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Weekend Goals.Follow

#1 Jan 04 2007 at 10:43 PM Rating: Excellent
Good morning.

The first work-week after a long holiday always seems to drag, so I'm glad that's over :)

My goal for this weekend is to get the ability to ride my stupid epic mount. I have been saving gold for quite some time now, and I'm close to 600 gold. 120g in a weekend shouldn't be too hard.

All I have to do now is decide whether I want to grind, quest, or fish for it, even though fish does not sell as well as it used to.

Playing the AH is sadly beyond my skills.

I am also on a quest to gather as many ores as I can (yes, I'm even mining tin), and send them to a newly created alt that will be my jewelcrafting bank.

So, what is your goal for this weekend?

Disclaimer: Please be kind enough to post only once on this thread.
#2 Jan 04 2007 at 10:51 PM Rating: Excellent
I think you should save your 600g for the next patch that comes out (it's rumored they're gonna bring down the prices of epic mounts to ~540g. Not too sure if it's true or not :P)

My goal for this weekend is finally get back in the raiding scene, just having fun in aq/bwl and whatnot.
But ultimately, is just spend time with my family and relaxing before I get back to school :(.
I'm trying to level my 45 rogue alt to 60 before TBC, hopefully it can happen, we'll see though =P.
Hopefully I can get to at least 49 by sunday, it shouldn't be too hard seeing as I might hit 47 tomorrow, only around 50k from level 46 (I can grind 25k in half an hour if I really really try :D)
48 maybe on saturday, and 49 hopefully on sunday, and then a level each day during the week. If I can do a level a day, I should be 58 by TBC, I wouldn't mind having to level two more levels while everyone's trying out the outlands and such :p
#3 Jan 04 2007 at 11:01 PM Rating: Excellent
3,801 posts
Oh, oh! SECOND!

Just honor farming for the weekend for WoW. Also gotta spend some time with my wife, and I'm working on every day this weekend. (sooooo can't set many goals, yeah)

I figure I need about 27k more honor pre-BC, so it's gonna be a tough quick grind, but I hope I make it.
#4 Jan 04 2007 at 11:03 PM Rating: Excellent
Citizen's Arrest!
29,527 posts
WoW Goals:

1) Still working on my prep for TBC. Stockpiling consumables. Filling my questlog with completed quests. Stockpiling gold. Etc.

2) BWL on Fri/Sat. Hoping for something leet. Though, more than anything, I wanna go after Broodlord and down him for the first time.

3) MC on Sunday, though not expecting to make it. If I do, I really would like my Arcanist shoulders. Despite the fact that I'll likely get better damage gear come TBC, the -threat set bonus that those shoulders will give me will make instancing as I level a lot easier.

4) If I somehow decide I'm no longer disgusted with PvP, I might try to stockpile tokens to get a Dranei mount on expansion day.


1) I have no idea whether I'm gonna have this weekend off(as it would mean I have a 2 day week Smiley: grin). Hoping to have it off.

2) Either one of two things will happen.
A. My GF will have Sunday off and can visit.
B. I will be going to her workplace and burning it to the ground.

#5 Jan 05 2007 at 12:56 AM Rating: Excellent
217 posts
Finally weekend!

My goals are to pvp a bit more on my rogue, I need about 3k for the blue pvp boots.

On my shaman, its leveling 1 or 2 more levels (he is 54 now), and start running BRD. BRD has SO much nice loot these days! I will try to get my guildies to go too. My shammy became a blacksmith yesterday, so I am going to try to level that skill as much as possible. Yes, like the rest of the world, I really want a bloodmoon axe. I consider it unlikely that I ever get one, but I will try :) The journey will be fun in itself.

RL: Eat the traditional salted sheep (pinnekjøtt) on saturday. Also locate all relelvant documentation on my flat, as I am selling it soon.
#6 Jan 05 2007 at 1:03 AM Rating: Excellent
2,588 posts
- get the last of my jewelcrafting mats (i have hundreds of ore, gems, stones, metal bars and other mats on 3 alts).

- make some money.

- pvp on main to get the pvp jewels.

- travel the world to buy recipes and get some exodar rep.

- pvp on rogue. going for longsword, about halfway there.

in rl:
final touches to my flat. the kitchen is getting an extra shelf and the bedroom some new curtains.
#7 Jan 05 2007 at 1:09 AM Rating: Good
326 posts
WOW goals

Finally hit 60 so its time to rep and honour farm - wanna be exalted with AD by the end of the weekend and get my first PvP piece (dont know which one i will pick ^_^)

Maybe run BRD to get that MC attunement and start getting Ony attunement.

Real Life
Start getting ready for my move in February.
#8 Jan 05 2007 at 1:10 AM Rating: Excellent
I must do 3 things starting immediately after this message -

1. Get some sleep.

2. Wake up and level my warlock.

3. PvP with the warlock @ lvl50 and be "that guy" who dies a ton and who everyone hates to have on their team. Smiley: lol

Yes I have no shame so long as I get some purples. ^^;
#9 Jan 05 2007 at 2:19 AM Rating: Excellent
631 posts
1. BWL in a joint raid with another guild tomorrow. Hopefully I'll be able to go Boomkin as much as possible (it's so, so much fun).

2. PvP if I can face it. I'm getting sick of it. I have about 50 tokens for each BG at the moment and no idea what I'm actually going to do with them, but other than raiding I don't really have much else to do with my main. Farming = boring. (On a side note, I seem to have missed the announcement about what excess tokens and honour will be used for when BC comes out...might have to start a new thread)

3. Erm...perhaps I'll get the warrior to 30 with the new Ashenvale quests. Or level another alt. Decide on the priest's talents, perhaps. Something along those lines.


1. Cinema tonight, either Miss Potter or White Noise 2 (whatever it's called).

2. Take down the Xmas tree. I really hate that job.
#10 Jan 05 2007 at 2:54 AM Rating: Excellent
755 posts
Work 'till 5 on Saturday, come home and try and get my beautiful UD 'lock to 35.

Work 'till 5 on Sunday, come home and try to get my beautiful UD 'lock to 36, and get a buddy to boost me to the astoundingly stupidly placed Enchant trainer in Uldaman.

Helluva lot less stressful than when I was raiding, but fun nonetheless Smiley: smile
#11 Jan 05 2007 at 3:04 AM Rating: Excellent
3,478 posts
I hope to get my hunter to lvl 46, but more preferably lvl 47 :)

I also hope to catch me some hordies while I'm out questing. I'm getting bored of grinding but not quite at the right level to BG yet, so here's to getting lucky!

#12 Jan 05 2007 at 3:45 AM Rating: Excellent
8,779 posts
crank out the last 20k honor for my GM claymore. my group has been averaging about 1800 honor an hour, give or take a hundred or so, and we can manage about 3-4 hours of pvp before we start getting tired of it. so thats means 3-4 sessions of 3-4 hours of pvp at our avg rate to have my claymore.

doable...but im not sure if my fingers can handle it. besides, i plan on taking my GF out to dinner tomorrow since i finally have cash to spoil her with again.

I will be going to her workplace and burning it to the ground.

burn it regardless of what happens. just in case <.<
#13 Jan 05 2007 at 4:05 AM Rating: Excellent
My main goal in WoW is to grind to Exalted with Darnassus, so I can get my kitty as soon as the price drops (if it actually does drop). Also, try and get in an instance or two, and maybe grind some more CC rep (I'm at friendly- decided I want the NR enchant recipe as well now).

Real life- today is the last day at my current job. Packing my toys up and bringing them home- I'll decide what to take to the new job once I get there and see how big (or how small) my desk / office will be.
Longtail | Evilynne | Maevene | Kornakk | Steelbelly
#14 Jan 05 2007 at 5:02 AM Rating: Excellent
Goals: Try not to play too much! It's amazing how quickly time goes when I'm playing WoW and it's eating up too much of my life. I want to take it easy until TBC comes out. If I do play I will be trying to grind some cash to buy my boyfriend his epic mount for his birthday (20th Jan). It'll leave me skint but hey.

Non-WoW: Finish Twilight Princess, watch some Battlestar Galactica, think about what to get my other half for his b'day, mess about with Photoshop a bit, clean the house, begin my New Year's diet and do some exercise. Going out for a meal for a friend's birthday on Sunday.
#15 Jan 05 2007 at 5:17 AM Rating: Excellent
473 posts
To quote the European techno band Scooter: "It's Weekend"

1. PvP on Priest
2. PvP some more on Priest
3. Live to PvP on Priest

I need 12k more to obtain my GM Mace before the expansion plus I would like to get a little more honor saved past that to finish my FM set.

1. This afternoon I will be getting a Crown put in at the dentist
2. Watch "The Good Sheppard"
#16 Jan 05 2007 at 5:34 AM Rating: Excellent
- My old raiding guild is coming out of retirement for the release of TBC. I'm going to pop over there and see what's happening.
- Continue to collect more copper ore.
- Level my anatheran druid up to 18. He's currently 17. My goal is to get him to 20.

- Play more Twilight Princess
- Play more Lego Star Wars
- Play more FFXII
- Go to a WoW ccg tourney and continue my perfect record of top 8 finishes
#17 Jan 05 2007 at 5:41 AM Rating: Excellent
6,318 posts
  • Hit at least 25 with my mage (preferably 26)
  • Run VC one last time with a guildie
  • Run Stockades
  • Call Bliz and complain about not being able to transer a toon from PvE to PvP
  • Submit to their will and just play my Rogue on the PvE server

  • Go to Poker tourney tonight
  • Get drunk
  • Start/Finish 20 sketches due monday
  • Finish first Color Theory 2 project
#18 Jan 05 2007 at 6:02 AM Rating: Excellent
Wondroustremor the Flatulent wrote:
My main goal in WoW is to grind to Exalted with Darnassus, so I can get my kitty as soon as the price drops (if it actually does drop).

The price of the mounts won't change, just the cost of the riding skill. If that will really happen, but it seems to be what I'm hearing in several places.

Anyway, my goals this weekend are:

- AQ40 tonight
- Free day Saturday, no raids, so I'll focus on gathering herbs on my priest, leveling my orc hunter, and going from 17 to 20 on my Draenei shaman.
- BWL (Firemaw to Nef) on Sunday. I am really hoping for a new wand out of BWL more than anything in preparation for BC release.
#19 Jan 05 2007 at 6:19 AM Rating: Excellent
Finally play again, Darkstar One and BF2142 have sucked up way too much of my time. Level my Druid and Priest a bit. Get in some WSG and finally see if I can sell all the junk I have been collecting forever :)
#20 Jan 05 2007 at 6:19 AM Rating: Good
473 posts
Wondroustremor the Flatulent wrote:
My main goal in WoW is to grind to Exalted with Darnassus, so I can get my kitty as soon as the price drops (if it actually does drop).

The price of the mounts won't change, just the cost of the riding skill. If that will really happen, but it seems to be what I'm hearing in several places.

Wouldn't it be easier to just get the PvP kitty?
#21 Jan 05 2007 at 6:37 AM Rating: Excellent
2,711 posts
PvP kitty isn't as special. :)

I plan to get WoW updated on the new computer, old one died. If I have any time left after that I might PvP and try to get my shoulders, but I will probably just play Twilight Princess.
#22 Jan 05 2007 at 7:01 AM Rating: Excellent
1,117 posts
I'm mining my butt off for TBC... everything from Moss Agate to Tigerseye. I'm going to work the AH and buy out the lower level gems, like Shadowgems, so when half the population becomes jewel crafters, I can rake it in. Also hoping to find some arcane crystals to make some Arcanite bars and get closer to either my Charger or towards my Hammer of the Titans. I'm also trying to find a new guild, seeing as I want a bigger one for Instancing and Raiding.
#23 Jan 05 2007 at 7:05 AM Rating: Excellent
Ghost in the Machine
36,443 posts
I don't really have any plans for this weekend.

Perhaps farm some gold and battlegrounds so I can get my (first) epic mount for my Hunter. Perhaps get the final level on my Druid and ding my fourth character level 60. Perhaps make a new character, just as I thought my altism was gone.

Real life is keeping me busy this weekend (and the next as well), sadly. Saturday is dedicated to working and Sunday to running errands for my grandparents.

I feel like having my Rogue restored though he's naked, still ugly and the GMs have threatened to permanently suspend my account if I ever mention the word "restore" in a ticket again.

I think I've got the WoW blues...
Please "talk up" if your comprehension white-shifts. I will use simple-happy language-words to help you understand.
#24 Jan 05 2007 at 7:11 AM Rating: Excellent
3,202 posts
I think I will be spending this weekend working on some of my alts. Most of them have pretty hefty rest bonuses saved up. I need to inventory their equipment as well and look into some upgrades as needed. Most of their mailboxes need some attention too since I have been noticing bounced mail again. My Troll Hunter needs to take some time to work on her engineering since I have been sending her iron and higher level stone.

I will probably spend a bit of time grinding some gold on my main (43 Troll Warrior) as well as spend time helping out friends. I am still trying to encourage my boyfriend to catch up to me on his Shaman and he did a good job getting from 36-38 over this past weekend, so I don't want to put too much effort into widening the gap again - unless a really good opportunity presents itself like a bunch of people willing to help me get my Stromgard quests out of the way. :)

My only real life goal this weekend is to avoid catching the flu or whatever it is that my boyfriend came down with yesterday. I will be going to Vegas the following weekend and I don't want to be too sick to enjoy it. :P

#25 Jan 05 2007 at 7:16 AM Rating: Excellent
12,905 posts
It's gonna be a WoW heavy weekend for me! Im tired of seeing family so thats out of the question.

I hope to get a few levels on both my lock and rouge and just have a blast PvPing in STV.
#26 Jan 05 2007 at 7:21 AM Rating: Good
1,392 posts
Main WoW goals are to run a couple of instances on my troll hunter with friends, namely Strat Scarlet so i can finally get rid of the mountain of quests for the place that are piling up in my log.

Also need to try and get some rings for the poor girl, the one area that's suffering at the moment. I've already got the av mount and 750 odd gold saved up for an epic mount when tbc rolls around, but no doubt it won't hurt to grab an extra little money along the way.

If i can i'd also like to get in some Thunderclap Weave-Spam practice on the big strat groups with my warrior in anticipation of TBC, as that's meant to be our best way of holding multi-mob aggro at the moment. It doesn't hurt to brush up on your skills every now and then after all, of course my banker may disagree when he sees the repair bills i bring back.

In Reali Life there's the threat that i may have to visit family for the 'post new years get-together' which may curtail the wow goals slightly.
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