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For the love of Azeroth - NERF WARLOCKSFollow

#227 Dec 31 2006 at 10:25 AM Rating: Decent
3,478 posts

You haven't supplied any intelligent facts in this 'debate'. It is VERY clear you are biased and therefore, why should anyone listen?

You make extremely narrow pointed comments to support a wild idea but do not supply all of the information, forcing other people to argue about the specifics of what you said: JUST TO POINT OUT THE OBVIOUS.

What I mean by this is when you ran down the list of classes that COULD win in a 1vs1 fight, you neglected to mention all of the other variables that you could apply to a 1vs1 encounter, basically forcing others to supple all of that information, just to counter that argument. But then we get into 1v1 of other classes and are not discussing warlocks anymore.....

Look, try not to take it personally here, simply because you HAPPEN TO PLAY a warlock.

This topic is about BALANCE, and so far you have said NOTHING that would prove your case.

edit: at this point I'd like to state my own position on the matter: While warlocks MAY NEED an adjustment, I don't think they need an out right NERF. I think they should remain a powerful PVP class, but again, they may need an adjustment.

Edited, Dec 31st 2006 1:29pm by Webjunky
#228 Dec 31 2006 at 10:51 AM Rating: Excellent
Anybody who says polymorph is better then fear in pvp is out of their mind. Polymorph breaks on damage, Fear doesn't (often enough). Polymorph heals the target, Fear doesn't. Polymorphed target don't wander very far... while it's possible for a feared victim to run out of heal range.

I have seen warlock juggle Fear and Seduce to lock up two targets. They have just as much crowd control as other class, in fact they actually have more.

Warlocks are also one of the few class that can exponantially boost their damage the more opponent there is. Instead of putting 3 debuff on one guy, they put 3 debuff on 4 guys. All it takes is tabbing and pressing buttons.

And guess what? Even if you assist train them, the debuff will remain on the targets, meaning that the Warlock is the only class (aside maybe from priest with that angel move) that still participate in a group's dps even after his demise.

And of course, let's not forget the possibility of soul stoning an ally or giving healthstone all around. Yes, it demands and hefty number of soulstone, but it is in fact possible to do.

None of what I said here make Warlocks overpowered per say. Those are merely fact that a lot of people seem to be forgetting. I'm incredibly puzzled as to where the 'They rock in 1v1 but suck in group pvp' concept comes from and how anybody can say it while keeping a straight face.
#229 Dec 31 2006 at 10:51 AM Rating: Decent
I've actually been stalking warlocks all weekend and killing them. Its very possible with CoS I will admit. I think I am obsessed with killing them now. I bet warlocks hate my rogue as much as I hate them.

With that build my raid damage makes baby gnomes cry but meh its a trade off.

Still pro nerf in 07 though ;)

*edit well adjustment at least. I was a RNG in FFXI for my first job. It took me a year to level it and much much gil farming to afford it. Then SE cut off its balls. I would not like to see Warlocks go through that feelign I did when SE nerfed RNGs, because trust me that sucked.

Edited, Dec 31st 2006 6:50pm by Shogen
#230 Dec 31 2006 at 11:26 AM Rating: Decent
Citizen's Arrest!
29,527 posts
Master Shogen wrote:
With that build my raid damage makes baby gnomes cry but meh its a trade off.

I thought making baby gnomes cry was a good thing. Smiley: sly

Warchief Tyrandor wrote:
Anybody who says polymorph is better then fear in pvp is out of their mind.

#231 Dec 31 2006 at 11:36 AM Rating: Decent
In group play, as this game is designed around, a Warlock only has two real tools: Hellfire and Howl of Terror.

One damages the Warlock for nearly equal the damage and the other is a diminishing eight second stun, that isn't helpful in anything but 1v1, maybe 1v2, combat.

Smiley: confused

Two questions for which Shmii has no sure answers.

1. Is Seduction now "Fear" based and will it no longer count as "Charm" instead? So that Fear dispelling effects will remove it?
2. So both Fear and Seduction should now each last 12 seconds max in PVP. (Correct if wrong.) Do they share same diminishing returns? Will Seduction only last 6 seconds if used after a Fear? (On same target ofcourse)

If Polymorph is also subjected to new 12 second rule it is much weaker than Fear. Polymorph's strength is that it is significantly harder to break by the victim.
Edit2: grammar

Edited, Dec 31st 2006 2:37pm by Shmii

Edited, Dec 31st 2006 2:37pm by Shmii
#232 Dec 31 2006 at 12:19 PM Rating: Decent
20,024 posts
I wasn't sayng that Polymorph was better than Fear, just that it was part of the mage package which is better suited to group play.

I do agree that Warlocks aren't overly balanced at the moment and do need a fix to tone down some things and increase some cooldowns, but that is all.

Some of the stories in this thread have to be put in context. Someone spoke of one lock that held a tower on his own against 2 attackers.

Well, why was that Lock alone? I assume it is because his group knew he was a very skilled player or he knew it enough to go on defense on his own. A very skilled Paladin can take out two casters in a good situation.

I don't think they need a nerf, because none of their spells directly mutilate a target. A Hunter's Aimed Shot was nerfed because it was one-shotting casters with too much frequency.

A Warlock doesn't have those tools and needs time to work.

I vote that spells should scale with opponent type. This way, they are balanced in PvP but still pack a punch in PvE.
IDrownFish wrote:
Anyways, you all are horrible, @#%^ed up people

lolgaxe wrote:
Never underestimate the healing power of a massive dong.
#233 Dec 31 2006 at 1:04 PM Rating: Decent
1. Is Seduction now "Fear" based and will it no longer count as "Charm" instead? So that Fear dispelling effects will remove it?
2. So both Fear and Seduction should now each last 12 seconds max in PVP. (Correct if wrong.) Do they share same diminishing returns? Will Seduction only last 6 seconds if used after a Fear? (On same target ofcourse)

If Polymorph is also subjected to new 12 second rule it is much weaker than Fear. Polymorph's strength is that it is significantly harder to break by the victim.

1. It's still a charm.

2. Don't think so. Sap and Cheap Shot have different diminishing return "timers."

3. Polymorph is also on the 12 second rule.
#234 Dec 31 2006 at 1:44 PM Rating: Decent
Im not sure if anyone has said this or not.. mainly because i wont read 5 pages of ridiculous bickering.. but i sometimes wonder if the huge "Nerf Locks" thing comes from an inability to understand mechanics of a game, said games classes as well as ability/spell effects. This same problem has occured on every single MMO out there (mostly talking about the Necromancer class of EQ) and sure, if you do not know how to conteract the class, more likely than not, it will kill you. However! the same can be said about any class out there. As for my bane.. i hate rogues. I never pay close enough attention to what is behind me and usually get trounced for it. Now, i understand why i die, so sometimes i do pay attention and then do not get caught off gaurd. *shrug*

I suppose simply it needs to be said that people need to stop yelling for nerfs from a company that has IMMENSE experience in the gaming industry and let things fall as they may.. and maybe, get a little bit better understanding of exatally what you are really playing. Its tactical. always has been always will be. Planning is part of this game.
#235 Dec 31 2006 at 1:57 PM Rating: Decent
Thanks for insight Makaro. But, treating everything on case-by-case basis, because Rogue has many things people give one name to: Stun. Blind is a disorient, Cheap Shot and Kidney Shot are stuns, Gouge is an Incapacitating move, and Sap as well.

Have really read somewhere that fear trinkets now also break seduce. Can anyone confirm either way?
#236 Dec 31 2006 at 2:02 PM Rating: Decent
3,801 posts
Let's face it, a Warlock, in and of itself, is no more overpowered than a Hunter. It all comes down to player skill.

The reason so many people run across more skilled warlocks is because for a VERY long time, it was a very gimp class to play. Group invites were low, damage was mediocre, and leveling wasn't all that hot either. The only people who played warlocks were the ones who truely cared enough.

The reason so few people run across skilled hunters is because the class is so phenominally easy. Leveling has always been easy to do. This caused a lot of the lazy people to be the level 60's, who caused a bad stigma for the class and got a lot of the truely skilled players to quit that class.

If the average hunter player was as skilled as the average warlock you come across in BG's, people would be screaming nerf hunters, not nerf warlocks.
#237 Dec 31 2006 at 2:11 PM Rating: Decent
Thanks for insight Makaro. But, treating everything on case-by-case basis, because Rogue has many things people give one name to: Stun. Blind is a disorient, Cheap Shot and Kidney Shot are stuns, Gouge is an Incapacitating move, and Sap as well.

Have really read somewhere that fear trinkets now also break seduce. Can anyone confirm either way?

The rogue trinket breaks both fear and seduce (polymorph too). I believe WotF breaks both as well.

Ialaman, many people agree that warlocks are almost as easy to play as hunters nowadays. A warlock simply tabbing and DoTing everything, with some fears and Ctrl-1 thrown in, can have a great effect on a battle. It's very hard to tell a good warlock from a bad one. All I know is that the warlock is DoTing the crap out of my team.
#238 Dec 31 2006 at 2:19 PM Rating: Decent
20,024 posts
If all a Warlock is doing is DoTing, then he/she is a bad Warlock.

The Warlock class is more-or-less the most difficult class in the game to play well, as it is a constant juggling act of damage, mana, health and aggro.

Level 60 Warlocks who don't grind straight there usually learn their class intricately.
IDrownFish wrote:
Anyways, you all are horrible, @#%^ed up people

lolgaxe wrote:
Never underestimate the healing power of a massive dong.
#239 Dec 31 2006 at 2:24 PM Rating: Decent
idiggory wrote:
The Warlock class is more-or-less the most difficult class in the game to play well, as it is a constant juggling act of damage, mana, health and aggro.

I call massive ******** on that one. Warlocks are as easy to play as hunters.

idiggory wrote:
Level 60 Warlocks who don't grind straight there usually learn their class intricately.

Same with every other class.
#240 Dec 31 2006 at 2:49 PM Rating: Good
8,779 posts
i have to agree with mchao on the ******** remark. i find my druid and my warrior both require considerably more input than my warlock. granted, my warlock is not yet 60, but i could never once while leveling my war and druid waltz into a pack of four mobs and come out smelling like roses.

no, warlocks are a very easy class to play. maybe not easy to master, but in order to be passingly effective with a warlock one does not need incredible playing skill. juggling forms and stances takes a lot more concentration and understanding of class strengths/weaknesses than anything a warlock can do.
#241 Dec 31 2006 at 2:50 PM Rating: Decent
3,478 posts
mchao wrote:
idiggory wrote:
The Warlock class is more-or-less the most difficult class in the game to play well, as it is a constant juggling act of damage, mana, health and aggro.

I call massive bullsh*t on that one. Warlocks are as easy to play as hunters.

100% agree. I wouldn't say quite as easy as hunters, but they sure are close. In PVE (leveling/grinding) you could say they are just as easy.

'constant juggling act of damage, mana, health and aggro'

Can't you say the same thing about every other class?
#242 Dec 31 2006 at 3:03 PM Rating: Decent
Question is: Will abilities and trinkets specifically only removing "Fear" now also affect Seduce? (Was Seduce really changed to a Fear effect, leaving charm = mind control)
The Rogue trinket does remove Seduce but it has both Fear and Charm on there.

Here is what Shmii believes to be problem:

Casting DoTs + tabbing does not require much skill. This has never been different.
But, a bad Warlock would typically die really fast. A good Warlock, however, can crank up survivability surprisingly well. Someone that would use all the tricks available to this class would be a force to be reckoned with, because they are v. versatile.

Now in patch "Before the Storm" the Demonology tree received their final talent in the form of a new demon. A really good one. This made Demonology a lot more popular. It is very tempting to go with a new demon not available to any other talent spec. The other talents are nice, but Felguard is damn nice, and it's a new demon! Couple that with many guilds stopping their PVE raiding activities to engage in mass PVP for easily obtainable rank 14 gear. Demonology isn't really a raiding spec, but that matters little all of a sudden. So suddenly all those 'bad' Warlocks are running around with 41 points into Warlock's survivability tree that still offers very viable DoT + tab damage. That has an impact. The fact that that gear is now so easily obtainable also doesn't help. Said players could now have 6,000 health instead of 4,000.

Here's an example:
That's in blues and greens, just AV epics. Gems like "Bad Mojo Mask" from Zul' Farrak and the lvl 52 quested robe. Abyssal feet and hands.

What's more, many of those deaths should not have happened. Only reason for 9 deaths is "Malf" the Druid (seen on screenshot somewhere in middle), had somehow taken our first encounter resulting in his death serious, and had made it his life goal to find and try to kill Shmii. (No joke, he was spamming /lol and /chicken. And he had accomplices. Smiley: frown

#243 Dec 31 2006 at 3:10 PM Rating: Decent
20,024 posts
The Warlock is a more involved class to play. Warlocks have pets, many different spell combos, and a reagent component requirement for some of their spells. This means that playing a Warlock takes a bit more learning than some of the more straightforward classes. The Warlock has a lot of very cool and fun abilities including Eye of Killrogg, Fear, Pets, and more. The Warlock is a very fun class to play once you figure things out.

Straight from Allakhazam's information on Warlocks.

Maybe I should have said they are more intricate and harder to understand.

But I doubt that would make a difference as half the people on this thread are just doing whatever they can to rip apart each other's posts.

Again I will state my position. Warlocks are currently over-powered; however, they do not need a full out nerf. Just some tinkering.

Claiming that there is absolutely no strategy to win against Warlocks is just rediculous. Either learn how to get past their defenses or turn around, the developers will fix them when they can. I hope you realize that this game doesn't just revolve around 1v1 combat. Every change made to a class afects: PvP (Group and 1v1), Raiding, Farming, Dependencies, etc.

I am all for toning down the class. I just don't understand why a few people in this thread want to cut off their heads and laugh.
IDrownFish wrote:
Anyways, you all are horrible, @#%^ed up people

lolgaxe wrote:
Never underestimate the healing power of a massive dong.
#244 Dec 31 2006 at 3:22 PM Rating: Good
8,779 posts
Question is: Will abilities and trinkets specifically only removing "Fear" now also affect Seduce? (Was Seduce really changed to a Fear effect, leaving charm = mind control)
The Rogue trinket does remove Seduce but it has both Fear and Charm on there.

no shmii, anti-fear abilities are still only anti-fear. some trinkets (like the druid trinket) remove charm in addition to fear, and this charm removal works on seduction as well as priest mind control and gnomish MC cap.

seduction and fear share the same diminishing return timer, but are considered separate entities in terms of debuff status (one being a fear, the other being a charm).
#245 Dec 31 2006 at 3:43 PM Rating: Decent
My main is an Afflict lock and of course I have no objections, but many say that locks are overpowered, but they are easily defeated with chances of survival.
1.For you Rogues, something that could save your life I guarantee you never use it... use KICK, very effective when a lock is casting, its a low lvl talent, but it works, coming from someone who plays a lock + rogue.
2.For Hunters, you are almost guaranteed to win if you hit the lock first. A locks range attacks are the worst compared to every caster or anyone who has a range weapon. You can hit a lock WAY before he can hit you. Don't use your silence shot first, hit with concusion, aim shot, silence, then scatter he won't get anything off.
3.For you Warriors, sorry, you're screwed.
4.For you Paladins, bubble and heal once in a while, but its gonna be really hard.
5.For you Druids, roots is your best friend along with cat form, along with your heal.
6.For you Priests, shadow protection, heal, holy damage works best.

My 2cents. Some locks may now hate me, but if your good enough, you know this and your ways around it!

(PS - idiggory Scholar that post is so true, and nice to have someone with the same point of mind)

Edited, Dec 31st 2006 6:46pm by Riioq
#246 Dec 31 2006 at 3:46 PM Rating: Excellent
I am all for toning down the class. I just don't understand why a few people in this thread want to cut off their heads and laugh.

Toning down the class = Nerf.

It's just a more polite way to say the exact same thing. Let's not argue semantics.

Nobody wants Warlocks to be 'free HK'. Aside from a few over excited posters in the 'Warlock are fine' camp, nobody has even said anything close to that.

There's a difference between a balanced class and a class that has people saying 'They're fine, just take them on 2 vs 1' (very valid argument, that Smiley: oyvey ).

The reason so many people run across more skilled warlocks is because for a VERY long time, it was a very gimp class to play.

From a pvp point of view, they have been fine since the Death Coil patch. That's a long time ago - the pdf that shows how to kill Warlocks as if they were Raid Bosses date from several months already... Every patch since then has made them stronger and Before the Storm has made thing on the near comical level.

But they have been 'fine too overpowered' for a lot longer then they have been gimped.
#247 Dec 31 2006 at 3:59 PM Rating: Default

I think that what most people are bugged about is that warlocks don't fit anywhere in their "rock-paper-scissors" diagram huh ?
#248 Dec 31 2006 at 4:13 PM Rating: Decent
#249 Dec 31 2006 at 4:25 PM Rating: Decent
Hmmm I think I've finally reached the conclusion that felgaurd is somewhat overpowered.
Proof here:
That's at level 53 with no strength, agility, or AP buffs on him or myself.
Higher than my biggest Soul Fire crit. :\

Edited, Dec 31st 2006 7:24pm by Supious
#250 Dec 31 2006 at 4:30 PM Rating: Decent
717 posts

And I have a friend who's friend says you cannot base an argument off from what my other friend says.

Basically, IMHO, no arguments hold water if it starts off with 'well my friend says....'


But it's not an opinion that cloak of shadows is a warlock wrecker

And if we're going by that way of thinking, that the possibility that I'm making it up makes it hold no water, then all statements made on this entire thread are null and void. Anyone here could possibly be making up everything he says.

If you wanna be on the winning team so badly and warlock always wins, isn't the answer obvious?
#251 Dec 31 2006 at 4:35 PM Rating: Decent
3,478 posts
Shamibell wrote:

And I have a friend who's friend says you cannot base an argument off from what my other friend says.

Basically, IMHO, no arguments hold water if it starts off with 'well my friend says....'


But it's not an opinion that cloak of shadows is a warlock wrecker

And if we're going by that way of thinking, that the possibility that I'm making it up makes it hold no water, then all statements made on this entire thread are null and void. Anyone here could possibly be making up everything he says.

If you wanna be on the winning team so badly and warlock always wins, isn't the answer obvious?

No, I was never saying you were making it up. I was only pointing out that you can only go so far by saying what one person says about a subject. After that you just have to face hard facts. I wasn't trying to be insulting, so if you took it that way, I apologize.0

edit: I also wasn't disputing what you were trying to say. I won't deny what you say about CoS.

Edited, Dec 31st 2006 7:36pm by Webjunky
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