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#1 Jan 08 2007 at 2:55 AM Rating: Good
Drama Nerdvana
20,674 posts
Been so completely and utterly burnt out on a game that there is no coming back?

I picked up WoW a month or two after release. Leveled a Warlock horde side on a pvp server before they were uber, hell before the devs even dreamed of giving deathcoil 3second fear. I then leveled up an alliance side toon to 60 and devastated BG's with my 'leet skills' (read: bhodi is an easy target). Eventually I burnt out, came back and then burnt out again. I ended up over playing EQ2. Had a good time, reached the end game, an end game so fleshed out that it makes WoW look like Nicole Richie on a diet. Then the Raid guild broke up and I got bored so my brother strong armed me back into playing WoW.


WoW is a great game, well designed, blizzard has put a lot into it. I had a blast playing it and it was a much needed breathe of fresh air after playing FFXI. However wild horses couldnt drag me to back to this game again. I played with my brother for all of 30 minutes and I re-cancelled my account.

So the offtopic question of the day,

Have you ever burnt out on an MMO (any MMO)?
Yes, but I hold fond memories of my time played :45 (57.7%)
Yes, in fact I loathe said game with all my soul:8 (10.3%)
Nope, but somedays I feel like it :15 (19.2%)
Nope, can't get enough of that sweet sweet MMO!:10 (12.8%)

Edited, Jan 8th 2007 10:50am by bodhisattva

Edited, Jan 8th 2007 10:50am by bodhisattva
Bode - 100 Holy Paladin - Lightbringer
#2 Jan 08 2007 at 3:00 AM Rating: Decent
Nope, but somedays I feel like it < For me

I have no will-power... i will play a mmo until i get a better one =)
#3 Jan 08 2007 at 3:13 AM Rating: Decent
Wow is so open that it is easy to focus on a different aspect of the game when bored. I know that someday I will tire of it. That time has not yet come.
#4 Jan 08 2007 at 4:05 AM Rating: Decent
Happend to me with Guildwars(MMO)(RPG)?, I've played it since beta. Burned out on the game a half jear ago. Together with the Battlefield series, I was a member of a clan for more than 3 jears.
I think this happen's with evry game played for very long/only time...

Edited, Jan 8th 2007 12:59pm by SebasNL
#5 Jan 08 2007 at 4:26 AM Rating: Excellent
976 posts
I've only played one MMORPG long enough to burn out on, and it's WoW. I love WoW and I'm sure as heck coming back for BC. In fact, I'm more hyped for this expansion than for any other game that has ever come out. Ever. But WoW as it is now is just annoying to play. I've seen everything, done everything. I have a character of each class and I know how they all work. I've done each quest in the 1-25 range at least five or six times each. I was no longer reading the quest text or getting into the game lore because I've read them all already. It makes sense that I wouldn't continue reading them over and over, but regardless it makes the game seem a lot more dull now that I'm no longer immersed in the lore. I know each region like the back of my hand. Goldshire is no longer a quaint town but just a place to get quests and log out. I no longer have incentive to explore the remote valleys of the Badlands - I already have. Nothing to do these days but level-level-level, raid-raid-raid. This isn't Blizzard's fault, I'm not saying that. I've just naturally run out of the fun stuff to do and all that exists for me now is the dull and unappealing framework of the game - do what the quest tells you do to for EXP.

I first began playing the game in 2005, in August I believe. By early December, I had my Warrior to 60. I then began an Undead Warlock but ran out of steam by mid-January - I stopped around level 30 when I began floating away from the Horde lands to places I'd already been to as my Alliance character. I then tried out other MMORPGs via their free trials - City of Heroes, an ill-fated return to Final Fantasy XI (wasn't any better), Everquest 2 (which I liked enough to blow $40 and then suddenly hated it, and wasted my entire first free month playing other games I found more fun), Anarchy Online...the list is endless. Over this past year I returned to WoW no less than three more times. My first time actually lasted me quite a bit, around 4-5 months. My second and third times, I was around for only the better part of a month. It seemed to me, now that the expansion was announced and on the horizon, that levelling up my cadre of alts was just pointless. I'd be rolling a Blood Elf and Draenei too, and I'd have to do all the midlevel content all over again. I longed for that first experience I had, focusing on one character and living his life through his eyes. As I hopped between my shaman and my mage and my priest, I remembered with a sigh how fun and fresh the game felt when the journey was still new and I didn't give a rat's *** about honor or "efficient levelling" or playing the AH for profit or grinding reputation. All that mattered was the journey. "Next up is the Swamp of, this place is cool...let's see what kinds of quests are here..." I would spend hours in each region looking around and poking stuff. When I returned to the game, regions had lost their flavor. They were now just places to quest instead of living, breathing areas like they first seemed to be back in 2005.

Now that the Burning Crusade is on the way, I've decided to pick a Blood Elf Paladin and level her all the way from 1-70. Now that the game will seem fresh again, I plan on latching onto that newness and eschewing all alts (even a Draenei alt) and just focusing on her. I plan on getting into the game again, reading all the quest info and wandering about the cities and lands getting reacquainted with everything. I have a great feeling this will provide me with at least 5 or 6 months of attachment to the game, which is great.

It really bites when you're tired of WoW, because you know it's the best MMORPG out there, yet you're sick of it. It's kind of like going to Mount Olympus and chilling with Zeus. Zeus is like, "Here, dude, have some ambrosia. The nectar of the gods!" And you drink some and you're like "WOW! THAT'S KICKASS". And Zeus is a nice guy and he just gives you refills. And it's delicious, yet after a couple centuries you're just tired of ambrosia, even if it IS the nectar of the gods. And with tear-stained cheeks, you must tell Zeus that even though it indeed is delicious, you must take your leave because you have had too much.

And then Zeus busts out with an expansion pack and it's all good.

Edited, Jan 8th 2007 5:23am by Reinjin
#6 Jan 08 2007 at 4:59 AM Rating: Decent
233 posts
And then Zeus busts out with an expansion pack and it's all good.


I go really slow in this game and enjoy the pvp aspect a lot. I also take long breaks from it because of all the crap I have going on in RL, so I guess the burnt out part hasn't hit me.....yet
#7 Jan 08 2007 at 12:41 PM Rating: Decent
3,478 posts
PVP keeps the game fresh for me.

Bodhi, just curious, but why do you say that EQ2's endgame is more 'fleshed out'?

I am certainly not trying to bait you into starting a flame war (not by you, but by others) as I am just simply curious what EQ2's endgame is like.

Maybe I'll go over to the EQ2 boards and ask there....

Edited, Jan 8th 2007 3:43pm by Webjunky
#8 Jan 08 2007 at 12:46 PM Rating: Decent
I vote the first option.

I played Shadowbane from beta and played it for over 3 years. Only trying out WoW and playing PS/2 games.

Im burnt out and cant return due to them changing the game too much (reason I finally got burned out), but I still consider the best PvP MMO game ever.

Much better than WoW in the PvP department, but the leveling was boring as hell.

The game also had player built and run cities and players craft the best gear in game, so it also was a very different MMO than most.
#9 Jan 08 2007 at 12:58 PM Rating: Decent
19,369 posts
Hey Bhodi, log onto Shadow Council and give me your goldz.
#10 Jan 08 2007 at 1:03 PM Rating: Decent
I played original EQ for 7 years and burned out on it hard core. I played a cleric and got tired of hitting one button for hours on end. Literally. I actually tried to go back when Sony reactivated my account last year for free but I couldn't even stand being logged in for more than 5 minutes. I had a great time playing EQ while I did, made some amazing friends that I still keep in touch with so it was all good in the end.
#11 Jan 08 2007 at 1:17 PM Rating: Decent
77 posts
I have my shaman to 60. Just did my first ZG run yesterday. PvP is boring on my shaman (In my humble opinion) and I don't really feel like doing anything until the expansion.

Some of my friends are starting the game however so now I'm rolling a warrior, having some fun with him. Gonna get him to 22 or so, then just run instances with my friends who level slower than i did when I started teh game. It will be fun, and tanking is suprisingly a fun break from my shaman, or my old mage, or my old priest, or my 2 hunters, or my paladin. Most are teens to 20s, and 1 41.

60 content isn't as much fun (Though I assume it is because of BC) I don't know, I can't leave right now, I feel like I've done too much for too little. Hope BC is fun.
#12 Jan 08 2007 at 1:41 PM Rating: Good
15,953 posts
This seems to be the case for all of Blizzard's games.

Warcraft I, II, and III.
Diablo I and II.

They're so much fun that I have to play and explore them to the fullest right when they come out. After about six months or so, I don't ever want to play them again.

WoW has been different (so far) since there's still more that I want to do. That, plus the new content has kept me going and will continue to keep me going - as long as I don't burn myself out.
"I have lost my way
But I hear a tale
About a heaven in Alberta
Where they've got all hell for a basement"

#13 Jan 08 2007 at 1:45 PM Rating: Decent
2,328 posts
I played EQ1 for about 6 years. When the allah guilds fell apart I quit.
I played FFXII for a while, burnt out rather quickly. I'm thinking of going back next year when I get my new laptop.
Right now I'm kinda burnt out on WoW but will be going back when the x-pac hits.
I played EvE and its a great game but I had to cancel it due to money problems, I'll probly go back to it once I get a job.
#14 Jan 08 2007 at 1:47 PM Rating: Good
858 posts
Even though you never really "beat" a MMORPG like a regular RPG I think a lot of people sometimes feel like they beat a MMORPG and it's time to move on. You can only go through the content so much before it gets old and you feel like you've seen enough and done enough; that or the game just isn't for you.

I'm waiting on Vanguard and the Burning Crusade to decide what virtual world I'll be swinging axes in.

#15 Jan 08 2007 at 1:51 PM Rating: Decent
381 posts
I burnt the hell out on EQ1...didn't even take a year of playing to do so. What a boring bstd to play. EQ2...reminded me so much of EQ1 only played for two weeks, yuk.

I played Asherons Call 2 for a long time and enjoyed...till they nerfed the crap out of every cool class to play (especially my Tumerok lifestealing reap/beetle). It was so fricking fun to run past a party killing dragons and take one out myself solo.

WOW...not even close to burning out. Four level 60s ...soon to be 5 and going strong. The only way I burn out on WOW is if they start nerfing every class into gimpy wusses with no real power/variety.

I cringe every time I see an Oboard or Alla post 'Nerf <insert class name here> they're too overpowered'. WOW is simply the first MMO that I've played for a long time that doesn't seem to be in a hurry to nerf all of the variety/flavor/power out of the various classes. Yes they've used the nerf bat but not to the extent that you get the feeling of being castrated, and that all your hard work building a character was for nothing.
#16 Jan 08 2007 at 1:51 PM Rating: Decent
2,634 posts
I will prolly never burn out. So long as I keep playing the way i do. I only get about 6-8 hours in weekly, Never raided, only casual gaming, and so long as blizzard keeps adding small amounts of content over time, I will continue to play.

I see BC buying them about 6 more months of my monthly fee's and after that we will see.

Everyone I know who burnt out were the people that played constantly for months. I would have done that at first, but I know now my life will never let that happen. Darn ;)
#17 Jan 08 2007 at 2:01 PM Rating: Good
Mine is FFXI. After 2.5 years I cant even log into that game anymore. I think I played it burned out for the entire last year and there is residual scarring. I clicked fond memories though because I had a great LS and I miss them.
#18 Jan 08 2007 at 3:02 PM Rating: Decent
74 posts
I haven't been playing WoW long enough to say if I will get burnt out or not, but so far I am having fun. I like the fact that it's quest based and not grind.

I got burnt out bad on EQ1 twice - quit once for 7 months, then went back and tried again, and got burnt out again. Most of the quests are un-doable and grind is about the most boring thing ever. I was 2-boxing a druid and an enchanter and was still bored. Hubby and I quit again and I don't know that we will ever go back.

The only other game I really really liked was NWN but it was too limiting, and I played a gazillion of the player made modules, tried playing online so hubby and I could play together, but eventually got to the end of good content. Wow reminds me of NWN in terms of the questing, I get caught up in that and half the time don't even realize I've leveled.

Only real reason I play an MMORPG is for the content and the fact that hubby and I can play together. In fact, if I could find an MMORPG without the MM or even the O but with lots of RPG, I'd pay whatever it cost!
#19 Jan 08 2007 at 3:11 PM Rating: Good
Only real reason I play an MMORPG is for the content and the fact that hubby and I can play together. In fact, if I could find an MMORPG without the MM or even the O but with lots of RPG, I'd pay whatever it cost!

Have you tried Elder Scrolls 4: Oblivion? Really good for a single player game. Kept me busy for a month or so.
#20 Jan 08 2007 at 3:17 PM Rating: Decent
74 posts
Master Shogen wrote:
Have you tried Elder Scrolls 4: Oblivion? Really good for a single player game. Kept me busy for a month or so.

Actually, I did try it and only lasted about a week. It seemed huge and empty, and I didn't like the fact that the character I played was forced on me. I found that to be the case in many RPGs that people recommended. Maybe I don't want to play the hero, but the heroine instead!
#21 Jan 08 2007 at 3:20 PM Rating: Decent
3,478 posts
Oblivion has some decent character customizations....

And you can pick female too...
#22 Jan 08 2007 at 3:23 PM Rating: Decent
12,905 posts
Webjunky wrote:
Oblivion has some decent character customizations....

And you can pick female too...

Yeah, that game has too many customizable features imo.
#23 Jan 08 2007 at 3:32 PM Rating: Decent
Ghost in the Machine
36,443 posts
I played SWG but I guess you could say I burned out.

The game was great, but compared to the lagfree (read: people aren't warping all over the place all the time) World of Warcraft, Star Wars Galaxies was horribly outdated.

And the NGE revamp made SWG a sci-fi version of WoW (pick a class, level to 60).

If they made a new SWG (SWG2?) with better graphics and the old profession system (pre-NGE), I might consider returning.
Please "talk up" if your comprehension white-shifts. I will use simple-happy language-words to help you understand.
#24 Jan 08 2007 at 4:44 PM Rating: Good
I've burned out twice on MMOs:

First time was with FFXI. There is no going back. Even today, I still have nightmares of having to Refresh, DOT, Cure, Magic Burst and maintain my MP with Converts... and getting yelled at should I not re-Refresh someone within 0.75 seconds of the buff wearing off. And then of course there was the endless LFG scenarios. And waiting for airships. And renting Chocobos. And Limit Break quests. And.... ugh, I can't even think about it any more.

Second time was with WoW. I had a whole list of complaints and I just couldn't even stand the music that played when I logged into the game anymore... so I tried Ever(CENSORED) II. I fell in love with the crafting system, and I liked being a Necromancer (after having been a Warlock on WoW), but this lasted all of about three weeks, something was missing... the gameplay and story just didn't grip me.

A couple months later some friends of mine gave me $15 to start up my WoW account again for the sole purpose of helping them with gold and bags. I happily agreed, knowing with absolute certainty that there was no possible way I could start playing regularly again...

...and I fell in love. All over again.

I'd seriously injure anyone who tried to keep me from playing WoW now.

I'm sick. I'm addicted.

But it's just soooo goood!
#25 Jan 08 2007 at 6:47 PM Rating: Decent
1,207 posts
I played EQ for about a year. Made alot of good friends in that game.

I learned how to play. The group centered playstyle made you a better player. I logged back when my account was reactivated. I played a few hours but the mindless grinding and the long wait for LFG reminded me why I left the game in the first place.

Also, the gap between raider and casual player is so wide that it's not even worth playing.

I have fond memories of EQ but I'm not going back. For now, it's WOW.
#26 Jan 08 2007 at 7:03 PM Rating: Decent
Yep, played EQ for about 2 years, got one character, a mage to 62 then realised that I was never going to make it to 70, never going to be in a raiding guild and most of all I was sick of feeling second rate, struggling to level and basically wanted my life back. I enjoyed the game and was definately addicted but now I understand why everyone raves about WOW.

I am loving this game. I love being able to run around, do my own thing, kill solo, plenty of quests (and easy to find!), tradeskills that don't eat your components and best of all I am levelling without it feeling like a chore and I don't sit around LFG or trying to find that elusive solo spot for my character. Oh, and I love that I can exit the game in 5 seconds if I really want to. :-)
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