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Favorite Moments in BGFollow

#1 Jan 09 2007 at 12:10 AM Rating: Decent
So I started BGing again and something happened tonight that was the highlight of my WoW week. We are losing horribly in AB with wild cross-section of us alliance vs. some twinky 49 horde. It’s around the half of the game when coming down the road towards me a lonely taren comes, I know I can’t beat him at 43 and fairly stock gear but I know I have to at least try and stall so we make a beeline for each other.

As soon as I am in range I charge him and try to hamstring, he gets un-stunned and starts that annoying running/jumping around. I make a slight dent in him when he jumps back and out of range of melee, I know this is a losing battle as I already have half life after only 6sec’s. all hope is lost for winning as I have no tricks up my sleeve, I know I’m going to die.

I advance him ready to try and place as many sunders on him as I can to soften him up for someone else. And then it happens! He tries to evade me again and jumps back!

Right off the damn cliff! He dies and I’m still alive, I can’t help but laugh my *** off. Unfortunately I’m laughing so hard I accidentally move a bit to far and fall to my doom as well but I was to jovial to care. Anyone else have a favorite moment?
#2 Jan 09 2007 at 1:04 AM Rating: Decent
122 posts
I was PvPing with Thyul, a priest in my guild, and we had decided to just defend flags in AB. Man, we were near invincible. Not once did any horde get the flag that we had chosen to defend. My favorite part was when a single warrior came up to the LM thinking it was vacant (I love you, shadowmeld), and right off the bat, Thy MCs him, and throws him off the cliff. Best moment evar.

And in the same night, this shaman wouldn't stop attempting to take the LM (yes, by himself. And he was in a premade, too. Shame). He would sometimes manage to down one of us, but the other would make short work of him. Well, once, he got lucky or something with his crits, and killed Thy in like, two seconds. Then he just stood there as I was shooting at him, and when his health got to 50% or so, started to heal. I dunno, I guess he was trying to humiliate me with his l33t healing power or something. One scatter/trap/aimed later, me and Thy were back in our spots, ready for him to come back three more times before the game ended. o_O
#3 Jan 09 2007 at 1:22 AM Rating: Decent
1,207 posts
In AB: while fighting for BS flag, I target a NE hunter and start blasting away. With 1/3 of his health left, he FDs.

I lose my target but another alliance player (i can't remember) comes into range. I start firing at him. He's already down to 1/2 health when he comes into range.

The hunter gets up from his FD. I hit multi-shot and crit for 1.2k each, killing both Alliance players.

And I promptly capped the BS flag after that.

That was sweet.
#4 Jan 09 2007 at 1:53 AM Rating: Decent
3,114 posts
Me and another 2 guys are at LM, a bunch were at BS I think, just hrasing, hoping to get lucky I guess. Anyway, while we're up there a Pally and something else came up via stables, saw we were there and backed down a bit. One guy runs down and starts laying into them, does some nice damage but dies. I had been drinking noggenfogger to get shrunk and noticed I had slowfall and the speed power up was up, so I grabbed it, switched to moonkin and jumeped off, flying towards them blasting moonfire. They scatred, didn't die, but felt freaking awsome.

Death from above!
#5 Jan 09 2007 at 5:00 AM Rating: Good
761 posts
While I'm defending at Lumbermill in Arathi Basin my opponent is clearly winning against me. He's doing the usual run-about trying to get behind me constantly so I back up to the edge of the cliff. He is obviously a bit too focused on me rather than the ground we're fighting on and promply goes over the edge and *splat* dies from the fall. Made me think that we need better death animations in the game, Fallout 2 style perhaps.

Other than that, any time a random group defeats a premade is good times.
#6 Jan 09 2007 at 8:15 AM Rating: Decent
135 posts
I was defending the LM flag and had MC slapped on me, of course the priest had me jump off the cliff. So I'm falling and I expect to splat all over the ground below, suddenly I stop. There's a spot there like an invisible cliff area that you can land on. I was out of the priests range so I stood there and waved at him, really pissed him off that I didn't die from the fall.
#7 Jan 09 2007 at 12:31 PM Rating: Decent
218 posts
In an *extremely* close AB game, the alliance is losing by just a few ticks, but still the horde only needs to hold one node to win. They get cocky and go out to farm kills. My rogue arrives at the stables (their last node, but all they need) with about fifteen seconds left in the game -- just as their last guarding player is leaving to join in the fun.

I ninja the stables to stop them at 1990 to our 1970.

A few seconds later, we win. I wouldn't want to be that guy who left the stables unguarded.
#8 Jan 09 2007 at 12:44 PM Rating: Decent
869 posts
WSG 30-39 bracket...

I was running up Horde ramp to set up for the next grab when I come across one of our Priests being doubleteamed by a Rogue and Shammy. I jump in a little too late to save the clothie, but in time to help him finish off the Shammy with a little help from my compact harvest reaper.

Normally, 1v1, that rogue probably could have taken me apart. But with my reaper out, he quickly decided against it and attempted to Vanish. I hadnt played with many of my Engineering toys, so I didnt know this would happen, but my little bot saw through the invis and kept hitting him. The rogue attempted to run. I followed laughing out loud the entire way, as my reaper chased him back down the ramp, across the field, and half way up their tunnel, finally finishing him off about 10 feet away from the boots.
#9 Jan 09 2007 at 12:52 PM Rating: Good
5,645 posts
most recent one was an AB game on my druid. A very good one actually. It was 1920 - 1920 and we each had 2 nodes controlled and were fighting over the LM.

Most of their team was @ LM as was ours.

I snuck down to the mine and there was a 29 hunter there guarding (he was standing in the wagon that has the buff spawn in it).

I stealthed down and got right on the flag, the way I was standing I was basically half in the dirt due to the angle of the base. I started capping it.

The hunter didn't realize it until after I broke their control.

And by then it was too late :) I just moved away stealthed and waited til he was a few seconds into capping then hit him. He chased me around a bit but it didn't matter, that was enough for us to win.

#10 Jan 09 2007 at 1:04 PM Rating: Decent
640 posts
I always enjoy dropping a killing arcane shot on people that jump off the cliff at LM. You know they're going to die when they hit anyway, but there's some added joying of robbing them of even that.

I think my favorite individual moment was a 20-29 WSG against a very powerful alliance group (almost all 28/29 twinks). I was one of the few horde that was lvl 29, with the rest being a mix of lvl 25 and lower. But we were relentless.

They gained a quick 2 flag lead before we really understood how outclassed we were, but after those 2 flags they started messing around in our GY, farming kills, etc. This may have been the only WSG I've been in where an entire team solely concentrated on flags caps, but me and the lowbs were untited in our goal. After tieing it 2/2, they tried to get serious again, but we were working like a well oiled machine.

There's something very gratifying about beating a vastly superior enemy.
#11 Jan 09 2007 at 1:09 PM Rating: Decent
In WG we were first losing with 0-1 and then even 0-2 it seemd that we lost the battle and almost everyone was leaving and because of that all the better higher lvl people kept joining and after about 5 mins we almost all had lvl 39 and 38 (me 39) and the horde were crushed by our heavely force. We started a come back. It became 1-2 after a few minutes it was 2-2! And then the last goal i made it gave me a great feeling! Now i already saw some guys from that math and we always go in group and we always win (that was 2 times)! Maybe luck?... but i saw TEAM WORK!!
#12 Jan 09 2007 at 2:12 PM Rating: Good
2,711 posts
This was Saturday night, had just joined a brand new guild to PvP with. We signed on for AB, and within a couple of games figured out we weren't good enough together yet to win versus any other premade, especially against servers like Dark Iron. So the next time we got a guild group, we all ran outside the gate, got into a semicircle around one of our mages, and started dancing.

The Alliance 5-capped and ran up to greet us, and ALL got in the middle of the circle to dance with us. A few even stripped their armor off. The raid leader counted down on vent "3... 2.... 1!" and we all attacked at once, the mage using frost nova and blinking out and everyone else using AOE or meleeing the enemy. Everyone died pretty much instantly, it was beautiful.

We still lost the game but it was the most fun I've had in PvP ever.
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