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A few words to some postersFollow

#1 Jan 03 2007 at 5:27 AM Rating: Default
Ghost in the Machine
36,443 posts
Removed because of naming and shaming. Sorry.

Edited, Jan 4th 2007 5:38pm by Mazra

Edited, Jan 4th 2007 12:47pm by Pikko
Please "talk up" if your comprehension white-shifts. I will use simple-happy language-words to help you understand.
#2 Jan 03 2007 at 5:40 AM Rating: Decent
6,129 posts
Mazra the Meaningless wrote:
And yes, I've grown quite fond of the color 'chartreuse'.

Good choice.
Alla's Arena/PVP Forum


Let that beat build.

Xbox Live: kyNsdub
#3 Jan 03 2007 at 5:46 AM Rating: Decent
574 posts
Mazra the Meaningless wrote:

So far I've only read garbage from you. Perhaps I'm not reading enough of your threads, but after having read your "why not leech honor?" and "alliance players are preteens" threads, I've grown to dislike you. I rated you down in the thread about Alliance players being immature preteens, but if you keep up your style, I'll guarantee that you drop below the filter soon.

By the way, I play Alliance mainly and I'm 21.

Nothing is more satisfying than hitting that Rate button and finding asshats slipping sub-default on the reload.

#4 Jan 03 2007 at 5:52 AM Rating: Decent
2,293 posts
Reading dehengst ("the stud" in dutch) posts makes me think its a guy who made a bet with friends in how little posts an account can hit sub-default.
Trolls ftl.
#5 Jan 03 2007 at 5:57 AM Rating: Decent
1,259 posts
Mazra I will gladly have you carry the torch! I sadly think that this may just fire up the aformentioned people to post similar threads.. All of which I'm sure will be recieved with downratings etc.

I as well share the same sentiments as you, if they want to go complain, or act like idiots; They have a great thing called AOL Chatrooms that are built specifically for that purpose.

I think I've been reading too much Bash at work -_-

#6 Jan 03 2007 at 6:03 AM Rating: Excellent
I'm finding myself less and less patient with posters, unfortunately, and in the last year, have watched the average calibre of post quality drop dramatically. It doesn't help when I have the "been there, read that, already answered it a thousand times" syndrome, I know, but seeing people post "Wuts the best class?", "OMG I'm teh pwnzor PvPer lol!", "How do I make money?", "What's the fastest way to get to 60?" "X sucks because <insertreasonhere", "Nerf <insertclasshere>!", and countless spam trolls and goldselling ads, and I get irritable rather fast. I find myself responding less, because if I were to reply the way I felt, I'd become as tired and trite as the people I was responding to. Basically it would be a "grow up and stop posting crap".

What makes it worse, in my opinion, is when you see no less than half a dozen of the exact same question on the first page. A two-second scan of the topics in front of them would show them that it's already been said / asked / answered in the last few hours.

Oh, and I appear to have pissed in someone's cornflakes again- someone's been looking up my past posts and rating them down. To them I simply say that if you fit in the category I mentioned, you deserve to get /butthurt, and continue having fun with your rate button. It's not bothering me much. Smiley: laugh

Edited, Jan 3rd 2007 10:00am by Wondroustremor
Longtail | Evilynne | Maevene | Kornakk | Steelbelly
#7 Jan 03 2007 at 6:12 AM Rating: Default
5,135 posts
Yet another list I didn't make.

#8 Jan 03 2007 at 6:35 AM Rating: Good
Aegis wrote:
Yet another list I didn't make.

I wonder why would you want on that list. >_>

But Maz, right on!
#9 Jan 03 2007 at 6:36 AM Rating: Good
2,496 posts
Having been on the EQ side of this site for awhile I am used to the same question being asked 10+ times on the same page. Every time an expansion hits, new questions pop up for a little while but not long. Basically this game is getting old, people have done almost everything and the new questions are pretty much done. Once TBC hits a lot of new questions will pop up, but after awhile they will die off again and we'll be stuck with the same question over and over and over..... Want proof, go over to the EQ side and see how many "Returning player after X amount of years, what has changed" threads are on the first page. When I made the switch to WoW a month ago I noticed that this board had a lot more life then the EQ board but then I started to notice the quality of the posts wasn't any different. The EQ boards really don't have many of the immature posters anymore, just the stupid ones.

WoW is starting to show some age, and in turn, so are the boards. TBC will help but the quality of posts that are around now are only going to get worse as time continues.

The best way to deal with the idiots (in my experiance) is to just sub-default them A.S.A.P. and not bump their crap posts. Eventually they will step it up to get more attention and get themselves banned. Then they make a new account and it starts again. Eventually they go away or get IP banned but either way, they are gone.
#10 Jan 03 2007 at 7:10 AM Rating: Default
1,036 posts
Personally I feel the rating system should have been removed long ago. There are enough mods on these forums to monitor severe offenders and should we, the posters, feel an individual has stepped over the line we can always send an IM to the mods and leave the policing of the boards in their capable hands.

Currently, the system we have in place is open to extreme abuse by a combination of angry, angst-ridden fanbois (see FFXI forums) looking to censor anything that doesn't 100% agree with their viewpoint or individuals with an over-inflated opinion of themselves who will single other posters out and karma bomb them for posting something that offends their eggshell-thin sensibilities. So yeah, three cheers for supressing an individual's right to voicing their opinion, in whatever form they tend to use, regardless of whether it runs counter to your own views.
Fey :: Excalibur :: FFXIV
Releaser :: Fenrir :: FFXI
Grizzlebeard :: Drinal :: EQ
Crossbones :: Aggramar :: WoW
#12 Jan 03 2007 at 7:19 AM Rating: Good
Ghost in the Machine
36,443 posts
Releaser wrote:
Personally I feel the rating system should have been removed long ago. There are enough mods on these forums to monitor severe offenders and should we, the posters, feel an individual has stepped over the line we can always send an IM to the mods and leave the policing of the boards in their capable hands.

Currently, the system we have in place is open to extreme abuse by a combination of angry, angst-ridden fanbois (see FFXI forums) looking to censor anything that doesn't 100% agree with their viewpoint or individuals with an over-inflated opinion of themselves who will single other posters out and karma bomb them for posting something that offends their eggshell-thin sensibilities. So yeah, three cheers for supressing an individual's right to voicing their opinion, in whatever form they tend to use, regardless of whether it runs counter to your own views.

I agree with you on the first part. It's a great way to relieve admins, but at the same time it's a great source of prejudice and unfair karma camping. Thus I often tend not to rate at all, unless I feel that the poster did something extraordinary or was rated down for no apparent reason.

In the cases I mentioned in my original post, I only rated down some of them and only because they made useless or profane posts. I don't rate on principle but rather on the quality of the post. Thus I left Inu's good posts alone and only rated those that contained the f-word. I don't consider myself a person with eggshell-thin sensibilities, but this is a family forum and there is no need to bypass the swear word filter just so you can see the f-word in all its glory. And I don't mind people voicing their opinions, but I'll be damned if I can't disagree with them in the process.

MetalJeff wrote:
Now shut up and get off your high horse, moron.

I wasn't on my high horse to begin with. As I made sure to mention, not just once, but twice, my thread is just as bad because it's hostile, out of topic and basically useless (like you'd be anything but offended by it).

You obviously chose not to listen to what I had to say and so you must face the consequences. It was just a warning, nothing more. I'm not trying to police the forums, I'm not getting paid enough to do that.

Edited, Jan 3rd 2007 4:21pm by Mazra
Please "talk up" if your comprehension white-shifts. I will use simple-happy language-words to help you understand.
#13 Jan 03 2007 at 7:23 AM Rating: Decent
Ahh... I wasnt even mentioned.

That makes me feel somewhat better somehow.

#14 Jan 03 2007 at 7:27 AM Rating: Default
1,036 posts
And I don't mind people voicing their opinions, but I'll be damned if I can't disagree with them in the process.

Then post and disagree. By rating someone down you're doing your best to remove their freedom of speech, essentially tantamount to gagging someone who is saying something you don't want to hear. If you don't like to see foul language you really picked the wrong forums, however, if the mods do actually care enough about that to enforce it by all means send them an IM with the name of the repeat offender and links to their posts. If they object to it I'm sure they'll do something about it. Otherwise, assuming they're happy for it to continue you're left with the choice of finding another forum where people all talk like they're in a classroom or you can stay here and tolerate it.
Fey :: Excalibur :: FFXIV
Releaser :: Fenrir :: FFXI
Grizzlebeard :: Drinal :: EQ
Crossbones :: Aggramar :: WoW
#15 Jan 03 2007 at 7:29 AM Rating: Decent
12,905 posts
Mazra the Meaningless wrote:

I wasn't on my high horse to begin with. As I made sure to mention, not just once, but twice, my thread is just as bad because it's hostile, out of topic and basically useless (like you'd be anything but offended by it).

Yet your useless whine thread gets rated up? Not sure what you are trying to prove. Looks more like another Mazra attention ***** thread.

Rated down for QQ. Just like ive rated all the other QQ threads down on this forum.
#17 Jan 03 2007 at 7:33 AM Rating: Good
2,293 posts
Releaser wrote:
About the strict religious sect thats called FFXI forums

Well you could codemn it, or just use it to boost youre karma a bit when needed :grin:

I still read those forums for a few good laughs. Some people just refuse to move on and sweet talk "their game" into rediciliousness not even willing to give another MMO a proper try. They just want their negative assumptions confirmed so they can crawl back in their FFXI bubble. Its like hiding in a virtual reality in a virtual reality, class-a psychologist stuff.

There are still numerous people who play EQ (1) and UO. I really dont get it, i thought amish people had no computers. An conservative mindset comes in all kinds of flavors i suppose...

I had a lot of fun in that game before i got bored(lvl 35-isch WHM), seeing the dying quirks of FFXI and people holding on for dear life is sad, it was my first MMO.

Edited, Jan 3rd 2007 10:31am by Sjans
#18 Jan 03 2007 at 7:34 AM Rating: Good
Ghost in the Machine
36,443 posts
I'm not rating them down just because I disagree with them, Releaser. I'm rating them down because their posts are either profane or useless. There is a place where you can go and post useless stuff, but it's not here.

If people like their freedom of speech, they should learn how to keep it.

And cussing has no place in a forum like this. So I rate it below the filter if I can. Does that take away the individual poster's freedom of speech? Perhaps/no. You don't get muted if you get below the filter, you just won't be viewable by people who have their filter set to Default or better. You can still post, unless the admins ban you.

So a guy who comes in here and tells people how to cheat in the game shouldn't be rated down? Because it takes away his "freedom of speech"? Puhlease.

If this forum wasn't user moderated, the admins would've nuked/deleted/locked half the threads here. And probably ban Inu for breaking the swear filter so many times, even after having been told to quit it.

MetalJeff wrote:
I don't get offended over trivial World of Warcraft forum matters, really. I just don't see why you, of all people, think you have the right/power/obligation to warn me. Seriously, who are you? I don't know, nor do I care. Take your warning and shove them up your clones ***. After all, if he really was a clone of you, he'd like things up his *** (or so your signature would lead one to believe).

You don't get offended, yet to resort to vulgar insults like "shove them up your clones ***"? Oh yeah. Read the signature again, by the way. Do you know what a quotation is?

Who am I? I'm nobody, just a silent observer who've noticed the downfall of the forum. But judging from your response to my posts, I'd say I was pretty accurate in my assumptions. And if you haven't seen me around before, you're way too new here. You know, I was actually deciding between putting you in my original post or not. Now I see I made the right choice.

Edited, Jan 3rd 2007 4:34pm by Mazra
Please "talk up" if your comprehension white-shifts. I will use simple-happy language-words to help you understand.
#19 Jan 03 2007 at 7:37 AM Rating: Decent
2,293 posts
I just don't see why you, of all people, think you have the right/power/obligation to warn me. Seriously, who are you? I don't know, nor do I care.

Thank you for coming out of the closet as forum troll.
#20 Jan 03 2007 at 7:39 AM Rating: Decent
2,489 posts
Maz, i just lost alot of respect for you. You could of just hit the rate button, but instead you hit the attention ***** oboard one
#22 Jan 03 2007 at 7:51 AM Rating: Decent
3,350 posts
....tsk, tsk, tsk.... such bitterness. As a new poster on the WoW side of Alla I will now refrain from starting any thread having to do with WoW because I'm sure it will be useless information that is above and beyond repetitive... that means a couple things though... this board needs a Happy Hump Day thread (not that I'm all sunshine and skittles either) and I'll start having to hit the FAQs and guides.

Good day to ya' all and may you have success at avoiding the rabid leprechaun looking to bite ya' on the ***************
Sub kids call me Mary Poppins.

Cry me a river, build a bridge over it... jump in and drown. Smiley: grin
#23 Jan 03 2007 at 7:59 AM Rating: Decent
1,036 posts
I'm rating them down because their posts are either profane or useless.

What you decide is useless another may decide is highly entertaining. That doesn't mean you need to leap foaming-mouthed towards the rate down button.

And cussing has no place in a forum like this.

There's been colourful language on these forums since '99 right through to today. It won't go away just because you find it offensive, it's all part of the Alla charm.

So I rate it below the filter if I can. Does that take away the individual poster's freedom of speech? Perhaps/no. You don't get muted if you get below the filter, you just won't be viewable by people who have their filter set to Default or better.

You're arguing against yourself here. You are censoring people by making them go below the default filter because you acknowledge most people have it set at this level. You then go on to say they can still post but you know their posts won't be seen as you have removed their freedom of speech by making them go below this level. Unless you're saying you acknowledge people will have their filters set to "None" and will be able to see the posts anyway. In which case why rate down at all if you believe your censorship isn't taking away their rights to voice their opinions?

So a guy who comes in here and tells people how to cheat in the game shouldn't be rated down? Because it takes away his "freedom of speech"? Puhlease.

No, a guy who comes in here and posts something along those lines or links to **** sites, for example, should be immediately reported to the moderators who will decide whether to remove their post and / or ban them.

If this forum wasn't user moderated, the admins would've nuked/deleted/locked half the threads here. And probably ban Inu for breaking the swear filter so many times, even after having been told to quit it.

I'm more than happy for that to happen if the moderators of this site feel the posters have broken their rules. I'm not happy for every clicker with a grudge to go around trying to enforce their cotton-wool shrouded world view on my fellow posters though. Maybe as you progress through life and experience it a little more you may cultivate a more tolerant approach to people.
Fey :: Excalibur :: FFXIV
Releaser :: Fenrir :: FFXI
Grizzlebeard :: Drinal :: EQ
Crossbones :: Aggramar :: WoW
#24 Jan 03 2007 at 8:04 AM Rating: Excellent
Irony. I smell a lot of it here.

I don't assume that Mazra's any better than any other poster. I also don't assume that this post, being an OoT thread, deserves to be rated up. I do, however, give Mazra credit for actually coming out & saying why he's rating people down. How many people (and I can include myself in this) will rate someone down without saying why? I got tired of telling people why, hoping they'd improve, only to get berated for being a "karma cop". I'm not rating people based on whether I agree with them or not, and I'm not rating people based on whether I like them or not. It's an internet forum- too many people take comments made here too personally, considering you're reading and responding to text. You can put any emotion onto written (or typed) words that you want. If I said "KTurner has been a virtual ghost on the forums lately", is that a condemnation, a nostalgic bemusement or just a troll trying to get a rise out of him? I know, because I wrote it (it was the second one, by the way). However, a person reading that might think I'm criticising him for not being on much, and may decide to rate me down for that. I accept that.

What I do not accept, however, is that when people get rated down without explanation, they whine and complain about "evil trolls" and "cowards", but then chastise people who actually do let people know. Perhaps he could have done this in a PM to them, but then how much discussion would it have sparked off? How many people might try to improve based on the examples Mazra used here, instead of posting useless tripe? How many of those people would have been made aware that they should buck up, if Mazra had kept it to PMs?

I'm tired. I'm tired of people using ratings as a weapon. I'm tired of seeing people abuse them in ways the admins never intended. The admins gave us the ability to rate down crap, not to rate down posts we may disagree with, not for some perceived slight someone may have done twenty or more posts ago. They didn't intend for this to be a way of making it a popularity contest here- the current Scholars and above rating down anyone that upsets them in any way, but never rating up people who are useful. If the Karma system worked as intended, there are several people, Ohmikeghod included, who would be at least Sage, and I probably would be at best a low scholar. Why? because there are people that give out more helpful information in a day than some give out in a month, and yet the only rating I see is when they have raised someone's ire. As an example, Mike's pissed in someone's cornflakes, because they rated down every single post he made in his FAQ thread. I rated these back up, because there was absolutely no reason to rate them down. They weren't disagreeable or even angry. I can understand why people might rate down his tempramental retorts, but to rate down every post they can find because they don't like his personality? Come on, high school ended years ago. Give up the petty crap.

Another example, who I have used before, is Phelyx. People rated him down because, according to admins, he was a low-postcount Sage, and they didn't think he'd posted often enough to earn it yet. Who the hell are they to decide what calibre his previous posts were, that they could rate down every following post just because they didn't like his name in green? I have noted that I don't see him/her post much, and I blame the person who kept rating him/her down. Alla lost a potentially good poster because that one selfish, vain ratemonkey couldn't just rate Phelyx oon the merits of his posts.

I've seen people who should at least be scholar rated at regular because of something they said early in their posting career, only to get rated every time they replied to something- whether it warranted it or not. On other forums, I see people CJing each other like crazy, and a sea of Green and Red where they should never have gotten above blue. I have watched people have rate wars, where one group of people will rate someone into oblivion, only to see the same person with Scholar or Sage the next day. (Yes, Usagi, I mean you especially).

So rate away. I'll keep talking, and I'll rate people according to the quality of their work. If I disagree with your viewpoint but you make a good argument, you get a rateup. If I agree with your viewpoint but you're totally offensive, or make personal attacks, I'll rate you down. If I see a "nerf" thread, it gets a ratedown. I won't rate based on whether I like you or not. There's very few people I actually dislike on the forums, but I rate them the same way I rate the people I genuinely like- the quality of the content of their posts, on a post-to-post basis. You can rate based on whatever criteria you choose, but for the love of Pete, stop using it as a punishment. It's childish.
Longtail | Evilynne | Maevene | Kornakk | Steelbelly
#25 Jan 03 2007 at 9:41 AM Rating: Decent
423 posts
How about everyone just quit complaning.

Let the "morons" post "moronic" threads. Let the raters, rate. Why make a huge post to blow it all out of proportion?

Come on now.
#26 Jan 03 2007 at 9:45 AM Rating: Good
"Dehengst" means "the stallion" in Dutch. Not likeky to be a coincedence. Just fyi.
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