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Your uber moments. :) Share 'emFollow

#1 Dec 19 2006 at 12:41 PM Rating: Good
592 posts
Hey guys, since I'm bored sitting here at work, I decided I'd share with you guys my "omg, I'm so uber!" moment that I had yesterday. :D It's pretty rare that I like to yap about myself, or post a topic start at all, but here we go.

To start off, I'm sure everyone who has one of those pivotal, single focus roles in the game (Tanks and Healers in Instances, Healers in BG's, Druids in WSG, etc...) has gone through a stage or two doing their jobs. At some point, it all clicks and you realize "Ok, I GOT this." and that you've reached the next level of that role.

Well, speaking as a Druid in WSG, it's pretty pronounced, looking back on it. Let me clarify something here. It's easy to carry the flag. Anyone can carry the flag. Druids are the best flag carriers, and it's the easiest to do as a druid adequately. That being said, there's a difference between your decent carrier and your really good one. Any Druid can move the flag across the field, that's easy.

But the really good Druids are the ones that can keep themselves up and alive, alone or nearly so. Those ones that, when they get the flag in base and are waiting for the team to retrieve theirs for the cap, they might be left alone, but they can hold onto that flag forever. Moving it all over the base, losing the hit squad left and right, etc... As a Hunter whose Exalted in WSG, I know the type, and they're a pain in the *** to take down. They're the ones, that when you're running at them, they know how to lose you midfield, doing things like going behind rocks, then doubling back to lose a crowd, etc. They abuse LOS when in cramped quarters (Read: In the Base) to keep the ranged dps off their asses. They manage to break a 3 man Flag Room D, all alone, and have the Horde FR D having no idea where they actually exited the base at. I'm sure you've all had one of those Druids on your team, or (ugh) on the team across the field from you. To sum it up, it's the ones that, even if you're in a premade, if you see their name on the wrong side of the scoreboard, you say "Ugh, it's X" and you know this pug isn't gonna be as easy as the one you just steamrolled the match before. :)

Anyways, you all get the point. I'm sure all this applies to Mage and Pally carriers too, I've never played one. :P

Well, my whole last week has been like that. Ending up holding the flag solo, stuck in our base with no support, etc... I don't remember it happening the week before, but that's how my week had been going. It culminated on Monday with a near perfect grab midfield from a dying carrier. Here's how it panned out (I'm so bored at work, I drew an ASCII diagram, yay Christmas week when all of our government clients are doing nothing!).

So here's the story.

Horde Tunnel Ent.
--------- ----------
--------- ----------
Ally Tunnel Ent.

/ and | and \ = Horde Players
* = Alliance Carrier
1-5 = Waypoints along my path.

I play in the 50-59 bracket, (Yes I have 60's I PvP with also), and I'm level 54 atm (I know, I know). I think I had two of my friends with me in this match, and the Horde team outleveled our pug by a few levels on average. You can tell those matches when you look at the scoreboard and it's pretty clear whose rezzing more often. :P

So anyways, I had just died. One of the Alliance Warriors on our side grabbed the Horde Flag just as I hit the GY. I pop up, do a quick MotW, and I'm Travel Form off to help out our FC. At about point 1 on the map is when I saw his health start going down. I can just make out the figures in the distance. He's alone, surrounded by 4 Horde and rooted. The rest of the team was either in our base, or in our GY still rezzing. Two Horde were Cloth, one was a Druid I think, and one was a Warrior. They're surrounding him, as shown on my cool little diagram above, and his HP is dropping. I'm booking it to him as fast as I can, and at around Point 2, he was at about 10% hp tops. I shifted out there (Still running), tossed a gernade and hit him with a quick Rejuv before shifting back to Travel form. The Horde were all just coming out of their stuns and killed him as I ran up to him, shifted to Humanoid for half a second, and snagged the flag right inbetween all four of them, went back to Travel Form and took off to the right. Whole Gernade, heal, snatch and grab was completely non-stop running. Was awesome. :D I even got a compliment from the pug I grabbed it from, which is a first.

It was the sweetest grab I've ever done, damn I wish I had fraps running. ><

Some of you are probably wondering why I didn't just heal him back. Well, I'm Feral Spec and in WSG, I wear my carrying gear. It has a decent amount of INT for Shifting, but the fact of the matter is, I can't heal a Warrior FC with no FAP's completely across the field when he's got 4 Horde on him and nary a teammate in sight. I can get him partially across, but at that point if he drops, there's no point in grabbing the flag, I have no mp to shift and I'm stuck with 4 Horde around me, and probably still no teammates in sight.

So anyways, some of ya'll share your "OMG I'm UBER!" moments you've had in the game. I'm sure alot of you have had them. I'd love to hear stories from other Druids who had some killer moments in WSG of course, but all are welcome. :)

PS: Interesting fact that even some people in my old premade didn't know. Ressurections in BG are all on the same Cycle. It just keeps counting down from 30, with a rez at 0. The timer you get just depends on when you die. That means that you can guage in AB how much time you have to cap the flag. Sometimes you have to send people to the GY you're capping at to tie up the rezzers, sometimes not. This will help in deciding when. :)

PPS: Bah, it screwed up my diagram a tiny bit. Oh well, it's still readable. :)

Edited, Dec 19th 2006 3:47pm by ItharrAlexander
#2 Dec 19 2006 at 12:54 PM Rating: Good
5,645 posts
WSG the other day on my rogue (lvl 38) score is 2-2. I'm chasing the enemy FC up their tunnel, A pally has the flag and I'm having a tough time bringing him down and my team is too far behind to help. I try my best to stunlock/slow him down but it isn't working. I get stunned and fall behind a bit. I recover hit sprint and we are neck and neck coming up to their flag. As I catch up to him I manage to hit blind and lucky me it doesn't resist.

He's now wandering around aimlessly 2 steps from his flag and the win. I run past grab the flag, prep > sprint again and I'm out the door. I come up to a hunter pop blind on him (man do I love prep) and gouge the pet. run down the ramp, at that point I hear that familiar sound and see that our flag got returned. Up the tunnel and cap for the win.

Another time in AB the game was neck and neck, it was going to be very close, we needed one more node to stay in the running and both teams were past 1800. Our team rushed LM but were struggling. Meanwhile all the allies had left stables pretty much undefended. I took out the lock that was guarding it and cpaped the node to the surprise of our whole team. I got tons of thanks yous and OMG's and we ended up winning by a very small margin, but that extra slow down on the ally point gains were enough to cinch it.
#3 Dec 19 2006 at 1:02 PM Rating: Decent
195 posts
I play in the 50-59 bracket, (Yes I have 60's I PvP with also), and I'm level 54 atm (I know, I know).

Hey! Every level has the right to pvp. Sometimes I like taking a break from my priest and level my hunter (Not that I'll ever have time to discover hunter tacts or something but I enjoy the idea of having a pet and levelling them, weird I know). She's 45 now with hell of rested xp but this happened back when she was 35-.

I was bored and thought "Hell, I'm too low but I'll give Gulch a try." hoping that people would not be mad at me for joining at such low level. It was PuG vs Premade and seriously I have so little idea about pvping with a hunter.

Anyway, the game was a "let's farm HKs at midfield" game and noone was trying to cap the flag. So I took the Horde ramp and entered the Horde FR and didn't see any defenders around so I capped the flag, used the way behind the Horde graveyard and kept going right with using Track Humanoids and switching between Aspect of the Beast and Aspect of the Cheetah (not to mention that I had dismissed my cat after I left the graveyard). Took the Ally ramp and captured the flag. Horde team had 3 hunters at 37+ but I didn't ever get attacked or spotted. Was strange, definitely an uber moment of luck.
#4 Dec 19 2006 at 2:54 PM Rating: Decent
I was an amazing flag carrier on my level 18 priest back in the day. With Renew, PW:S, and Fear, I could hold on to it forever.

I remember once on my 60 rogue I zoned into WSG, and the game was already in progress. I just happened to spawn when the enemy took our flag. I crippled him, killed him, and returned the flag, and that was the game breaker.'

It also makes me feel special to solo towers in AV.
#5 Dec 19 2006 at 6:49 PM Rating: Decent
I capped all 3 flags in a WSG, while wearing my tuxedo. True story.
#6 Dec 19 2006 at 7:23 PM Rating: Decent
129 posts
yesterday i killed a 43 with my 36 and also tankedwith my shammy and flet really good that i could just go in there and beat the heck outta anything.
#7 Dec 19 2006 at 7:25 PM Rating: Decent
1,113 posts
Just a second ago, I joined a WSG on my 43 (Yeah he's low, but being max level in the bracket makes it way too easy for Horde) Rogue, and I check the scoresheet and see that it's 1-1 and they've been playing for 46 minutes. Haven't had a game in over 15 minutes in a while, so this is like whoa to me. A buddy druid of mine is holding the ally flag at our GY.

So.. I mount up, run down to their base, and a different druid shows me where our flag is being held. It's not a turtle, the rest of my team just apparently couldn't make it past midfield... the pally is all alone. Walk over, hit adrenaline rush (Mace Spec ftw... The Shatterer srsly pwns.) and me and the druid rape him (but mostly me!).

8 minutes after I join, the game is over 3 to 1 Horde, 54 minutes total.

And I'm like... damn I own.

But yeah I keep up with the best of em at level 43, and imo that's something in itself (I've been 43 for like 2 weeks at least). Most fun you can have is when you solo the 49 well-geared player in a BG and /lol at them.
#8 Dec 19 2006 at 8:26 PM Rating: Decent
I have had many but this one is a favorite:
I was in AV, blasting away with my Mage, lost count of kills. I was completely tapped out of mana, and had a rogue down to almost no life, so I ran up and stabbed him with my dagger. Do you know how satisfying it feels to kill a rogue with a dagger?
#9 Dec 19 2006 at 8:39 PM Rating: Decent
I think my claim to fame has to be one WSG I joined up in. The alliance had a 8-man premade, and the horde was just in shambles, and I joined in late. It was 0-2 Alliance, and I was on my 29 rogue. Welll. Within about 15 minutes, I had turned the game around. I had brought us to victory, 3-2, AND I made my way up to the top of the chart, having dealt the most damage, and gotten the most killing blows.

The only other cool one was probably a WSG that lasted 3 hours (10-man alli vs 8-man horde premades)... Came out with like almost 300 hks that game. :/
#10 Dec 19 2006 at 8:50 PM Rating: Good
10,564 posts
I've had a few times where I managed to steal the flag out from 5-6 horde who had just killed our flag carrier. I've gotten quite good at timing my right clicks I must say.

Just a couple of weeks ago in a WSG against a premade, it was 2/2 after about 45 minutes. I pulled one of those flag grabs mid field in the midst of 6 horde, popped sprint and ran for the tunnel. I got caught by a hunter and a rogue about halfway up our tunnel, but managed to get all the way to cap the flag... with 13 health to spare. I laughed for about 5 minutes, out of excitement and sheer disbelief.
◕ ‿‿ ◕
#11 Dec 19 2006 at 11:11 PM Rating: Decent
Citizen's Arrest!
29,527 posts
One time, myself(partial T1 mage), another mage(PvP Blues), and a Paladin(can't remember his gear right now) completely(and I do mean completely) wiped a Horde offensive on the bridge in AV.

And by offensive, I'm talking about 25-35 people(I was a little busy to count Hordies).

The people who had been at SPGY rezzed and ported back to reinforce us, and we held the Horde back long enough for the Alliance O to kill Drek before the Horde were able to touch the Aid Station.
#12 Dec 27 2006 at 11:01 AM Rating: Decent
1,716 posts
Sorry to dredge up somewhat of an old post, but something happened this past weekend that I really wanted to "brag" about!

So I am in AB quite a bit this weekend, since I cannot stand AV and I need more AB marks anyway. My 60 UD mage is in mostly greens/blues and the blue pvp gear is a major upgrade for him. I normally hate pvp but I want the gear. And I consider myself FAR from uber!

So this happens in AB...

Start of game I hustle my horse to Mine to cap it. No prob, I am all alone, noone to fight. I guard, I watch for inc. Suddenly a see a warrior, fairly decked out as far as I can tell(I don't know Alliance gear that well). He charges, I manage to blink and sheep him. I gain distance and begin the frostbolts, frost nova when he is close, and get ready to repeat. Thinking I was gonna get wiped by him I am thoroughly shocked that with the help of my ice shield and such I have 100% health, and he is getting close to about 10% when suddenly he disappears! I checked the scoreboard and sure enough he is GONE! Of couse it could have been anything, but thinking someone would /afk out just to keep from losing a 1v1 to a lowly mage such as myself made me feel pretty good!

I even managed to kill a decked out rogue later on at LM 1v1. She was stealthed and I was using AE to find her. Used the usual mage routine and I sat in awe as she died and I lived!

Mind you, these were my only 2 1v1 'wins' at all-I spent alot of the weekend dead. I'm getting to know that spirit chick rather well. But for someone who has never figured they were any good at that aspect of the game, I just wanted to tell someone how good it made me feel!! =)
#13 Dec 27 2006 at 12:16 PM Rating: Decent
I joined a WSG with 3 of my guildies, me(hunter), a warrior, a pally and a rogue, we decided to come off D and rush in for O, I came into the Horde base got the speed boost scatter shotted the guard ran out feigned death so I'd get outta combat and pick'd up the flag, laid a trap down and Aspect of Cheetah'd the rest of the way out, everyone got mad because I went so fast I got one Judgement of Freedom and that was it

Half way through I got a little worried because I saw some Horde gaining on me and I started thinking about whther or not to turn on Aspect of the Cheetah, but my teammates caught up and took care of the gys behind me, saw that our flag got picked up too, so I went as fast as I could my guildies and I dealt with the FC and I cap'd the flag

Thats a BG that I'll never forget...even though we lost Alliance WSG FTL
#14 Dec 27 2006 at 12:30 PM Rating: Decent
I've got two on my pally...
Picture the scene. Strat UD. At the Baron. Warrior runs in, starts tanking. The Baron gets two crits on him, and he goes down. I run in and pop righteous fury. Exorcise. Adds pop. Holy wrath. Aggro! Yey! And then he goes down.
On Alex Barov in Scholo, and the hunter goes down. Again I pop RF and exorcise, then kite him around the top for the whole time whilst the ranged DPS nukes him.
Something I saw:- We were killing Drakki in UBRS, and the hunter went down a little too early, but we took the adds down in time. Then we get Drakki down to 2% and wipe... Or so we thought, but the priest SS'd (with us shouting at him) and starts wanding him down. He dies, from a level 57 priest...
#15 Dec 27 2006 at 12:43 PM Rating: Decent
The other day I beat some under-geared 60 warrior from 100% to death as my priest only using my staff. It took like 2 mins, but my renews were ticking for more damage than he was dealing to me. I LOL'D.
#16 Dec 27 2006 at 2:31 PM Rating: Decent
3,478 posts
I just solo killed a 46 tauren warrior (I'm lvl 40) AND he got the jump on me.

Of course, I am a BM specced hunter. Intimidation + BW FTW!

Still, it feels good to take on enemies that are 6 levels above you.

Edited, Dec 27th 2006 5:30pm by Webjunky
#17 Dec 27 2006 at 2:34 PM Rating: Decent
Playing WSG with my human frost speced mage at level 43. The game was pretty tight considering every BG I play in the Horde wins. I was on defense with a hunter most of the game holding our ground with just the two of us. Game ended up 2-2 after like 35 mins of play time. Alliance decided to make a run for the flag so I went on assault. Got to Horde base with like 6 hordies waiting. Druid picked up and started to run. I frost novaed all of them with one shot. Flag carrier escaped, I die. Rez in Cemetary seconds later, mount up, run to middle of field where I see 5 of them right on the druid mere seconds from the druids death. Jump off mount, Nova, ground them all over again, Blizzard, Ice Block. Laugh quite loud at the situation I put myself in but all and all it was fun cause moments later flag carrier got to our base and we won. :). I guess I couldn't have blinked away and stayed with flag carrier but the 5 I novaed were so angry all they wanted to do was kill me anyway. Blizzard and Ice block slowed down there assault on flag carrier so much they were not going to catch up a second time anyway.
#18 Dec 28 2006 at 4:43 AM Rating: Decent
Ok, this thing happend my budd, and he is always bragging about i now so.

Well this is the story:

Ok, me (at the time i was lv 33 i think, rouge) and my friend (lv..hmm..49, 50 or 51 i think..pala) was going trought SV when i suddenly got ambushed by a 60 rouge with kinda good gear..i died almost instant and then the rouge started to attack my bud, i didnt realese spirit cause i wanted to watch the fight, well my friend got his HP down 3% and then he died (the rouge went all out btw using cooldown spells and potions and stuff)

Well we met up with a friend from are guild (45warr), we where searching for something..someone had said there was a special thing in SV wich i cant remeber what he said but i remember it was a lie. Well after a bit more of searching, guees who ambushes the 45warrior? yepp the rouge is back. me, the warr and the pala gets his health down to 90% before me and the warr is dead, only my budd and the rouge left. Lay on hand is on cooldown. Well they start fighitng, it dosent look you bright for my friend, but then the battles turn after he heals himself, and after a while, he wins.

He is really proud of that now =)

Edited, Dec 28th 2006 7:42am by AkaBaka
#19 Dec 28 2006 at 6:14 AM Rating: Decent
233 posts
Heres my only real "Uber" moment on my pally.

We were kinda stuck on that guy in scholo, the tough one, cant remember his name, hees the one of the "mini" bosses in a room a the end and has 2 skeleton guards. Well, anyway, we try him again, and immediately start wiping on him. So, I pop divine shield and run out of the room. The guys had taken care of the adds so it was just this guy (Alexi barov possibly? I dunno O.o) chasing me around the top. This was before the patch was implemented to stop you re-entering instances during an encounter (At least i presume it was, unless thats always been possible in 5 mans?). I kited him around the top for a good few minutes before my party came back and we pwnt him. Made me feel special ^^

Then, i guess as a reward, Gandling dropped my lightforge helm AND the ace of portals, I won the ace, yay! :D
#20 Dec 28 2006 at 10:35 AM Rating: Decent
My one moment where I went, "Wow, I just totally rock!" is on my warlock and I was doing the seasonal quest for the stolen treats where you have to kill a 36 elite Greench. I was killing a yeti, the Greench spawned on top of me, then I got 2 adds. Yes, I killed every last one of them and my warlock was level 36 at the time. I totally became aware of exactly how powerful the class is if played properly.
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