 3rd only being usefull out of combat (yes, +20% ride speed is awesome, but it doesn't do us any good in Arena's, Instances or whatever.

If they bring it to the concept to shared CD's at least put in some options that actually help out on our primary roles, IE, a short time heal burst and a short time of damage migitation that does NOT drop the aggro.

The shared cooldown was also given as a cancelled change.
#240 Feb 28 2007 at 12:14 PM Rating: Good
Shared cooldown for DS and AW was also a fairly stupid-sounding idea. I say stupid-sounding b/c I can almost see the logic, but the power of AW is ok for a 3 minute CD but rather underwhelming on a 5 minute cooldown. But bubble would be overwhelming on a 3 minute CD.

I'm glad to hear that it got cancelled as well. So is the only remaining change on this topic that AW no longer causes forbearance or did that get cancelled as well?

Edited, Feb 28th 2007 3:14pm by Riggy
#241 Feb 28 2007 at 12:52 PM Rating: Decent
(Edit: For some reason the quote I put on there of VVillows didn't show up, but this post is directed at him/her)

Ouch, I was just insulted by another incompetent warrior who I have never met before.


And another thing, I said nobody could beat me at DPS. Good shot there taking my statement out of contex. I am not sure how this has anything to do with the PVE vs. PVP server equation. What? Is it harder to dps when hordies could attack you out outside of an instance? It must just be the stress of "OMFG! As soon as I walk out of this instance I could be attacked by a hordie!"

And no, i am not level 70, I am lev 63. As far as my current knowledge is concerned I can tank as well as any druid. I highly doubt the +Armor +AP bonus' on the new druid weapons really make that much difference. Not to mention, you have plate, and last I checked the stamina, STR and armor numbers on the new gear is staggering. Besides, you have a shield, and shield block. You can use it every few seconds to negate the damage of two attacks if you spec for it. Last I knew druids didnt have anything of the sort. And looka here, revenge <--- Loverly attack, gives tons of hate, even if you dont parry, you can always shield block and use it.

I petitioned quite a few feral druids my level. My armor <--- Not terribly geared for my level, is 8.5k. Of the druids (feral) that I have petitioned around my level their stamina and armor is equivalent to that of mine. Not to mention the fact that we take 10% less damage in defencive stance.

See what i did here VVillow. Instead of coming out and blatantly insulting you, but providing no relavent information, i did some homework. Sorry I had to give you a lesson in tanking, it seemed like you needed it.


Edited, Feb 28th 2007 3:53pm by Dumwarrior
#242 Feb 28 2007 at 1:02 PM Rating: Decent
1,487 posts
Prince Riggy wrote:
I'm glad to hear that it got cancelled as well. So is the only remaining change on this topic that AW no longer causes forbearance or did that get cancelled as well?

The only change is the one listed on page 1.


* The slowing affect from "Avenger's Shield" is now considered a snare, so snare removal and immunity affects will now work on it.

That's all for this patch. It also means that Avenging Wrath's duration is staying the same, though.
#243 Mar 02 2007 at 10:32 AM Rating: Decent
ya this druid nerf is ridiculous. i know that we got a little bit beefed up...maybe a bit more than we should have...ok. but they went a little overkill on the nerfage. they took away way to much, now we won't be able to hold agro worth crap, rendering us worthless against multiple mobs. so whats the point now of having a druid tank anymore...
as far as warriors complaining about us being able to tank...its not cause we are overpowered, its cause you suck at tanking, i am sorry, but learn how to play your class better and you won't have to deal with being replaced...

way to many times... before the expansion came out... i would be cat forming it with a warrior tank, only to replace him cause he doesn't know what/how to do his job. This happened almost 90% of the time. so instead of saying we are too good...maybe you should re-evaluate how you play and realize that maybe, just maybe, you arn't playing correctly and that if maybe you play more like druid tanks play, you will be better and be more of a value to a group.
#244 Mar 02 2007 at 11:11 AM Rating: Decent
2,580 posts
Besides, you have a shield, and shield block. You can use it every few seconds to negate the damage of two attacks if you spec for it.

Shield block does not negate dmg, it negates crits and crushing blows and "slightly" mitigates dmg. (unless you are like rpzip's GM and have close to 700 block, please share his gear and spec zip cause that is freaking amazing)

armor numbers on the new gear is staggering

I has to be since the higher level you get the more AC you need to get the same mitigation. I had around 6k armor pre patch which granted me roughly 55% mitigation. Now I have 11k armor which grats me 51% mitigation.


Learn to get your facts straight before you make a ranting post about how little someone else knows.
#245 Mar 03 2007 at 12:24 PM Rating: Decent
verb (used with object)
1. to deny the existence, evidence, or truth of: an investigation tending to negate any supernatural influences.
2. to nullify or cause to be ineffective: Progress on the study has been negated by the lack of funds.

It seems to me, the only thing I got wrong was the whole negating thing. I agree, my grasp on the term 'negating' is less than satisfactory. But other than that...

You seem agree with me that the armor, stam, and str in the new gear is awesome.

Edited, Mar 3rd 2007 3:27pm by Dumwarrior
#246 Mar 03 2007 at 12:44 PM Rating: Decent
1,392 posts
Jimpadan wrote:
(unless you are like rpzip's GM and have close to 700 block, please share his gear and spec zip cause that is freaking amazing)

I'd also like to see this, i can only assume its with the Auto-Blocker trinket use ability active because i'm running around with roughly 450 passive block value and basically the best pieces for block value excepting the Auto-Blocker, panzer'thar and maybe the bracers from atumen/heroic ramparts. Those would put me at the 550 mark so i really can't see how he can get up to 700 passive block value.

Armoury link, its up to date at the moment, but no doubt you'll catch me with a riding crop at some point.

Edited, Mar 3rd 2007 3:59pm by Muggins
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