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#27 Jan 03 2007 at 3:24 PM Rating: Good
11,852 posts
axhed the Flatulent wrote:
z-board makes one a bit better... lemme try and find it...

a ha! it's even on sale for $20:

ideazon fang

Edited, Jan 3rd 2007 2:40pm by axhed

I tried this and I have to say that to me it was awful for WoW. It's a lot more suited for First Person Shooters.

I use a Logitech G15 keyboard, personally. It gives me about 4 extra keys in direct range of my pinky without moving my left hand from it's main position, and another 14 keys that I can hit almost as quickly.

Although ... I have to admit leveling Rogue from 29 to 55 in less than two weeks has given me major pain in my arms ... but that would happen with any gamepad if you're not used to that level of strain.

I'm off for a week in Florida to let my poor tendons recover!

Edited, Jan 3rd 2007 6:22pm by Jordster
#28 Jan 03 2007 at 3:27 PM Rating: Good
689 posts
DarkcydeIntensity wrote:
I've got an adapter that lets me hook up a Playstation 2 controller to my PC. I used it for FFXI and it was great. Anyone know if that's compatible with WoW? A friend of mine is borrowing it and I didn't want to ask for it back unless I knew it'd work.

Edited, Jan 3rd 2007 4:54pm by DarkcydeIntensity

I saw a thread with some interesting discussion of a program someone made specifically to use their controller in the forum the other day. While it might not be for everyone, it's at least an option you could explore.;mid=116360733930969466;num=32;page=1
The discussion thread, has a link in the first post for the project site hosting the software.
#29 Jan 03 2007 at 5:32 PM Rating: Good
The Ebonspine of Doom wrote:
axhed the Flatulent wrote:
z-board makes one a bit better... lemme try and find it...

a ha! it's even on sale for $20:

ideazon fang

Edited, Jan 3rd 2007 2:40pm by axhed

That one doesn't look too bad either. Hurts my eyes looking at it though hahahahah. Either way should be exciting getting one... you've convinced me, its best buy after work before MC tonight.

1 minute to unwrap and plug in, 30 minutes programming all the buttons the way I want, then raid :D lol

EDIT: After reading the description again at "From our expanded online assortment; not available in Best Buy retail stores" ;-;

Edited, Jan 3rd 2007 2:43pm by Ebonspine

Odd. It's at the Best Buy where I live. They have 5, even :P
#30 Jan 03 2007 at 5:36 PM Rating: Decent
12,905 posts
Hmm, do you guys think the macros the controller performs are against the rules?
#31 Jan 03 2007 at 5:50 PM Rating: Decent
2,496 posts
Hmm, do you guys think the macros the controller performs are against the rules?

When I was playing EQ that was highly debated and according to one GM, if you can setup a macro on the gamepad that you can't setup in game then yes. Basically, if you setup a macro in the gamepad to perform several macros in game with the push of 1 button then it's against the rules. They frown on gamepads because properly programmed you can macro an entire fight or farm instance into a single button push then go AFK for awhile while the macro runs.

I seriously though about getting a gamepad and decided to go with the Logitech G15 keyboard and G7 mouse. I picked both up for around $150 from

If your set on getting a gamepad I would check tigerdirect first. They usually are very good on their prices.

Just a FYI, if your using a gamepad to setup macros that violate the rules, you can be caught. I know a few people from EQ who got banned because they were using game pads.
#32 Jan 03 2007 at 6:26 PM Rating: Decent
I feel like such a newb since i'm a clicker.

How'd you guys learn not to click? Practice, or is there something that helps?
#33 Jan 03 2007 at 6:32 PM Rating: Good
When I first started in UO I was a clicker, the best way to learn not to click is to die, alot. I was dying in PvP and to mobs, didn't matter, after a couple of dozen deaths I decided there had to be a better way and started to use hot keys and macros.
#34 Jan 04 2007 at 7:14 AM Rating: Decent
12,905 posts
Not sure im a fan of the gamepad...

Played with it on my rogue all last night and there were a lot of things i realized i couldnt do. Playing it on my pally would likely be even more of a nightmare.

My complaints:
-Orange button too hard to press without sliding the controller to the left

-"Jump button" was awkward and not very easy to press, If you use DPad to move, its hard to strafe+jump and if you use the keys to move you waste vaulable real-estate.

-Mouse wheel in a poor position and too stiff. Since the wheel changed my layer of keys, i used it quite a bit but had to stop and focus on it to find it and to make sure i didnt over scroll.

-Ended up using my mouse a lot more for abilities, which = bad.

Ergonomic feel was nice though and made SS spamage a lot less straining lol. It may be that im just so used to keyboard for the last 2 years that its hard to adjust, but i dont see this performing nearly as well as my keyboard. A better investment for me would be a new keyboard actually.

Edited, Jan 4th 2007 7:22am by KTurner
#35 Jan 04 2007 at 7:21 AM Rating: Decent
I absolutely love my n52. I use it mostly when playing my warrior so I don't have to move my fingers as much across the keyboard but I've started using it more with my shaman as well. I just had to change some of my keybindings so I didn't have to mess with profiles on the n52.
#36 Jan 04 2007 at 8:14 AM Rating: Decent
I use one and I like it. I have six of the keys bound to A,S,D,W,Q, and E with the default controls in WoW, so they move my character. I have one bound to the Tab key for targetting, one bound to the shift key, and the other 6 bound to 1-6. I use the Orange thumb button essentially as a panic button (Feign Death, Ice Block, etc.) and the key below that as the jump. Pretty much feels like how I would hit the spacebar anyway. I don't use the scroll wheel, as it seems hard to reach and manipulate. I use two of the direction keys to scroll up and down through my action bars and the other two for less used abilities, I think mapped to - and =.

So, I my most used abilities I have on my main action bar "1". From there I scroll up one or down one to reach other abilities. So it's a scroll up from the main bar, hit the ability quick, then a quick scroll back to the main bar, or conversely a quick scroll down.

I know it sounds convoluted, but it matched the most closely how I played before I got the pad, it just expanded the keys/abilities, that I could easily reach, giving me more flexibility. That's a long explanation, I apologize. The bottom line is that I think it's useful, but you'd have to try it and set it up how it makes sense for you to tell. Good luck...
#37 Jan 04 2007 at 10:06 AM Rating: Good
5,492 posts
KTurner wrote:
Not sure im a fan of the gamepad...

Played with it on my rogue all last night and there were a lot of things i realized i couldnt do. Playing it on my pally would likely be even more of a nightmare.

My complaints:
-Orange button too hard to press without sliding the controller to the left

-"Jump button" was awkward and not very easy to press, If you use DPad to move, its hard to strafe+jump and if you use the keys to move you waste vaulable real-estate.

-Mouse wheel in a poor position and too stiff. Since the wheel changed my layer of keys, i used it quite a bit but had to stop and focus on it to find it and to make sure i didnt over scroll.

-Ended up using my mouse a lot more for abilities, which = bad.

Ergonomic feel was nice though and made SS spamage a lot less straining lol. It may be that im just so used to keyboard for the last 2 years that its hard to adjust, but i dont see this performing nearly as well as my keyboard. A better investment for me would be a new keyboard actually.

Edited, Jan 4th 2007 7:22am by KTurner

Im along the same lines here.

I spent quite a bit of time last night configureing it and i dont think im done. im going to give it a solid week of playing with it befor i return it.

granted, im a "clicker", so its extreamly akward for me but im going to give it the old college try. If that doesnt work, ill return it for a new gaming keyboard.
#38 Jan 04 2007 at 10:42 AM Rating: Decent
1,259 posts
I bought the first gamepad that was listed with my BB giftcard. Got it home, its really a fantastic piece of work. My hand fits nicely with it, great contours, extremely easy to configure and load profiles; as well as switch between settings.

The only problem that I found is that for group play, its almost a hassel. It fits greatly on the arm that my chair has, the rubber bottom keeps it from sliding. Very relaxed. For groups when I need to type things, I got really irritated. I wasn't completely used to the button layout I made, and if I had to say something I had to move back to my laptop, which I would stay at after typing so I could talk more.

For solo-ing its great. Party or Raid wise; not so much.
#39 Jan 04 2007 at 6:39 PM Rating: Decent
Bought the N52 tonight another review to follow
#40 Jan 04 2007 at 7:41 PM Rating: Decent
1,113 posts
I've been using mine for a few months, and it's pretty frickin' sweet. It takes up to a few days to adapt to using but once you get used to it's great.

The only thing is, I made all of my buttons on mine an ability or movement- this gets the job done for PvP, as I have all my abilities that I need on hand, but in PvE I need to click some stuff because all the abilities just don't fit.

What I want to do is make one of the buttons on the pad a shift or control key and have keys bound to when Im holding those keys for different functions on other keys, so I effectively have double the buttons and can have all my abilities on this little pad. I'm just so used to what I have already it'd be weird...
#41 Jan 04 2007 at 8:42 PM Rating: Decent
4,297 posts
i went ahead and got the fang... for $20 you can't go wrong. seems decent so far, like KT said about pads in general, it's really light and slides before the pressure activates the button, unless your wrist is resting on it. was thinking about getting a mousepad with a big gel wristpillow for it, but instead i might rig something up to the arm of my chair HAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAAAAAA.

only real complaint so far is that the distance from the thumb buttons to the wasd buttons is a little short and i really have to curl my fingers a little more... however, the plus to that is that the lefty thumb buttons are accessible to my pinky. i can see myself binding both pinky buttons to jump, and the two thumb buttons to ctrl/alt.

the cord is a little short for my taste, but it does have a couple nifty posts underneath to wrap the cord around, and a cutout to tuck the usb plug into, and it's only about an inch thick, so it appears that it would tuck into a laptop bag quite nicely. indeed, the bottom half of the fang fits snugly into a cd visor style pocket and if any impact knocked it out, a loose fang rattling aroung the bag would be the least of your worries. so if you're a traveling man like the long-lost barrelhunter or myself, the fang gets the highest marks for portability in transferring between a laptop and desktop.

there's a flip-out tab with a large cutout at the top edge. the only thing i can figure it's for is to hang it up and out of the way. at the moment my fang is hanging off the corner of a 1/2" thick shelf within easy reach, and it's pretty stable.

there's a clear ring around the z-board logo that lights up when it's plugged in. X-TR333M3 modders and their ilk could open the thing up and replace the led with one that matches their case lighting. :D

there's a button that opens winamp, and all the standard mp3 player control buttons.

at this point, should i install the drivers and tell you guys what it's really capable of?


#42 Jan 05 2007 at 9:56 AM Rating: Good
761 posts
I'm an n52 users since quite a while back, it does take some time to get used to but it's brilliant once you settle in. The carpal tunnel / RSI relief alone makes it worth it, but the difference in gameplay was also noticeable.

The setup I've settled on (since WoW 2.x) has been using 4 keys for directional movement and 10 keys bound to action bar 1. Key 15 is bound to SHIFT and I've bound action bar 2 to shift + (0..1) for another 10 actions. It also makes for convenient quick-looting if SHIFT is bound on the pad. The orange button I'm using for Jump, I found this more relaxed than using key 15 as the thumb remains in a relaxed position rather than stretched away from the fingers used for directional movement.

Obviously this setup isn't making the most of the n52, but 20 actions, shift, 4 directionals and jump is all I found was needed.
#43 Jan 05 2007 at 10:04 AM Rating: Good
5,492 posts
ok so i think i finally have the pad configured how i want it. i tried playing last night to get accustomed to it. it is akward to say the least but i think ill get used to it. i have the directional keys set up like my keyboard and i also added tab and shift to the 1st layer. i programmed the 2nd layer with party selection (the F1-5 keys) and my heal buttons on the 6-12 keys for grouping when im a healer.

will give a full update in a week or 2 after i get used to it.

havent used it in PvP yet as i know i will get pwned by even a L30 because im unfamilier with it so far.
#44 Jan 05 2007 at 2:05 PM Rating: Good
592 posts
Here's how I have my n52 setup. It addresses some of the problems you guys are having.

1. I don't use the red button.
2. I don't use the scroll wheel on the n52.

I have the d-pad set to Forward/Backwards and Strafe right and left. I have no "Turn" keys, since I do that with the mouse.

Bind the Middle Mouse button (The Scroll wheel) to Jump on Click (Use your actual mouse to jump, not the one on the n52).

Bind the little button below the d-bad to Autorun.

As a Druid, I have the left most column of keys set as my keys to shift. The rest are 1 - "-".

I have my targetted set to Scroll up = Target Next Enemy, Scroll Down = Target Nearest Friendly.
#45 Jan 05 2007 at 2:57 PM Rating: Decent
12,905 posts
i like the idea of putting jump on the mouse. That would really help me out i think.
#46 Jan 05 2007 at 3:05 PM Rating: Good
5,492 posts
KTurner wrote:
i like the idea of putting jump on the mouse. That would really help me out i think.

I put my jump on the bottom thumb key....

the D pad consists of my 3 shifting spells and the 4th one is used to change layers..

I actually use the red button.... to get on my mount....

Edited, Jan 5th 2007 3:01pm by Aadynn Litefoot
#47 Jan 05 2007 at 9:00 PM Rating: Decent
I use one of these and LOVE it, i would never be able to play using just the keyboard.

I have the jump bound to the thunb key, and the D-pad i use for a few things, open bags, map, quest log, charachter screen (basic presses) then with shift, PvP, guild page, PvP scoreboard, and BG map

The red button i use for my PTT vent key.

I also use a G5 mouse
with that i have shift bound to the left thumb key and the two middle buttons are ctrl and alt.

Between the mouse and N52 i have 40 actions (10 normal, shifted, ctrl and alt) along with the Dpad setup the way i do i never have to touch my keyboard other than to type, and my guild relies heavily on vent so i can play for hours and never touch it.

Although my Keyboard is a G15 wich is an awsome gaming keyboard with alot of extra buttons and macro settings and differant memory banks i could program even more actions and macros, but i have no need for any of that as my N52 + mouse is more than enough for what i do.

My UI is also setup specifically for how i play i have 4 4x3 action bars on the bottom of my screen (i love Discord) and i have them setup very nicely so even at a quick glance i know exatly where that skill is located so i know wich button i have to pres (wheter its a normal 8, or a alt8) but after nearly a year of playing like this i could easily hide my action bars and play just fomr muscle memory alone.

I highly recomend it, it might take a bit to configure it and get used to where things are on it, but once you get it down, a keyboard will just never work for you again :) It works great for FPS, and MMOs I have yused it alot for both and i must say it was the best 20$ i ever invested (found it on sale over a year ago)
#48 Jan 06 2007 at 2:30 AM Rating: Decent
1,606 posts
axhed the Flatulent wrote:
z-board makes one a bit better... lemme try and find it...

a ha! it's even on sale for $20:

ideazon fang

Edited, Jan 3rd 2007 2:40pm by axhed

I actually play with one of these on my rogue, and I absolutely love it. I love the double row of buttons over the directional keys. The pad itself is very well made and is definitely worth the $35 or so I paid for it. My brother wanted one for xmas, and I was unable to find one. I'm going to BB tomorrow to grab that thing while it's still on sale!
#49 Jan 08 2007 at 8:43 AM Rating: Good
5,492 posts
Ok, update to my gaming pad experiance.

It sucks...

Im returning it.

I couldnt get used to it after 5 days of playing....

Waste of $$$$

That is all...
#50 Jan 08 2007 at 10:05 AM Rating: Good
3,771 posts
I picked one up too.

Its comfortable but I can't seem to fit all the actions I want to fit on there. I can try to get used to the directional pad for movement and I like the idea of putting shift/alt/ctrl on a mouse so maybe that will help.
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