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AKAMA SERVER (poem)Follow

#27 Dec 20 2006 at 11:34 PM Rating: Good
Awaiting arrival of banstick...
#28 Dec 20 2006 at 11:35 PM Rating: Decent
I am pretty sure that is illegal to trace someone's IP unless if they agreed to some sort of terms of use, and then illegal to show that IP to anyone that is not an Administrator without some sort of NDA.

Damn lag.

Allow me to redeem myself with a swift riposte, so that this thread may continue to remain on its topic.

As stated previously, the administrators would be the only members of these forums with access to that sort of information. Granted, when I said an IP "trace", I was actually referring to the simple discovery of what one's IP is. This in itself is not illegal. Forsooth, you may establish what one's IP address is through any sort of net-based contact with that person.

I do hope this clarifies the issue.
#29 Dec 20 2006 at 11:37 PM Rating: Decent
beans beans the musical fruit ...

Ah, yes! I see that you, too, are familiar with this classic rhyme! Tell me, are you a poet as well?
#30 Dec 20 2006 at 11:42 PM Rating: Decent
You sound like a bad British play.
#31 Dec 20 2006 at 11:44 PM Rating: Decent
Much appreciated. :)
#32 Dec 20 2006 at 11:47 PM Rating: Default
it is really bad!!!! i cant handle that!!! does everyone think its bad!!!!!!!!
#33 Dec 21 2006 at 8:26 AM Rating: Decent
Thy once beautiful akama server... is no more? Where will we be when the chieftain slays thy precious sprigner. He hath not the strength today nor tomorrow. She does roam, and will roar.
#34 Dec 21 2006 at 8:46 AM Rating: Good
Someone's got mild psychosis...
#35 Dec 21 2006 at 11:34 AM Rating: Excellent
FFXIOwnsWoW wrote:
i am really insecure.....can someone tell me if i was able to express the ineffable twords my ex-wife?!?!?!?!

The poem was well-expressed. I did, however, feel the urge to rate you down for your very Allakhazam handle. However, your poem and your temerity to post on a WoW board under the name FFXIOwnsWoW earned me a modicum of amusement, and I have stayed my ratefinger. Just this once, however. Smiley: sly

As for the other poetry, and the arguments about its brilliance, or lack thereof, I can't stand when poseurs try to make themselves look intelligent by bashing people who make constructive criticism- especially when said criticism was requested. If you don't like the responses, go to a forum that encourages poetry.

I haven't seen this much effete pseudo-intellectual balderdash since I attended a jazz-poetry recital a year ago. I was fairly disgusted then as well.

Edited, Dec 21st 2006 12:41pm by Wondroustremor
Longtail | Evilynne | Maevene | Kornakk | Steelbelly
#36 Dec 21 2006 at 1:18 PM Rating: Default
The poem itself was not all that bad, a little short for my tastes, and the other misrakes, Mike already pointed out himself. The only real problem I had was with the poet himself and the fact that he created numerous accounts to praise his work.
#37 Dec 21 2006 at 3:47 PM Rating: Default
Let me tell you something I have one account and 1 accout only. These are real people that are praising my work and as some said a simple IP check can confirm this. I will continue to write my poetry on a daily basis to explain the "unown terms": oppo, baba sprigner and the powerful chieften herself.

~leetownage of akama
#38 Dec 21 2006 at 4:08 PM Rating: Decent
Pardon the interjection, but I cannot remain as just a bystander watching Lee take the wrath of petty critics. For all of you that describe the posts of me and my fellow intellectuals as "pseudo-intelligence" I say curses! If attending two semesters at Kings College does not make one an Intellectual these days, I know not what does.

Ode to the Chieftain
Deadbro(ther) Of Akama

Oh wondrous Chieftain!

Oh wretched beast!

Thou hast the strength of a thousand men!

And a roar that would startle even the great lurker.

Yet, thou art a Woman.

Or, art thou?

Thine massive shoulders pertrude to the heavens!

Thine stomach and back infused as one!

Thy epic mount the greatest Kodo!

For only a wondrous beast is able to carry thy weight!

The innocent, Cannibalized by your wicked fangs!

Spares no one, does the vile beast!

Thine heinous figure scares even the bravest child,

Nay, even thy engineering goggles cannot conceal you,

You call it a blessing, we call it a curse,

Your ego is in excess, not in dearth.

If you do not agro, you may linger, though it is obscene,

As long as you keep fifteen paces between!

Edited, Dec 21st 2006 9:44pm by deadbrother
#39 Dec 21 2006 at 4:25 PM Rating: Good
2,101 posts
Rabidsquirel wrote:
The poem itself was not all that bad, a little short for my tastes, and the other misrakes, Mike already pointed out himself. The only real problem I had was with the poet himself and the fact that he created numerous accounts to praise his work.

I usually don't correct or point errors that are as simple as slipping the finger, in this case missing the T and hitting the key next to it R. But I really really had to point it out because it made me laugh so hard, because it got me thinking about Lethal Weapon 4 and Uncle Benny "It's French Fries you Plick"

Ahh good times. Ok back to your poetry.
#40 Dec 21 2006 at 6:25 PM Rating: Decent
Please do not veer the forum off topic. We are here to discuss poetry about the mighty chieftain and the wondrous, yet frail Sprigner.
#41 Dec 21 2006 at 8:46 PM Rating: Default
Your comments are contradictory deadbro(ther). Earlier in your poems you describe the sprigner as one capable of achieveing 'unparalleled degrees' in World of Warcraft and as a 'highly developed **** Sapien', when in your later comments you describe it as 'frail'. Perhaps you don't have such poetic credibility afterall. You are blatently incapable of developing your own thesis.

Just thought I'd interject with this point.
#42 Dec 21 2006 at 9:00 PM Rating: Default
Ha ha! Arthur Adams you are sharp as the arrows the Sprigner fires! Yes, it is true that I have referred to the Sprigner in a copious amount of ways, and these ways have not always been similar. But to be cursory, the Sprigner is indeed a highly developed **** Sapien; however, against the Chieftain he is frail and obsolete. It is his one "tragic flaw", if you will. The beast we know as the Chieftain has been known to swallow gnomes whole, decapitating the poor creatures, and drinking their blood as sustenance for her ever increasing power. She has been spotted roaming the fields, crushing the little creatures under her massive body while rolling, showing no remorse, no care, only hideous, almost roaring laughter. A photo of this chieftain will be exposed at a later date, when the sun and the stars align.

Edited, Dec 21st 2006 9:07pm by deadbrother
#43 Dec 21 2006 at 9:04 PM Rating: Default
Ah, yes, I see your intended meaning. My apologies for not picking up on that seemingly obvious connotation! I shall await the day that we will see this monstrosity of a chieftan in all her might!
#44 Dec 21 2006 at 9:06 PM Rating: Good
195 posts
This thread is too complicated for my simple mind.

Only thing I can understand is that "chieften" became "chieftain".
#45 Dec 21 2006 at 11:38 PM Rating: Default
lessac the metaphors being used in this thread require thinking at a higher level. The fact that you are spelling "chieften" as "chieftain" not only gives a negative connotation but defiles the sacredness of thy chieften itself!!!!!
#46 Dec 21 2006 at 11:48 PM Rating: Good
1,694 posts
I either have had too much coffee, or clearly not enough...

This thread is amusing none the less!

not sure why, but it is...

Edited, Dec 21st 2006 8:52pm by TruthSeeker
#47 Dec 22 2006 at 12:34 AM Rating: Good
195 posts
lessac the metaphors being used in this thread require thinking at a higher level. The fact that you are spelling "chieften" as "chieftain" not only gives a negative connotation but defiles the sacredness of thy chieften itself!!!!!

That I feel guilty, sire. For disturbing the Force of this thread. I'll seek redemption soon.
#48 Dec 22 2006 at 1:19 AM Rating: Excellent
Repressed Memories
21,027 posts
Impressive lexicon, terrible poetry. One of the less boring trolling attempts.

That's an easy conclusion to jump to, soemthing Ohmikeghod did. So why is this ratiocination and not dismissive egotism? Well here we go.

The entire facade is set up to impress. The poems are stereotypical. Odes with the kind of vocabulary one normally associates with astute or linguistically inclined people. It is true some poems are like that, but anyone who DOES have a predileciton of poetry will tell you this follows a perfect stereotype, and that most modern poems are of a different form (though of course there are many individual styles). A few examples are the poets Cummings and Frost. The poems posted here and purely a petty attempt at manipulation. Oh, and this is also somewhat evidenced by the fact that they are terrible, seriously.

And yeah the spontaneous appearance of low count posters who adamantly praise the OP doesn't make the situation any less dubious.

The difference between someone who uses a varied lexicon to impress and one who does so to be accurate is obvious as well.

#49 Dec 22 2006 at 1:24 AM Rating: Excellent
deadbrother wrote:
Ode to the Chieftain
Deadbro(ther) Of Akama

This is a much better effort, but... (second verse)

1. For pertrude don't you mean protrude? I couldn't find pertrude on

2. Infuse. Do you really mean fused? The most logical meaning in the poem for Infused would be "verb: filled, as with a certain quality", but that doesn't quite seem right from the syntax. It seems to me that fused "adjective: joined together into a whole" fits better, even if it spoils the scansion. You might have to add in a syllable somewhere in that line to restore it.

Writing prose is the ability to play with words. Writing poetry is the ability to play with syllables. But, you still need the correct words. That's why writing poetry is harder than writing prose.

Edited, Dec 21st 2006 10:35pm by ohmikeghod
#50 Dec 22 2006 at 4:29 AM Rating: Good
I was content to watch this thread and chuckle until I reached this gem.
nooob wrote:
lessac the metaphors being used in this thread require thinking at a higher level.

Poseur, check.
Pseudo-intellectual, check,.
The fact that you are spelling "chieften" as "chieftain" not only gives a negative connotation but defiles the sacredness of thy chieften itself!!!!!

Luk @ meh, i m zo smrt i spel gud. (Oh dear God, that hurt to type)

Misspellings make you sound stupider, not smarter.

Edit: Chuckle, not chickle

Edited, Dec 22nd 2006 12:02pm by danieldakkak
#51 Dec 23 2006 at 11:37 AM Rating: Default
Bump *hides under car to wait out the karma bomb*

Also they are NOT socks.;mid=1166754220239224335;num=2;page=1

Edited, Dec 23rd 2006 11:39am by iamtheconfused
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