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#1 Dec 25 2006 at 2:23 AM Rating: Excellent
Good morning and Merry Christams to all.

I had a nice weekend. Friday and Saturday were spent shopping for gifts, Sunday preparing for the Christmas feast (hard to call it a dinner with 4 main courses and 20 relatives at the table)

On the WoW front, I had my 2 scholomance runs, and now I have the blood of innocents to use.

I also gathered around 7k honor this weekend, it being AV bonus honor.

Up to 330 gold now, so not much improvement, but I made some nice purchases for myself and ingame friends.

Santa was kinda stingy this year :) Got a new headset for the PC and a 100 dollar bill.

How about you guys? How was your weekend?
#2 Dec 25 2006 at 3:35 AM Rating: Excellent
3,451 posts
Merry Christmas everyone!

In the real life front, I worked graveyard shift Fri, Sat, and Sunday getting off at 6am each day and sleeping all day!

During the few spare hours I had, I finished up my Christmas shopping, and rapped up my gifts.

Of course I made time for WoW though, getting my rogue up to 53, and two new blue weapons from ST dropped for me as well. I also transfered my warrior to Altar of Storms as well. Another $25 gone, but it was a gift to myself. Smiley: sly

#3 Dec 25 2006 at 5:14 AM Rating: Excellent
473 posts
Well I had a quiet WoW weekend but was able to get in a good amount of AV games yesterday and racked up 9k honor. Other than that I didn't accomplish anything else.
#4 Dec 25 2006 at 11:22 AM Rating: Excellent
761 posts
After AV weekend I'm now around 16k honor on my hunter and 12k honor on my rogue, continuing to switch between the two to keep the game experience fresh. Our Horde opponents seem to have improved (more HWL weapons and better tactics) so the fighting is getting tougher and the matches longer. Discombobulator Rays provide some amusement and blunts the enemy rush very efficiently.

I also hit 300 Blacksmithing (Armorsmith) on my warrior. I had stayed well clear of Blacksmithing previously, but with the upcoming BoP plans in TBC I decided to take the plunge, dropped skinning and took BS. Now that I've finished with BS I'm back to stockpiling ore & gems, got over 500 gems and 1500 ore so far. It certainly helps that they changed Arcane Crystal drop rates, I also seem to be getting more Azerothian Diamonds, Huge Emeralds etc. Still haven't decided which character will take Jewelcrafting on the 16th.

For cash I'm fairly static at around 3300 gold after spending some money on arcanums and bank slots. The enchanting market seems to have been revitalised by so many people getting access to epic PvP rewards so perhaps I'll try to tap into that.
#5 Dec 25 2006 at 11:57 AM Rating: Excellent
111 posts
3300 gold? dammmmmmmmmmn. send some of that this way ;)

let's see, did a little AV. i have a sinus infection in my upper head so i can't stare at anything for too long - too much WoW and my head gets sore, basically.

got an xbox 360 for christmas, plus madden 07. i'm going to pick up gears of war tomorrow and i'll be good for a while.
#6 Dec 25 2006 at 12:46 PM Rating: Excellent
6,129 posts
WOW Weekend: Any amount of honor on my mage is good. I am at my parents and aparently they only know the word 'dial-up'. So the latency issues are a bit of a problem. Hopefully I can get 6-8k or so and get my 4th peice of the rank 12/13 set.

On my tauren warrior maybe get 1-2 levels. Currently halfway through 31.

RL: Spend time with family and high school friends. Going out tomorrow and all weekend mainly with old friends. Strip clubs for my freinds' birthday is a must.

Holiday WOW: Well I have until January 18th until school starts, so I will be playing TBC just a bit. My current goal is to get the full rank 12/13 set replacing my T1 and T2 and the GM dagger.

On my warrior I have decided to level him up and am hoping for at least mid 50's by the expansion. This may, or may not happen.

Holiday RL: With the family until the 5th. I have to plan for my next semesters classes and talk with some friends so we can match schedules. On the 6th or so going to Baja with my dad on a surf trip, pending a swell.

WoW- Well, I got about 2k honor total. Nothing to great since i am on dial up. Usualy that is about half of my one day total Did not get any levels on my alt, as the lag is just unbearable here.

RL- Hung out with old friends and family. Had some fun. Good christmas and the like.
Alla's Arena/PVP Forum


Let that beat build.

Xbox Live: kyNsdub
#7 Dec 25 2006 at 5:43 PM Rating: Excellent
3,478 posts
I haven't gotten a single one of my goals accomplished, but that's expected, since it's the holidays.
#8 Dec 25 2006 at 6:20 PM Rating: Excellent
I had a very Merry Christmas. I got one of my presents on saturday which was a BEASTLY computer. It's completely custom built but it had one problem. THe mouse port was busted so I can't get it until tomorrow :(

Anyway, WoW wise I got a Deathguard's Cloak from my hard work in AB... That's about it because of the busy weekend visiting people.
#10 Dec 25 2006 at 7:04 PM Rating: Excellent
2,588 posts
christmas with the family was nice. got some nice presents, ate loads of food, the usual.

ingame, i got around 5k honor on my rogue, working towards the gm longsword. didn't do much else. farmed ore for jewelcrafting while waiting for bgs to pop.

i just played an ab against "for the horde" which we lost. we put up a good fight and at one point even had 4 nodes. we had about half twinks in the group, so too little damage. and that horde group was very good, but that's what you expect from a guild that is among the first in the world to kill new bosses. a great fight, lots of fun and tactics, not just zerg.
#11 Dec 25 2006 at 8:37 PM Rating: Excellent
I got up to around 9k honor this weekend, just need about 7k honor until my shiny new HWL Axe, and then I can slowly move my Shaman out of his ghetto gear into some nice, shiny new gear.

Pretty good haul for christmas this year. Guitar Hero II, Mortal Kombat: Armageddon, candy, Phobia by Breaking Benjamin, Bully, and tons of other great games, looks my WoW time is gonna be dented somewhat Smiley: wink.
#12 Dec 26 2006 at 2:17 AM Rating: Excellent
Citizen's Arrest!
29,527 posts
I wrote:
WoW Goals:
1)Want to farm the crap out of some stuff for a spellpower enchant for my GM Mageblade.

Did a little, but then someone reminded me it was AV weekend so I farmed some honor.

I wrote:
RL Goals(no, seriously...that's all my WoW goals...why don't you believe me?):
1)Spending the 22nd with my family. My sister's taking me out for some BBQ at a place I've never eaten. Then going over to my parents' place to open some gifts.

Enjoyed myself. Someone needs to teach the people at the BBQ restaurant how to make good mashed potatos though.

I wrote:
2)Going to visit my grandparents on the 23rd, coming back the 25th, iirc.

Remembered why I haven't visited for Christmas in the last 3 years. Enjoyed time with grandparents, rest of my extended family was a strain on my nerves.

I wrote:
3)Would really like to spend some time with my GF when I get back.

I got home and was so tired that I logged in to loot some gifts from under the tree in IF and went straight to bed. She should be off work either Tues/Wed or Wed/Thurs, so I'm hoping to see her then.
#13 Dec 26 2006 at 3:08 AM Rating: Excellent
Well I think I FINALLY (after months of not being able to figure it out) got WoWreader to update my profile. :)

Managed to get one of each Xmas pet for my gals (and a snowball making machine to power up the ones that need it), though I will be waiting until TBC to use them on my flock of soon-to-be belf ladies.

Other than that, didn't get too much noteworthy done. Got two teddybears, a couple cool CDs and two glass balls (some people give really WEIRD presents ya ever notice?) for Xmas.

EDIT: OMG my sig STILL isn't working. What the HELL am I doing wrong?

Edited, Dec 26th 2006 6:10am by BethelRose
#14 Dec 26 2006 at 6:01 AM Rating: Good
1,259 posts
Hope all had a great holiday weekend. My WoW Goals of..

1) PVP enough honor for 2 epic pieces
2) Farm G for epic mount riding training.. 600g to go -_-
3) Solo incendius 10x minimum a day until he drops a BoE epic
4) Level Lock to mid twenty's
5) Scholomance, Strath, LBRS for my last 3 beaststalker gear (cap, legs, shoulder)

+1) Farmed 12k honor the two days of AV weekend, bringing my total to 17,*** honor. I decided that I will be going for the GM weapon first.. instead of the equipment. An extra 11/12 dps is pretty huge I think.
-2) Didn't really farm too much considering I was busy pvping
-3) Solo'd incendius 4 times, twice while drunk. Blue drops only -_-
+4) Got warlock last night to level 20
-5) Got an invite to ST while in queue for AV, decided to join as I needed my.... legs piece i think from there... 2min before my bird landed the healer (who had gotten the drop he needed) bounced. Then the party decided to disband. I had 2 minutes left before AV popped but i dropped queue... >.< never again.

RL Goals

1) Start and finish xmas shopping for family and friends
2) Shoot pool, drink holiday spirits, go to Boston

+1) Friday drank a ton, Saturday went shopping w/ the ex gf for presents for my family. Sunday ex gf and her kid went w/ me to do more shopping, finished that, wrapped presents,
2)shot pool, did not however go to boston. Drank alcoholic eggnog.

Holiday Goals

1) Open presents w/ family
2) Play WoW furthering aformentioned goals
3) Eat dinner with family
4) Play WoW to finish goals.
5) Sleep

1) Done and done :D fun stuff
2) Level 20 lock, no real playtime other than that.
3) Done and done, great ham dinner at home, traditional puerto rican dinner at my best friends house later that night
4) Same as #2?
5) Did not get enough sleep.... damnit.

OH I also feel as though I somehow injured my left thumb..... it did not start bothering me until after about 15 hours of AV PVP... maybe the way I rest my hand on my laptop.... or maybe the jumping over and over and over and over using my thumb is what did it. Anybody else ever have this happen?? Its annoying lol. -_-;;

Edited, Dec 26th 2006 9:05am by Ebonspine
#15 Dec 26 2006 at 6:11 AM Rating: Excellent
181 posts
When I made my Weekend Goal post, I was looking forward to dismal times being stuck around my girlfriend's family and desperately looking for a sharp object to shove into my eye. Also figured I'd not be on WoW at all since I'd be stuck being social with those goobs.

Afterwards, I found out that I'd actually only have to be around them for about two hours out of the whole weekend. Allowed for some WoW playing and actual enjoyment of my Christmas.

Got my g/f up to 57 with her Mage, so it's looking that we might actually get her to 60 before expansion.

Ran UD Strat and had a good, if a bit squirelly time in there.

Now back here on the job and hating life again. :o)
#16 Dec 26 2006 at 6:28 AM Rating: Good
Got my Pally to level 59 and am on track for 60 by New Years. Had a great RL weekend with my daughter and son and his fiancee. Gave out lots of presents except between my wife and I. We are saving for a vacation late spring.
#17 Dec 26 2006 at 6:54 AM Rating: Good
1,716 posts
Yeah, I woke up Friday with a horrible cold or strep or something, so I have been coughing a lung up all weekend. However I did manage about 6k honor all weekend on my UD mage. I have enough AB tokens for what I want, but the honor comes from AV-which is just HORRID in our group. I played enough AV to get 15 tokens, halfway to my helmet. Ugh. I went ahead and got the blue boots, a huge upgrade for me. Shoulders are next. I would just rather play AB all day, but there is nothing to do with all of the extra AB tokens which stinks. They should bring back the tabard at least so I could spend them on something! And at some point I will have to WSG to get the pants. /sigh. And I hate pvp.

Oh yeah, on Friday, while our best friend was visiting and getting us drunk and playing in the same room with us(which happens once in a blue moon but it ROCKS!), we managed to 4man ST so I could finally finish my druid quest! I still have not turned in the quest though-no idea which reward to take.
#18 Dec 26 2006 at 8:13 AM Rating: Decent
869 posts
Ho hum... Spending most of the weekend with real life family... WoW fam gets short shrift.

IRL... last minute shopping (dont anticipate anything to harrowing). find a way to un-pinch this nerve in my shoulder. turn 3-0. hopefully enjoy a quiet/peaceful xmas.

In WoW... play time probably limited mostly to Saturday. All I really want is to get all the way through BRD. Beyond that... PvP a bit with my 38 Druid (just got his Fleshhide Shoulders... will purchase his first few bits of PvP gear this weekend). Quest/level a bit with my 35 Warrior.

Happy holidays, all!

EDIT: Just went back and read more of the thread. Happy Birthday Pold & Web. Mine's sunday.

Here's hoping none of us gets any combo-gifts (fat chance) :p. Capricorn pwns the Alla boards!

BRD: attempted and failed with aplomb. Standard PUG issues, made exponentially worse by epic Aggro range of the 2 Lv 50s in the group. We got as far as the Ring of Law. Cleared that... wiped in the next room, lost our tank, wiped again. I gave up and went to join a WSG Preform in the 30s bracket. I'm losing patience with that Instance, but Gear and quest completion needs damn me to return. I may break down and beg guildies.

Pushed that 35 Warrior to about 2-3 bubbles away from 37. Had a pretty solid birthday. Good Xmas. Ate a lot.
#19 Dec 26 2006 at 8:45 AM Rating: Good
1,876 posts
Will probably enter AB and AV this weekend and grind honor until my eyes bleed. Seems to be a standard thing on the weekend.

Wouldn't mind getting Intanj up there a bit more, and picking up her Thrash Blade (yeah, she's a bit late) would also be a nice thing.

Lastly, farming for some cash or mats for Fiery for the rogue. (Shouldn't be too hard, gold has been rolling in for her lately)

The holiday should be fairly quiet. Christmas eve alone and then to my friend's parent's house for a bit on Christmas day itself.

My mom, brother, and 1yr old nephew are coming up on the 7th, so that will be the real Christmas for me :) (I haven't seen my nephew since April...he's grown a ton in 8 months I'm sure!)

I picked up enough Honor by one of the days to pick up my WL gloves. I'm now at 4/6 for the armor, with my Dragonstalker Helm and Pants looking to be replaced in a bit. Think I'm going to go for the bow next, since we're going to start raiding again soon (took holiday break) and would like a nice fast weapon for the PvE side of things (my Rhok is reportedly better for PvP than the other HWL weapons, and Lok is just fine until I upgrade everything else).

Only problem I'm going to have, will be getting into ZG for 2 Hakkari Idols for my Helm and Legs enchants :( Need those to be ready before I replace both the hat and legs (and have to do it at once for set bonus reasons, or I'm going to nerf myself a bit for awhile).

Didn't really touch the other toons.

Christmas was alright. Went to my friend's family's house for the day, but with her sister in the ICU (but already over the scary bit) not much real celebration was had. Gave gifts to the little ones, but the rest of us are waiting until she gets back home.

Pretty quiet all around.
#20 Dec 26 2006 at 9:59 AM Rating: Decent
2,634 posts
My holiday was good, I got to play quite a bit.
I leveled my shaman to 51 which is always good.

My hunter i played on for a little bit, but not much. I ran mauradon, and we made it to the beast, but couldnt beat him because the group consisted of me, a 50 hunter, and a 60 warlock. Which just wasnt enough.

Otherwise it was a fun run, and I got a new dagger, so i have to level the skill up on that. I wonder how good it is to use a dagger on a shaman. Prolly not a good idea, but I like it lots.

Thats about all really.
#21 Dec 26 2006 at 10:47 AM Rating: Good
3,202 posts
I think it's time to push my Troll Warrior to level 40. She needs some more ore too since I leveled her blacksmithing up to 230 and used my stash up. I've accumulated some plate gear that is sitting in the bank just waiting for me. I still need chest armor but I can probably wait until I hit 41 and can smith one then. She needs a new grinding weapon too but I just haven't seen anything cheap that I want to give up my frost tiger blade for. I also plan on setting aside some time for her to help guildies out and perhaps join them in an instance run sometime.

Yay! I hit 40 on Christmas Eve and have been bouncing around Org and everywhere else on my raptor! I've done a little mining. I still need the plate chest armor but am enjoying the already huge boost to my HP. I got a new 2-hander to use while grinding and while I do miss the frost effect of my old one, this one does a shadow attack so that's fun. I helped some guildies out here and there and ran one through RFC.

My level 29 NE Rogue needs to go AH all the neat loot she picked up from BFD last night. My boyfriend ran me through with his level 53 NE Hunter so I got all the quests done but didn't get to do too much actual fighting. It would be nice if I can get him to help me with a few more quests and/or a run through WC. He wants me to have a high level Alliance character so I'll try to get a couple more levels on her at least over the next week.

Didn't do much on her this weekend. I'm tempted to stealth back into BFD to try to just hit up a few bosses for some of the BOP items I can use that I didn't get on our earlier run.

My level 23 Troll Rogue on the other server did his poison quest. It didn't go totally as planned but the quest was completed successfully with no deaths so I'm happy. (The Alliance poison quest is SOoooo much easier!) I am going to get him going on the Ashenvale quests and possibly spend a little time in Hillsbrad doing the easier quests and the one that is part of that Stonetalon Venture Co. chain.

Not done. Probably will try to do some on him this week since I won't be working until after New Years.

I will probably spend a bit of time on my other characters. I may gather up the BFD quests on my NE Warrior and have my boyfriend run her through since she can actually use some of the BOP drops in there. It would be nice if he could take my Dwarf warrior in too though I will have to look up the minimum level to get in there.

LoL I got my boyfriend to not only take my NE Warrior through BFD but to reset it several times so I could get the tortoise armor. She's got a few nice blues and got two levels higher too. I had to run my Dwarf around some yesterday because she was only 18 and needed to be 20 to get the 'pet' Christmas present. So, I put two levels on her by running around Westfall plus some Redridge stuff.

Real Life - Took my mom out to my sister's house on Saturday to have Christmas dinner with some of her kids and their families. I ate too much but had a nice time. Spent actual Christmas hanging around home playing on the computer. LoL
#22 Dec 26 2006 at 11:45 AM Rating: Good
I PvPed up about 15k Honor by playing way to much. I got about 5k a day or so just pugging.

Picked up some PvP shoulders and a Lobotomizer to tide me over until I can save up enough honor for my GM Dirk. Getting AB marks as alliance is hell. One match our Pug actually captured all 5 nodes and won. Most of them we just got steam rolled by premades. 5 minute game and a AB mark is not so bad I guess but damn hard on the ego. Thank god we won about 95 percent of the AV I played to make up for it.

I'm starting see the benifits of a few of the blue PvP peices of armor however. It's going to be hard to sit on enough honor to get the epics heh.

#23 Dec 27 2006 at 4:57 AM Rating: Decent
217 posts
My weekend ended yesterday ;)

Did a few pug mara runs on my shaman, lost 3 rolls for useful loot :( I moved him from Twilights Hammer to Ravencrest, where most of my friends are.

Grinded a few k rep, I am now at 18400/22500 for the HWL blade for my rogue. Amazingly, AB is still often fun!

RL: Nice, quiet Christmas. Some useful gifts, some fun, and a few good books. Quite nice!
#24 Dec 27 2006 at 6:14 AM Rating: Excellent
This is my first day back from work - yay for 4 day weekends.

I managed to get one level on my warrior, up to 23.

I'm not sure I'm going to meet my long-term goal of getting a druid to 20. It's currently at 17 and I can't stand it.

I got the Star Wars Original Trilogy Lego game for the PS2 and so that took up most of my afternoon yesterday (my one day off when I wasn't running around madly with family and friends).
#25 Dec 27 2006 at 6:45 AM Rating: Good
2,293 posts
Also long weekend, started to play WoW again, guildies totally bonkers of PvP, raiding doesnt exist. "My old" PvP team was running WSG again, so i ran a few games with them. Theyre made out of all kinds of endgame guild members. Funny thing is that we were all in the same guild at one point or another :)

At the end of this weekend i now think PvP is less broken then i first thought then i switched my mage from the 3 min variant to full frost(0/0/51). I dont die every 3 seconds anymore and having buddys watch youre tail helps a bunch as well.
Ej its not as broken when im winning, *duh* :P

And I absolutly <3<3<3 water elemental! Ranged frostnova as big as a world record pizza and finally a way to keep multiple targets busy, interrupt casters and do annoying stuff while youre safe encased in youre iceblock.
You absolutly rape melee classes, even if you make a mistake here and there.
Why anyone wants to be 3 min mage or full fire with the survivalbility (got 5/5 artic winds and i really notice the difference) and the back to back crits of frost boggles me. I eat full firemages for breakfast.

All the warlocks running around with that new demon pet makes them a lot less scary as well, chill the mob and i have a very good chance of beating the warlock with an iceblock after the DoT rain. Very good warlock nerf! :P

Got a total of 25k honor spread over last 4 days (playing during daytime family stuph during evenings), got my HWL boots, saving up for the dagger. After that im ready for TBC!

Definatly one of the better WoW weekends i had.

Edited, Dec 27th 2006 10:01am by Sjans
#26 Dec 27 2006 at 7:31 AM Rating: Decent
Merry Belated-Christmas everyone,

Well this weekend paid off... on the WoW side of things I saved up my 60 AB marks (took 5 hours last night to get 30 marks with my premade). Well I got my HWL Chest piece, so now I have 2 HWL pieces and am now going to work for the HWL Spellblade to replace either my Kindling Staff or my Hynotic blade to go with my Tome of the Ice Lord :D


Since my parents paid for my 32'' LCD HDTV that for my Birthday/Christmas that I picked up for $500 on BF I didn't get too much else. I got a few gift cards to BB and GAP and a bit of Cash from other relatives.
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