If you want the most experience points for your hour, the only time you should ever be "grinding" is for quests that have you kill particular mobs.
Questing is
THE way to get a strong exp/hour in this game. I'll go as far as to say that regardless of class, you can get a very high exp/hour without even using a DPS talent set (Shadow spec priest, ret paladin, feral druid you get the idea). My Paladin is doing 40,000 to 60,000 exp/hour at the end of a session after quest turn-ins, and I'm 41 Pt Protection. You're kidding if you think I can DPS like a Retribution spec, but it hasn't stopped me from levelling fast. What I mean is, you can level AS a Holy Priest, a Resto Druid, or whatever you want to be.
Jame's Alliance Levelling Guide The site also features Horde guides.
Edited, Jan 12th 2007 1:41am by Sanvyn Edited, Jan 12th 2007 1:46am by Sanvyn