I am the first one to gripe if a high lvl alli is ganking low lvl Horde. But last night I laughed at a reversal of that issue. Was in Ratchet doing meaningless quests, build rep, and a lvl 10 elf comes running into camp. Just by the way they were running you could tell they were running scared. The elf thinking they were unnoticed ran to the end of the pier. Well lvl 31 Tauren went after them. I whispered to leave them alone...they are only lvl 10. Lvl 31 one-hit the elf and dead. Was kind of funny. As the Tauren ran past me he said that they always pick on him so ***** them. I am sorry but I had to laugh. You could tell the elf was a newb because here he came running back from the graveyard. Most of us, I believe, would have traveled to the body hoping the boat would be there any second and then rez and jump on the boat. Nope, he missed the boat. Even funnier when he missed the boat a lvl 14 elf got off the boat.
Well to make things even funnier, now there are 2 low lvl elves running around in total panic mode. Then out of now here there is a lvl ?? human warrior getting wacked on by the Ratchet guards. He gets rid of the guards. Thinking the human is going to protect the elves they run over to him and wait by him. HE LEAVES THEM!! They freak out! So now the 2 elves are running amock because by this time there are several lvl 20-30 Hordes around. The 2 elves went and hid in a building. I had to see what happened from here. By this time the boat pulls up. They miss the boat! They again start freaking out! They ran all the way down the pier, then start running back. I laughed at them, being late, I left them.
lvl 24 Tauren Shaman