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A few words to some postersFollow

#27 Jan 03 2007 at 9:55 AM Rating: Good
Repressed Memories
21,027 posts
Mazra I don't believe this is a major problem. I just barely know of only one poster on that list. Looking at what MetalJeff in this thread I see he has fifty-seven posts so far. How much damage could he have really done?

Problems that are chronic or acute must be dealt with and most of these "problem posters" have been (at least to me, apparently not to you) barely noticeable.

I think this forum is getting some serious negative vibes recently dude. Chillax.
#28 Jan 03 2007 at 9:58 AM Rating: Excellent
You know, there's always going to be "those" kind of posters. I think it comes with popularity: when a site such as this one attracts lots of people, it is pretty much guaranteed that a certain percentage of aforementioned people will be "special." Special as in creating topics such as "0Mg WTF?" or "I need gold wer 2 farm" and so on and so forth.

I don't mind "special" threads. I can easily ignore them, usually based on the thread title alone. Makes things easy.

A lot of people who flock to Allah, however, have originated VERY useful threads and interesting topics and guides (myself not included, as I'm more the kind of person who chimes in opinions on existing subjects rather than writing guides and initiating discussions).

And this is where we come to my personal problem with these boards:

What really grates on my nerves, and what will usually rile me up is when typically GREAT posters believe that their opinion on a matter is the only correct one and all other contrary opinions are ****, and will not only inform you of this but will insult you in the process. This first happened to me several months ago, perhpas even longer back, when I stated my opinion in a particular PvP-oriented thread. Mere moments later, a usually awesome poster quoted me, informed me that I was "ignorant" and "selfish" among other things, that should he ever come across anyone in-game that shared the same opinion as myself that he would be /spit on them... and to top it off, an entirely new thread was started in which the opening argument was why the opinion I (and a number of others) held was completely stupid and absurd and that we all essentially suck at both life and WoW.

That's when things on Allah started going way downhill in my eyes, and when my outlook towards this site became heavily skewed towards the negative.

Add this to the times where I've been straight-up told that my postcount sucks and therefore so do I, and that I deserve in no way shape or form to be a Sage (although I could care less what my title is as it makes absolutely no difference on these boards so long as you're over Default; after all, I didn't rate myself up) and have had posts rated down strictly for that reason (as though rating is a weapon of some sort), that I should simply stop posting here, etc, and all the many, MANY times I've seen regulars on here "critique" and rate down other people's posts as if they have a degree in the literary arts... and, well, it's a bloody wonder I'm still here to bother y'all with what I think. Yet here I am, for better or for worse.

Anyway, I think that "special" posts by "special" people are unavoidable, much like moths are unavoidable when it comes to bright lights. This is not to condone "special" posters, mind you, but they comes with the territory. It'd be a waste of energy to target these people. Simply ignore or rate down and keep going.

My point, and I'm pretty sure I have one in here somewhere, is I believe that if you really want to make a difference in these boards, if you really want to improve the quality of life here at Allakhazam, then we all should work on turning the negative, aggressive, holier-than-thou attitudes of some of the regular posters around. After all, these people with the high post-counts (which apparently count for a alot) and the lordly titles are the same people that new and old users alike are supposed to be looking up to. It sets a bad example when someone with 6,000+ posts and the title of Scholar or even Sage is telling average users who're merely sharing their thoughts on a subject that they're wrong, and that they suck, or are infantile, or are peons, or are stupid, etc., and that they really shouldn't be making posts on this site.

Who the hell would ever want to come back after experiencing something like that?

Except for myself, of course, because I seem to be a glutton for punishment.

Anyway, that's my 2c.
#29 Jan 03 2007 at 10:02 AM Rating: Good
Facts in response to a query or request, in themself, are obviously helpful. However if one presents those facts so as to be an attack on someone - it obviously can be offensive. And here, opinion is often presented as fact, which people with differing views are quite likely to take offence to....

I agree Mike - and many other - very experienced posters and players provide a lot of information helpful to lots of people. A very valuable resource for us all. However since I have started reading posts (maybe 9 months ago) responses have regularly been presented in a manner which attacks the original poster, or strongly held opinions have been presented as fact.

If you go out and whack someone you expect them - assuming it is within their power (and unless they are very, very philanthropic) to hit you right back. If they are vicious, they might batter you out of all proportion to your original jibe. So complaining when frustrated people hit back might be better sublimated to amending ones own behaviour ?

Likewise a post to the effect of, "Go somewhere else", or "We rule here, leave", is, I believe, about the most inflamatory way of responding to opinions you disagree with. This is a public forum ! People are social creatures and hate to feel excluded. So the harder you shove, the more likely precisely the people you want excluded will come back spoiling for another fight and trying to provoke a reaction.

If I could rate down posts (and I can't, obviously) I would rate Mazra's post down because she directly attacked individuals on the basis of her opinions. I don't say I disagree with them, but I think it was unecessarily offensive and probably hurtful to those who were attacked (if they could be honest about it) -but of course they are now busy hitting right back....

#30 Jan 03 2007 at 10:05 AM Rating: Decent
Well: beat me to the punch there I think Krystalmyth....
#31 Jan 03 2007 at 10:06 AM Rating: Decent
Damn: I meant not to punch.
#32 Jan 03 2007 at 10:11 AM Rating: Decent
2,634 posts
Wondroustremor the Flatulent wrote:
I do, however, give Mazra credit for actually coming out & saying why he's rating people down. How many people (and I can include myself in this) will rate someone down without saying why?

Honestly, I give mazra credit for it too, honesty is a wonderful thing if done properly.

Let me just say, I am one of those people in the background generally. I will rate you (or anyone) down and not speak up if they really make me mad.

Generally this is because, If you cant say something nice, dont say anything at all. Thus i dont or try not too.

But if you only make me slighly mad, or do something stupid I always speak up and let the person know why im giving the rate down.

Im not rating this whole entire post, for one good reason. It doesnt contribute to the main wow forums board. If it did, everything pertinent would get a rate up. But honestly it doesnt, and I try to limit when i hit that rate posts button.
#33 Jan 03 2007 at 10:12 AM Rating: Decent

Stop posting crap or deal with the consequences.

And I know I've been posting a lot of hate lately, but this board needs some serious weeding out and by the looks of it, we're low on gardeners. However, don't think this post only applies to the posters mentioned. These guys are the topping of the cake. I mentioned them because I thought they deserved a warning before I opened fire. This post is directed at all you new posters who come here thinking we have to entertain you. Again, when I say 'we', what I really mean is 'I'.

Step 1) Remove Stick From ***.
Step 2) ????
Step 3) Profit!

You're not the High Priest of these forums, Maz, and you have no real power to act as such. You can rate people down? Okay. So can everyone else. Your ratings aren't even anything special in the sense of how they're weighted.

There are a fair number of new posters due to the influx of Christmas WoW accounts, plus the standard crop of bad posts, means that the forums look a little desolate now. That'll change. But you shouldn't take this as an excuse or some kind of rationale for making you think of yourself as "El Maz", the heroic resistance fighter heroicly battling heroic idiocy in a heroic manner. With heroics.

You're contributing to the problem... not to the solution. Get over yourself.
#35 Jan 03 2007 at 10:16 AM Rating: Decent
Ghost in the Machine
36,443 posts
Removed because I'm not getting through.

Let the thread die.

Edited, Jan 3rd 2007 7:15pm by Mazra
Please "talk up" if your comprehension white-shifts. I will use simple-happy language-words to help you understand.
#36 Jan 03 2007 at 10:20 AM Rating: Decent
Removed because I'm not getting through.

Let the thread die.

Incoming emo?
#38 Jan 03 2007 at 10:44 AM Rating: Good
Bang your head! Metaljeff will drive you mad!
#39 Jan 03 2007 at 10:44 AM Rating: Decent
1,036 posts
As if to prove my point, any poster not agreeing with the OP gets rated to Default or Sub-default despite the majority of them keeping their replies respectful and level-headed. The rating system is broken, it's just a toy to be abused by people with the mental age of a child incapable of forming a decent response or argument.
Fey :: Excalibur :: FFXIV
Releaser :: Fenrir :: FFXI
Grizzlebeard :: Drinal :: EQ
Crossbones :: Aggramar :: WoW
#40 Jan 03 2007 at 10:46 AM Rating: Excellent
Let's see what Jeffy's quality looks like, shall we? Just a small sample, mind you:

From your first post, Uhh BG is lame now, you had the following gems to share:

MetalJeff wrote:
Yup, BG is crap now. Horrible. They ruined the game. Good job blizz.

MetalJeff wrote:
... I was off for awhile while "real-life" took precedence just to come back and see bg all messed up with and gay.

MetalJeff wrote:
Gear in place of exp isnt really what makes it gay.

No-Ranks makes it gay. Why can't their be ranks now? I don't get why it was taken out.

MetalJeff wrote:
Anobix wrote:
I am not gay

You sure?

MetalJeff wrote:
danieldakkak wrote:
MetalJeff wrote:
Anobix wrote:
I am not gay

You sure?

What I am sure of, is that MetalJeff is either a troll, or not mature enough to be allowed to pee without a diaper.

So I shall try to sub-default you, since none of what you seem to post is of any value to me personally (not sure if it is of any value to anyone, but there are some weirdos who collect dog droppings, so it might interest them)

Allowed to pee without a diaper? Wow, and you called me immature.

Not being Politically Correct is not immaturity, it's not being a little blubbering ******.

MetalJeff wrote:
Lol, how old are you people, seriously? I'd bet late 40s, fat and single. Probably still virgins sitting in your mom's basement eating powdered sugar donuts and reveling in how "leet" you are to have a level 60 character to "pwn noobs". Grow up and move out of mommy's house.

And that's just in the first thread you ever made. Yeah, you're a real keeper. Smiley: disappointed

Edit: Oh, it takes a few people to get you to sub-default, Jeffy. Maz is one, I'm another, whenever you spout crap like that. Obviously there are other people that feel the same way about your brand of "personality" posts.

Edited, Jan 3rd 2007 2:45pm by Wondroustremor
Longtail | Evilynne | Maevene | Kornakk | Steelbelly
#41 Jan 03 2007 at 10:50 AM Rating: Excellent
Admittedly the number of dumbasses posting has increased but I am kind of surprised at the number of people that can't just rate someone down and go on without bumping or even giving someone a platform.
#42 Jan 03 2007 at 10:54 AM Rating: Excellent
15,953 posts
Watch, in a week there will be a post about some posters being condescending. Seriously, you call people out and then get upset when they take a swipe back at you?

These threads are best left for the sandbox.
"I have lost my way
But I hear a tale
About a heaven in Alberta
Where they've got all hell for a basement"

#44 Jan 03 2007 at 11:11 AM Rating: Good
10,564 posts
Rated tremor up because those feelings very closely mimic mine.

Rated MetalJeff down because he looked at me funny.


That wasn't my first thread. Get your facts straight. It all spawned from people being @#%^s to me in that thread, as someone else in this thread said happened to them on a few occasions. A lot of you people think you are so high and mighty, it's disgusting. You're on the internet, on a forum talking about a game. For Christ's sake, its a GAME FORUM! Get over yourselves (you know who you are) and calm down. Is this forum really all that gets you up in the morning? Is it that important to you? If so, I'm sorry my posts offended some of you to the point where you need to make threads where you must be literally sobbing at your keyboard whilst writing them. But I recognize this place for what it is, a game forum talking about a game (derr).

Hypocrisy at its finest.
◕ ‿‿ ◕
#47 Jan 03 2007 at 11:46 AM Rating: Excellent
3,202 posts
Constructive criticism is hard enough to take in person where you have the advantages of voice tone, facial expressions and such but it is almost impossible to give it in a text-based forum such as this and have the advice taken as intended.

After perusing various threads in this forum, I really don't feel that some posters rate or deserve any warning or helpful advice meant to help them become better posters because some posters really just post things in an effort to get other people mad at them. I don't see any point in trying to help someone who obviously has no interest in becoming a useful member of the community.

I also feel that while there are people who will rate down any posts that disagree with their own view, most of us do appreciate intelligent debate and will even rate-up a dissenting but well-presented opinion. BUT, there is a big difference between making a post that disagrees with another poster and making a post that simply flames another poster with name-calling, profanity, and other personal attacks.

Personally, I don't really mind if people disagree with me or show where I have made an error. I do mind if people attack 'me' instead of the ideas or opinions that I post.
#48 Jan 03 2007 at 11:54 AM Rating: Decent
2,740 posts
I am geniunely upset that I didn't make the list.

Over a year of homosexual insinuations and I don't even get an honorary mention?
#49 Jan 03 2007 at 12:00 PM Rating: Good
Over a year of homosexual insinuations and I don't even get an honorary mention?

I love homosexual insinuations, but I'm not a premium member and I didn't start this thread... so the best I can do is give you a super-special imaginary gold star! ;-)
#50 Jan 03 2007 at 12:05 PM Rating: Good
Releaser wrote:
As if to prove my point, any poster not agreeing with the OP gets rated to Default or Sub-default despite the majority of them keeping their replies respectful and level-headed. The rating system is broken, it's just a toy to be abused by people with the mental age of a child incapable of forming a decent response or argument.

I'd like to think of myself as a fine example of someone who disagrees with people regularly and will get into civil arguments and yet ratedown wars don't occur. I've had long threads with Mike and Tyr where I disagree with everything and everyone. I've posted in the EQ2 threads that Bodhi brings to the boards. And I started doing those things around 400 posts where even then your rating is still very susceptible to rate-downs.

If you're being rated down it's probably not because of your content but rather your presentation. Things like:
So yeah, three cheers for supressing an individual's right to voicing their opinion, in whatever form they tend to use, regardless of whether it runs counter to your own views.

are designed to **** people off. I've posted dissenting opinions to a good majority of the "big-name" posters around here and rarely do I see that post rated downwards. I try to keep the presentation away from gems like the one I quoted above.
By rating someone down you're doing your best to remove their freedom of speech, essentially tantamount to gagging someone who is saying something you don't want to hear. If you don't like to see foul language you really picked the wrong forums, however, if the mods do actually care enough about that to enforce it by all means send them an IM with the name of the repeat offender and links to their posts.

Ignoring the statement about cussing belonging here (there's a profanity filter that would like to disagree with you), you are trying to make this a free speech issue. It's not. The things Mazra pointed out in his first post were the vulgarity, off-topic, the posting of known offensive in-game behaviors that gamers tend to frown upon because it undermines the integrity of the game and the value of player contribution, and finally the whiny/provocative angry posts designed to **** people off. Re-reading his first post, the only person who stood out as not fitting into the rest of the list was MetalJeff, but with all honesty, the vocalizations he's made in this thread hasn't endeared himself to anyone.

So why argue from the point of a first amendment when it really doesn't apply here? It's the equivalent of going to any other web site. You go to a certain type of web site and expect to get a certain quality of content. You know that you can go to different sites and get a different quality. It's the same for the filter system. People can set it to never filter and they will get a different quality of posts/threads.

And the idea of letting the admins mod the forums has been rehashed several times. There are too many posts across all the boards to do that effectively and honestly the mods are being put to better work doing other jobs that will actually benefit the site. A karma system like what roosterteeth might be better implemented, but even with the rating system the general trends do reflect what the community believes.
#51 Jan 03 2007 at 12:37 PM Rating: Good
755 posts
Releaser wrote:
By rating someone down you're doing your best to remove their freedom of speech, essentially tantamount to gagging someone who is saying something you don't want to hear.

Nononono. That's equivalent to saying my tv remote is a tool of totalitarian media control, when it isn't. It's simply a device that allows me to watch what I want to watch (be the choices ever so limited :P), and not see all the mindless, boring, uninformative, specious and badly thought-out waffle that makes up 95% of the tv schedule.

I like this analogy, even though it needs a little work.

Edited, Jan 3rd 2007 3:33pm by Eschatologist
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