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Horde forcing turtles in AV? (Long post warning)Follow

#1 Dec 26 2006 at 12:11 PM Rating: Good
I played PvP in AV over most of the weekend. Most of the pugs I played were pretty standard. I'm Alliance so we would generally win in under 1 hour, hopefully a lot less. I know that must be frustrating to Horde players after a while. Believe me I know how that feels after getting steamrolled by Horde premades for about 75 percent of the AB games I played to get 20 marks on Monday.

However in a few games in AV I saw the horde trying a new tactic. Instead of going all out Zerg offence they defend the middle of the valley with the majority of their forces and use the choke points like IB to prevent the alliance from getting any offence with forward graveyards.

Can you guess what happens?

Yup a ton of alliance just end up turtling on defense after giving up on running down the map over and over. This makes for really long long games. A lot of people just end up deserting. Then the poor shmucks that get pulled in from queue come into the BG and see the turtle and go "Ohh no what's happening here?"

I'll admit I left one of these turtles because I was just not in the mood for a really long game. It was AV honor bonus weekend. Short games with honor bonus for objectives ftw right?

But I am stubborn so I stuck some of them out as well. We won all but one of these games. Eventually we overcame the choke point and got a forward graveyard and were able to rally our offense and beat Drek. They were all really long games though with out much extra per hour honor incentive.

In one game the horde actually eventually won because most of the alliance were so bored being stuck in the same AV they just let them. orz. That was the one exception, other than that the turtle did nothing for the horde or the alliance accept waste our mutual honor farming time.

What I'm curious about is the Horde perspective on this. Also is this strategy a protest of some sorts? Maybe it's just my battlegroup where it's happening. I only see it in a couple games a day out of many games played but I'm still curious for community feedback.

#2 Dec 26 2006 at 12:26 PM Rating: Decent
I hate those matches where it lasts forever because of those long fights in the middle of the map but these are happening in like 1 ever 5 matches.... though i havent done AV in a week.

Also you said alliance win in under an hour..... wtf? Most matches i played lasted 10-20mins win or lose (im alliance) apart from those long matches where there are stupid fights in the middle.

Edited, Dec 26th 2006 3:25pm by Miten
#3 Dec 26 2006 at 12:27 PM Rating: Decent
hmm... so i am not the only one...

yes, it did happen... towards the latter part of the weekend.

won bout a dozen AV in average of 15-18 mins but last one took a while... bottleneck'd us at IB, we pushed forward but just couldn't get passed FW.

they had a major defensive hold on FW, alliance jsut fed them HK's by going in solo as soon as rezzed w/o any grouping.

i think it was an humbling experience for us alliance folks who are used to a major O push and quick victory...

i think its time alliance come up with contingency plans.
#4 Dec 26 2006 at 12:48 PM Rating: Good
Also you said alliance win in under an hour..... wtf? Most matches i played lasted 10-20mins win or lose (im alliance)

Yeah 15-20 minutes is pretty much what I meant, except for the forced turtles which were closer to an hour or more. I was writing this up pretty fast while bored at work today.
#5 Dec 26 2006 at 12:57 PM Rating: Good
1,392 posts
I'm horde but i've seen the exact same thing happening against us. The alliance will sit and camp anyone trying to get near balinda/past iw and just drag the game down into a crawl. Believe me us horde like a fast game with all the bonus honour trimmings on top just like the next guy.

It would appear that the reason for it is people get it in their minds that if they sit at the choke point they can get easy HKs against the people who are trying to ride past. They don't seem to realise that they'd make about 10x the honour in the same time frame if they got the game over with in the normal vein.
#6 Dec 26 2006 at 1:06 PM Rating: Decent
573 posts
possibly related question, in my battlegroup I now routinely see 35+ players all from the same server on horde side often majorly composed of the same guild. I say its related because they tend to be smart and defend galv/IB heavily, thereby causing the eventual aforementioned alliance turtle.

I understand theres a mod that helps do this, is this legal? I certainly think its against the intention since they don't have a join as group option for alterac.

I've grown used to the fact that I have to join or form premades for AB/WSG if I want to win. I really hope I don't have to start doing the same for AV.
#7 Dec 26 2006 at 1:11 PM Rating: Decent
1,392 posts
The mod itself doesn't do anything illegal. It simply tells you which AV number people get when the window pops up, so if you're in a raid you can keep leaving the queue and rejoining until you all get roughly the same AV and those few who get a different one can force join the game everyone else is in.
#8 Dec 26 2006 at 1:15 PM Rating: Decent
1,716 posts
Horde here. I played 13 AV games this weekends, got 15 tokens. I officially hate AV. Aside from the one win, it seemed like over the weekend it got harder and harder to get by IB for us. At first it was like there were 25 Alliance all standing around the SPGY and it was impossible to ever get. Then it got further and further down the road. It was even impossible to take the "high road" as it was covered as well. At one point someone said there were only 4 Alliance taking down Drek, and it sure seemed like all the rest had us hostage just north of Stonehearth graveyard.

Is it really that much easier for Alliance to get into FW? I've never played on that side, but it seems like even when we do manage to get SP that there are several dozen elites just over the bridge and archers that have quadruple the normal range of any mob. And we rarely get past the bridge.

I don't know if cross-bgs make things different or not. All I know is that pre-xserver my druid made Exalted with AV in literally no time and they were 75% wins. After x-server our group can't win to save its life and my mage is going through h-e-double hockey sticks to get the doggone pvp helmet! Argh!
#9 Dec 26 2006 at 1:18 PM Rating: Decent
728 posts
I dunno. The last few AV games this weekend, I noticed a heavy Alliance D. If you folks are wiping on Drek because half your team is at Dun Baldar, you're turtling.

Alliance complaining about Horde defense? That's rich! Almost every AV game I've played in, Horde has used zero...ZERO defense, whereas the Alliance seem to enjoy taking Iceblood Graveyard and harassing those poor sots who rez in the Horde tunnel.

Heck, I saw games this weekend with a solid dozen Alliance at Stormpike Graveyard! You don't see that many Horde at Frostwolf. Ever.

Must be a Christmas thing. Earlier in the weekend, folks seemed to understand that it was honor/hour rather than tokens that mattered most (the honor/token costs are not balanced, resulting in many unused tokens for all).
#10 Dec 26 2006 at 2:30 PM Rating: Default
If horde would stop going after SF and SH at once, we would pass you at balinda and work on forward to wiping you all over the map in 18mins.

I dont mind Galv defence, you try to win and i commend that. Sadly you also creat a turtle 9 times out of 10 when you do this, when it usually leads to 2-3 horde going to SF and taking it. Then we ally come at you and stay at SH and dont let you do ****.

We give you SH so you get the **** out of our way. Its more out of lets not play 75min AV games. But Ally is guilty of this too. This weekend some AV nubs would take SH and force a turtle cause we had FW/IB and SP still leaving RH and the tunnel.

Horde, learn to take the ******* high road. im sick of the SP turtles we get when we try to take it. You can take SP without taking the main road. Theres 3 ways to SP and you only know 1 of them. Every time 15-20 horde take the upper road SP was taken and not lost. Ally will start to work up a defence for this soon, but just so you know, most ally focus on the main road not the horde dropping from behind SP at the mine or those who came under the bridge.

Stop with the ******* turtle games. Dont decide its funny to take SF and we will not take SH forcing you to have no place to rez but the tunnel.

AV Nubs leave SH/SF alone. No one wants a 90min game. If you want 90min PVP go /pvp or head to EPL and gank others there for 90mins.
#11 Dec 26 2006 at 2:57 PM Rating: Default
I would be happy if the alliance in my battlegroup would actually win an AV. They never win at any bgs whatsoever :(
#12 Dec 26 2006 at 3:45 PM Rating: Good
3,801 posts
Jandersan wrote:
I understand theres a mod that helps do this, is this legal? I certainly think its against the intention since they don't have a join as group option for alterac.

There are several different mods and scripts floating around. They range in their actions and, thus, their "fairness".

The one most "fair" is one that requires everyone to be by a battlemaster with the window open in order to queue everyone. It's not much different than an "everyone queue up on the count of 3!". Just more efficient.

The next borders on "illegal", because it will queue people for AV from anywhere in the world. Obviously, not intended.

The final one I've seen also falls into the category of "illegal". As it turns out, Blizzard's removal of "Join as group" was only a client-side removal, and it's possible to bypass that and actually queue an entire group, AS a group, for AV.

However, I'm guessing that in an effort to smash out the last two examples I gave, the first example will be squished as well, and BG queueing will require client-initiated action (like a mouse click). Kinda a bummer since I liked getting into AV's with my friends, but coming across full-server group-queue'd BG's was frustrating.

#13 Dec 26 2006 at 5:13 PM Rating: Decent
1,694 posts
Just my random thoughts... (and gripes). No content, lol...

I thought the Allaince teams invented "teh turtle" in WSG... we would get 2 flag returns, and they would huddle in thier FR on Defense. After mabey 30 minutes we would start to /afk out, heh....

I play Horde.

When AV started, we would win against the Allaince more than half, I would guess mabey 80% of the time. The games back then would go on for hours, I love to hear noobs yelling now in AV, "We have been in for 16 minutes! OMG! Just let them win, so we can get to the next~!!!"

When the cross-server BG's started, the matches got shorter. I would say that in my server cluster, we would win still more than half, but by a slight amount... mabey 60% of the time, but it was fair I guess. I remeber saying, "Look, if they (Alliance) did'nt win sometimes, then they would not come back and re-Q..."

Anyways, we have where we are now.

This last Saturday I was in 5 hours worth of AV. I the average game was 25-30 minutes. Out of mabey 10 or 11 games, we won 0.

Thats right, 0.

I like honor as much as the next guy, I am playing in this repetitive enviroment now for ONE reason: gear. It was fun doing the same things 6 months ago, now, not so much.

My own thoughts on why we loose most (if not all) AV games are just a few:

1. Allaince are favored as far as enviroment,that the field, more so in AV than the others, favors the Alliance. Heavily. This has been debated many times. (Why is that 8-10 Alliance can hold off 30 Horde off of SPGY?). While we may get similair honor, or mabey even better, cause we kill NPCs, take bunkers, ect... it would still be nice to win one ever now and then.

2.Perhaps its that the Allinace in my server cluster on average have a better (overall) gear.

3. They lost for so long, the Allaince got mad, got geared, and got good.

4. We do the same tactics over and over

5. Most Horde have no understanding of Defense ( or have ever heard the word..)

6. I know you have honor farmers on the Allaince side also. ((getting free honor without working for it)), but perhaps we have more. We sometimes ((in my cluster)) have 5-12 people "pushing buttons" in the start cave, or blatentley fishing.

I think its a combination of all theese things, but mostley cause the Allaince used to loose most games.

Then they learned how to "race". When we have almost capped SPGY and gotten mabey one of the North Towers, they are already on Warmaster's, or Drek by then.
After getting whupped so long, they obviously are going to use the same tactic over and over again.... we loose as a faction because we cannot, or choose not to adapt to this. No ones fault but our own.

Hey, may the most competent team win I say. We cannot blame Alliance for us losing all the time now. I am mostly frustrated at the guy watching a movie, hitting the space bar and jumping in the cave every minute or so.

I got really frustered this last weekend and sent one a tell. He replied, in short "Eat sh*t dood." I said he sucked and was a disgrace, he responded "Lick my b@lls, go get out there and get me more honor b!thch!.. go go go now..."

I reported this in detail to a GM. The GM said he would contact the player about the launguage.... however he stressed: "People participate in BG's to different degrees, pushing the space bar or fishing is not against the rules, so I cannot say anything about that. If he was not AFK , or using a third party bot program, its ok with Blizzard, and not against the TOS...."


Now I am pissed and discouraged. Thankfully we (horde) still win about half of the AB's and half of the WSG's. Also, thankfully alot of the gear I now need requires AB marks more than the others....

But I dont think we "trurtle" in protest, lol.
But Mabey we should start... :P

Me and wife have played since release... I am glad the BC is about to be out. If it was more than a couple weeks away,I think we would have moved on by now... beside helping Guildies, we have not had much "fun" playing WoW in a few months, but thats for another thread intirely...

Edited, Dec 26th 2006 6:05pm by TruthSeeker
#14 Dec 26 2006 at 6:32 PM Rating: Decent
1,207 posts
It's always the same. The minute Horde starts playing AV seriously (ie play D) the allies complain that Horde causes the turtles.

FYI, the 15-18 minutes victories of the Alliance is brought about by the fact that Horde goes all-out zerg while Alliance leaves 5-10 people on Defense. That is the basic strategy needed in AV without a doubt.

Horde loses AV simply because winning doesn't mean much when you still get as much honor as losing. Unlike AB and WSG when you lose you hardly get honor except for the HKs. AV gives you honor for killing Lt/Com, capping bunkers etc.

So what do you think the Horde will do? Play to win or just farm honor?
#15 Dec 26 2006 at 8:39 PM Rating: Decent
420 posts
Most Horde members who have done AV more than twice know how to win, and that often requires mounting a defense at the IBGY chokepoint. Unfortunately this leads to games that last over an hour. In alot of the battlegroups Horde have an instant to near instant queue time to enter AV. If you're grinding honor it makes more sense to take your quick loss and re-queue because you get back in instantly. There is simply no incentive for Horde to try and win AV.

As far as pointing the finger at Horde and saying a defense at IBGY equals a turtle, yeah okay. I grinded many ranks in AV pre-patch as I ranked without a premade, and I can't remember a single time Alliance just let us waltz in and have SPGY. So yeah, if the occasional times that Horde defends their field chokepoint is a turtle, I guess the Alliance turtles theirs every single game.
#16 Dec 26 2006 at 8:56 PM Rating: Default
You call that long? I had one game I swear all 40 horde were turtling. We had the RH but still whenever our tank went in he died within 5 seconds. What we eventually did was get all the AoEers to AoE and all the healers just spammed a heal on the people losing HP. It eventually killed a ton of horde and we FFed Drek.
#17 Dec 26 2006 at 9:11 PM Rating: Decent
3,011 posts
Turtles are very easy to counter.

Send two rogues and a druid to the graveyard behind the turtle. Kill the NPCs BEFORE capping the flag, cap the flag and kill any horde that try to retake it. Once the GY is taken, have alliance spirit rush the GY and spawn there anyway. This effectively skips any turtle. The rest of the force can just grunt by and grab the remaining graveyards, forcing the horde behind you and in a losing race.

I don't see why people ***** about turtles, it's really not that hard to beat -_- It's more fun that way too.
#18 Dec 26 2006 at 9:15 PM Rating: Decent
3,011 posts
When AV started, we would win against the Allaince more than half, I would guess mabey 80% of the time. The games back then would go on for hours, I love to hear noobs yelling now in AV, "We have been in for 16 minutes! OMG! Just let them win, so we can get to the next~!!!"

When AV first started, horde owned SF to begin with and SH tower was practically in the middle of horde territory. Plus, the horde base was teeming with NPCs and basically a fortress.

The AV now is fair, although the horde still have strategic advantages at nearly every grave yard (most of the alliance grave yards you can shoot through walls that alliance can't shoot back through).

All and All, what it boils down to is horde just suck at killing npcs (although they really don't have to, as usually they'll bug out any marshals that are in vandaar's room and just kill him) almost as much as the alliance sucks at killing players (AB and WSG are great examples of that). These weaknesses are no fault but your own.
#19 Dec 26 2006 at 10:04 PM Rating: Decent
4,717 posts
Its not my personality to get all "personal" with PvP and Forum stuff, but how much can I take?


Look, stop bullsh*ting with one BG, you have control of 2. I have seen AB's that end in 10 minutes flat. Guess what? Its not even a premade. Most AV's are 17-20 minutes.

"But Justdistaint! AV's give more honor!"

Not when you f*ckin' turtle.

/vent off

Feel free to flame the sh*t out of me, I for my sanity won't read this thread.
#20 Dec 26 2006 at 10:49 PM Rating: Decent
Citizen's Arrest!
29,527 posts
Prince justdistaint wrote:

Look, stop bullsh*ting with one BG, you have control of 2. I have seen AB's that end in 10 minutes flat. Guess what? Its not even a premade. Most AV's are 17-20 minutes.

"But Justdistaint! AV's give more honor!"

Not when you f*ckin' turtle.

/vent off

#21 Dec 26 2006 at 11:32 PM Rating: Decent

Look, stop bullsh*ting with one BG, you have control of 2. I have seen AB's that end in 10 minutes flat. Guess what? Its not even a premade. Most AV's are 17-20 minutes.

"But Justdistaint! AV's give more honor!"

Not when you f*ckin' turtle.

/vent off

None of my chars do AV, but my Rogue has, ove the last 6 days, done about 57 Warsong Gulch matches and about 38 Arathi Basin matches. Yes i am crazy, but I have the time off.

Alliance won 2 AB and 7 WSG. If Alliance can win most of the AV games we play, then good for us. At least we can do something right in PvP. Justdistant, you just
sapped the nail (rogue joke).
#22 Dec 26 2006 at 11:44 PM Rating: Decent
127 posts
The Marshal glitch is the one thing about AV that irritates me the most, being an Ally player.

-Every- AV I've been in since the honor patch, if the horde actually makes it to Van, they fight him and him alone, bugging out the Marshals. Lately it's been easier to combat by snowballing/fearing tanks into them, but still... why should we have to fight 3-6 Warmasters before Drek, when they can just waltz in and kill Van?
#23 Dec 26 2006 at 11:56 PM Rating: Decent
Can all allis just take a look at the av map for a second.....
Horde turtle because we have to to stand a chance. You allis, the path to Stormpike GY is almost impossible to take. You dont need to turtle coz for a massive strip we have to fight our way through bottleneck, after bottleneck after bottleneck. Allis can get into FW without even going through the main gate, over a massive plain. IB is our only hope to stopping you guys. Blizzard really need to even out the AV map, if that was so and it was abit more freeflowing for horde attackers i dont think horde would turtle.
#24 Dec 26 2006 at 11:59 PM Rating: Default
I played AV when I got to 50 before the NPC nerf. I played 4 hour AVs and loved every second of it. The NPC nerf was a let down. I liked having a epic battle and now people didn't get wolfs, reavers, or air support. When cross realm came out blizzard make the Quee times lower and things got worse. Our server that was very organised, We would use vent Pass out the server info while making the raid. We always stayed in gorups of 5 unless we were doing the mine or something like that. We had healing healers.

CR BGs killed quee times and forced crappy servers into our AVs. But the killing blow was the new honor system. With WSG no longer the honor BG Av gets a unending stream of AFKers and asshats who zerg without strat. It's like the allie death charge, 4-8 allies charge after one or 2 horde and all manage to die, thats what AV feals like now. It can be fun, it doesn't have to be a grind.

I will take a f*cking 5 hour turtle and a loss than a 18 min loss, Why? Because at least then all the f*cktards that honor farmers are disapointed and one more allie group has had to work for there marks and honor. I wish I could just perma-ban every fishing afking moron in AV. The day blizzard learns to not f*ck things up worse and worse, when the problem was small and easly overlookable.
#25 Dec 27 2006 at 12:03 AM Rating: Decent
2,293 posts
After a few days of intense AVing horde wins about 25% of the games.
(i too want some extra purplez before expansion)
Then yesterday after a few rounds of AB, me and 20 guildies signed up for av and won in a dozen 20 minute games.
5 man defense does wonders, first keep fw as long as possible then turtle in the towers, buys enough time. While the other 15 go straight to sp (helps to have a resser :P) and you let the pugs take care of belinda.

I dont know when they changed the group queue bc i always thought you couldnt sign up as group, well through the other bg queue you can.
You must watch the battleground # though since sometimes people get different ones.

I will take a f*cking 5 hour turtle and a loss than a 18 min loss, Why?

QFT, (in PuG's) i always go on till the bitter end.
I dont want to promote the horde, but im very nationalistic about them, so sure as hell am going to: ;)
Its one thing ive noticed as pug vs pug and premade vs premade's in AB / WSG, most of the times the alli's just "give up" after 3 cap been held for 2 minutes into the game or 1 flag has been capped. It happens a LOT. While if horde is behind with 2 nodes to 3 or 1 flag behind, we always go regroup and give it another zerg. Ive won plenty of games from such small disadvantage, although ill admit, lost more.
It might take slightly longer but if you do win you feel inviiiiincible, isnt that worth it giving it another go? Deny the filthy Horde easy honor?
So in conclusion of this, alliance losing a lot in AB/WSG is for a BIG part a self-fulfilling prophecy. Or maybe bc its bc alliance has gnomes, and the prospects of killing gnomes is enough to keep youre average hordie for going on forever :)
(running gag in my bg group, "well at least youll kill some gnomes")

if the horde actually makes it to Van, they fight him and him alone, bugging out the Marshals.

Hmmm ive never seen this happen, and im always at the point, please dont tell "the secret" to the EU guys. :)

Edited, Dec 27th 2006 3:28am by Sjans
#26 Dec 27 2006 at 12:51 AM Rating: Decent
717 posts
From what I've seen so far of the few games I played today, it's strangely advantageous to disregard strategy and just zerg your way to victory or defeat. Even losing is better than long, pointless standoffs. My first three games went without a hitch, even though horde lost all three, they were still getting honor and medals. Fourth one I wound up leaving because horde concentrated a ton of forces around Drek, making it impossible to take him down. But with so many forces there, they stood no chance of taking our general either so nothing gets done.

Didn't help that alliance started bunching up at our general's base afterwards. I wasn't about to repeat the torture so I called it quits. I'm just in it for GM sword after all.
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