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new alliance quest hub: ashenvaleFollow

#1 Jan 01 2007 at 3:05 PM Rating: Excellent
8,779 posts
specifically, forest song. northeastern ashenvale, just north of the road across from the warsong lumber camp.

where once only a lone night elf stood, now a large collection of NE and draenei stand, and no less than 6 quests are available for alliance in the mid-high 20's. at least two of these quests involve going into the warsong lumber mill and actually doing something (bout damn time) and some even involve going into felfire hill south of the camp and cleansing it of its demonic taint.

last time i went thru ashenvale, there was only a single NPC in forest song. now theres the makings of a true encampment (no flight point tho) and a giant ancient by the name of gnarl patrols the area (and gives quests too). so all you alliance who love questin, be sure to check it out.

i havent had a chance to go back on my horde char and check out new areas yet....can any up-and-coming hordies give us any info on blood elf-related quest lines? id hazard a guess that hillsbrad and silverpine forest might have a few BE quests in it, and possibly even a mini-hub like in ashenvale, and more info would definetely be appreciated by all.
#2 Jan 01 2007 at 3:16 PM Rating: Decent
3,451 posts
Very nice Quor, is this in our current version of WoW, or is this a beta only thing?

I recall the lone NE standing there, upon completion of a quest, he hands you a 2 handed green sword, which I've never equipped due to having something slightly better upon retrieval.

#3 Jan 01 2007 at 3:21 PM Rating: Good
770 posts
I completed all these quests in the past two days. They're extremely fun and a welcomed pace of change. I'm not going to spoil it, but you're in for one hell of a suprise!
#4 Jan 01 2007 at 3:21 PM Rating: Good
8,779 posts
this is in the current live build. i had just finished a bit of eco-terrorism against the venture co. in stonetalon on my druid, and after doing so (and finishing a few other quests in charred vale) i got sent back to ashenvale to report to the sentinel who originally sent me to stonetalon. next to this sentinel was a draenei chick. she had a quest, which sent me up to forest song. i went up there and saw this fledgling encampment, filled up my quest log, assaulted the warsong lumber camp, and then logged off for the night.

im quite curious as to whether or not horde-side has had a similar overhaul. i know blizzard mentioned updating things to include draenei and BE-specific content, but i have no idea where to look (its easier for me to find these things as i do them instead of going back on a higher lvl char).

it is cool being about 1/3 of the way to honored with exodar and never having set foot in the city yet lol.


i should also mention two other quests involving draenei and BE's that ive found, both involving uthers tomb. the quest givers are in chillwind point and tirisfal-side bulwark (A and H respectively).

Edited, Jan 1st 2007 3:19pm by Quor
#5 Jan 01 2007 at 6:23 PM Rating: Decent
184 posts
It's all there - I did them shortly after the patch. There's also a new Draenei quest in Chillwind in WPL, and one in SS in the inn. Someone here said there was one in Dustwallow Marsh as well, but I haven't found it yet.
#6 Jan 01 2007 at 6:39 PM Rating: Decent
352 posts
There is also a group of Draenei trying to help the now Broken in Swamp of Sorrows at the Harbonage(sp?). The Draenei complain about a Blood Elf in Stonard causing problems for them so there might be a Blood Elf there now, but I have not checked.

Also there is a Blood Elf at the Bulwark that gives a quest smiler to the one the Draenei at Chillwind Point gives.

Edit-Just remembered a couple Blood Elves.

Edited, Jan 1st 2007 7:40pm by Rika
#7 Jan 01 2007 at 8:55 PM Rating: Decent
4,717 posts
Can comeone please name the night elf that was there before? I can't seem to find it, and putting "Forest Song" into search doesn't bring anything up. But mobs have there own maps.
#8 Jan 01 2007 at 11:28 PM Rating: Decent
198 posts
There's a Blue Man near Wildhammer Keep in Hinterlands now - offers three quests, all of which are new, I think - lvl 46-50.
#9 Jan 01 2007 at 11:30 PM Rating: Decent
Damn, I had some quest to go to Forest Song on my hunter, but I put it off because it's way the heck out there. Oh well, I guess I can still go do the quests.
#10 Jan 01 2007 at 11:34 PM Rating: Decent
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29,527 posts
Prince justdistaint wrote:
Can comeone please name the night elf that was there before? I can't seem to find it, and putting "Forest Song" into search doesn't bring anything up. But mobs have there own maps.

NE Ashenvale. Can't remember the guy's name though.

Edit: The little thing east of Satyrnaar, I think.

Edited, Jan 2nd 2007 12:34am by Poldaran
#11 Jan 01 2007 at 11:52 PM Rating: Decent
1,392 posts
There are Blood Elf quest givers in Swamp of Sorrows, the Bulwark, 1k Needles (you get a nice glimpse of what lies in store for blood elves further on down the line as well as playing with a remote controlled robot), Badlands and a few other single quest givers scattered here and there.

So far i haven't found anything resembling a new quest hub like you mentioned though, which is a little bit disheartening. I'll keep my eye open and see if anything comes up.
#12 Jan 02 2007 at 2:17 AM Rating: Good
631 posts
Excellent. The main reason I came to a halt with my Nelf warrior (level 28) is that I'd finished all the Ashenvale quests, was too low to head to SS/STV, and was already sick of grinding the Ashenvale furbolgs. Now I have an incentive to go back to her. Thanks for the info!
#13 Jan 02 2007 at 3:14 AM Rating: Decent
1,502 posts
havent had a chance to go back on my horde char and check out new areas yet....can any up-and-coming hordies give us any info on blood elf-related quest lines?

There's a Blood Elf in Tarren Mill. If she gives a quest, my lock hasn't done the prereq.
#14 Jan 02 2007 at 3:43 AM Rating: Good
5,087 posts
The One and Only Poldaran wrote:
Prince justdistaint wrote:
Can comeone please name the night elf that was there before? I can't seem to find it, and putting "Forest Song" into search doesn't bring anything up. But mobs have there own maps.

NE Ashenvale. Can't remember the guy's name though.

Edit: The little thing east of Satyrnaar, I think.

Edited, Jan 2nd 2007 12:34am by Poldaran

Kayneth Stillwind
In Loving Memory of SatanWantsMe 2006-2008
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#15 Jan 02 2007 at 4:05 AM Rating: Good
Rate up- this should help me with my Darnassus reputation! Smiley: boozing
Longtail | Evilynne | Maevene | Kornakk | Steelbelly
#16 Jan 02 2007 at 6:30 AM Rating: Decent
1,716 posts
I did these on my human mage as well, just after the patch. Even though the quests were gray, I still got full rep-pretty nice.

As for a flight path, the one just over into Azshara is pretty close and even for a level 20ish, the are no mobs to worry about(I grabbed it way back the first time I went to Forest Song on my mage).

Also note, the quests to kill x-# of things in the Lumber Camp calls for getting those Shredders, which were pre-patch marked PvP. They are no longer marked PvP, which is nice and they drop lots of engineering parts(similiar to the ones in STV).

There is also a Blood Elf quest in STV-Grom Gol. There is a Dranaei in Darkshire, Duskwood, but he has no quest at the moment. The Blood Elf quest in SoS involves feeding some food to the caged animals that the Broken have in their camp. I've done just about every new quest(that I know of) except for the WPL ones on both horde and alliance side.

Also, you get Exodar/Silvermoon rep for turning in regular quests(about 25-75 each, depending on the overall rep given). So yes, it is nice to be almost honored with these places on many of my characters before the exp even gets here!
#17 Jan 02 2007 at 6:48 AM Rating: Decent
6,318 posts
Quor wrote:
...and some even involve going into felfire hill south of the camp and cleansing it of its demonic taint.
Smiley: lol You have to clean its taint...

What? I couldn't have been the only person to read it like that.

Anywho... Get info Quor. I have been looking for a reason to head over there on my mage, and this seems like it will be it.
#18 Jan 02 2007 at 9:34 AM Rating: Decent
869 posts
There was a thread on this on the O-Boards. Gives info on some of the new quests available for both Silvermoon and Exodar faction. I saw it last week and saved the link.

Apparently these currently give max rep gains regardless of level. I'm going to try to get a few toons through these quests over the next week or so.
#19 Jan 02 2007 at 9:40 AM Rating: Decent
12,905 posts
Monsieur PsiChi wrote:
Quor wrote:
...and some even involve going into felfire hill south of the camp and cleansing it of its demonic taint.
Smiley: lol You have to clean its taint...

What? I couldn't have been the only person to read it like that.

Anywho... Get info Quor. I have been looking for a reason to head over there on my mage, and this seems like it will be it.

I went there while leveling. The quests were too high for my tastes and I outleveled them before i had a chance to go back.


I like the zone though because you can go there at about your level and find some decent, fair, world PvP.

Also do the raene's cleansing quest so you can get the furbolg staff :)
#20 Jan 03 2007 at 11:49 AM Rating: Good
1,392 posts
After a bit of looking around it does appear that the horde have a new set of quests in ashenvale.

The first quest is given out by a female orc in splintertree and asks you to kill 6 each of the different types of demons walking around to the south.

While you're killing those demons they can drops a set of Diabolical Plans which start a quest for you to take them back to splintertree.

When you hand them in you're given the last quest to kill off the two major doomlords who are in command in the area. I would imagine this is quite a tough quest as a lvl 24-30 as the area is chock full of demons including packs of 5 felpuppies and the last doomlord calls in a pack of 5 puppies half way through the fight.

When you complete this last quest you get a choice of 3 very nice rings, a str/stam one, an agi/stam one and a ring with +3 int and +7 spell damage and healing which i can see quite a few people going after in the not too distant future.
#21 Jan 04 2007 at 10:33 AM Rating: Decent
I just had had a question about some quest for you guys, maybe you could help me. I actually just started WoW a little more than a week ago and have been addicted. I've been leveling pretty fast and some of my quests disappeared from my log book (I'm guessing because my level was too big). I find it's almost easier to just find an area of great xp and level up that way compared to spending hours trying to find guys, kill them, or find a group to help. MY question is; is that ok to do? I'm leveling at a pretty good rate and I'm sure I missed a lot of possibles quests I just hope I'm not missing out on items that I could never get later in the game. Example my Paladin class quest is the one where the guy has you run all over the damn continent to get things for him to make you a new weapon. I'm currently lvl 29 and I'm wondering if that weapon is actually better than any weapon I can find at lvl 29-33(time it would take to finish the quest)? Anyone understand what I'm getting at or did Stitches hit me in the head a few to many times?
#22 Jan 04 2007 at 10:53 AM Rating: Good
Quests don't disappear from quest logs unless you finished them.

If by any chance you dropped a quest, or there was a freak bug that deleted a quest you had (never heard of this kind of bug, but it might happen, stranger things have), then by going to the questgiver you can take it back.

On the other hand, it might not be gone at all, in the quest log you have the option to hide groups of quests with a +/- button, similar to windows explorer, where you compact or expand a tree.

For example, if you see the words "The Barrens" and no quests underneath them, click the + to the left of "The Barrens" to open up all the Barrens quests you have.

You should also note that if you outlevel a quest, it turns grey, giving less experience (sometimes negligible experience), but still the same rewards. If you drop it, you can STILL get it from the quest giver, but the golden exclamation point over his head won't appear.

Hope this helps you out.
#23 Jan 05 2007 at 2:44 PM Rating: Decent
Yeah it helped me out a little. Mainly I was looking for quests that give you rewards that you cant find later as a higher level. I mean if a quest is gonna give me a very nice weapon for my level, but the quest has a lot of parts to it and it may take a few hours; or I could spend those few hours killings guys for experience and gaining 2 or 3 levels and buying a weapon that's better than the reward that would take about the same time to do.
Also on that token, if I skip some quests completely, I'd maybe miss out on a spell (ie if I missed all quests that led to Cathedral in sw, I'd never see the pally quests to get the Rez spell; or the quests for sense undead)
---Basically what quests for Paladins give skills/items/etc that you could not buy at a shop or an AH---

--Also a side note about the User License: I just got a new computer recently and I'm bringing it to my girlfriends house; is it legal for me to install WoW on that machine and play my account at her house and my house or do I have to buy a seperate monthly subscription? (note:she doesn't play WoW, only I would be playing). I think I'd have to get a seperate subscription because it doesn't allow you to install without a license key, or was that just for setting up an account I can't remember?

-btw Thanks guys for all your help =P
#24 Jan 05 2007 at 3:26 PM Rating: Good
3,202 posts
You should be able to install the game and play your existing account in both locations.

I started my account on my old laptop which wasn't quite up to game standards (but still playable) and didn't have any problem at all installing and playing my account on my new laptop.

Just make sure if she wants to learn to play the game that she can't log in while you are logged in on another computer. She'll have to get her own account to play at the same time as you (which is a fun way to learn and play.)
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