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#1 Jan 07 2007 at 11:30 PM Rating: Excellent
Good morning, sleepyheads *yawn*.

Now that the weekend is over, what did you accomplish?

My goal for this weekend is to get the ability to ride my stupid epic mount. I have been saving gold for quite some time now, and I'm close to 600 gold. 120g in a weekend shouldn't be too hard.

The goal of getting enough money for the epic riding skill is complete. With a little farming, and a lot of AHing saved mats, it wasn't very hard (although not repeatable, since my bank is practically empty)

But I didn't buy it yet, if indeed it will be cheaper, there are a lot of other things I can spend this money on.

I am also on a quest to gather as many ores as I can (yes, I'm even mining tin), and send them to a newly created alt that will be my jewelcrafting bank.

Got around 12 stacks of assorted ores, 17 gems, and a lot of stones.

I also made a trip to the Darkmoon Faire (early this morning, before work) and got my warlords deck transformed into the sweet healing trinket for my Rogue. Since I was there anyway, I freed up a couple of bank slots by getting rid of the vibrant plumes, evil bat eyes, and glowing scorpid blood.

For the first time at level 60, we actually won 3 AB games in a row (done with AB marks of honor now). None of them were alliance premades, so I'm guessing the AB weekend drew alot of casual PvPers.

That's basically my entire weekend WoW-wise, in RL, I saw Borat (disturbing), had a nice dinner with friends, and spent an entire day and 2 evenings getting fiancee rep up to "Friendly".

How about you guys? How did you do?
#2 Jan 07 2007 at 11:52 PM Rating: Excellent
2,328 posts
Saw "Night at the Museum"
Got drunk off my *** at a kegger

Thats it, I'm kinda burned out on WoW at the moment.

PS: According to several links I've seen the training for level 60 ground mounts will cost 600g(540 after reputation discount)
#3 Jan 08 2007 at 12:45 AM Rating: Excellent
103 posts
The weekend went pretty well for me. I did a good bit of PvP (which I usually cant stand) and had enough honor to buy my Lobotomizer, Glacial Blade, and two pieces of the Champions set.

I also broke down and bought my first epic mount ever :)
Of course since I did that I just know that the prices will drop in the next patch but I couldn't wait anymore. I'll admit that seeing 800g drop to 0 was a little disconcerting but I soon got over it as I ran circles around my guildies.

My guild also spent some time running LBRS and UBRS to teach some of the newer people what their roles are when in larger groups. It gets old sometimes having to babysit the ones who don't know their classes but we really seem to be progressing now. We just hit 120 members after a little over a month and a half and we're going to try and hit up ZG/AQ20 before BC hits.
#4 Jan 08 2007 at 1:06 AM Rating: Excellent
2,588 posts
I wrote:
- get the last of my jewelcrafting mats (i have hundreds of ore, gems, stones, metal bars and other mats on 3 alts).

not quite, but nearly there. don't have enough of the high-end gems, but have loads of thorium ore that i can prospect.
I wrote:
- make some money.

not really. did a medium windstone in a pug. although we had a full t2 tank with tf (who did a great job), the 3 healers (priest, druid, pala) were somehow unable to keep him alive and themselves died very quickly. yeah, i have no idea why. so i got no loots AND lost all the mats needed to summon.
sold some mooncloth to make up.
I wrote:
- pvp on main to get the pvp jewels.

done. it was ab weekend, so we ran ab with the guild. mostly won, some 5-0.
I wrote:
- travel the world to buy recipes and get some exodar rep.

uhm, forgot.
I wrote:
- pvp on rogue. going for longsword, about halfway there.


we did a quick run into mc to try for garr's windseeker bindings. we already have 3 in the guild, but one of our dps warriors would like to complete it too. we gathered up around 25 people and went straight to garr without doing any of the previous bosses. we killed him in the tunnel leading up to his room, but no luck on the bindings.

on sunday afternoon we did maws. fun fight. he went down so fast he only managed to cast one of his shadow bolt volleys :-p
(this is the outdoor boss in the bay of storms needed for the aq gates opening. the gates have been open for a long time on our server, but someone from our guild is doing the quest line for fun. too much time on his hands...).
#5 Jan 08 2007 at 1:10 AM Rating: Excellent
631 posts
1. BWL in a joint raid with another guild tomorrow. Hopefully I'll be able to go Boomkin as much as possible (it's so, so much fun).

Didn't go boomkin but still great fun. Went a little slower than normal because of different tactics for each of the two guilds, so we called it at Chrommie.

2. PvP if I can face it.

I did one AB, we lost (although narrowly), and I didn't do any more. AV is the only BG I enjoy right now, and as the queues have gone up to around an hour for Alliance I can't be bothered to hang around waiting for it.

3. Erm...perhaps I'll get the warrior to 30 with the new Ashenvale quests. Or level another alt. Decide on the priest's talents, perhaps. Something along those lines.

Warrior leveled to 31 (from 29) and finished Ashenvale, priest went from 43 to 44 and is nearly finished with the pirates in Tanaris.


1. Cinema tonight, either Miss Potter or White Noise 2 (whatever it's called).

We saw White Noise 2...ok film, if a bit weird.

2. Take down the Xmas tree. I really hate that job.

Done, and the living room now looks huge.

Is it really Monday morning already? :S
#6 Jan 08 2007 at 1:23 AM Rating: Excellent
217 posts
Hmm, a somewhat unfocused weekend this weekend. I only did 2 ABs with the rogue, even though it was ab weekend.

I quested a bit on the shaman, so now he has all the quests ready for BRD. I also did 1 brd run with him, some guildies and 2 randoms (those randoms were horrible). We did not do too well. Even with nice healing gear, I feel a shaman at that level main healing BRD was a bit hard. Possibly our tank was a bit inexperienced.

Anyway, I got 1 healing set upgrade, some booths with +22 damage/healing and more int than my previous one, and finally some mail shoulders! Those replaced the lvl 36 leather shoulders I had previously. I also got the Coal Miners Boots, another upgrade. We cleared to flamelash, wiped once, then did him, and continued to do lord incencdius. Got him too, although our other shaman took a hillarious lava dip :D

I grinded wool, silk and mageweave for those runecloth turnin quests, and have started the grind to exalted with the trolls on my undead rogue. It may be silly but I want to have an epic red raptor for him. I may use AV to rep a bit too.

RL: It has rained for about 70 days now, and its still continuing. Had a nice dinner with the family, the traditional salted sheep ribs, quite tasty!
#7 Jan 08 2007 at 1:44 AM Rating: Excellent
755 posts
The One and Only Eschatologist wrote:
Work 'till 5 on Saturday, come home and try and get my beautiful UD 'lock to 35.

Work 'till 5 on Sunday, come home and try to get my beautiful UD 'lock to 36, and get a buddy to boost me to the astoundingly stupidly placed Enchant trainer in Uldaman.Smiley: smile

Couldn't face anything that required thought on Saturday (far too cold and tired after work), so I went on a semi pug MC run with my main, only MJD+ Rags left, but it still took a couple of hours >.< I was thinking of picking up a Perdy to try out Mutilate with, but since I have good gear already, I passed for a newish 60 in blues and greens (only roller, he rolled a 2 Smiley: lol), so I went to bed feeling virtuous.

Sunday, dinged 36 on my lil' 'lock Smiley: smile. My booster wasn't around, so no Ulda, but I figure it can wait a touch more.
#8 Jan 08 2007 at 2:17 AM Rating: Excellent
Bah, Mondays :(


I wrote:
Goals: Try not to play too much! It's amazing how quickly time goes when I'm playing WoW and it's eating up too much of my life. I want to take it easy until TBC comes out. If I do play I will be trying to grind some cash to buy my boyfriend his epic mount for his birthday (20th Jan). It'll leave me skint but hey.

Didn't play too much. Did a little grinding. Nothing exciting. Two of our guildies may be coming to visit in a couple of weeks, woo!

Non-WoW: Finish Twilight Princess,

Nope, played Rayman Rampant Rabbits or whatever it's called instead. Crazy game.

watch some Battlestar Galactica

We're a couple of episodes into season 2 now. I'm really getting to like this programme.

think about what to get my other half for his b'day

Aargh, no idea still! Used up all my ideas at Christmas. Men are so hard to buy for :(

mess about with Photoshop a bit

Didn't have time.

clean the house

We've started our mission to get the house sorted. Took the Christmas decorations down, moved a bookcase or two, assembled some flat-pack furniture, bought some tat from domestic :)

begin my New Year's diet and do some exercise.

Erm... Lots of pizza, ice cream and booze, and no exercise. I'm starting today, honest!

Going out for a meal for a friend's birthday on Sunday

Yeah, saw a bunch of friends, it was good.

#9 Jan 08 2007 at 2:36 AM Rating: Excellent
761 posts
1. Try to get 10k honor towards a GM weapon for my warrior (third and final alt to get one). Haven't made up my mind on which weapon to go for, probably it will be a one-hander. I'm Arms-spec right now, using a Crystal Spiked Maul (3.9 speed 2H) but will probably re-spec when I start levelling and a one-hander would have better utility if I'm needed as a tank.

Total 11379 from pretty heavy AB action. With a week to go before TBC getting enough for a 1H weapon shouldn't be a problem, I've got the marks already as well.

2. If I need a break from warrior PvP then I might get some honor on my rogue or hunter. Both are in desperate need of some upgrades.

No PvP on these alts.

3. Try to get a Stratholme quest run with my hunter and then finish the Fordring quest line to get the neck. Also try for DM West and DM North Tribute to get headpiece and melee weapon upgrades.

Never went to Stratholme but did manage a DM West run and got the Backwood Helm which I immediately stuck an Arcanum of Rapidity on so ranged attack speed is now 1.31 base.

4. Do some mining in the off-hours. Prospecting Thorium apparently gives a 10% chance of finding an Outlands gem and considering how contested mining veins will be in the days after the expansion hits I reckon it will pay off to come prepared with an alternate source.

Lots and lots of Truesilver for some reason, but also got decent amounts of Thorium, Mithril and various gems (including one Blood of the Mountain).

Outside of the game, watched Azumi and 5 episodes of American Dad as well as finishing the book The Thousandfold Thought. Weather didn't really enocourage going out so was a quiet wekend at home.

EDIT: There was also the small matter of 40 tastyfish and a shiny new arcanite fishing pole. Second win, so now I have both fish-form trinket and rod - skill 340 with gear and 440 with a lure. Ready for TBC fishing :-)

Edited, Jan 8th 2007 7:39am by Morthandeus
#10 Jan 08 2007 at 2:50 AM Rating: Excellent
3,478 posts
Morning everyone!

I only managed to hit lvl 46 on my hunter, but that's alright, because I had a pretty good weekend overall :)
#11 Jan 08 2007 at 5:25 AM Rating: Excellent
181 posts
Slow weekend for actual WoW progress.

Did some time in Silithus trying to get to Friendly with CenCirc. Fell short by about 500.

Got my BS Bindings and BS Belt off the AH, since I figured that I might as well, since my Guild decided to abitrarily dump me and my girlfriend for reasons that have not been adequately explained.

Thank the Great Ghu that Expansion is coming out in a week, so I won't need a guild for another couple months.
#12 Jan 08 2007 at 5:27 AM Rating: Excellent
473 posts
Happy Monday... Back to work we go.

1. PvP on Priest


2. PvP some more on Priest

-Double Check

3. Live to PvP on Priest

-Triple Check

I need 12k more to obtain my GM Mace before the expansion plus I would like to get a little more honor saved past that to finish my FM set.

Found out I needed 15k instead of the original 12k so I had to PvP a little more than I wanted to this weekend but I got my needed honor. I decided though to go with the GM Mageblade instead of the Mace since I plan to respec Shadow for leveling come BC.

1. This afternoon I will be getting a Crown put in at the dentist

-Oh what a joy that was let me tell you.

2. Watch "The Good Sheppard"

-Well at the last minute I decided to switch movies and see "Children of Men" instead but on the way to the theater plans changed once more and I just went back home to PvP some more.
#13 Jan 08 2007 at 5:35 AM Rating: Excellent
what i said wrote:


- Honor grind - I want my HWL Spellblade and either the rare gloves/head piece (to give me the 2-piece rare set bonus).

- Get mining up to 300 (270 right now)

- Maybe get my guild to run lbrs so that I can finally continue with my Warlord's Command quest

- Grind some rep for Cenarion (Keep doing the elite repeatables)


- Maybe go to a party tomorrow

- Get psyched up for the National Championship game on monday (GO BUCKS!)

- Maybe buy another Wii game with my bestbuy gift card
- And sort-of related get my first platinum medal in Wii Sports


- Actually didn't PvP at all this weekend, and played a surprisingly little bit of time on WoW.

- Mining is now at 281+5 enchant

- Never had a chance to run lbrs, but was part of my first real raid (we did AQ20 and downed Kuri)

- Going along with the above I am not 50% of the way to honored


- No party, my girlfriend and I actually just went to bed early both friday and saturday night. She was bored, nothing was on TV, we didn't feel like playing with the Wii, so we went to bed... to get about 12 hours of sleep each night :-0

- Definitely psyched up for tonight's game!

- Decided to wait for more games to come out for the Wii

- I fully completed the tennis returns, but under fitness not training :-(
#14 Jan 08 2007 at 5:56 AM Rating: Excellent
I managed to get a little playtime with my pally in. It was fun to be back on him, though I'm not pleased with his spec yet (44 holy, 7 ret).

Spent a lot of time with the gf. We had a good relaxing weekend, the last one before she starts her grad classes again. I still have another week before my classes start.

Tried going to a WoW ccg tourney but it was cancelled due to too many other events drawing people away from it. Star City had 5 tourneys being run simultaneously for a variety of games (including a magic ptq that was a huge draw).
#15 Jan 08 2007 at 6:06 AM Rating: Excellent
3,801 posts
I spent a lot of time working, and wound up catching a sore throat. I didn't even realize today was Monday. I think I got some good stuff done this weekend but to be completely honest, I don't remember. I'm just that out of it right now. :/

#16 Jan 08 2007 at 6:18 AM Rating: Excellent
Goals were to get my druid to level 50 (from 47). Didn't *quite* make it, missed by 3/4 of a level. Baby was not cooperating so.... there ya go.
#17 Jan 08 2007 at 6:39 AM Rating: Excellent
1,876 posts
WoW --
PvP on Dithers some more. I respecced him to 10/41 (ignoring Spirit of Redemption because it's a wasted talent imo) and his PvP survivability and usefullness went way up. It's actually fun again (and putting 50-80k up in healing for an AB is good times).

RL --
Mother, Brother, and Nephew are coming up on Sunday afternoon for the night. I haven't seen any of them since April-June, should be an ok time. Have to clean up and stuff a bit first (I've been slacking).

We have part 2 of MC scheduled on Sunday, but it's very doubtful that I'll be there due to the aforementioned relations coming up.

I did PvP on Dithers some more. Picked up his PvPRare robe Sunday morning and did some PvP until the family got here.

Visit with the family went well. They liked the new place, but unfortunately my nephew (he just turned 1) hasn't been feeling too well, so he stayed at home with his mommy :(.

Nothing else too exciting.
#18 Jan 08 2007 at 6:46 AM Rating: Good
5,087 posts
carried on levelling my warrior using Jaimes new horde levelling guide, reached freewind post and discovered the joys of grinding on the cenaturs just to te north of FP - some really nice silk cloth drops + shadowfang blue weapon which went up on the AH this morning for 20G starting bid and 30G uy out.

Also started visiting WC pool first thing every day to farm the rare elite, killed him Sat, Sun and Mon AM, got the 15% blue drop today and the green sword Sat and Sun. The blue is also up on the AH. Hopefully when I get back from work Ill have loads of gold waiting for me?

Also ran RFK, have to revisit sometime this week for warrior imba armour quest.
In Loving Memory of SatanWantsMe 2006-2008
SWM Wiki | Journal | What I am listening to right now
#19 Jan 08 2007 at 6:57 AM Rating: Excellent
2,711 posts
Did a little PvP on my druid, I'm something like 2k away from Warlord shoulders. I also wasted 96 gold buying my druid a cenarion belt. I couldn't help myself though, it completed the set for me >_<

I also leveled my human rogue alt from 11 to 12 at the urging of my brother, who wanted to run me through deadmines. I said ***** it and went to bed. I don't think I've trained any new skills in 4 levels, that's how serious I am about that character.
#20 Jan 08 2007 at 7:08 AM Rating: Excellent
12,905 posts
Bah. Gained one level on my rogue and thats it.

ABd with my pally in a last minute attempt to get some PvP gears.

Weekend went by waaay to fast.
#21 Jan 08 2007 at 7:17 AM Rating: Excellent
- AQ40 tonight
- Free day Saturday, no raids, so I'll focus on gathering herbs on my priest, leveling my orc hunter, and going from 17 to 20 on my Draenei shaman.
- BWL (Firemaw to Nef) on Sunday. I am really hoping for a new wand out of BWL more than anything in preparation for BC release.

AQ40 - Downed Skeram, no luck on Sartura
Saturday - Focused on hunter, the rest went unplayed.
BWL Sunday - We were not on top of our game, coming back from a holiday break. 5 wipes, 1 on Firemaw, 4 on the trash pulls between Firemaw and Ebonroc. Chromaggus went down on 3rd attempt, and we did one test pull on Nef to see what color the drakonids will be (black and red). We'll hopefully take Nef down tonight. The wand I want didn't drop but I got [wowitem=19430]Shroud of Pure Thought[/wowitem] off Ebonroc.
#22 Jan 08 2007 at 7:18 AM Rating: Excellent
3,202 posts
I think I will be spending this weekend working on some of my alts. Most of them have pretty hefty rest bonuses saved up. I need to inventory their equipment as well and look into some upgrades as needed. Most of their mailboxes need some attention too since I have been noticing bounced mail again. My Troll Hunter needs to take some time to work on her engineering since I have been sending her iron and higher level stone.

My Troll Mage went from 28 to 30. My Troll Rogue went from 29 to 30. My Troll Hunter went from 27 to 28. My Night Elf Warrior cleaned all the herbs out of her mailbox and worked a bit on Alchemy. My Night Elf Rogue went to WC to get her Darkmoon Faire prize which was rather disappointing since the best thing in there was a 10 slot bag. She did get the Ratchet WC quests done as well as the deviate hides quest done so it wasn't a total loss. I worked a bit on the Hunter's Engineering but suddenly found that I couldn't make the steel I needed so she didn't get as far as I wanted. I was still very happy with all the progress I made on my alts and I did get a lot of quests out of the way.

I will probably spend a bit of time grinding some gold on my main (43 Troll Warrior) as well as spend time helping out friends. I am still trying to encourage my boyfriend to catch up to me on his Shaman and he did a good job getting from 36-38 over this past weekend, so I don't want to put too much effort into widening the gap again - unless a really good opportunity presents itself like a bunch of people willing to help me get my Stromgard quests out of the way. :)

I didn't do much at all with her this weekend other than help out a friend on a couple of tough quests. On the plus side, I didn't widen the gap between my Warrior and my boyfriend's Shaman. :D
#23 Jan 08 2007 at 7:35 AM Rating: Good
1,117 posts
I got nothing done. What I did do is start up an alt, now a level 11 Dwarf Hunter... whom I love.
#24 Jan 08 2007 at 7:38 AM Rating: Excellent
1,030 posts
RL goals? Not a blasted thing. :D Wife's spending Saturday night at a friends for a birthday party (an hour away, she's planning on getting trashed, so a night w/o any nagging ... put the kids to bed, and it's lots of quiet time :D)

Check. :D

I think I'm going to spend a large part of tonight turning in the 8 or so completed quests that are sitting in her log just WAITING to give her exp.

Check. Got close to 56 on that one.

Then, I know a bunch of Scarlet Crusade in the Western Plaguelands that are looking to become really dead corpses.

While grinding, I'm going to be farming for the Crusader enchant. Sadly, this is one of the REALLY low probabilities for the weekend.

Fail. Stingy fellers, they are.

56 at least.

Check. 3/4 of the way to 57, too. Managed to take her into an LBRS run with guildies. Picked up the Magister's Bindings (and the group didn't want to hit the alcove right below Mother Smolderweb, pshaw) and Trindlehave Staff as an upgrade. I was glad to FINALLY be able to DE that Illusionary Rod that I'd been using.

Otherwise, my rogue is trying to finish Jail Break to move forward on his Ony attunement chain. Maybe this weekend, it'll happen.

Fail. We tried. Managed to get where Windsor's picking up his gear. The group in there wiped us, and it was too late for members of the group to try again.

[Edit]Forgot one thing - As embarrased as I am for the rest of the NFC than an 8-8 made it to the playoffs as a wildcard, I'm looking forward to the Giants trouncing the Eagles this Sunday afternoon. Gooooo Giants! *ducks out of the way of the rabid 'skins fans that live in Virginia*

I managed to survive another season as a Giants fan in VA, but sheesh. Couldn't Philly have botched that field goal? And why wasn't the Philly lineman ejected after not only a late hit, but hitting a SECOND player afterwards? Sheesh.

Edit: '/' are good ... it makes the quotes come out the way they should. :(

Edited, Jan 8th 2007 10:35am by Shamandin
#25 Jan 08 2007 at 8:21 AM Rating: Good
869 posts
Alas... no matter how much I try to ignore them, the remaining BRD quests on my 60 Pally's log will just not go away. I'm going to try to man up and force myself back into the maw, there. If it goes badly, I'll likely resign myself to a last minute PvP grind and run a few BGs. Alternatively, I'll possibly spend some time questing for gold and rep with him.

I would like to get a few WSG/AB matches in on my 38 Druid... maybe pick up my next piece of gear.

Quest my 38.75 Orc Warrior to at least 39.5, and my 26.6 Tauren Druid to at least 28.5.

It doesnt seem overly ambitious, but I know I'll end up squandering several valuable hours doing the BRD thing, so something's bound to fall by the wayside.

EDIT: Ah, nearly forgot... Want to get as many of the Exodar/Silvermoon quests done on as many characters as I can.

Good luck all.

Got the Orc Warrior to 40 (Mount purchased. Gold for training "Borrowed" from alts should be in the mailbox. Upgrade to plate will wait a bit.) and Tauren Druid to 28.9. Did a little PvP on both my 38 Druid and 60 Pally (first trips to WSG and AB since level 39... it was like being a 34 facing a twink preform of 39s all over again). Didnt do much when it came to Silvermoon/Exodar quests (1 BlElf quest in Grom Gol). I did the Horde version of one of the Forest Song/Draenei chains, but its given by an Orc and, I'm pretty sure, primarily gives Org rep.

BRD... I tried. Spent a couple hours in the LFG queue. Got a couple of offers to run LBRS (or was it UBRS?), an invite to a Jailbeak group (not there yet), and an invite to tank for a group that included a 44 Hunter. I politely declined. Maybe next week.

Edited, Jan 8th 2007 12:11pm by soobooboo
#26 Jan 08 2007 at 8:29 AM Rating: Good
1,150 posts
I wrote:
Lessee - I wanna level my warrior to 26 or maybe 27 and start working for Expert cooking and Expert first aid. Try to build some IF rep.

Warrior at 26. All secondary skills (fishing, first aid, and cooking) are over 100. I have the books for first aid and cooking and have the FP to Booty Bay so I can get the Fishing book easy when I need it. Did a few quests for the Dwarves. On a side note, I discovered that grinding > questing.

Edited, Jan 8th 2007 11:23am by ShadorVIII
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