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Do you think Alliance horde populations will balance out?Follow

#1 Dec 22 2006 at 6:51 PM Rating: Decent
3,478 posts
I know this is some what of a superficial question, but I was wondering what some opinions on this are from you all.

With horde getting blood elves, and being a 'pretty' race, would you think the population will balance out a little bit? I wonder this because I am currently leveling a dwarf hunter and well, I am LOVING this toon, but I'm not looking forward to hour long AV que times and such. I mean, some battlegroups have it wors than others, but generally horde will always have shorter que times than alliance.

1) In your opinion, will the factions some what balance themselves out?

2) If you play Alliance, will you be re-rolling horde for the expansion? Do you know anyone that is?

3) If you play Alliance, are your BG que times some what tolerable (less than 15 min). If so, what battlegroup are you in? (please specify EU or US)

#2 Dec 23 2006 at 4:12 AM Rating: Decent
I doubt that anything is going to balance out on faction or individual race level. Granted, female blood elves are DAMN hot, and after comparing with Draenei in the actual game (There's a Draenei encampment in Ashenvale these days) I can say that the Blue Girls don't stand anywhere close.

There will still be way too many hunters, too many rogues, not enough priests. 80% of alliance servers are Humans and NElfs right now, with dwarfs and gnomes sharing the remaining 20%. Nothing's balancing that out right now, and there will be a new "cooler" race to choose from.
#3 Dec 23 2006 at 4:41 AM Rating: Decent
3,114 posts
I hope not, I'll miss my 2 minute BG ques. ;)

And whereabouts in Ashenvale is this Dranei camp?
#4 Dec 23 2006 at 5:48 AM Rating: Good
7,466 posts
I personally doubt that just one new "pretty" race, even an elf, will even out the sides that much. Truth be told, alliance is still the more well thought out, "pretty" and "good" side imo... and i'm horde. I think those people who roll a BELF female just because they "are teh hawtz" will quickly loose interest and go back to playing their NELF. IMO they look a bit like a bimbo, and seem to have this annoying crink in their neck which gets annoying FAST.

I personally highly doubt that the number of people playing a BE for the race itself (be it lore, abilities, stats, ect) will outnumber the ones playing it for it being "pretty" or "hawt." Not to mention one out of five races being pretty, and only one being remotely humanish, will balance out with the four pretty races of the alliance, three (though one could argue two) being humanish... and of course humans.

Well, we'll see how it goes.
#5 Dec 23 2006 at 6:07 AM Rating: Decent
1. It may balance out slightly, but not to a great extent.

2. No, but I'm in a raiding guild where people have a relatively high loyalty to it. My guess is that casuals would be the ones to reroll.

3. As I've said before, Cyclone US BG queues suck for Alliance. Except at peak times, 10 minute WSGs, 15 min ABs, and 25 min AVs (this AV weekend AV queues were down to 15-18 minutes, though). Horde get instant queues for WSG and AB.
#6 Dec 23 2006 at 7:55 AM Rating: Good
215 posts
1) I doubt it. Most people will try out the new races to some extent, but without new classes, anyone who already has a low level alt of each will probably find themselves bored quickly and return to their mains. And even if they only have one character on their their account, there's still lvl 70 to reach and all the new content.

2) I won't be re-rolling Horde per sè, and I don't know anyone who's planning to. I'll probably try out the Elves for a bit, see the new starting areas etc. but I doubt I'll re-roll.

3) To quote myself
cowwithbeans wrote:
In my Battlegroup, Horde vastly outnumber the Alliance. We rarely get 10v10, 15v15, or 40v40 games. Normally, its 1 or 2 less in AB and WSG, with AV being anywhere up to 10 less. Also, when most games start (and I mean, when the gates open) the ratio is 1:3, Alliance:Horde. More players tend to join as time passes.

AV queues are around 15 minutes, AB and WSG 2-3 mins.

My Battlegroup is Bloodlust EU.

Edited, Dec 23rd 2006 10:56am by cowwithbeans
#7 Dec 23 2006 at 8:18 AM Rating: Good
1,374 posts
This far in the game it would take more than blood elves to rebalance the population. Lots of people probably have a greater interest in getting their current characters up to 70. There will probably be a million blood elves and draenei running around at launch but the vast majority will end up lowbie alts.
#8 Dec 23 2006 at 10:52 AM Rating: Decent
3,478 posts
Just to clarify, I really don't think adding one 'pretty' race will balance out the factions completely. What I'm trying to ask is 'do you think BG que times will get better in the future for Alliance? Or worse?'
#9 Dec 23 2006 at 10:53 AM Rating: Decent
Worse in TBC. More people will be doing Arenas and less will be doing BGs.
#10 Dec 23 2006 at 11:08 AM Rating: Default
When horde start getting cities as nice as SW & Darnassus, maybe.

**** UC & Orgrimmar.
#11 Dec 23 2006 at 11:59 AM Rating: Good
3,202 posts
1. No, I think there still will be more Alliance than Horde on most, if not all, servers. There are too many people who come into this game thinking "Alliance = Good" and "Horde = Evil".

2. I play both Alliance and Horde but I prefer Horde. I will be making a few new characters once I get the expansion and probably will make more of them Draenei than Blood Elf since I really like the look of the Draenei.

3. I haven't tried getting into the BG/PVP parts of the game yet.
#12 Dec 23 2006 at 12:59 PM Rating: Decent
3,478 posts
Makaro wrote:
Worse in TBC. More people will be doing Arenas and less will be doing BGs.

well, the upside to arena's is that you could be fighting the same faction there, so population imbalance is irrelevant. The downside is that (I think) you HAVE to pre-made, which is a bit of a problem for a casual player like me at this point in time. My play times are often, but irregular.

edit: @ enterprise: Whether or not you like the looks of the cities is a matter of personal taste. I happen to love UC and TB and most of Org. Org is a little TOO brown, but the feel of the city is awesome (especially with the drum sounds). I hate navigating darn, SW is cool in some areas, but pretty generic as far as a 'town' goes, and IF is cool in the center IMHO.

Edited, Dec 23rd 2006 4:00pm by Webjunky
#13 Dec 23 2006 at 1:01 PM Rating: Good
3,801 posts
I think more people will be rerolling BE's to become pallies than will be rerolling a BE because it's a pretty looking horde char.

That being said, I don't think that the number of paladins horde side is going to wind up receiving will ever come close to the population imbalance compared to the alliance side.
#14 Dec 23 2006 at 1:14 PM Rating: Decent
In Shmii's Alliance guild many, many people are speaking of "rerolling" to play Blood Elf.
#15 Dec 23 2006 at 1:31 PM Rating: Decent
That female BE pally on the loading screen is sexy... makes me want to roll one and dump it before lvl 20 :)
#16 Dec 23 2006 at 2:15 PM Rating: Decent
80% of alliance servers are Humans and NElfs right now, with dwarfs and gnomes sharing the remaining 20%.

Unless you have something officially showing percentages like that they arent true, i find much more Dwarves then I do humans and gnomes put together off the top of my head.

When horde start getting cities as nice as SW & Darnassus, maybe.

@#%^ UC & Orgrimmar.

What are you talking about?! I am alliance and recently rolled horde. UC seems to be a lot easier to get around then Darnassus and Stormwind. Ogrimmar is cool but a bit big, but Darnassus has the same problem. Thunber Bluff is very easy to find things and get around.

Try clarifying why you hate UC and Ogrimmar

No, I think there still will be more Alliance than Horde on most, if not all, servers. There are too many people who come into this game thinking "Alliance = Good" and "Horde = Evil".

Your right. But in the past the Horde, undead, trolls, and even the nomadic Tauren were considered evil. but now:
Horde(orcs): have now been released from their demon blood lust
Undead: Now a branch called the Forsaten(playable undead race) have their own free will so in a way their as non-evil as humans(in a sense)
Trolls: They arent as nomadic anymore, they are civilized to a point at least
Tauren: These guys havnt ever been an 'evil' persay but they used to be quite nomadic. Now they are a very cultural and spiritual race that only fights for their land and the land of their allies

=D sorry for going off topic
#17 Dec 23 2006 at 2:41 PM Rating: Decent
114 posts
I'm sure a few people will try out BEs, because they are pretty. I suppose some will even stay with their new chars, but seeing how imbalanced factions are at the moment I doubt it will be noticeable beyond slight reductions in queue times here and there.

As for the Good vs. Evil thing ... In some ways BEs actually seem to be more evil to me than say Tauren or Orcs. (Admittedly they have their reasons, but the same can be said for Forsaken or Trolls)

Edited, Dec 23rd 2006 11:50pm by SelinaKorain
#18 Dec 23 2006 at 3:10 PM Rating: Decent
I really hope all the night elves who named themselves as close to legolas as possible dont come pouring into the horde because i love the instant que times and there is FAR less kids to bother you and spam all the chats on horde. Although i don't think this will happen because now they can have shamans :( and their all gonna make one so that they can "show us how it feels". I guess we will have to wait and see what happens...weanwhile im rerolling a rogue :D
#19 Dec 23 2006 at 5:13 PM Rating: Good
7,466 posts
milconfive wrote:
80% of alliance servers are Humans and NElfs right now, with dwarfs and gnomes sharing the remaining 20%.

Unless you have something officially showing percentages like that they arent true, i find much more Dwarves then I do humans and gnomes put together off the top of my head.

I forget the exact numbers, but I think overall those are about right. I mainly going from an old memory of warcraftrealms atm, which I know isn't THAT accurate but is good for a rough idea.

When horde start getting cities as nice as SW & Darnassus, maybe.

@#%^ UC & Orgrimmar.

What are you talking about?! I am alliance and recently rolled horde. UC seems to be a lot easier to get around then Darnassus and Stormwind. Ogrimmar is cool but a bit big, but Darnassus has the same problem. Thunber Bluff is very easy to find things and get around.

Try clarifying why you hate UC and Ogrimmar

Personally, i'm of mixed feelings about the horde and alliance towns.. each have their downfalls and each have upsides. I personally think that the alliance towns are a bit more well thought out and designed. I can really point out why I think that, its just I like the alliance towns have a better thought out layout for where things are, and more "cool" elements.

No, I think there still will be more Alliance than Horde on most, if not all, servers. There are too many people who come into this game thinking "Alliance = Good" and "Horde = Evil".

Your right. But in the past the Horde, undead, trolls, and even the nomadic Tauren were considered evil. but now:
Horde(orcs): have now been released from their demon blood lust
Undead: Now a branch called the Forsaten(playable undead race) have their own free will so in a way their as non-evil as humans(in a sense)
Trolls: They arent as nomadic anymore, they are civilized to a point at least
Tauren: These guys havnt ever been an 'evil' persay but they used to be quite nomadic. Now they are a very cultural and spiritual race that only fights for their land and the land of their allies

=D sorry for going off topic

While that is true, most people don't read the new lore... and I mean just take out look at how you could clasify the races on horde in general (besides the more evil look, I mean look at the opening movies with the undead warlocks)

Undead=Zombie like, "risen dead"
Orc=Big mean looking
Trolls=witch doctorish
Tauren=freaky, its a walking cow >_>
#20 Dec 23 2006 at 5:32 PM Rating: Decent
3,478 posts
Disarrayed wrote:
I really hope all the night elves who named themselves as close to legolas as possible dont come pouring into the horde

Well, that would be difficult since most legolas variants have already been taken by NEs :)

#21 Dec 23 2006 at 5:42 PM Rating: Decent
146 posts
i personally think the blue girl with the tail is hotter than the BE
i can see more horde defecting to try her out
#22 Dec 23 2006 at 5:48 PM Rating: Decent
I know a lot of my friends that have never tried Alliance are itching to get their hands on a BE Paladin. I think BE sort of have a novelty to them and that novelty will wear of soon. Me, I'm rolling a BE Mage on day one of TBC because the awesome caster racials.
#23 Dec 23 2006 at 9:50 PM Rating: Decent
IMO the normal balance will be thrown completely out of wack for the first few months, and when the dust settles things will be a little different, but not a whole lot.

I know a few who are going to switch horde side for BE's, but I don't mind losing most of them. Just one more person I can HK. lol

I won't be re-rolling til after I hit max jewelcrafting and lvl70... So that'll be a while.

I play alliance on greymane, in the "shadowburn" battlegroup
Pre-2.0, our bg queue's took about avg. - 10-15 min, except for on BG weekends. Those BG's wait times were significantly shorter.

Post patch though, EVERYONE is pvping.
I haven't waited for more than 6 min for any BG since the patch, AND I was insta-popped into AV for about 4 hours today.
Before the holliday though, AV popped about every 4-5 min.

I have no idea why other battlegroups have such long waits. 15 min is a long time to me now, perhaps I've gotten spoiled. Smiley: lol
#24 Dec 23 2006 at 10:46 PM Rating: Decent
I think it will balance out at first with the massive swarm to make BE's. I don't think many Horde players will be running to make a Dranei. Although, even though massive numbers of BE's will be made, I doubt more then half the people will bother leveling them to 70. In other words, the numbers may say it is balanced, but the levels will not.
#25 Dec 23 2006 at 11:39 PM Rating: Decent
I've been playing the beta since it came out, and noticed it's a pretty eual distribution. I have 8 characters( all to lvl22 as that's where the quests start falling into the normal areas) 4 on each side with the new races. I find both of them fun to play and have their own special "race" abilities that come in pretty handy.

I also do not have a "main" as so many people do. I like variety and have 60's on both factions ( one hunter, one warrior), but the rest of my characters (25 of them are now all into their 40's.. all different classes that I run with some friends and family depending on our moods and which servers are up and running, plus a lot of soloing.

So to be honest, I don't really see it being an issue with the 2 new races having that much of an impact on the balance between Hoard and Alliance factions. Remember, some people may not even upgrade for some time yet.
#26 Dec 24 2006 at 4:56 AM Rating: Decent

Well, I wasn't planning on making a BE, however when I saw the racials... wow...
so since I was planning to make a rogue alt and didn't know what race to make it, I guessed I'd make it a female BE, which looks evil and kinky :P (and not like the village people on crack) as well as being one of the few females with a dance move consisting of more than 2 movements (even if it looks somewhat like a mix of Jackson in thriller and britney spears. ugh). and the racials ! omg the racials !

And since I aready have an undead and a troll, I guessed a little change in settings, starting quests etc... would be nice.
I hope the fact my server isn't too full will somewhat mitigate the BE overload the first days :S
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