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Greatest O-Boards Post ever.Follow

#1 Jan 04 2007 at 2:57 PM Rating: Good
2,824 posts
Subject: Message from a vet warlock ...


im a warlock i post on this alt to conceal my identiy level and class. ive been playing a warlock since closed beta way back when everyone played warcraft 3 and pong. i knwo what im talking about because ive leveled 3 warlocks to 60, 1 affliction, 1 demonology, and 1 a mixture of both. ive pvpd a lot and been up to loatheb in pve, iveb een a warlock class leader for my guild for almost a year now and ive never been happier with my class. however jsut because i like my class doesnt mean that we arent broken. people say dots are too overpowered, when in fact they arent, because in normal group pvp they just get dispelled. unstable affliction is the answer to this but its a 41 point talent and thats too much to sacrifice. fear has also been nerfed ever since its creation. it breaks easy and is hard to cast. deathcoil doesnt count as a fear as it is our only saving grace. dots are easily dispellable and mages and paladins can remove all of them with a touch of a button, this is very powerful as warlocks rely on debuffs to succeed. so if we cant put debuffs on the target we dont succeed, get it. many warlocks enjoy the soul link spec because it gives them more stamina and the freedom to think through their battles instead of pray for 2 shotting robot chickens. they use strategy over crits and its a very good way to play, however, because most people see lower numbers than usual they think that soul link warlocks are overpowered however this is not the case however. however affliction warlocks are more overpowered than soul link because affliction means you die no matter what whether you kill the warlock or not, this is very powerfull in group pvp because u just res in 30 seconds anyway who cares. thats a major flaw in any pvp battlegruond is the res system, not warlocks, because warlocks dont controll the battlegrounds contrary to the conspiracy theories that many developers play warlocks. warlocks are a difficult class to master because each debuff has its own use. obviously you wont curse of reck a warrior, nor would you curse of weakness a priest. you ened to know whatd oes what, bad warlocks just cas the same spell on everyone they see. curse of agony, corruption, fear, etc. deathcoil however is a clutch however. warlocks who open with deathcoil suck because deathcoil is primarily used as getting health back, not dps. another fundamental flaw with warlocks is how our health is our mana, so if we re low on health were also low on mana which means well die, obviously. its obvious that warlocks have more health because our health is our mana, if we run out of health we also runs out of mana which means we cant kill you. when we cant kill you we lose, and its very hard. the biggest abilitiy we have that can save our butts is fear, but blizzard keeps nerfing it so whats to save us. deathcoil on a 2 minute cooldown, no thats not short enough, perhaps remove the fear effect but make deathcoil a 40second cooldown that would make sense because wed be able to get heal , which is eqal to mana, back every 40 seconds while doing instant damage, sounds good to me since rogs will have cloak of shadows every 60seconds it sounds even since claok of shadows is a talent thats made into a trained abilitiy that is a saving grace versus casters much like deathcoil which is our saving grace versus melee who cna easill get the jump on a warlock since we dont have any instant escape abilities other than intercept stun from our felgaurds which require a 41 point talent and take up a lot of mana and micromanagement. sorry that was a long sentance. anyways in order for any warlock to do anyting good we have to put 41 talent points into 1 tree which means were abolute crap till 70 but then well be gods. blizzard has always nerfed us by reducing our hp our stamina our health and our instant abilties like pyschic scream. they gave this back to us however with improved howl of terror which is pretty good froup group pvp which is why affliction is better for gorup pvp because you can simply dot people and let your teammate heal you and kill the person your dotting which is good for group pvp. warlocks shine in 1v1 we all know this its been prooven nine hundred times, but what does itm atter, this game isnt all 1v1 its mostly groups. you dont do instances 1v1 you dont do pvp 1v1 right ,good. however should a 1v1 situation arrive oyu should call for backup when you see a warlock because were fricking overpowered lol. but seriously its best to just play in groups in this game in general instead of play for oneversusone because the game isnt based around 1v1 so its better to play in groups. how to beat a warlock 1v1 is simple, call a priest or paladin to come save oyu and dispell the dots, or blow all your cooldowns and a few potions.

in group vpp however a warlock cant do nothing they jsut stand there and their dots get dispelled sot hey cant do dps and their shadowbolts suck and the pet does nothing it just looks clueless like an extra on fresh prince of bell air. the real way to beat any teram who uses al ot f warlocks is to get shadow resistance. even 20 or 40 shadow resistance hurts our dps a lot it doesnt sound like a lot but it hurts our dps a lot. there needs to be a spell that warlocks have that increase our effectivness in group pvp but make a few nerfs to reduce our effectivness in 1v1. anyways enough talk about 1v1 lets talk about group pvp. druids for example arent as nerfed as warlocks because druids can shapeshift and remove snares and cant be cc'd. paladins can go immune and heal which is insane plus they can drop reckoning bombs and one shot raid mobs which is overpowered not even warlocks can do that lol. warriors are kidna nerfed but thats ok because they get a lot of cooll looking loot and can tank any boss in the game we can onyl tank twin emps which is dumb let warlocks tank more bosses like that pet that tanked anubrehkan or that druid that tanked kel thuzad. mages 2 shot peple all the time with 9k pyro crits that now have no cooldown which is just stupid i mean it ignores armor and is ranged yet does stupid damage god nerf mages. warlocks are ridiculos they can just fear y ou and then dot you then sudduce yotu trhen shadowbolt you its dumb theyre by far the most overpowered class. priests can heal better than anyhting else and and do instant shields which are basically free 900 damage heals vs non dispelling classes which is insane and thye buff which is an extra 750 hp which is good for a warlock because warlocks hp = mp, they can also shield themselves for liek 1000 damage when they arent killing shaman. shaman are insane their gorunding totem can absorb an unlimited amount of damage but it has 5 hp i mean wtf shouldnt a 5hp totem absorb 5hp from a 9k pyroblast making it 8995 lolz but windfury is more burst damage than any dot and bust damage is the win in pvp we all knwo that its been like that for years. i think thats all the classes but if it isnt someone pls remind me because its taken me about 3 weeks to type this masterpeice of a post so i hope you like it. much like druids warlocks are able to dispell themselves when they have a felhunter out and at the same time dot like moonfire does with corruption. this is pretty nice and thats why warlocks make good partners with druids because of mobile damage and mobile healing theyre the best 2v2 team out there but eventuall y blizzard will nerf it because blizzard always nerfs warlocks. much like 2 years ago blizzard made walrocks the worst class int he game and they still are by a long shot becauseo f their uselessness in gorup pvp and pve. mages blow away damage meters in pve on fights like loatheb wherea llt hey do is crits but oh no news flash dots dont crit so we suck at that fight its not my fualt im low on the damage meter itsb ecause im aw arlock whom blizzard hates its not fair that we had to go through with this for 2 years and still are crap. in conclustion i feel that warlocks need a buff to be more on par with outher classes in group pvp like paladins who ehal like priests can go immune and wear plate and shields and do insane damage where they can 1 shot raid bosses thats ridiculosus lol. i feel that maybe we areo verpowered in group pvp 1v1 pvp but not pve or gorup pvp thats where we are weakest, but its easy to fix, heres how you fix it. ok here ish ow you fix our flaws in group pvp and 1v1 pvp, frist give us more aoe abiltiies maybe an aoe dot or something or maybe a dot that silences or maybe aoe deathcoil or maybe aoe shadowbolt like half the bossesi n theg ame have or maybe give us class calls like nefarian where i can be like "LOL ALL DRUIDS R CATS LOL" and make them all cats so they cant heal then make them not decurse then curse the main tank with a curse where he wont get healed and will die ok maybe thats overpowered lol. seriously though its easy to fix give us a good silence effect or a cc ability that doesnt require us to sacrifice one of our pets or give us gimp dps, lower our pvps stamina but buff life tap so i can get more mana for pve. give us stronger direct damage abilties like shadowbolt but nerfo ur dots because our dots are frikin ridiculous lol, with the new expansion comming up this will probabyl all change but it doesnt matter because whats now is now and this is now not later its now. in closing iwish all good luck when fighting a warlock 1v1 because you'll get owned but were till the wost classi n the game since 2003 bye.

I'm not sure if anything more profound has ever been published before.
#2 Jan 04 2007 at 3:01 PM Rating: Good
5,492 posts
I couldn't read it. Blocks of text make baby jesus cry....
#3 Jan 04 2007 at 3:16 PM Rating: Good
2,824 posts
What? There is text in that post? I thought the poster had figured out how to make White Blocks on the oboards.
#4 Jan 04 2007 at 3:20 PM Rating: Decent
Ah man! Its too long...being stupid and having an extremely small attention span i could only read a few lines. Can we add some nice colourful pictures at strategic points to keep me entertained?
#5 Jan 04 2007 at 3:20 PM Rating: Good
2,824 posts
Highlights include ...

the pet does nothing it just looks clueless like an extra on fresh prince of bell air

sorry that was a long sentance

deathcoil however is a clutch however.

Read this next one out loud a few times.

with the new expansion comming up this will probabyl all change but it doesnt matter because whats now is now and this is now not later its now

Smiley: lol

Edited, Jan 4th 2007 4:18pm by baelnic
#6 Jan 04 2007 at 3:25 PM Rating: Good
I bet if you printed that out and showed it to an english teacher, it would be construed as attempted murder.
#7 Jan 04 2007 at 3:27 PM Rating: Decent
I can't tell if that was serious or satirical. Either way, it made me lose brain cells.
#8 Jan 04 2007 at 3:28 PM Rating: Good
5,492 posts
Grandmother baelnic wrote:
Highlights include ...

with the new expansion comming up this will probabyl all change but it doesnt matter because whats now is now and this is now not later its now

That makes my brain hurt....

#9 Jan 04 2007 at 3:29 PM Rating: Good
Ghost in the Machine
36,443 posts
I laughed out loud.

Great post!
Please "talk up" if your comprehension white-shifts. I will use simple-happy language-words to help you understand.
#10 Jan 04 2007 at 3:49 PM Rating: Decent
381 posts
Not true Grandmother. The greatest oboard post ever is from a level 11 Orc Warlock named Kralnor...I couldn't read the one you posted but it did have some nice gems others noted.

'Warolock Staff Users' by Kralnor

I dont like to stress the fact that the warlock rocks, but he jus does. So, for all you staff users out there, feel free to come in and post, my staff is a good one, but here is how it goes

1. post message in the room


3. dont report anything, i might get in trouble :)

and 4. Have fun!!!

#11 Jan 04 2007 at 3:53 PM Rating: Decent
2,496 posts
Smiley: bangheadSmiley: yikesSmiley: jawdropSmiley: chugSmiley: cry

I read it, all of it......

My head hurts now.
#12 Jan 04 2007 at 3:55 PM Rating: Good
2,824 posts
I can only look at the post in 5 min increments but here is another gem ...

when we cant kill you we lose, and its very hard.
#13 Jan 04 2007 at 3:57 PM Rating: Decent
Oh i don't know, i thought the Alamo Durids post was pretty funny. But as i said im stupid, therefore all the spelling mistakes in it seemed like the Queens English to me.

P.S. why do i keep typing teh instead of the....tell me im not becoming a 1337 h4x0rz!!!
#14 Jan 04 2007 at 3:58 PM Rating: Decent
3,478 posts
`Wall of text crits you for 6,000 damage.`
`You die.`
#15 Jan 04 2007 at 4:34 PM Rating: Decent
20,024 posts
`Wall of text crits you for 6,000*10^23 damage.`
`You die.`

Just had to edit that for you WebJunky^^
IDrownFish wrote:
Anyways, you all are horrible, @#%^ed up people

lolgaxe wrote:
Never underestimate the healing power of a massive dong.
#16 Jan 04 2007 at 4:36 PM Rating: Decent
2,634 posts
it seemed like the Queens English to me

Your possibly right, no word "pwn" i searched it.

I started reading it, until i got lost into all of the sentences/blocks. I think i get this persons point? He's mad warlock's arent the UBER class at this moment? Am i right?
#17 Jan 04 2007 at 4:39 PM Rating: Decent
Basically, warlocks are overpowered but they aren't and they need to be better. Yeah.
#18 Jan 04 2007 at 4:46 PM Rating: Decent
Something like that. Though my eyes glazed over after the first block of text.
#19 Jan 04 2007 at 4:48 PM Rating: Good
2,824 posts
I started reading it, until i got lost into all of the sentences/blocks. I think i get this persons point? He's mad warlock's arent the UBER class at this moment? Am i right?

No, what he is saying is ...

with the new expansion comming up this will probabyl all change but it doesnt matter because whats now is now and this is now not later its now

Get it?
#20 Jan 04 2007 at 4:53 PM Rating: Decent
I think i understand, its all about now not being later because if it was later then it obviously wouldnt be now which would make it useless because that would mean it was the past and if it was the past it has no relevance to the moment you are in i.e. now.....oh god! My brain is dripping out of my ears!
#21 Jan 04 2007 at 5:09 PM Rating: Good
Burned tongue on a hot pocket. It burns us. Smiley: frown
#22 Jan 04 2007 at 5:18 PM Rating: Decent
111 posts
#23 Jan 04 2007 at 5:22 PM Rating: Decent
OMFG. I read it all, without blinking.

I'm gona need some time in the corner now.
#24 Jan 04 2007 at 5:26 PM Rating: Good
2,824 posts
If you stare at it long enough you see a schooner.
#25 Jan 04 2007 at 5:32 PM Rating: Good
I think that post casted a few CoT's on me and then drained my INT stat. And I only lasted for the first 3 lines of the first sentence :P

Rate up for "FFATMA", that was hilarious ^_^

with the new expansion comming up this will probabyl all change but it doesnt matter because whats now is now and this is now not later its now

I think this proves that the creature that posted it lives and thinks in extra dimensions which allow retrocausality and simulataneous existance in multiple quantum states.

In simple terms - what we see as a block of text - is in fact a 4D string array and we are only observing a single slice which, naturally, doesn't seem to make much sense.
#26 Jan 04 2007 at 5:34 PM Rating: Default
I stare at it and I see a bunch of images flashing into view, its crazy....
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