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Guide to setting up combat UIFollow

#1 Dec 20 2006 at 7:42 AM Rating: Decent
39 posts
Where would I find a guide to setting up a good combat UI? I'm a newbie druid who is getting killed in the battle grounds, and I think I need to set up my keyboard shortcuts better, among other things. (Right now I'm using my mouse to click on my spells and abilities, and I know this is not optimal.) Are there any tips for this out there?
#2 Dec 20 2006 at 8:25 AM Rating: Good
5,645 posts
everyone's playstyle is different. Some are clickers, some are keyboarders, most are hybrid between the two.

I personally use Bongos to setup my Action bars and I will try to describe how I set them up that works very well for me.

-------------- X   X   X   X   X 
|            |   y   yy  yy  y     uuuuu      oooooooooo 
-------------- ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ  mmmmm      qqqqqqqqqq 

That is what the bottom half of the screen looks like for me.

The big box is the chat window

X = A scaled up button (150%), I use that for what I click, Example: on my rogue I have BG Trinket, Racial, Vanish, Prep, Blind, Evasion on there.

y = normal scale (100%), less used icons. Rogue Example: I have Distract, and Feint on there.

z = normal scale (100%) combat buttons all bound to keyboard. Rogue Example: SS,backstab,evis,etc,etc

u and m= scaled down a bit buttons(70%) used for various potions/bandages etc.

o and q = Things like poisons, cooking,first aid, food, etc.

The logic behind it is that the scaled up buttons (X) are easy to click and monitor cooldowns since they are 150% bigger.

The middle row (Y) is still accesible but are tucked out of the way and usually lined up between the gaps in row X. (for "X" I try to leave 1 blank button between each action to remove the chance of clicking wrong.)

Everything else I need is still in the bottom half of the sceen (I use a widescreen monitor which helps) Leaving the top half of the screen pretty much clutter free.

I use this button layout on ALL my characters and it works wonders for me. I spend less time hunting for the right button to click and more time killing things.

If you need a screenshot to better see what I mean let me know and I will try to post one.

^^damn typos.

Edited, Dec 20th 2006 11:33am by TseTsuo
#3 Dec 20 2006 at 9:03 AM Rating: Decent
39 posts
Thanks, this is really helpful.

A couple follow-up questions if I may.

1. For the actions you bind to the keyboard ("z" row), which keys do you use, the number row (1-0, hypen and equal sign)?

2. Do you change the default key mappings for movement? I come from the world of Quake, where movement facility and maneuevers like circle-strafe are crucial. Do you circle-strafe in WoW? And are there other tips on movement that would help in PvP?

Thanks again...

#4 Dec 20 2006 at 9:44 AM Rating: Good
761 posts
I also use Bongos and would recommend it. There's some initial setup necessary but it's very customisable and with a bit of experimentation you can get an interface that suits you perfectly. Scaling and placement of individual frames can do wonders for letting you see more of what's going on and giving faster access to the elements you need. When looking at bindings also don't ignore your mouse buttons.

You may want to look at one of the HUD mods that places critical information (mana, health etc) for both you and your target in the centre of the screen. I've found this to be very helpful in complementing the regular frames as it gives you constant awareness of key data without having to glance away from the action.

Personally I also found that using a regular keyboard was not ideal. Roaming across the keyboard was slow and prone to pressing the wrong key. Nowadays I use an n52 Speedpad which lets me keep my left arm in a relaxed position while having access to a huge number of keyboard shortcuts without moving my hand at all.

#5 Dec 20 2006 at 10:46 AM Rating: Good
5,645 posts
1. For the actions you bind to the keyboard ("z" row), which keys do you use, the number row (1-0, hypen and equal sign)?

I use 1 through = and I also use "~"
~ on my hunter is flare
~ on my rogue is throw/shoot
~ on my mage is wand.

2. Do you change the default key mappings for movement? I come from the world of Quake, where movement facility and maneuevers like circle-strafe are crucial. Do you circle-strafe in WoW? And are there other tips on movement that would help in PvP?

I use the default WASD and mouse to look around.
#6 Dec 20 2006 at 2:19 PM Rating: Good
147 posts
Not really UI specific, but a tip that came to mind after reading these posts.

I use my mouse scroll wheel in combat, and found that it's very effective. Normally the scroll up and scroll down are used for your camera zoom in/out settings. I don't use that as often so I didn't miss re-assigning that function to a set of keys.

Now for my rogue, scroll up = 1 and scroll down = 2. 1 is backstab when I'm out of stealth, and while in stealth 1 is ambush. 2 is SS while out of stealth and cheapshot while in stealth. You get the idea.

The best part about the scroll wheel is that with one motion of your index finger, you'll activate several instances of the action, saving you from having to spam press keys on the keyboard. I find that in fights where the opponent is running from or around me, that using this method gives me a better chance of landing the move as well.

My mouse has other buttons on it as well, which I use for Eviscerate and Kidney shot. my Left hand is always over the WASD keys, so I assigned SHIFT+keys around there for other functions. This keeps me from having to jump all around the keyboard or from having to click on my screen during fights.

Edited, Dec 20th 2006 2:25pm by DoctorPepper
#7 Dec 20 2006 at 2:27 PM Rating: Decent
147 posts
Morthandeus wrote:
Personally I also found that using a regular keyboard was not ideal. Roaming across the keyboard was slow and prone to pressing the wrong key. Nowadays I use an n52 Speedpad which lets me keep my left arm in a relaxed position while having access to a huge number of keyboard shortcuts without moving my hand at all.

Thanks Morthandeus. I've been looking for something like this for awhile. Going to get one of these for myself asap...

If anyone's interested, here's a link to the N52 on amazon
#8 Dec 20 2006 at 3:35 PM Rating: Good
467 posts
The key is to:
1. Maximize the number of key bindings (clicking is slow and should be kept to a minimum)
2. Minimize hand movement

Put your left hand on your typical WASD keys (I'm assuming you use this fairly universal standard) with your wrist resting in its typical position. Now move your fingers around, leaving your wrist stationary... note which keys you can reach. These are the keys you should focus on binding abilities to.

This means most likely (unless you have bizarrely large/small hands):
1-6, Tab, Shift, Ctrl, Alt, Caps Lock, QWERTYASDFGZXVB, F1-F4

This means NOT using keys like 7 through = (it is impossible to reach = quickly), etc

Don't be afraid to rebind standard Blizzard functions. Having the "sit" key within easy reach is hardly useful... same with chat reply, etc

Make use of your mouse! Binding your most important reflex reactions to your mouse works well.

Don't forget to make use of "modifier" keys (i.e. Ctrl, Shift, Alt). When you combined all the above listed keys with one of these modifier keys, you have suddenly opened up a huge number of available bindings.

Try to bind everything! It's tempting to leave things to be clicked... but a good rule of thumb is, if you have to use it in combat, don't click it! The only things I have unbound are demon summons (10 sec cast), self buffs (demon armor, etc), and rarely use potions (greater fire prot, restorative, free action, etc). Commonly used consumables are bound just like any other key... bandages, health pots, mana pots, healthstones... there is no GCD on gulping these down so being able to spam bindings for that extra hp is faster than trying to click them.

Try to reduce clutter; visibility is important! Not only does it detract from the aesthetics of the game, but buttons on the screen reduce the area you can click on... it sucks when you need to click on something but have to change your POV because of a button! Binding everything allows you to scale down your UI since you won't be worrying about clicking the wrong one. Ideally you should be able to turn your entire UI off and still be able to play reasonably competently.

DON'T GET FRUSTRATED! Learning new keybindings takes time... take the time to setup a solid, logical system and then STICK TO IT! Certain abilities will seem awkward; if it is excessive, change the binding, but otherwise stick with it. As you slowly adjust to your bindings, you'll find your reduced movement improves your play greatly.

I'll try to throw up a recent SS of my UI when I get home from work to illustrate what I'm talking about. I've spent a lot of time slowly tweaking my UI on my characters and it's pretty embarassing to me now when I look back at some of my earlier bindings (or lack thereof).
#9 Dec 20 2006 at 4:08 PM Rating: Decent
1,606 posts
DoctorPepper wrote:
Morthandeus wrote:
Personally I also found that using a regular keyboard was not ideal. Roaming across the keyboard was slow and prone to pressing the wrong key. Nowadays I use an n52 Speedpad which lets me keep my left arm in a relaxed position while having access to a huge number of keyboard shortcuts without moving my hand at all.

Thanks Morthandeus. I've been looking for something like this for awhile. Going to get one of these for myself asap...

If anyone's interested, here's a link to the N52 on amazon

If you like that... check this out... best investment I ever made for my rogue:
#10 Dec 21 2006 at 9:39 AM Rating: Decent
39 posts
All, this is VERY helpful. Thanks a lot!
#11 Dec 21 2006 at 5:21 PM Rating: Decent
I am a druid and spent a LOT of time thinking of the best keybind setup. Here is what I do:

First of all, get away from WASD. Use ESDF for movement. It opens up QAZ for actions and puts your hand on the home row with no ramifications. Shift, Ctrl, Alt, Tab and everything are now in your natural, typing positions. Second, I came from FFXI where Ctrl + R is reply, so I set that to Chat reply.

ESDF for movement, WR for strafing.
ZXCVB are shifting/mounting, Z=moonkin, X=travel, C=mount, V=cat, B=bear
Q is general, heavily used action, Wrath, Rip, and Feral charge for me.
A is attack, very easy to reach and hit to initiate battle.

After these I use 1-6, TY and GH mainly, with another action bar of Shift + 1-6, TY and GH. I also have 7 and 8 bound to mostly unused functions (Barkskin/Hurricane, Shift+7,8 are Thorns/MotW, etc.)

G is your number one used ability: Mangle in cat, Mangle/Maul macro in bear, and Moonfire in caster.
T is second most used: Rip in cat (until Shred is viable, then shred), Growl in bear, Insect Swarm in caster (I like having the instant casts on the easiest to reach buttons).
H is an often used ability: Rejuv in caster for me is the main one, Swipe in bear, don't need it as much in cat but you might like to put something here as it's pretty easy to get to.
Y is another, less used but popular ability: Starfire, Cower, Demo Roar

Shift + TYGH are things like trinket activations for the most part. Shift + T is warstomp, as the shift icons are on my non changing action bar so I can see when the cooldown is up.

1 is still attack, even though I never use it, I just like having the icon on my action bar.
2 is prowl/natures grasp, it seems most natural there for some reason. Can hit it while pressing E to go forward.
3 is roots.
4 is regrowth, a holdover location from when R was regrowth in my WASD days. It is also Ferocious Bite.
5 is rank 11 (10 if you don't have 11) Healing Touch. Also Frenzied Regen.

The Shift + 1-6 are things that I mainly use by standing still and also cooldowns I need to see as they are on my second action bar.
Shift + 1 is combat res.
Shift + 2 is Rank 4 HT
Shift + 3 is Rank 7 (?) HT (the one that heals for about 1000)
Shift + 4 is Innervate.
Shift + 5 is Force of Nature
Shift + 6 is Hibernate

That is my key setup. In conclusion:

ESDF + WR for movement + Strafing
ZXCVB for shifting + mount
1-7, TY, GH, and Q on main Action Bar
Shift + 1-8, TY, GH on Action Bar 2
A is open for whatever you want
~ is autorun

Use the easiest keys to get to for the most used things (Q, T, G for me, with 2-4 pretty common too) and work your way out for less used items.

I changed character screen to Shift + C so I can still open that easily, although you might like Shift + ZXCVB for actions if you find it comfy, I don't.

Hope this helps!
#12 Dec 21 2006 at 6:50 PM Rating: Decent
i use Discord action bars (4 4x3 sets) a G15 keyboard a G5 logitech mouse and an N52 game pad....

my UI looks kinda like this

|------------------|1111 2222 3333 4444 |------------------|
|------------------|1111 2222 3333 4444 |------------------|
|------------------|1111 2222 3333 4444 |------------------|

ok, that the basic idea of mine, chat box on left and right (left for chat, rght for exp,loot, honor, skills, stuff like that) * ignore the ....... just used to keep my diagram lined up properly*

as you see i have my 4 4x3 action bars setup. I dont use my key board to play.. ever, i use a combination of my N52 pad (a MUST HAVE IMO) wich has a keypad on it simalar to this...


as you can kinda see i have 10 action button and my movement keys all set right there, mt jump button is on the pad where the left hand thumb would rest on it.
and theres another button mapped to ctrl
theres also a D-pad on the right hand side of it wich i have mapped to my map, character screen, quest log, and all bags

** a pic to help you get an idea of what i'm saying for the N52 **

now to complicate it a little more my mouse has 3 extra button on it, one on the left side (where your thumb normally rests, and 2 right below the mouse wheel.
the left side button is mapped to shift, also very useful for auto looting or auto gather, or anything else used for shift+click
** a pic of the mouse **

now reffering back to my original diagram, the "1" set is mapped to 1-=, the "2" set is mapped to shift+ 3 is ctrl + and 4 is shift+ctrl+

now if that all made sense to you, you can see i have 40 buttons mapped and very easily pushed at any time with no movement of the hands (besides the fingers obviously) or trying to figure out what button is what.

granted it would take awhile to get accoustomed to where all your skills are, but in the end its very much worth the time and effort put into mapping it right, setting skills/macros right and just playing to get the muscle memory set in your fingers so you no longer think about it, you just do it.

If you have the cash to spare i hihgly reccomedn at least the N52 pad, it has an awosme key binding program and can make having all your skills easily used so much easier, that and a modified action bar setup (discord is my fav) so you can have everything all nice and neat helps out so much, and saves so much space as once you get used to where all your stuff is, you can shrink you buttons down a bit, and make chat boxes smaller or largere to your prefrance (my are long and kinda skinny, but thats the way i like them)

Each person has there own methods, and most will claim theres to be the best way to do it, the best way is to experiment, and find out what works best for you :)

( even though my way IS best :P )

*edit- stupid diagram was all fubar :P

Edited, Dec 21st 2006 6:58pm by CyrusBlaze
#13 Dec 22 2006 at 6:42 AM Rating: Decent
1,287 posts
I overhauled my key settings practically the moment I started playing the game. I remapped Forward to S and Backward to X. The keys I use most are forward, left and right (though I use these as much on my mouse as on my keyboard, dunno why) are then next to each other instead of 1 moved forward. This allows for a lot leess cramped holding of my fingers. In addition, I moved all movement keys from the QWE line.

I currently use Bartender3 for my action bars, placing 5 bars of 12 icons above each other. The top bar uses Shift-1 to Shift-=, the 2nd uses 1 to =, the 3rd uses Q to ] and the 4th uses Shift-Q to Shift-]. I place all the skills I use a lot in the 1-5, Q-T and shift variants. The icons more to the right are more incdental, buffs, res, DI, etc. Since I can type blind I have no problem reaching for the right button in a dire situation without taking my eyes off the screen. The 5th bar has no hotkeys. Here are my Hearthstone, housepet, Track skills, Professions, etc. My pots are on the far right spread among the 5 bars where there's still place. I usually click those.

Having the skills layed out on my screen as their keys are on my keyboard has helped me a lot.
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