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AKAMA SERVER (poem)Follow

#1 Dec 20 2006 at 8:55 PM Rating: Decent
Locked for necropostage.

this is dedicated to the character shadowlurker level 60 hunter of the akama server

The Lurker
By: leetownage of akama

The shadowlurker there he lurkes.

Undead beast in the dearth.

Home, home the undercity where the sprigner dwells.

Lives among the beasts of the step.

His only friends the shadowfro and the beast of tuaren oppo.

But thy baba fell to the chieften

His mighty staff THY not strong enough to penetrate the enhanced skin +10^2.

The chieftains’ layer, thy hardened thick layer, will not go.

She roams, roams, roams


Edited, Jan 4th 2007 7:22pm by Kaolian
#2 Dec 20 2006 at 9:06 PM Rating: Good
5,645 posts
i don't think you know what dearth means.
#3 Dec 20 2006 at 9:07 PM Rating: Decent
it means limited supply i was just trying to rhyme funny right!
#4 Dec 20 2006 at 9:40 PM Rating: Decent
Wow. All i can say is wow. That is the most powerful piece of writing I have been exposed to in some time. Your rhetorical purpose is just emanating through your use of rhetorical devices. In essence, your poem expresses the ineffable. I feel like I understand the struggle the Shadowlurker faces, which is the Tauren Chieften, that vile beast! And of that Tauren Oppo, that poor, wretched, confused soul I feel great remorse as well. Well done lee, well done. It was a great work of poetry that I will add to my collection of classics.

- Deadbro(ther)
Akama Server
#5 Dec 20 2006 at 9:56 PM Rating: Excellent
obvious misspellings: lurks, steppe, chieftan
unknown words: sprigner, shadowfro, oppo
words I think I know the meaning of but wish I didn't: leetownage

i was just trying to rhyme funny

Actually, nothing rhymes, but that's OK as long as the poem scans properly. The problem is that it doesn't scan properly, or I can't seem to get the rythm right.

The line I have the most problem with is

His mighty staff THY not strong enough to penetrate the enhanced skin +10^2.

THY="your", which doesn't quite match with "his". You might mean "you are", but that would mean that you want "Thou art", not "Thy". Perhaps it should be written "Thy mighty staff is not..." or even the more archaic "Thy mighty staff be not..."

Also, the "+10^2" is ambiguous. do you mean "plus ten squared", or "plus ten to the power of two", "plus one hundred", or something else (which may actually rhyme with something). Whatever it is, write it out instead of using number/symbol combinations.

Sorry to be such a critic, but I love poetry and this needs work. Please make it better.

Edited, Dec 20th 2006 7:05pm by ohmikeghod
#6 Dec 20 2006 at 9:59 PM Rating: Good
Nice use of sockpuppets.
#7 Dec 20 2006 at 10:02 PM Rating: Excellent
Rabidsquirel wrote:
Nice use of sockpuppets.
or sarcasm...
#8 Dec 20 2006 at 10:07 PM Rating: Decent
"ohmikegod" I am going to have to provide what us poetic analysts call, a counterargument. I believe Lee's poem is fascinating, the use of extended metaphor and form is brilliant. We can infer the meaning of the mythical sprigner, as it is obviously a highly developed **** Sapien who is able to perform to unparalleled degrees in the World of Warcraft, but alas your brain has not developed enough to understand such poetry. To Lee I say carry on with your brilliant work! You are a god among men! To you Michael I say reconsult Arthur Adam's text "The Essence of Poetry" before making such posts harassing what little talent we have left on these boards you jackal!

- Deadbro(ther)
Akama Server
#9 Dec 20 2006 at 10:11 PM Rating: Default
thanks deadbro I will continue to write poetry in solitude on the topic i know best, my only true/first love. The World of Warcraft. People like you and the shadowlurker keep me going on a daily basis and your support means so much to me.


~leetownage of akama
#10 Dec 20 2006 at 10:13 PM Rating: Good
or sarcasm...

...or attention whorism.

Nope, still saying it's a sockpuppet. He killed his false identity with over-elaboration.
#11 Dec 20 2006 at 10:44 PM Rating: Excellent
deadbrother wrote:
harassing what little talent we have left on these boards you jackal!

As long as you call misspellings, meaningless words, no rythm, improper English, and ambiguity "brilliant work", I'll keep rating you down. I didn't rate down nooob, because I do think that the poem could be made to work. Praising him for bad poetry is worse than telling him that he could do better, because he won't ever improve.

edit: did you use "little talent" on purpose?

Edited, Dec 20th 2006 8:04pm by ohmikeghod
#12 Dec 20 2006 at 10:47 PM Rating: Good
Bomb the sock!
#13 Dec 20 2006 at 11:00 PM Rating: Default
Please allow me to interject.

The irate pedantics herewith described,
Have tumultously disturbed my peace.
The harsh words of these viewers are clearly lies,
And their derogatory content must cease.

Can't we all just live in harmony?
Can there be no unconditional love?
Why dost this man's work be called phoney,
It is ripe with emotion or something thereof.

Poetry is an art that must be innate;
It is not for the mundane to surmise.
Perhaps leet's posting was guided by fate -
Or shunned by the champion of lies.

I hereby stand against such banal claims,
To support leet's rising into the hall of fame.

Edited, Dec 20th 2006 11:07pm by ArthurAdam

Edited, Dec 20th 2006 11:11pm by ArthurAdam
#14 Dec 20 2006 at 11:03 PM Rating: Decent
God, how many socks does this guy have in his drawer?
#15 Dec 20 2006 at 11:08 PM Rating: Default
My apologies sir, but your sock puppet metaphor is strongly lacking. For a simple IP trace would reveal that the multiple posters, whom you have universally smelted into the metaphorical 'puppeteer' were actually entirely individual posters. However, I invite you to continue sharing your opinions with us. "While I may not agree with what you say, I shall defend to the death your right to say it."
#16 Dec 20 2006 at 11:13 PM Rating: Decent
Oh Joyous day! Arthur Adams himself has posted on our forms. You, Michael, do not understand the essence of poetry, nor; alas, I fear you never will. You are nothing more than a petty critic striving to derive utility the only way you know how to, through slander. The good and honest man we know as Lee has done no wrong; he has done what he believes in his heart of hearts was the right thing to do, write fascinating and enthralling poetry. Do you ever stop to think that maybe you are misinformed. As a matter of fact, tell me, who is Baba (pronounced bah bahh, derived from the Latin, Babis which means great horned creature)? Who is the mythical Oppo (pronounced ah poh, derived from celtic word meaning *****)? Do not result to slander in order to compensate for your ignorance you foul mouthed Abomination!
#17 Dec 20 2006 at 11:13 PM Rating: Default
This thread has inspired me, so I decided to write a peom about a character named DivineWind from Akama(really my wife Charolette), who broke my heart today. I was forced to stop her account.

Eulogy for DivineWind

Why have you, the beguiling mistress
Who took life from the Queen, the Harlot
From Greece, adorned the woman in scarlet,
Why have you, who made my heart a buttress
And lulled my soul into perfect calmness,
The greatest beauty of all, my Charlotte,
You had the promise of a grand starlet.
Why have you torn out my heart-vile temptress!

Still I have transgressed, mine more abhominal
Than yours, and you have known this, yet you know
No more. Your eyes cannot see these words, yet
you can have your lover in the inferno,
And you can keep my heart, my life is doleful,
Just do not lose it, for I will soon reclaim it!
#18 Dec 20 2006 at 11:16 PM Rating: Decent
Might I also add that Ohmikeghod the Venerable Scholar's first post was quite informative and optomistic in nature. For that act, the entire poetic community and I salute you. As the saying goes, "It is always better to feed one in need than deficate on his family."

I believe we can all learn something from Ohmikeghod the Venerable Scholar's appropriate forum behavior.
#19 Dec 20 2006 at 11:17 PM Rating: Good
195 posts
This thread is creeping me out...
#20 Dec 20 2006 at 11:18 PM Rating: Decent
Attention *****, there are far better poets than Arthur Adams.
#21 Dec 20 2006 at 11:22 PM Rating: Decent
54 posts
a simple IP trace

I wasn't aware that Allakhazam made the IP addresses of it's posters public knowledge. I really hope they don't...i have enough computer problems as it is and don't need hackers added to that list.

Edited, Dec 20th 2006 9:28pm by magicdragonmage
#22 Dec 20 2006 at 11:24 PM Rating: Default
i am really insecure.....can someone tell me if i was able to express the ineffable twords my ex-wife?!?!?!?!
#23 Dec 20 2006 at 11:25 PM Rating: Decent
My apologies for the miscommunication, good sir, I was simply implying that should the administrators feel compelled to investigate the source of these posts, it would become evident that they were actually from individual sources. In this way, they might establish that our actions are in compliance with their ToS.

Edited, Dec 20th 2006 11:31pm by ArthurAdam
#24 Dec 20 2006 at 11:26 PM Rating: Decent
I am pretty sure that is illegal to trace someone's IP unless if they agreed to some sort of terms of use, and then illegal to show that IP to anyone that is not an Administrator without some sort of NDA.

Damn lag.

Edited, Dec 20th 2006 8:32pm by Rabidsquirel
#25 Dec 20 2006 at 11:32 PM Rating: Default
i am really insecure.....can someone tell me if i was able to express the ineffable twords my ex-wife?!?!?!?!

I must say that I found your poem quite inspiring.

That said, I greatly disliked much of it.
It is evident that your verb usage was very much conflicting with their preceding subjects. The actual syntax of the piece itself was highly convoluted, and as such was very difficult to scan accordingly.

I believe that if you were to continue working on your piece it would become a glorious work, much as the simple caterpiller erupts from its chitin prison to become one of the most remarkable creatures in our world!

Remain steadfast in your determination! You too shall be immortalized through your words!
#26 Dec 20 2006 at 11:33 PM Rating: Good
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beans beans the musical fruit ...
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