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Camping from 40 yrds. in AVFollow

#1 Jan 09 2007 at 5:02 PM Rating: Decent
I dont know if this was done intentionaly or not but the Horde is now able to cap AS SP and SH graveyards from 40 yrds away. Its been like the the past 5 games I was in and won 4 out of those 5 games simply by "ninjaing" over and over so they can't spawn.

I've just been hiding behind a tree or around a corner and taking the flag

Is it the same for the alliance?
#2 Jan 09 2007 at 9:24 PM Rating: Default
135 posts
I dont know if this was done intentionaly or not but the Horde is now able to cap AS SP and SH graveyards from 40 yrds away. Its been like the the past 5 games I was in and won 4 out of those 5 games simply by "ninjaing" over and over so they can't spawn.

I've just been hiding behind a tree or around a corner and taking the flag

Is it the same for the alliance?

Just wonderful, funny how it's always the Horde side that finds and uses the exploits.
#3 Jan 09 2007 at 9:27 PM Rating: Decent;mid=116839639336587391;num=2;page=1

yup. Current rumor is it's Shammies with farsight. It spread like wildfire through the horde and they do it every game, no one on teh alliance seems to know how they are doing it for sure.

#4 Jan 09 2007 at 10:09 PM Rating: Decent
I wasn't aware it was an exploit. That's why I'm asking if alliance can do it also...

and of course I noticed it when I went to cap a flag and I was able to from far away. Its not like I said "hmmm I'm going to spend a few hours and see what blizzard screwed up on and exploit the crap out of it."

Funny how it's always the alliance that is jumping to conclusions.

EDIT: just found out Alliance can use it also

Edited, Jan 10th 2007 1:04am by SonOfA
#5 Jan 09 2007 at 11:26 PM Rating: Default
Well Allinace Valley has been lop sided for so long why cheat when you are spoon fed win after win. There is no reason to exploit something when it's handed to you on a silver platter.
#6 Jan 09 2007 at 11:29 PM Rating: Good
8,779 posts
Well Allinace Valley has been lop sided for so long why cheat when you are spoon fed win after win. There is no reason to exploit something when it's handed to you on a silver platter.

ok, listen here ********** if youre losing on horde side its cause you and your teammates suck. i play my druid, and getting 5 people together who know their **** isnt hard, and god forbid i get people from the same server together, cause we'll win that **** in 15 minutes...and thats without the stupid exploit pull on vann.

so if youre losing AV as horde, its YOUR problem. ive played both sides, and trust me, its damn even, despite what whiners such as yourself think.
#7 Jan 09 2007 at 11:37 PM Rating: Good
Citizen's Arrest!
29,527 posts
Quor wrote:
so if youre losing AV as horde, its YOUR problem. ive played both sides, and trust me, its damn even, despite what whiners such as yourself think.

I love you Quor.

Just thought I'd put that out there. Smiley: grin

Edit: Apparently some ******* don't. ******* ruined the rateup I gave ya and didn't even respond to the thread.

Edited, Jan 10th 2007 1:23am by Poldaran
#8 Jan 10 2007 at 12:17 AM Rating: Good
ok, listen here dumb-sh*t. if youre losing on horde side its cause you and your teammates suck. i play my druid, and getting 5 people together who know their sh*t isnt hard, and god forbid i get people from the same server together, cause we'll win that sh*t in 15 minutes...and thats without the stupid exploit pull on vann.

so if youre losing AV as horde, its YOUR problem. ive played both sides, and trust me, its damn even, despite what whiners such as yourself think.

So, So beautiful *sniffle*
#9 Jan 10 2007 at 12:23 AM Rating: Default
Quor, I've killed more than one Tier1+ alliance in AV 1on1 with my lock (all pre-46 sh*tty blues except for wrists, legs and boots which are still 50,51 and 54 respectively). Of course, locks are powerful, but they could still blow me to pieces if they played it correctly, and of course the game is all about group pvp not individual, but letting themselves get beaten with such a gear advantage says a lot about the players pvp capabilities.

We horde have got a much harder time getting shot while getting to SP GY, once you've got IB you can just stroll and have a chat down to FW which is in the middle of a f*cking plain. That's just the most obvious difference in terrain.

For the moment there's also the little thing about pallys who can kite away guards while horde defenders can do NOTHING about it until bubble wears off, and by then they have to decide wether to run after the pally to take him down so the guards return or try to throw off the piles of alliance running in to cap the GY.

Of course I won't be as naive as to say that the fact many hordes don't know how to play and just repeat "OMFG ZEEEERRGGGG" and the such on a constant basis pulling a load of clueless people with them largely achievining nothing, as well as insulting people on defense, doesn't f*ck up our chances of winning daily. But then, we still get those in AB and beat the crap out of alliance on most runs, so even though its a much larger BG there's gotta be something more to it.

PS: AFK mark-farmers also help you people a lot, F*CKIN B*TCHES should all die drowning in their own vomit. It can't take them so much effort to help a bit so that even if we lose we'll get some extra honor, and if it does then they shouldn't fuccin play, the basterds.

Edited, Jan 10th 2007 3:20am by Azatodeth
#10 Jan 10 2007 at 2:03 AM Rating: Good
1,288 posts
Well, that would explain the 4 AV losses in a row I was in the other night, all in 15 minutes. I'm not sure what to say beyond that I hope it's fixed.

AV, WSG and AB are all completely fair fights; but I really wish you Horde players would shut your **** holsters about losing AV consistently. We Alliance have about a 90% loss rate on both WSG and AB, so consider yourself lucky that your faction completely dominates two out of the current three battlegrounds whether pickup or preformed.

I'm actually sorry to be outright offensive, but I just can't stand the whining any more. It's unnerving to see people who really have it ******* great, complaining.
#11 Jan 10 2007 at 2:19 AM Rating: Default
259 posts
About the perceived imbalance of Alterac Valley.

Before cross-server battlegrounds I did many AVs with my paladin. I got to exalted with Stormpike. I never won an AV. I've always wondered when I was reading about Alliance would trash Horde in AV elsewhere and why we couldn't do it. All the carefully described advantages for Alliance were constantly turned against us - and we really tried! Now on my server the H:A ratio was for some time 2:1, they had to wait sometimes 4 hours to get into an AV instance. Nevertheless all the notorious Horde warriors had their TUF weeks after AV's debut. (And proceeded to smash me with it in world PVP...)

Now since cross-server realms came up, I've won many AVs. But not all! Horde can still win AV. And I lost several AVs in the last month since 2.0.1 came about. And not always by the Rush-straight-to-Vanndar-method. Horde can effectively disrupt any Alliance strategy I've seen.
#12 Jan 10 2007 at 2:34 AM Rating: Good
8,779 posts
We horde have got a much harder time getting shot while getting to SP GY, once you've got IB you can just stroll and have a chat down to FW which is in the middle of a f*cking plain. That's just the most obvious difference in terrain.

we horde? *WE* horde?!

motherf*cker, i AM horde! and you want to talk to me about getting to SP?! have you ever f*cking played the OLD AV? i dont mean the most recent pre-patch incarnation of it, im talking about OG AV. you know, the infamous iceblood rush....the death traps of mine fields....the 20 people on each side specifically farming dreamfoil, rich thorium, and fish? the gold farmers killing npcs? the constant demands for killing korrak? DO YOU EVEN KNOW WHO KORRAK IS?!

ill wager you dont. i know ALL about getting to SP GY motherf*cker. i know all about alliance pulling drek to the mine that they just capped and winning in 5 minutes. you want exploits? what the horde do now is NOTHING. and only horde who suck use exploits. real horde, like the ones on my horde server, win via skill and strategy.

ive figured out how to stop an alliance attack squad of 20 with 5 horde at IB. i learned that strat over the course of 1,000+ AV games on my HORDE druid. ive also learned how to shut down an entire horde offensive at SH GY with a handful of players, on my ALLIANCE warrior. yes, thats right, if you didnt read that in my first post, ive played BOTH.

PS: AFK mark-farmers also help you people a lot, F*CKIN B*TCHES should all die drowning in their own vomit. It can't take them so much effort to help a bit so that even if we lose we'll get some extra honor, and if it does then they shouldn't fuccin play, the basterds.

AFK farmers help "you people" mean the people on the other faction who play the game just like you? this whole "alliance is nub, horde is mature" ******** needs to end. there ARE NO DIFFERENCES BETWEEN PLAYERS OF THE TWO FACTIONS, AND IF YOU THINK SO, YOU NEED TO DIE IN A FIRE. just as many people AFK in the f*cking alliance cave as do the horde, and just as many people b*tch and complain about map imbalances and ****. and theres just as many kiddies on horde-side as there are on alliance. i say this from FIRSTHAND experience. ive SEEN it myself, on BOTH sides.

so take this cross-faction "im better than you are" ******** to the O boards. its got no place here.
#13 Jan 10 2007 at 2:43 AM Rating: Decent
Stop your squabbling.

Sheesh. Kids.

Someone pls be useful and tell me how this exploit is done!
#14 Jan 10 2007 at 2:59 AM Rating: Default
Only AV's I've won were through stopping alliance's rush and then there are always alliance on the defense, taking advantage of the easy terrain advantage they can have all around their zone (only place I've seen as defensible in Horde is the towered entrance to Drek's hold area).

And yes I know who Korrak was, and about killing gnomes to take tufts of hair and elves to hack their heads off, but that was before I bought the game, so excuse me if I don't rant about it like it matters anything now.
About AFK farmers, I've had up to 18 f*cking people AFK in AV, which really is something to **** you off, I've never seen alliance so low on characters, even when horde are pulling Van, so in my experience people AFK f*ck US up REAL, REAL BAD.
I'm glad you could stop 20 alliance with 5 horde, but if the alliance are worth half a sh*t and are not teribly out-geared by the horde I doubt that could happen, even if you were premade and there were no spells wasted and you kept each other alive. Numbers make for a BIG difference so don't come at me with that sh*t.

Anyways I'm sorry SonOfA but I'm not the kind to be trying to find or learn about bug exploits :_P

Edited, Jan 10th 2007 5:55am by Azatodeth
#15 Jan 10 2007 at 3:32 AM Rating: Default
259 posts
Azatodeth wrote:
Only AV's I've won were through stopping alliance's rush and then there are always alliance on the defense, taking advantage of the easy terrain advantage they can have all around their zone (only place I've seen as defensible in Horde is the towered entrance to Drek's hold area).

You can shut the pass between Icewing bunker and Stonehearth graveyard as Horde. This is an uphill battle for Alliance once it's done correctly. There are at least three ways to attack Stormpike graveyard for Horde. I've even witnessed how Horde had tagged aid station and SP graveyard simultaneously. The so-called bridge of death works both ways. Once Horde has entrenched themselves in Dun Baldar, there's nothing Alliance can do about it. I don't have to tell you about the exploit for Horde to get easily into the Dun Baldar north bunker. Especially devastating: tagging both bunkers and Stormpike graveyard at the same time, aid station soon follows.

About stopping Alliance. You can intercept the initial Alliance rush to Galvangar. With keeping Snowfall graveyard from Alliance, if you do it right, Alliance is sometimes even pushed back to Stormpike graveyard. And even if you cannot do it, a small contingent of hunters, druids, and shamans can effectively shut down Iceblood. I've seen it done, we had Iceblood tower and Galvangar. Not that it did us any good.

Once Alliance is in Frostwolf and in the process of clearing out Drek'Thar's hold, Horde can disrupt this again and again. Sometimes even re-capping Frostwolf relief hut in the process.

Alliance has many impatient players that are greedy for honour kills. They cannot wait until towers and graveyards are properly capped for their side. They rush onward to Frostwolf keep. Whereas I've seen many more Horde players that bide their time and cooperate to strike back in the right moment. The lonely paladin that tries to ensure that this tower is capped is soon overwhelmed by a rogue and a shadow priest and can only helplessly watch how they retake their tower.
#16 Jan 10 2007 at 3:49 AM Rating: Default
2,293 posts
only place I've seen as defensible in Horde is the towered entrance to Drek's hold area

There are 5 very good defensable points for the Horde with two real bottlenecks.
You can easily hold off an alliance zerg with 5 man for a long time bc they are so nice not to bunch up but to arrive in groups of 10 instead. Defending iceblood bottleneck is a fieldday, free HK's. Some go for the bunker, some take the tower, some go for iceblood, some try to break through to go to FW, bite sized served alli's.
Essentially you force them to cap iceblood before they can start on FW. Once iceblood is captured, the alli advance goes a lot faster.
And make them pull that elite NPC to distract them, send one guy up the tower while theyre trying to take out the tower elite. Elites are worth their HP in gold on defense, dont let the oppisite team just kill them.

I play defense mostly in AV, and i win most (7/10) AV games bc i whisper some random t2 guys to help defend. Preferably mage, warlock, hunters, druids, rogues. Alliance doesnt seem to defend very determined, if they defend they seem to totally give up when horde takes their aid station.

Usually it turns out that Horde caps stormpike aid station (caps, not tags) while alliance is still struggeling for FW. Then its a garantueed win, but if alliance does defend then its a very good idea to camp at Drek, with simple things like rooting the puller you can stall greatly. And if they pull then pop outside to try to kill / cc the designated tanks, sheep (even if he gets dispelled 3 seconds later) gouge, charm, fear, all those skills make the NPC switch to the 2nd on his aggro list.
If it works, hilarity ensues, those whirlwinds hurt quite a lot.

The average DD still doesnt bother to look if a NPC is tanked before bursting their hineys off.(especially when respawned alli's just jump into the fray keeping the wolf gaurds supplied with cannon fodder)
It doesnt always work as planned, obviously, but using youre trinket and making a beeline for Drek's room usually is successfull. And in the race thats AV nowadays, 2 minutes delay in a 30-45 minute game is quite much.
Or recap the ungaurded towers or recap horde aid station when alli's are to busy with the wolf gaurds.
5 people on defense can do very much.

And loot corpses, having a batrider flying around youre base helps defense a lot as well. Or druids bursting out of youre base when alli's just captured FW.

Edited, Jan 10th 2007 7:27am by Sjans
#17 Jan 10 2007 at 4:53 AM Rating: Default
This issue isn't confined just to the Alterac Valley Battle Grounds. I saw it happen in Arathi Basin as well just tonight. It really ruins the game. As far as the discussion on which side is better, I think they are relatively the same, the only exception I see is the poor placement of NPC's on the Horde side, most of them are easily avoided by the Alliance team. That should be fixed as well..

#18 Jan 10 2007 at 8:07 AM Rating: Decent
80 posts
OP FYI this is the policy stated in main WoW site:

Bug Exploitation

We have a top notch Quality Assurance team who tirelessly stamp out bugs and design inconsistencies within World of Warcraft. However, a handful of trained professionals can never isolate and resolve each and every bug in such a deep and complex game accessed simultaneously by thousands of players. You may come across the occasional bug during your adventures. Some bugs are minor and do not affect gameplay, but sometimes these bugs can be used to provide an unfair advantage to certain players or affect the service itself.

Factors included in determining the appropriate penalty:

* Whether or not the exploit is performed intentionally, maliciously, and/or repeatedly
* Whether or not the exploit damages another character, their gameplay, the service itself and/or its economy
* Whether or not an attempt has been made to conceal the exploit's use

If a player is found to have abused/distributed an exploit, he/she may:

* Be given a verbal warning if exploitation is unintentional and no attempt has been made to hide its occurrence
* Be temporarily suspended from the game
* In extreme cases the account will be closed outright
#19 Jan 10 2007 at 8:13 AM Rating: Decent
12,905 posts
I got a pretty awesome screenshot last night of me, a pally with the horde flag in WSG escoring our druid, who also had the hordes flag.

And i was mounted.

#20 Jan 10 2007 at 8:20 AM Rating: Decent
I really expected a lot more in the way of PvP from Blizzard than the exploit ridden BGs.

Don't laugh, I really did.
#21 Jan 10 2007 at 8:23 AM Rating: Default
I believe the thread title should be Capping* from 40 yrds in AV. That's all I have to say, cause all this flaming's too hot for me.
#22 Jan 10 2007 at 8:25 AM Rating: Default
Why do many of you post something like "you horde whine about AV or allys whine about this" when many of us play both sides.

What you read the O boards and figure that these are the same? The o boards are like that because there is a ton of poster many crappy and one person starts off talking about how AV is unfair to horde other horde jump on it becomes a horde vs. alliance debate.

But why do I have to read this crap here?

My high lvl toons are all alliance and I win BGs on a regular basis. I have recently been playing horde and same thing I win alot in every BG (Not high enough for AV yet so no comment on that from horde side).

I run with friends and we dominate the BG and win alot its not hard to do with all the kids playing and people who dont know how to play in PvP. Heck I find it harder to find a challenge than to win a BG most of the time.

The ally vs. horde debate is so retarded if you've played both sides. In fact the only difference I have noticed is that without my friends I win more on horde side than I did on ally when alone in a PuG. Horde just seem to set strategy out more on a regular basis than I ran into on ally. Other than that I have not noticed any difference.
#23 Jan 10 2007 at 8:35 AM Rating: Good
3,801 posts
SonOfA wrote:
I wasn't aware it was an exploit. That's why I'm asking if alliance can do it also...

I believe that the "is this an exploit" is answered by the "common sense" clause. Where are the flag guards? Are they 40 yards out? Do they respond 40 yards out? Being able to solo cap a flag without ever aggroing the guards is completely unintended, so yes, this would fall under the "are you seriously asking if it's an exploit?" category.

It's just that obvious.
#24 Jan 10 2007 at 8:45 AM Rating: Decent
The funny thing is this actually worked to my advantage last night.

Because every Horde team seemed to know they could exploit last night and had a chance to win, the Queue's were way faster on my BG. They were down to 5 mins even at one point.

Also both alliance and horde gave up on D. Both teams just raced for the zerg capping everything on the way.

The horde won more games than usual last night it was about 50/50. BUT ALL THE GAMES WERE FAST! Also I got at least 200-250 bonus honor for each 15 min game win or loss. So I was able to get the last honor I needed for my GM dagger w00t.

Readign about the galv and IB horde defense strats above makes me cringe. I knwo it can work ............sometimes but not usually. Mostly that just makes sh1tty 1.5 hour games.

Quick game win or lose for the win, as is often said. So even though I was ******* about the exploit last night at first it sure did make for efficient games.

Edited, Jan 10th 2007 4:43pm by Shogen
#26 Jan 10 2007 at 9:17 AM Rating: Good
3,771 posts
Yeah, but I don't go to AV for honor farming.
I go to **** off as many gnomes as possible.
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