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What I hope to see in WoW.Follow

#1 Jan 11 2007 at 6:54 AM Rating: Good
1,117 posts
Housing: I think it would be a great thing, especially if you allowed major guilds to construct keeps in certain areas of the world that could be accesible by anyone loyal to the guild.

Interactive Items: More thinks like trinkets or 'accesories' to make RP more interactive with the world... or like buying 'abilities' to do special emotes.

Visible Jewelry: Show off your newest epic rings on your hands, rather than just being in an inventtory slot.

Armor Dyes: Make yourself different, but with a huge arrangemnet of colors. It would be great for the Arenas to have matching 'sets' like that, in my opinion.

I guess these ideas serve no real purpose in the game but to add new aspects to it that can be done at any level.

#2 Jan 11 2007 at 6:58 AM Rating: Good
5,645 posts
Housing: I think it would be a great thing, especially if you allowed major guilds to construct keeps in certain areas of the world that could be accesible by anyone loyal to the guild.

Agree, i dont think individual housing is needed really, but guild housing would be cool, and offer some items you can buy for the house (think deer head on the wall, only it's "the beast's" :)

Interactive Items: More thinks like trinkets or 'accesories' to make RP more interactive with the world... or like buying 'abilities' to do special emotes.

Yea some new emotes would be nice, I still think they should add pipe smoking to the game. I mean they have drinking; smoking is a pretty big part in most fantasy lore, they could even have different herbs give you buffs. Plus I think it would just be a cool little animation.


Visible Jewelry: Show off your newest epic rings on your hands, rather than just being in an inventtory slot.

Too much load, for not enough result. How well can you really see someones finger.

Armor Dyes: Make yourself different, but with a huge arrangemnet of colors. It would be great for the Arenas to have matching 'sets' like that, in my opinion.

#3 Jan 11 2007 at 7:18 AM Rating: Decent
1,259 posts
Asheron's Call used to have housing. Both single and guild housing. A normal single player house went for around 200,000 and a few items. The guild mansion would be 3,000,000 and a lot more items. Everyone could recall to the mansion which may or may not be benefitial depending on the location. Decorating was also an option. There were hooks that you could attach furniture, paintings, even weapons that looked cool to display at your house :D

I think this would be a great idea for WoW as well. It would allow guilds to see each other more often, great meeting areas. Maybe a portal to SW or IF nearby that would make travel to and from easier.

I played on the only PvP server, we would take a group of us, swear into a guild. Recall to their Mansion, and then kill everyone there >:D A huge war would ensue, picking off the people portaling in, getting booted from the guild then having another huge war right outside their door. Those were the days.
#4 Jan 11 2007 at 7:22 AM Rating: Decent
2,101 posts
The guild house, I like would be cool, and probably easy to create too. They could make some kind of keep, that just has an instance like portal, but unlike instances where your group gets in maybe the prerequisite to getting in to your guild house, be that you have to where you're guild tabard. Then in the house you could have like a guild AH, maybe a BG entrance for the new 2v2, 3v3, or 5v5 BGs that are coming.

Yeah I agree, with TseYsuo smoking should be in here, I mean come on I sit at the table and drink my mead (that I just fished out of the ocean, how the beer stayed in the cup I have no idea but it's some good stuff), and after my mug is down, I would like to enjoy a puff of the pipe.

The rings wouldn't be that great, I mean you would at most get a colored line on someones finger, mind you I like the idea, I just don't see it going the way you may be thinking it would be cool. You're probably thinking like designed rings, that possibly glow, but I think what it would turn out as is just a colored band on the hand, would be barely noticeable.

Armor dyes, I like. But in keeping with the ideas of WoW, it would have to go a little more in depth than simply buying a dye and changing the color of your gear. I think it would have to be in tune with the crafts. like a tailor could have colored yarn to change the color of cloth armor, leather crafters could get actual dye, to dye leathers, and I don't know what blacksmiths would get to change mail and plate, but you get the concept I am going for.
#5 Jan 11 2007 at 7:23 AM Rating: Decent
1,117 posts
I've never played that game, so I have no idea what to say.

Edit: Besides rings, I think it would be possible to implement trinkets and necklaces to be visible, trinkets being on the hips or what not.

Antoher interesting idea would be to have the Carrot on a Stick trinket visible, with an emote for it that has the player dangling said carrot in front of the mount. Maybe even meat for wolves/raptors/cats?

Edited, Jan 11th 2007 10:27am by Dathur
#6 Jan 11 2007 at 7:36 AM Rating: Decent
24 posts
Great ideas. I love the idea of the guild keeps but as soon as it happens everyone and their mother will try to start a guild just to start a keep. I think it would be hilarious if a guild just used one of the many abandoned houses/buildings throughout the game.

What I would like to see is a "You have mail" icon on the character page. That way a quick glance at all characters will tell you if you have mail and need to actually log in. I am no computer genius but it seems to me that 7 million people switching from character to character just to check mail must hqve an effect on the servers.

I would also like to see more variety of mounts with the ability to achieve more improvements to your mount. The carrot is ok but better if it increased it by 10% or more. How about the guild tabard for your mount or pet.

All in all a fantastic game but the game would be no fun for me, at least, without Allakhazam or the few other companion sites that help me get from a to z and make the most informed decisions about my character.
#7 Jan 11 2007 at 7:44 AM Rating: Good
Just about every mmo has had some form of housing. I'm sorely disappointed with the lack of housing in WoW. My sig has a link to my attempt at guild housing. It was 17 pages on the old forum and maxxed out at 25 pages on the new forum. I think WoW sorely needs some non-combat goals/rewards to keep people interested once the combat system begins to bore them.

Besides housing the one thing I keep mulling over would be to see custom class names depending on your talent spec. If a mage has 40+ points in the Arcane tree, perhaps rename the class to Arcanist; hunters with 40+ points in marksmanship could be re-named rangers; paladins with 40+ in protection could be Ardent Protectors, etc. It adds absolutely no value to the gameplay, but would be really nice from a flavor/RP perspective. Could also be used as the basis for hero classes.
#8 Jan 11 2007 at 7:48 AM Rating: Decent
Land plots for guild sites would be a good idea, and you could choose whether to display a guild house there or not. (Heck, even having lots of guild houses across the world, for easy access?)

Smoking, yeah, sure.

Titles! That's what we need! MORE! GIEF ME MORE! *cough*Click this.*cough* Although I'll never get triple exalted without the ability to turn in marks. :-/

Maybe certain sets designed for dying? Like Arena sets?
#9 Jan 11 2007 at 7:48 AM Rating: Decent
1,259 posts
Here's a decent picture I found on the web of the Mansion I was referring to in Asheron's Call. Check it out its pretty cool.

#10 Jan 11 2007 at 8:03 AM Rating: Good
1,117 posts
When I say guild Keep, I think of a tower, or castle like in Dustwallow Marshes.... the actual cities name escapes me for the moment.
#11 Jan 11 2007 at 8:14 AM Rating: Good
5,645 posts
Antoher interesting idea would be to have the Carrot on a Stick trinket visible,

haha yea that would be great :)
#12 Jan 11 2007 at 8:16 AM Rating: Good
he actual cities name escapes me for the moment.

You're thinking of Theramore, I believe. As long as it's instanced, I'm a huge fan of guild housing (or keeps or whatever).
#14 Jan 11 2007 at 9:23 AM Rating: Decent
464 posts
Haha I do not think we should show epic jewelry, I can just see now all the people yelling "Yo check out my newest bling bling, aint these hot!"

As for the guild housing I think this is a great idea, a little more community where people could hang out. Maybe have an upgradeable butler that will sell you certain items or equipment depending on your reputation or certain quests that you need to complete. For instance once the guild house is set up have quests needing 5 people, 10 people, 20 people up to however many and once this is complete everyone able to get a certain trinket or ring with certain stats from the guild merchant.
#15 Jan 11 2007 at 1:09 PM Rating: Decent
Dathur Esquire wrote:
Housing: I think it would be a great thing, especially if you allowed major guilds to construct keeps in certain areas of the world that could be accesible by anyone loyal to the guild.

In order to have housing, it's got to do something that isn't already included in the game - that makes guild housing particularly useful. However, it should not take up any real estate at all, but be instanced. Guild housing should be able to take care of guild "things", like the guild bank, the guild calendar, DKP implentation/records, etc.

Interactive Items: More thinks like trinkets or 'accesories' to make RP more interactive with the world... or like buying 'abilities' to do special emotes.

There are already a ton of "fun" items in the game. Not to say that there shouldn't be more.

Visible Jewelry: Show off your newest epic rings on your hands, rather than just being in an inventory slot.

People can already inspect you if you're close enough and stand still. This is unnecessary.

Armor Dyes: Make yourself different, but with a huge arrangemnet of colors. It would be great for the Arenas to have matching 'sets' like that, in my opinion.

Blizz has already stated that this is not feasible, due to the way they implemented graphics. Each color would require different art, not just a blanket color change. That would make the number of files that need to be kept at the client humongous, and I can think of hundreds of things I'd rather see their artists work on (like new instances).
#16 Jan 11 2007 at 1:13 PM Rating: Decent
19,369 posts
Prince Riggy wrote:
he actual cities name escapes me for the moment.

You're thinking of Theramore, I believe. As long as it's instanced, I'm a huge fan of guild housing (or keeps or whatever).

I don't think they'd be viable if they weren't instanced. Hundreds of guilds many popping up every day and dying off in a couple of weeks. It'd be too much physical space in the world for all of them to occupy.
#17 Jan 11 2007 at 1:28 PM Rating: Decent
I have to agree with mike on the "housing" being instanced. With such a huge player base and the fact that each individual character an account can make (50 isn't it?) you would have guild keeps everywhere, i doubt you could even fit that many into the game. But then unfortunately if it was instanced for the guild members no one would be able to see inside them or burgle them hahah.
#18 Jan 11 2007 at 1:31 PM Rating: Good
I don't think they'd be viable if they weren't instanced. Hundreds of guilds many popping up every day and dying off in a couple of weeks. It'd be too much physical space in the world for all of them to occupy.

There are arguments both ways. In a game like SWG or Shadowbane, non-instanced housing was almost a design point from the get-go (from what I understand, I didn't play them). But for those folks who've never played an mmo before or have come from a game with non-instanced housing, they walk around and think to themselves how awesome it would be to have a house sitting down in Feralas or up in Winterspring and think that they could just plop them down with no repercussions.

One thing I thought would be neat would be to have portals in the major cities to jump straight to housing, but then to have a single proxy for each type of guild housing. Like have one guild hall in Winterspring that would have the portal into the instanced guild hall for each guild. It adds no functional value to the game, but it solves the desire of many people to have their guild hall have some physical representation out in the overland map.
#19 Jan 11 2007 at 2:47 PM Rating: Decent
What I'd suggest is actually doing something like there's a plot of land in certain areas, if you join your guild then the guild hall will appear there. So, instead of it being TRULY instanced or destroying the game world, it'll be like a mix between being instanced and appearing in game. Might be viable, might not be.
#20 Jan 11 2007 at 5:23 PM Rating: Default
first time poster long time lurker.

would just like to chime in on the guild housing idea:


Blizz should not go through having to develope new areas or buildings or anything else involved for such a thing just for guilds. Guilds are fickle, most don't last more than a month, if that. We all know about the legendary guilds that are huge and have been around forever, however, think of all those guilds that fail in one week.

Okay so now you're going to say "Well make it so only guilds that have been in existance X amount of time and has at least X amount of members can have housing." Still retarded. Catering to guild, IN MY OPINION, is ridiculous. And doing something as drastic as developing housing is downright absurd.

Yes I have been in and currently belong to guilds. Yes I know full well their value, however, I think some people make too much out of it. I find groups easy enough. I have friends on the servers I play on. I give and receive assistance. But come on... it's only a guild... guilds do fine without Blizz catering to them.

Edited, Jan 11th 2007 8:17pm by jrosatethree
#21 Jan 11 2007 at 5:39 PM Rating: Decent
19,369 posts
jrosatethree wrote:
first time poster long time lurker.

would just like to chime in on the guild housing idea:


Blizz should not go through having to develope new areas or buildings or anything else involved for such a thing just for guilds. Guilds are fickle, most don't last more than a month, if that. We all know about the legendary guilds that are huge and have been around forever, however, think of all those guilds that fail in one week.

Okay so now you're going to say "Well make it so only guilds that have been in existance X amount of time and has at least X amount of members can have housing." Still retarded. Catering to guild, IN MY OPINION, is ridiculous. And doing something as drastic as developing housing is downright absurd.

Yes I have been in and currently belong to guilds. Yes I know full well their value, however, I think some people make too much out of it. I find groups easy enough. I have friends on the servers I play on. I give and receive assistance. But come on... it's only a guild... guilds do fine without Blizz catering to them.

Edited, Jan 11th 2007 8:17pm by jrosatethree

EQ's guild housing works great. Simple small instanced area with guild and player bankers and various merchants and things like forges etc. It's not a retarded idea. It wouldn't take all that much in the design and 3d part because it'd be smaller and simpler than the smallest instanced dungeon. It's a possible idea that would work.
#22 Jan 11 2007 at 5:42 PM Rating: Default
what care I about EQ? We're talking WoW.
#23 Jan 11 2007 at 8:23 PM Rating: Default
68 posts
Having played Starwars Galaxies for a while one of the biggest things I miss beyond more instense crafting is the housing system. I understand that it wouldn't work at all for WOW, but how would instance-based houses negatively affect the gameworld? Fighting and slaughtering mobs can get old after a while and the woman in me wants to decorate darn it! Ah well, maybe in the next patch.
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