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Horde Or Alliance?Follow

#1 Jan 06 2007 at 5:23 AM Rating: Decent
Speaks for itself really. Which do you think is better and why? Dont say like "Alliance is better coz horde are smelly and have holes in their clothes".
#2 Jan 06 2007 at 5:30 AM Rating: Decent
Citizen's Arrest!
29,527 posts
KonnaHunter wrote:
Speaks for itself really. Which do you think is better and why? Dont say like "Alliance is better coz horde are smelly and have holes in their clothes".

Alliance is better because horde are smelly and have holes in their clothes.
Smiley: grin

No, but seriously: It's all a matter of personal preference.
#3 Jan 06 2007 at 7:11 AM Rating: Decent
KonnaHunter wrote:
Horde or Alliance?

Yes. Any other choice is futile.
#4 Jan 06 2007 at 7:19 AM Rating: Decent
198 posts
I chose Alliance because my mates were already on that side. Now I have an Alliance server and a diffrent server with Hordies. If I didn't have mates on Alliance, I would have probably tossed a coin to determine my starting faction.
#5REDACTED, Posted: Jan 06 2007 at 7:20 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) If you like **** like east 17 or whatever the **** their name is, you will love the alliance.
#6 Jan 06 2007 at 8:06 AM Rating: Decent
Ally - nice, beutiful, helpful (environmet); racial abilities are mostly defensive, nice looking races
Horde - ugly, brutality everywhere (environment too); racial abilities are mostly offensive, ugly looking races

I have chosen Night elf - i like Nelfs ! (mhm... sexy !)

#7 Jan 06 2007 at 8:17 AM Rating: Decent
Airfrix wrote:

Horde - ugly looking races

I have chosen Night elf - i like Nelfs ! (mhm... sexy !)

Enough said.

Back on subject, its personal preference. Each side has its advantages, and now with BC coming out and Paladins and Shamans going to the opposite side the only difference is starting zones and races. Other than Mulgore, the Alliance have better looking starter zones, but overall I like Horde better. There are far less kids(from my experience) on this side because most kids want to be the good guys, and not the evil looking horde. Overall its personal opinion so choose what you like best.
#8 Jan 06 2007 at 8:23 AM Rating: Decent
Srolyat wrote:
Other than Mulgore, the Alliance have better looking starter zones

Come TBC, Horde will have the best-looking starting Zone - better than anything the Alliance can offer.
#9 Jan 06 2007 at 10:37 AM Rating: Decent
ohmikeghod the Venerable wrote:

Come TBC, Horde will have the best-looking starting Zone - better than anything the Alliance can offer.

That's definitely true. Blood Elf starting zone is amazing looking.
#10 Jan 06 2007 at 10:39 AM Rating: Good
14,326 posts

I have a Horde 60 and I have an Alliance 60.
#11 Jan 06 2007 at 10:51 AM Rating: Default
The horde main cities, like Thunder bluff and Ogrimmar, look amazing and alot more creative than the Alliance cities.

Also, from my experience the Aliiance are pretty horrible at PvP. I ALWAYS win in wsg and other battles, and if the alliance ever kill me its usually because they outnumbered me. I've managed to take down alliance 10 levels higher than me solo as a shaman. What this seems to indicate is that the alliance is mainly consisted of little kids that dont really know how to play. This doesnt apply to all alliance however, I've encountered a few that have been worthy opponents.

But yeah.. Horde on my server dominates the Alliance, not in number, but in ability and power.
#12 Jan 06 2007 at 10:53 AM Rating: Good
14,326 posts
I absolutely hate the generalization "horde is better at PvP" or the opposite "alliance is better at PvP".

It changes by server and by battlegroup.

My battlegroup, Alliance destroys Horde in AV, gets destroyed in WSG and it's usually 50/50 in AB.
#13 Jan 06 2007 at 10:57 AM Rating: Good
14,326 posts
Alliance cities are laid out more logically then Horde cities. Places are easier to find because they are grouped by similarity (trade districts, war districts, mage districts, etc..).

Horde cities are a tad more spread out and haphazard with the layout (TB and UC are somewhat districted but those aren't the easiest cities to get around in to begin with).

Orgrimmar just makes no sense the way it is laid out. There's no central point, it's a long spread out line and there's no hub to move to the different areas by.

Ironforge has the Great Forge, from there you can hit any of the outlying quarters and the quarters are connected in the circle. Undercity has the bank in the middle, but it has too many tiers of rings to make navigation harder. Darnassus spreads out in a semi-circle from the bank-tree. Stormwind has the trade district with bridges connecting all the others, but can all be reached from the Trade District. Thunderbluff has the tower, but again, there are tiers to the city that makes it harder to navigate.
#14 Jan 06 2007 at 2:13 PM Rating: Decent
I prefer horde, but mainly because there is a much better community (a LOT less people that flame you for no reason, or even flame you at all).
#15 Jan 06 2007 at 2:29 PM Rating: Decent
20,024 posts
I have actually found that, now, the two sides are mostly equal in the immaturity sense.

I have done some exploring of this issue and found that, when the Alliance on a server far outnumbers the Horde, they are far more immature than the Horde.

When the Horde far outnumbers the Alliance, they are more imamture.


Because if you have 100 mature people and 100 immature people, the side with 150 people is going to have at least 50 immature people. And, it is likely the opposing faction is made up more than immature subjects.

In two years and forum biases always saying, "Immature kids play Alliance, Blah, Blah, Blah..." many of those immature players rerolled Horde.

Because, honestly, in the age bracket of 12-29, the 12-13 year olds and the 18-23 year olds are, by my experience, more immature. There are plenty of exceptions, such as the sweet-natured, I-Am-So-Confused-How-To-Play-This-Game-Please-help-Me young'ns.

I always pick servers for my factions where they are the lower population. Why? More World PvP pickin's and my afore-mentioned theory.^^

Oh, and my bias is that I am sixteen. (Seventeen on the twentieth, WooT! Hello Mr. Driver's License.)

Hope this helped.^^
IDrownFish wrote:
Anyways, you all are horrible, @#%^ed up people

lolgaxe wrote:
Never underestimate the healing power of a massive dong.
#16 Jan 06 2007 at 3:49 PM Rating: Decent
I like horde, alliance is evil, really allince are gankers so thats why im horde because I can gank alliance and they cant yell at me beacuse they will be/are gankers.
#17 Jan 06 2007 at 8:27 PM Rating: Decent
little kids that dont really know how to play

Hmm, wheres the word. . .

PS- personal preference, but like some have said Horde is ultimately better at PvP than the alliance. If you want player versus palyer without you etting ganked all the time go horde, if not doesnt matter really.
I personally am Alliance.
#18 Jan 06 2007 at 9:29 PM Rating: Decent
1,188 posts
If you like sh*t like east 17 or whatever the @#%^ their name is, you will love the alliance.

All boy band wannabes and eveyrone under 6 years old should take alliance.

And trolls should stay in their cages.
#19 Jan 06 2007 at 9:44 PM Rating: Decent
First off, I would like to express my displeasure at having Horde races called "ugly."

What about the Alliance races? Human males all look big and dumb, like a star football player who's taken one too many a knock to the noggin. Gnomes are just a joke to begin with--take a look at that pudgy little body! It's like they were once taller, but got squashed down to size, and all the fat folded up until it created a figure strong in resemblance to an overstuffed doll. Dwarves have wrinkly faces and HUGE noses, and Night Elves--well, they're all right, I guess, everything but those gargantuan eyebrows. I can't take one look at a Night Elf's face without going "holy ****, those are LONG!" They creep me out, seriously. What are they FOR? Shelter from the rain? Don't think so.

As for the Horde--they have their flaws, but I much prefer them to Alliance. The Orcs are muscular, but unlike the human male their heads are the correct size in comparison to their bodies, and their eyes aren't defocused and squinty. Some people like to call the Tauren "cow-men," but "cow" implies the female gender, and NONE of them have udders--the Tauren are more based off the male bull. They are built sturdily, with defined calves and toned muscles, and their eyes are determined and focused. Trolls look very fierce, with a lean and limber body and an intimidating glare. As for the Undead--I can't really say much for them appearance-wise, but they take advantage of the Horde anyway, so I don't care what anybody thinks about those.

And, as was mentioned previously, I've met many more jerks on Alliance than I have on Horde. My first day testing out an Alliance character and this other guy (also Alliance) comes up to me and starts slapping me and asking questions like "when do those legs open?" When I was playing the Horde, two Alliance players came to Bloodhoof and began to harass me as I walked past--waving at me, gasping at me, even farting. I have NEVER had a Horde player fart on me.

Edited, Jan 7th 2007 12:42am by Shadowmoonslayer

Edited, Jan 7th 2007 12:42am by Shadowmoonslayer
#20 Jan 06 2007 at 10:42 PM Rating: Decent
20,024 posts
Luckily, those eyebrows are optional on Night Elves.^^
IDrownFish wrote:
Anyways, you all are horrible, @#%^ed up people

lolgaxe wrote:
Never underestimate the healing power of a massive dong.
#21 Jan 06 2007 at 11:00 PM Rating: Default
There the same pretty much. Choose who you think looks cooler 8D.
#22 Jan 06 2007 at 11:51 PM Rating: Good
3,202 posts
When I was playing the Horde, two Alliance players came to Bloodhoof and began to harass me as I walked past--waving at me, gasping at me, even farting. I have NEVER had a Horde player fart on me.

I have noticed the same sort of thing. While playing Horde, I have had Alliance people (typically Humans) make rude gestures and spit and fart and yet when I play Alliance, I have yet to see a Hordie make any sort of rude gesture at me.

I prefer to play my Trolls but I play Night Elves and a Dwarf too. I have found people more willing to cooperate and help each other out on the Horde side. I always feel crowded on the Alliance side where I have to compete with others just to get quests done.

The more I play Trolls, the more I like the animations they have. The Troll male model doesn't make any pretense of trying to look like any sort of human ideal and the animations for running and fighting have a strange grace that many of the other more 'pretty' races seem to lack. The female Trolls do look more human but their animations are almost as good as the males. The only thing I really don't like about the female Trolls is the laugh because it doesn't match the voice they use for them and sounds more like a cackling witch.

#23 Jan 06 2007 at 11:55 PM Rating: Decent
Horde on my server dominates the Alliance

Is what i said, I never intended for what I said to apply to all servers, since thats something beyond my current knoweledge. Everything that i said about the alliance applies to my server.

As for one of your complaints about the horde cities.. Ogrimmar is an aestheitcal(think thats how its spelt) beauty. Its great size, and interestin shadowing in certain areas makes it really seem cool. But i do have to agree with you thats its really big. THunderbluff though, no way someone should be insulting that masterpeice. The way its laid out is pretty ingenious, with the Sky tower *whatever its called* connecting all the different rises.. And how could you say its hard to navigate? just simply go to a different elevation if what you want is at that elevation.. and all 3 rises are right by eachother..



I bet you are a little kid too. It does seem pretty logical that all the little kids would want to be the 'good guys'.

Edited, Jan 7th 2007 2:52am by Demonicous
#24 Jan 07 2007 at 4:57 AM Rating: Decent
1,207 posts
Either is a good choice.

Try both and see which one you like best.
#25 Jan 07 2007 at 9:21 AM Rating: Default
Alliance FTW...

But Horde is EXTREMELY good at BG becuz they work TOGETHER (god, alliance sucks at BG lol)
#26 Jan 07 2007 at 9:50 AM Rating: Decent
20,024 posts
Thunderbluff is technically laid out well, but ti fails in the end.

Everything in TB looks so much alike, that there are no land marks. I always have to look at my map to find out which rise is which.

In IF, every place is striking and it leaves a mark in your memory. SW is a little worse, but traveling it as a Druid is so fast early on. :P

Darnassus is easy just because of simplicity. One side is all trade skills. One side is all items. Go up and left for Priests. Go up and right for Rogues, Druids and Hunters (All in the same place.)

And the Priests are easy to find because the temple is huge :P.

Undercity has a good layout in theory, but it does get complicated. The designers went all out with the, uh, design. This kinda led to annoying parts. It wasn't realy thought through. MUCH more difficult to find specific things.


Ouchy. Very interesting to explore. Very painful to navigate.
IDrownFish wrote:
Anyways, you all are horrible, @#%^ed up people

lolgaxe wrote:
Never underestimate the healing power of a massive dong.
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