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Will the tides of PvP turn?Follow

#1 Dec 18 2006 at 4:25 PM Rating: Default
Greetings horde and alliance players.

Before I proceed with this post, if you are going to respond, plz refrain from putting down the opposite faction, calling them immature, calling them newbs, pretty boy lovers, sick in the head (if you use undead) etc.. etc.. Im sure we have all read the insults going from one faction to another....

Onwards with the point of the post.....

As the release of the expansion draws near, I begin to wonder about what will happen with PvP. generally speaking, Horde > Alliance in AB and WSG and Alliance> Horde in AV. I do not know why this is. A common belief is that newer players pick alliance for the looks (this not meant to target/insult alliance players, I am simply stating what I have seen) over the horde. And I will be honest, initially, thats what the case was for me. I joined alliance for the good looks. As soon as I became a little more PvP savvy, i hopped on to the horde. That is just one theory though.

I am just curious to get other players (MATURE) opinions. With the expansions release of a "prettier" race on horde, and an "ugly" race on alliance, do you guys think that the horde is gonna receive some of the "bad stuff" that makes alliance lose in PvP, and alliance recieve some of the 'good stuff" from horde?
Or do you think its all just BS?

I would love to hear what other players think.
Of course, I would appreciate it even more so if we can PLAEASE keep it simply as contructive conversation, between horde and alliance players alike, rather than it turning into a horde vs. alliance flame war.

Look fwd to hearing from all

#2 Dec 18 2006 at 4:46 PM Rating: Good
532 posts
I honestly prefer Alliance characters for aesthetic reasons. I've only gotten to the high teen level with any Horde I've rolled... I can't explain why, but I just lose interest.

I'll be rolling a Blood Elf alt once the expansion is released so I can experience the Horde side of things. And I doubt I'll be the only Alliance-leaning player to do so.

But I don't think it's why Alliance "sucks" at PvP. I think people who are serious about PvP and want to win, roll Horde because they've heard that Horde has more skilled PvPers. It's a self-fulfilling prophecy.
#3 Dec 18 2006 at 5:43 PM Rating: Decent
20,024 posts
I have also found different things attract different people.

From my experience, the Alliance is more centered around kill-Count than actually winning. In my opinion, this because of a few things:

1. Alliance races are "cleaner." They tend to attract people who, like me, are slight control freaks. People who are control freaks tend to, in my opinion, lose sight of the end result in favor of smaller steps. Thus, they originally get centered on the kill-count and their addiction to that aspect of PvP grows.

2. The Alliance mentality itself may lend a hand. The lore behind the Alliance is that, "Not on our turf!" message. The Silverwing Sentinels are pissed because the Horde is using thier trees for lumber, cutting them down and hurting "their" forest. Humans are a very ignorant race when you think about it. They dislike the whole of the Orcish race because of History. If you recall, Admiral Proudmore was the real major shake that destroyed the true Grand Alliance because of his intolerance.

3. They get pissed off because of the horrible lag in IF, SW and Darnassus. (Only partially joking, it takes its toll over time.)

The Horde races are more goal oriented for a few reasons:

1. The Alliance has MANY more Twinks than the Horde does. So, growing up through the BGs, the Horde players learn to combat it the best they can. There is a low probability of beating a decent Twink player in combat. But, working as a team, they can be successful in capturing the flag. In the end, the flags often matter more.

2. They are the "Hulkish" races of Azeroth. Because of this, they attract players who may want to vent after a hard day at school, work or home. Players who are there for pure fun are often less "ZOMG! DIE DIE DIE YOU STUPID ^#$." This allows for greater teamwork, albeit it isn't much of a factor.

3. I, being a younger player, am perfectly willing to admit this. Younger players are way more likely to play immaturely than older ones. But, I also consider "Young" to stretch to the mid-twenties, where the party mentality starts to wear off. Some of the overly-hormonal teens can be quite annoying, and it only takes one person to make a game miserable.

There are a TON more factors that go into it all. "Pretty" and "Ugly" aren't really a cause of the difference between factions, but they do help it along.

The addition of a "Pretty" race to the Horde will not, in the long run, change anything really.

Mature players will still shun the less mature in the game, which will make them less likely to change factions. If you have a character in the forties and friends on one server, you aren't going to go somewhere where you are starting from scratch and finding it difficult to make friends. The bad players won't win games nor will they get into good raiding guilds.

It will be odd for the first month or so, but then it will even off.

I personally, will be rolling a Blood Elf as I have been waiting for them since the beginning. I currently tend to flip-flop Horde/Alliance because, even though I love Gnomes/Night Elves, I hate the Alliance atmosphere.

Oh yeah, and in case you were wondering, I am sixteen years old. Thought it might be an interesting perspective.
IDrownFish wrote:
Anyways, you all are horrible, @#%^ed up people

lolgaxe wrote:
Never underestimate the healing power of a massive dong.
#4 Dec 18 2006 at 6:49 PM Rating: Decent
2,634 posts
Let me just say, I chose my huge hip trolls because they reminded me of me.
Granted im not 8ft tall, but they have a normal body structure for a girl. Something obtainable. (especially the girls who are stuck playing games all day, not picking, just being honest here).

Granted im not a teenager. I do not need a pretty player to make my job enjoyable. I opened this conversation up to a friend of mine. She started playing the game before i knew her. She said she chose a gnome, because they are just downright cute/fun.

I agree, they are downright cute.

The best part of the horde, is that they arent just picking their character for the looks, possibly the men are, but thats a whole another topic.

Now women who join the game are gonna be thrilled to pick the blood elves, and the men who are even in the slightest bit superficial are gonna pick them too.

Im all against this thought, but i dont have a choice, so let it be. If it gets that bad, Oh well i guess i will be done playing the game.
#5 Dec 18 2006 at 7:03 PM Rating: Decent
1,207 posts
It'll more of the same. Then again maybe the arena system will dilute the BGs to the point where only casuals play BGs. If that happens you should see more balance in the BGs.
#6 Dec 18 2006 at 7:37 PM Rating: Decent
55 posts
I think the smaller horde playerbase has a lot to do with the horde's pvp skill. Especially when you consider that generally the horde players are more focused on pvp than on end-game raiding. In my opinion this leads to more % of the playerbase on horde doing pvp..and possibly why they seem to prefer premades much more. This more active participation means they get better at pvp as a whole, more quickly. The fact that they have a smaller community i think fosters the whole premade thing, and the fact that a smaller % of them participate in raiding. who knows though..
#7 Dec 18 2006 at 9:08 PM Rating: Decent
717 posts
I initially picked alliance cause my friends were there. I've stayed cause they gots gnomes: small, cute and deadly. All traits I admire.

I've played some hordies but never could stay interested. One reason that stands out: (you guys aren't gonna like this) I can't stand Durotar. Seriously, ugliest location on Azeroth. You start out in a God forsaken dust bowl, level to 10 and move on to a bigger God forsaken dust bowl. I just can't stand it. Least undeads get a cool newbie area but eventually you gotta migrate to the God forsaken dust bowl too. ><
#8 Dec 18 2006 at 9:20 PM Rating: Good
215 posts
puremorning wrote:
I think the smaller horde playerbase has a lot to do with the horde's pvp skill.

All I can say about that is, in my Battlegroup, Horde vastly outnumber the Alliance. We rarely get 10v10, 15v15, or 40v40 games. Normally, its 1 or 2 less in AB and WSG, with AV being anywhere up to 10 less. Also, when most games start (and I mean, when the gates open) the ratio is 1:3, Alliance:Horde. More players tend to join as time passes.

That lends Horde a huge hand in AB and a moderate boost in WSG. Doesn't tend to affect AV though.
#9 Dec 18 2006 at 9:37 PM Rating: Decent
I have no idea if Horde or Alliance is 'better' at PvP. I think what you are seeing is mainly due to the imbalance of the various BG. I play mainly Horde, and AV as currently implemented is uphill all the way for the Horde. At one point, since the last patch, I lost 32 straight. The Horde *can* win AV, but they can't win quick zergs as easily as the Alliance, since the Horde base layout is gimped. I think the Horde's chances, if they actually tried to defend and win, are roughly 30% in AV, and many Horde players prefer to have a quick game with quick honor, and not bother defending at all.

I haven't played WSG enough to say, but it seems as if the AB layout favors the Horde. It seems to me that LM, BS and Farm are pretty easy for Horde to grab, and then the Allaince have an uphill fight the rest of the game.

I think both sides are basically equally inept in PUGed BGs. The BGs are simply not very balanced.
#10 Dec 19 2006 at 2:50 AM Rating: Decent
I've always felt like racial abilities played somewhat of a role in the Horde's PvP savy. Will of the Forsaken alone or combined with a pvp trinket is sickly powerful. Warstomp....AoE stun allows horde shammy and druids an easy oppurtinity to heal themselves back near full health. Orcs (then) 25% resistence to stun...... Alliance toons simply cannot compete with those racials, and reguardless of what people say they do have a large accumulative effect on a game.

Secondly, the Shammy and Paladin difference. This could be argued until the sun burns out, but Shammy is the offense PvP class of the two. So take that for what you will. Lastly, "PvP Guilds" are common as hell on Horde side, on Alliance side they are nearly non-existent.
#11 Dec 19 2006 at 5:21 AM Rating: Decent
717 posts
I must say, I LOVE that escape artist is now instant cast like it was always meant to be. It's awesome.
#12 Dec 19 2006 at 6:06 AM Rating: Good
3,801 posts
Personally I don't think it really matters that much if horde has a "pretty" race or not. People who want to be the good looking person typically also want to be the good guy. True or not, the alliance are portrayed as the "good guys" and the horde are portrayed as the "bad guys". They'll still pick alliance.

Overall this might make a few more people go Horde, but I don't think it'll have any notable impact on the long-term population numbers. No more than the alliance getting shamans will have.
#13 Dec 19 2006 at 7:26 AM Rating: Default
#14 Dec 19 2006 at 7:40 AM Rating: Decent
467 posts
If anything you will see a shift towards greater Horde dominance.

Horde tends to lean towards PVP not just because of racials and the general mentality of the player base, but because PVE has been more difficult for Horde. It is faaar easier to progress in PVE as Alliance (go go paladin buffs!) than it is as Horde, thus many Hordies simply turn to PVP rather than struggle through another failing MC guild.

However the expansion will nearly balance the PVE scene (the Alliance will continue to have a small advantage with Dranei) which will mean that both sides will have near equal access to PVE gear... which has really been the Horde's primary downfall. The Alliance that win in PVP tend to be those that are decked out in Tier 3 and win more due to a gear imbalance than skill (there are notable exceptions of course).
#15 Dec 19 2006 at 7:42 AM Rating: Decent

I looked at all the skills and attributes that each race had. I found undead to be the most enjoyable. If I wanted a game for its graphics, I'd go pick up the PS3. I prefer PVP, so I went with Undead, because of its WotF. Granted each race has its thing, but whatev. I agree with some things, about how horde becomes more goal-oriented, and disagree with others, how the majority of younger people pick things for looks. My friends girlfriend is, I hate to say it, very self-centered and extremely shallow. However she started off with the Tauren, not because they we're cute by being cows, but because she felt that she could play them best. Note: Her first MMO.
#16 Dec 19 2006 at 7:53 AM Rating: Decent
InuyashaaSama wrote:

Secondly, the Shammy and Paladin difference. This could be argued until the sun burns out, but Shammy is the offense PvP class of the two. So take that for what you will. Lastly, "PvP Guilds" are common as hell on Horde side, on Alliance side they are nearly non-existent.

Now now now, I have played Shaman and Pally, I will be the first to tell you, I can't WAIT til horde gets pallies. Sure they are rather boring to level (or were when I did it) But the group aspect (BoK and rank 1 BoW is better than my resto shaman's mana tide.) I am rollin a holy pally and protection pally come expansion. Gonna twink one of them, not sure which one, very difficult to get my hands on some good eagle mail gear at that level. (Though the holy one I think I will allow to go down to 1 or 2 pieces of cloth or leather.)

Sure shaman get tremor totem, which anyone that can rack out more than a whopping 5 dmg can dispel... I will laugh when the allies realize how useless shaman is (Though GoA and SoE totem is nice, in pvp however I rarely stand still long enough to get more than 10 seconds of use out of them, however I must say earthbind is probably the best shaman thing followed by earthshock/frostshock (though I can easily heal myself after they land a good earhshock due to the cooldown.)
#17 Dec 19 2006 at 7:55 AM Rating: Decent

Secondly, the Shammy and Paladin difference. This could be argued until the sun burns out, but Shammy is the offense PvP class of the two. So take that for what you will. Lastly, "PvP Guilds" are common as hell on Horde side, on Alliance side they are nearly non-existent.

Shaman are pretty powerful... but Paladins simply outclass them IF YOU PUT A GOOD PLAYER BEHIND THE WHEELS OF BOTH.

Bad Shaman > Bad Paladin. Good Shaman < Good Paladin. Great Shaman <<< Great Paladin.

Of course, now that Retnoob Paladins can punch through my armor with a TUF this is less true than it used to be... now Paladins may just outclass Shaman at all levels.
#18 Dec 19 2006 at 8:38 AM Rating: Decent
467 posts
It's actually quite ironic. The glory days of the WF shaman are gone... and replaced by a plethora of retnoobs (/giggle @ CS and Vengeance getting nerfed in BC).

But the flipside is that resto shamans received a big buff with earth shield... a well-geared resto shaman can be VERY hard to kill (or anyone else he decides to heal).

It's a touch bizarre to have shamans healing and paladins dpsing but oh well :)
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