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Perhaps I'm seeing doubleFollow

#27 Dec 19 2006 at 6:21 AM Rating: Good
The same thing that happened in the first EQ is happening here with WoW. It's most commonly referred to as the power creep. Most game designers will agree that it's irreversible in an online game. It's not necessarily a bad thing, just expect nonsenical things to appear in the game, like epic gear with an item level of 85 being outclassed by what should be level 62 and 64 gear.

So if Blizzard puts out 3 new raid instances over the next year and has a second expansion ready for next Christmas, the power creep introduced by those 3 instances will make the next expansion's gear look downright ludicrous.

Fortunately - and it sounds wierd saying this - but WoW is passing out of puberty and into the young adult stage, the equivalent of it's mid-to-late 20's. Average life span of these games so far has been about 5-7 years, and WoW is now 2 years old. Within a couple years, Blizzard will probably start planning and designing the sequel to WoW (assuming they'll be staying in the mmo business, and I can't imagine them not doing so). With luck, they'll be able to address the issues of massive power creep and itemization, casual epics, enforced pve so you can pvp, etc.

Edit: Wow, that just came out of nowhere. As for the OP, it's probably b/c of the intimidation factor + cost. It's cheap and it can potentially dissuade an attacker who looks at you and says "wow, he has GM gear, he must be a hardcore pvp'r."

Edited, Dec 19th 2006 9:26am by Riggy
#28 Dec 19 2006 at 6:33 AM Rating: Decent
770 posts
Mazra the Meaningless wrote:
120 AV marks for the level 70 shoulders. Now, that'd be a laugh.

I'd laugh even harder knowing that you cannot have more than 100 tokens. ^^

Unless they change it offcourse..
#29 Dec 19 2006 at 7:29 AM Rating: Decent
467 posts
Micros wrote:
Well I can't speak for others, but I'm getting them because they're one of the cheapest HWL gear (I think) and yeah, the most "impressive" of the pieces. Flames dude, it's teh phire! And in my case, the HWL item that's the biggest improvement on my old shoulders.

Hint: They only look "impressive" when complementing the rest of your gear ;)

All those people really do look goofy as hell.... sad too because Warlord gear always looked very cool imo.
#30 Dec 19 2006 at 7:53 AM Rating: Good
760 posts
I know Mazra, the over-abundance of flaming shoulders is really messing up my mini-game of "find a warrior with glowy shoulders to heal-bot" in AV.

"oops, that's a hunter."
"dang it! that's a SHAMAN!"

My guess is just a confirmation of what everyone has already said. The shoulders are the flashiest thing most have seen for awhile.

I suspect and have some confirmation that the abundance of this pvp gear has a much more ominous reason. I was whining on my forum board about the idiocy of players in my battlegroup. That as much as I hated the look of my current hat (a modest instance blue drop), I wasn't sure I'd make it to gather all the necessary honor marks and points with my home intact.

A participant in the beta mentioned I wouldn't really have much choice if I wanted to continue to level in the Outlands. According to this T3 geared shaman, from the highest horde guild on the server, SHE was having some trouble surviving. Unfortunately, I can't get to the forum board to directly quote her. It had been her experience that an excess of stamina would be absolutely required. (*)

And thus, I agree with Riggy as well. This is power creep. The game developers have to make monsters more powerful in order to keep pace with the elite players in the game. This means everyone will then need better armor, ta-dah, the power creep.

So Mazra, I too will be subjecting my server to the most gawd-awful looking, thrift store reject, armor ever (imo), but fortunately for all, I'm usually in cat form, and use Outfitter. Shouldn't be more than a brief glimpse of my hideousness before I can get changed to a more pleasing caster look. ^^

(*) Said horde guild this shaman belongs is running any horde who want gear through Molten Core. They have several in the beta and know how valuable the gear is. They have accomplished most of their objectives, can clear a few bosses with 30 of their own, so take 10 horde who agree to common sense terms. They are a class act all the way. As you can only go 1/week, and of course many people want, I'll be needing to scrape away at pvp. Incredible gesture of good-will imho.

Edited, Dec 19th 2006 10:58am by Manza
#31 Dec 19 2006 at 7:57 AM Rating: Decent

(*) Said horde guild this shaman belongs is running any horde who want gear through Molten Core. They have several in the beta and know how valuable the gear is. They have accomplished most of their objectives, can clear a few bosses with 30 of their own, so take 10 horde who agree to common sense terms. They are a class act all the way. As you can only go 1/week, and of course many people want, I'll be needing to scrape away at pvp. Incredible gesture of good-will imho.

That's... odd, since you don't need very good gear at all to solo in the Outlands and the random green drops/first instance drops pretty much outclass everything you can find in Molten Core.
#32 Dec 19 2006 at 8:00 AM Rating: Decent
2,293 posts
Strange, my guild has won the screenshot compo and got 20something beta keys and ive heard only stories that it was just as easy but slower to level, most of my guildies are full t2, mixed with AQ/1-2 NAX pieces.
They also said the first instance (burning citadel? lvl 60-62? instance) was rediciously easy and the drops/quests there are about t3 or slightly better, maybe they changed things drasticly since a month ago? Hmmm, ill ask again.

Edited, Dec 19th 2006 11:10am by Sjans
#33 Dec 19 2006 at 8:02 AM Rating: Decent
The first instance is balanced around having level 60 blues and some greens with no TBC gear yet. It's not very hard. Go in there with Tier 2/3 and it's beyond cake.

Once you start getting to the Zangamarsh instances it gets considerably more balances as they assume a certain level of TBC gear.
#34 Dec 19 2006 at 8:51 AM Rating: Decent
1,392 posts
Manza wrote:
I know Mazra, the over-abundance of flaming shoulders is really messing up my mini-game of "find a warrior with glowy shoulders to heal-bot" in AV.

"oops, that's a hunter."
"dang it! that's a SHAMAN!"

I hate to say it but the easiest way to find the Warrior is to heal the one who's shoulders aren't glowing. ^^

Our set doesn't have any fancy effects(/sadface), we're the ones that look like a giant spiky 'U'.
#35 Dec 19 2006 at 8:53 AM Rating: Decent
Look for the Warrior with the purple crap coming out of his shoulders - he's got AQ gear, and you should heal him. =p
#36 Dec 19 2006 at 8:59 AM Rating: Decent
1,392 posts
Actually if you just look for the one who looks so much like a clown that you can't stop laughing you're probably onto a winner. ;)
#37 Dec 19 2006 at 9:08 AM Rating: Default
I see np with what blizz did with this gear. They needed to do it for several reasons already mentioned, and tbh most people who have a big problem with it just seem to be hardcore leeters who believe themselves to be better than casual players.

I play for PvP so an even playing field is nice. I dont understand why raiders or twinks are so against fair competition in PvP, I guess they have just never played a real PvP game where gear plays a much smaller role.
#38 Dec 19 2006 at 9:22 AM Rating: Decent
I see np with what blizz did with this gear. They needed to do it for several reasons already mentioned, and tbh most people who have a big problem with it just seem to be hardcore leeters who believe themselves to be better than casual players.

God forbid something that took 2.5-3 months of solid effort take longer than a week and a half for someone else to do later.
#39 Dec 19 2006 at 9:32 AM Rating: Decent
LOL, my pally just got his epic shoulders the other day, first piece earned from the new system. And yeah, I considered waiting for another piece precisely because of how noobish I'd look with mostly greens and then them.

But for me at least shoulders give the most bang for the buck--they're cheap, very good stats, and there isn't a whole lot of alternative for the non-raider.

There are good lvl 60ish craftable/boe legs, hands, helms, etc, for many classes, but for shoulders it's pretty slim pickings.
#40 Dec 19 2006 at 10:05 AM Rating: Good
1,259 posts
Most of the gear I currently wear is blue. From Instances available through PuG and my small guild that does the instances. I have purchased some through the AH. However; I do not own a single epixxxx. I understand people are bitter about their time spent and how long it took to receive their equipment is now a couple week extravaganza. I play every day when i get out of work, and log serious hours on the weekends.

I should probably move to a larger guild filled with drama and politics and endless runs without enough DKP to earn anything... but at least I would potentially have a shot at some epic gear. I do not consider myself a poor player, I actually get a lot of compliments. The option has not come to me for AQ40/MC/Ony type guilds yet. Probably because I haven't gone looking or whatever. I'm fairly new to endgame content so I have no reason to expect epics be handed to me, or that they are easy to obtain by any means.

Which was a preface to: If I spend a decent amount of PVP time (which I have) but know that all equipment will be obsolete, and don't have any epix, I want a piece of the action. The cheapest epic is usually the shoulders. Correct me if I am wrong, but EVERYONE starts out blues and greens with no epics. You have to start somewhere. I will be grinding my PVP until I can get my shoulders. Then spend the rest of my time getting my TierO b/c its a personal goal that makes me happy. PuG seems the only way to go now, but I don't care if I have a shot.
#41 Dec 19 2006 at 10:33 AM Rating: Decent
They spent 2.5-3 months getting gear that will be worn for a long time. You now want people, who dont already have it, to spend 2.5-3 months getting gear that can be replaced withink a week of TBC??

What would be the point?

Hey let me you see many people raiding right now? Gee why is that? Oh thats right cause players dont want to spend months getting stuff that going to be replaced a week after TBC.

Ya think Blizz knew that? Yup Trust me Blizz make the money they do and made this MMO as big as it is because they know what they are doing. Sorry it didnt agree with your leetism.

Edited, Dec 19th 2006 1:36pm by Vallock
#42 Dec 19 2006 at 10:51 AM Rating: Decent
467 posts
Ebonspine wrote:
Which was a preface to: If I spend a decent amount of PVP time (which I have) but know that all equipment will be obsolete, and don't have any epix, I want a piece of the action. The cheapest epic is usually the shoulders. Correct me if I am wrong, but EVERYONE starts out blues and greens with no epics. You have to start somewhere. I will be grinding my PVP until I can get my shoulders. Then spend the rest of my time getting my TierO b/c its a personal goal that makes me happy. PuG seems the only way to go now, but I don't care if I have a shot.

Except it'd be a far better upgrade for you to save your points for the GM xbow instead of the shoulders... the shoulders are cheap because they are one of the "weaker" items and tend to provide a smaller relative upgrade.

The problem people have is those shoulders used to represent something... the shoulders and GM weapons were the most noticeable pieces obtained from the PVP grind. It would be like Blizzard deciding to make BWL doable with your standard UBRS pug and Nef was guaranteed to drop Askhandi... suddenly a weapon that was fairly rare and represented something (although I admit it's a bit outdated now) would be seen on practically every warrior.

Just because the items will be replaced in a month or so doesn't mean people who earned the items the old way don't retain a bit of nostalgia towards the uniqueness they afforded and wince a bit when they see that rarity disappear after a day of PVPing.

What people forget is that this is an MMO and people grow attached to their characters. Part of the experience is not just making your character better but also trying to make them unique. This struggle for uniqueness is why people plead for things like armor dyes... a completely useless addition in terms of functionality but would allow people to personalize their characters. It's why people complain about repeated graphic models for armor. The PVP gear was one way to really set your character apart... and that uniqueness was ruined in only a few days.

So yeah, I'm sorry if you have absolutely no sense of vanity or pride in your character's appearance and think people's unhappiness with the plague of Warlord shoulders is simply "leetness"... =\
#43 Dec 19 2006 at 10:52 AM Rating: Decent
36 posts
almost all your gears, specially for weapons has been outgeared by casual players.

Just not true. The GM gear is great...but does not really compare to endgame raiding gear. What it seems to be able to do though is allow the more casual player an opportunity to get better gear, in preparation for TBC with a minimum of fuss. Frankly, I loved grinding to rank 11, and I wear my rank proudly. Am I put off by the fact that now there is no longer any cachet to riding a black war tiger? Not in the least! But will I be replacing any of my gear with more easily attainable GM gear? Nope:-)
#44 Dec 19 2006 at 11:01 AM Rating: Decent
467 posts
Aryse wrote:
The GM gear is great...but does not really compare to endgame raiding gear.

It depends on class. The mage Rank 12-13 gear is far better than Netherwind and about equal overall to Enigma; it's not until you are into Naxx that you are seeing truly significant upgrades (with some in AQ40).

The real advantage of pre-Naxx raid gear is in the non-set pieces... necks, rings, trinkets, etc; there are no good equivalents available from pure PVP to raid quality items for these slots.
#45 Dec 19 2006 at 11:05 AM Rating: Decent
I used the word leetness cause someone used the word newb to describe someone who didnt have the time to get certain sets of gear via raiding or PvP honor in the old grind system. To me that attitude is leetness.

But I understand why some feel the way they do. Sure it seems that what took you a good amount of time is being given away. True. But like I said its for necessity as far as blizzard is concerned. And from what Ive seen most of the people complaining are afraid of a level battlefield.

And your right I dont care about my toon. I call him a toon I have no love for him and I dont care if I look sweet with awesome gear and glowing effects. Id rather look like a poor vagrant before tearing you apart.

In fact I played a game called shadowbane for 3 years. And in that game I could have some of the most common plain looking gear in the game created with equal or clost to equal stats as the top tier stuff in the game. The amount of people who sent tells laughing at me saying how they are gonna PK me so easy cause my gear sucks was amazing. And most of them couldnt figure out how I did it wearing a dirty looking brown piece of cloth as my armor (if on a mage).

I really only care about PvP and I dont like it when some guy in the BG smokes the entire other team cause he has the best gear and the enemy is wearing greens. Thats not fun for me.

Its not fun to be on a twink or guy in great PvP gear when the guy Im killing isnt even geared well enough to scratch my hp bar before dieing.

I understand that most MMO players want stuff that seperates them from the pack as it were. But me I get bored way to easy when everything in PvP is too easy.

I dont even have the best gear. A mix of purples and blues on my Druid and my new shammy since I restarted is only lvl 39 and in all greens. But do I die? Sure when I run into 3 or more players if they know what they are doing. My brother and I got bored with our 60 hunter/druid combo with mostly blue/purple gear. And now with a shammy and mage with greens we plow over twinks in WSG and AB like they are children (heh most prolly are IRL) and we are giants. Havent lost an arena match yet, and we have to be outnumbered 2 to 5 or more for us to die in a BG. Sure once in a while a nice twink or dual twink combo will take me out before I can get away to heal leaving my brother to have to flee.

Honestly the more blizz makes gear less important the happier I'll be. But I know most of you dont care to play an MMO this way.

#46 Dec 19 2006 at 1:14 PM Rating: Decent
208 posts
I understand why so many people are upset with this change but as was said before, this is part of the natural progression of an MMO.

I played EQ1 from the start. Getting to 50 seemed like an incredible feat. Going to the Plane of Fear or the Plane of Hate was ridiculously difficult. Someone in the full set of planar armor was revered and would always attract a crowd.

Then the expansions started coming out. New zones, mobs, bosses, new level caps... With each of these the older content became trivialized. If you look back at that incredile planar armor that took months upon months to gather you would laugh as it is vastly inferior than trash drops from new mobs.

I would say that the power gamer/elitist attitude is far worse in that MMO and is what has been the driving force behind all those expansions. At least WoW is not a game that is completely power gaming centered, as other MMOs are. The only thing we can do is wait to see what Blizzard will do next.

In my experience they are much better at everything than Sony so if Sony could find alternatives to breathe life back into content, I see no reason why Blizzard couldn't do the same in the future.

Mark my words... the discussion we are having now is only the first of many. Every expansion is going to bring better armor, weapons and harder bosses. Every single time we'll be throwing our hands in the air and screaming blody murder.

Thats just my 2 cp
#47 Dec 19 2006 at 1:31 PM Rating: Decent
467 posts
Except you're misunderstanding the difference: people are not complaining about their gear being outdated, but that obtaining it is being trivialized beforehand.

I have 8/8 Tier 1. Do I ever wear it? No. I keep it around for nostalgia and for the few pieces enchanted for FR.

I have 8/8 Tier 2. Many of the pieces I will never wear again. I keep it around for nostalgia as it's one of my favorite sets in the game (in terms of looks).

What makes these sets different from the PVP sets? It doesn't matter that MC is old, outdated content with outdated gear... someone still can't just waltz in and get 8/8 Tier 1. The same is true with BWL... even though people run BWL pugs now, you still can't expect to collect 8/8 Tier 2 quickly. Hell, the same is even true of Tier 0 and even moreso for full Tier 0.5! Obtaining the gear still represents an accomplishment and an achievement that cannot be quickly nor easily replicated.

Just because items are going to be outclassed doesn't mean that everyone suddenly deserves to have them. I don't see a vendor where I can turn in tokens for Tier 2 shoulders just because I stood around afk in BWL for a few hours...

The point is that PVPers knew their items would be outclassed on the road to 70 but still expected that possessing them would be a neat memento of "a different time"; it would've been cool for old Rank 14s to throw on all their old gear at level 70, even though it wasn't good anymore, just because it would be something different.... except now every Tom, **** and Harry has the gear as well.

Do I think the system needed to be changed? Yes.
Do I think a system without decay is a good change? Yes.
Do I think it's great that the system has brought a lot of people back to play again before BC? Yes.
Do I think they made it way too easy and made the system LESS about winning than before? Yes.

I understand that games move on and gear is constantly outclassed by the next "tier", but understand that old PVPers really got the shaft in a way that PVEers will not. People complaining about their gear becoming useless are stupid; people complaining that their accomplishments were trivialized have a point.
#48 Dec 19 2006 at 1:43 PM Rating: Decent
13,048 posts
noobasaurus wrote:
I understand that games move on and gear is constantly outclassed by the next "tier", but understand that old PVPers really got the shaft in a way that PVEers will not. People complaining about their gear becoming useless are stupid; people complaining that their accomplishments were trivialized have a point.

I don't see it that way at all. I post on the Order of the Blue Gartr forums (endgame raiding guild on Azshara that came to WoW from one of the most successful FFXI endgame LSes) and many of their members have been HWL. None of them were ******** about the honor changes, and I don't see why anyone would. People that got HWL/GM before 2.0.1 could buy every single item for gold--something much less valuable than honor--and could instantly have every single HWL weapon on one Tuesday after the honor update.

Sure Shamans now have to get a second weapon to DW, but other than that, I can't see any HWL/GM whining about it.
#49 Dec 19 2006 at 2:11 PM Rating: Decent
467 posts
The only advantage old GMs/HWLs had was that when they hit 14 they got every weapon at once. Of course, this only rewarded those that could actually make use of all those weapons (i.e. mainly warriors/rogues)... and when you compare the time required to grind Rank 14 the old way versus just to grind out every weapon the new way, I guarantee the new way is faster.

And that still does not address the very basic fact that getting 6/6 Warlord/Marshal's gear is ridiculously easy now (in comparison) and, worse yet, that the most distinctive piece (the shoulders) are seen everywhere.

I'm glad that this one random guild doesn't complain on their forum but you'll forgive me if I don't give much credence to your rather limited sampling of the PVP population... I assure you that there are quite a few people who grumble quietly on vent/gchat but don't both complaining loudly since it really would be rather fruitless.

I suppose it's one of those things that's impossible to explain unless you've actually been there and done it... but I felt like trying anyway :)
#50 Dec 19 2006 at 2:18 PM Rating: Decent
Ghost in the Machine
36,443 posts
Muggins wrote:
Actually if you just look for the one who looks so much like a clown that you can't stop laughing you're probably onto a winner. ;)

Warning! Paladins wear colorful clown-gear too!

Paladins are orange, Warriors are blue (IIRC).

That is all.
Please "talk up" if your comprehension white-shifts. I will use simple-happy language-words to help you understand.
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