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#1 Dec 18 2006 at 1:06 AM Rating: Excellent
Sorry for the late post, my ISP is wacky today.

This weekend was not as successful as I'd hoped, since I couldn't finish most of the AV matches I got into. I got lagged out, and when I logged back in, it was too late.

AB matches were a disaster, we came up against only premades, and got 4 or 5 capped. I still got 13 of my intended 20 marks, so 7 more losses should do it :(

Aside from the failed goal (I'm not close at all to my HWL dagger), I respecced my rogue from 8/43/0 to 41/5/5... Up till now, not very impressed with Mutilate (Lobotomizer main hand, the blue AV dagger-ice something- in the off hand)

Besides that, I finished some more BRD quests, a lot of winterspring quests, sold an Assassination Blade for 70g, and over all my total is up to 260g now.

How about you guys? How well did you do on your goals?

P.S.: Please only 1 post per person
#2 Dec 18 2006 at 1:29 AM Rating: Excellent
2,588 posts
I wrote:
- make some cash

done. 5 mins after thinking "hey, i've killed around 4 bazillion twilight cultists and never got a good drop." i got a skullflame shield. sold it for 180g.
I wrote:
- no point for much else on the main. going for thaddius on monday or tuesday after getting a first kill on gluth yesterday. also cleared spider wing in the same evening. and i hit 730 dps just with greater firepower pot on patch. i love the new talents.

um, yep, me off on a tangent.
I wrote:
- get some recipes for alch alt


played some medieval 2. spent sunday with some visitors from australia. worked out, decorated my flat a bit. watched borat (/cringe) and some prison break. niiice!
#3 Dec 18 2006 at 2:10 AM Rating: Excellent
I wrote:
Well, the plan was to continue neglecting WoW in order to play Zelda on the Wii. Unfortunately whilst playing last night our TV decided to die. Yup, our 2 month old, massive, sexy, stupidly expensive TV...broke. I'm more than a little pissed off - they've said they'll come pick it up on Tuesday but there's no chance of us getting it back before Christmas /sigh.

Well, we plugged the Wii into our little telly so we could carry on with Twilight Princess. All fine. That is, until my boyfriend managed to delete our 22 hour saved game... He must've been tired or drunk or both because he somehow misread "erase" as "enter". We spent a lot of time getting back to where we were.

So, maybe we'll get some Wow in after all. We were supposed to be organising a guild Christmas quiz for Sunday but nobody has bothered to sign up so I don't know if we'll bother. I've hardly played since the patch so I might just do some farming with my druid or something. I might also spend the 15g to respec to Mangle instead of Omen Of Clarity...though I haven't decided yet. There'll be no raiding or anything as our officers are all burned out and taking a break.

Logged in on Saturday morning to mess about a bit. After approximately 10 minutes my laptop died. I think there's something wrong with our house (gremlins perhaps). Anyway, we dragged it into the Apple store in town where, predictably, it worked fine. It was fine when we got it home too, but that took a large chunk out of the day.

I hardly played anyway. Did a little farming with my druid, re-specced to mangle, got a few bars of XP on my mage...nothing exciting. We postponed the quiz til the new year.

IRL we are meeting a bunch of friends at the Christmas Market after work today to drink mulled wine and eat yummy German food. At some point I need to do the remainder of my Christmas shopping and make sure the house is nice. Also lots of dull stuff like making sure we're all ready for heading up to Carlisle on Tuesday to visit my other half's folks.

Friday night was very fun, we got very drunk. Not at all prepared for tomorrow but hey.
#4 Dec 18 2006 at 2:22 AM Rating: Excellent
11,852 posts

Goal: 10,000 honor

Result: 7,800 honor

Not a total loss.

Also ran ZG and got a nice ring and a voodoo doll. LOL - who still does ZG? Me, I guess.
#5 Dec 18 2006 at 2:22 AM Rating: Excellent
Citizen's Arrest!
29,527 posts
I wrote:
1)BWL on Friday/Saturday. I'm hoping we don't have any server hiccups and I can finally see Razorgore(and Vael hopefully) go down. Of course, would love to get phat lewt, but I really just wanna see them die.

Blurred Reality downs Razorgore! Smiley: smile

Blurred Reality downs Vael!Smiley: grin

Poldaran loses roll on phat T2 bracers.Smiley: glare

I wrote:
2)MC on Sunday. Come on T2 leggings! Also get to see how my full frost build fares in there as compared to last week's Arcane/Frost.

DPS'ed good. KLH Threatmeter was off though and I'm still trying to figure out how it said I had about 6k threat til aggro pull when I pulled aggro(on Geddon, no less).

Somehow didn't down Raggy due to lack of DPS with 9 mages(6 of us being frost).

I wrote:
3)After Thursday's PvP, I should be at just about 14,500 honor. If I put in about 2.5-3 hours on Friday, that should leave me with just about 5k honor to go and I can hope to have my GM Mageblade Sunday morning. Could be less time than that since I think it may be AV weekend.

Due to several games filled with Alliance 'tardness(and a bit of Horde 'tardness), I have fallen about 3k behind my goal. Still working on it and expecting to have it by Tuesday.

I wrote:
4)After getting my new weapon, it's gonna need a new enchant! Gonna farm mats for a Spellpower enchant on Sunday night after MC(unless I have time to do Saturday night after the honor calc).

Not yet. Still looking to work on this after though.

I wrote:
5)Back to the money grind. Want to farm up 50-60g worth of herbs to sell in prep for TBC.


I wrote:
6)Working on a plan with my roommate to donate a bunch of crafted FR gear to the guild(nothing crazy like Flarecore, but a nice starter set for people). Gonna farm Runecloth and Dream Dust for a while.

Didn't have time to farm after reaching honor goal due to not reaching honor goal. Poo.

Other WoW stuff: Waslucky and got a frostpower elixir recipe.

I wrote:

Not much planned. So long as I end the weekend with the sink still empty of dirty dishes, I'll be happy here.

Erm...dammit. I knew I forgot something. Smiley: glare
#6 Dec 18 2006 at 3:22 AM Rating: Excellent
3,478 posts
I didn't get to reach level 39 nor did I get any pvp gear this weekend.

Didn't reach any of my goals, but I did have a blast playing defense in WSG.

humanoid tracker, frost traps, intimidate... I love hunters.
#7 Dec 18 2006 at 3:26 AM Rating: Excellent
473 posts
I had a very boring WoW weekend. No one I know has been doing much other than PvP on the two servers I play on. Since I don't PvP nor wish to roll another alt I watched more TV than gamed.
#8 Dec 18 2006 at 4:00 AM Rating: Excellent
1,078 posts
So far, and excellent weekend. Finished off my attunement for Lady O, and got everything worked out so I can hit MC. Now that the place is empty of family, I can continue my grind.
#9 Dec 18 2006 at 4:42 AM Rating: Excellent
761 posts
Ding 60! Sharya (hunter) was my 6th and last levelling character. Late yesterday the journey came to an end, it's a bit weird to not have any character below 60 except a few level 1 mailbots. Did a bit of PvP on the hunter as well, quite enjoyable - hunters are excellent in battlegrounds.
#10 Dec 18 2006 at 5:07 AM Rating: Excellent
167 posts

Get ZG rep. Less than 8k rep to go for exalted and my shoulder enchant. In the offchance the breastplate drops off the snake, I'll be very happy for that bonus.

I saw so many blue snakes that I abandoned mine and went and got a white one from ZF. It was level 45. I got it to level 51 so far, so I guess the furbolgs will face my wrath until I get it to maybe level 55 this weekend. Or the demons in Felwood if the furbolgs are getting too much action, assuming they are still green to me at 60.

PvP enough to get maybe 3000 honor, creeping closer to epic legs or chest.

ZG rep happened, but not in the quantity I had hoped. Too much Xmas shopping was done instead. Same with the PvP, it just didn't happen.

Pet snake did make it to level 54, not a total loss.


Run deadmines 1 more time and disenchant everything. Should get the mats to get enchanting up to ~125, or at least I hope so. Get a buddy of mine at 300 enchanting to DE the 30 lvl 50+ green items that are living in my bank slots. Damn that disenchanting skill requirement.

Druid did something different. Dumped enchanting... for mining. Figured it'd help with jewelcrafting. Up to level 120 so far. My mage is now my enchanter.

Druid got the epic mount, so I have 2 60's that travel in style.


Is at level 54 with 150% rested experience and is 70% of the way to 55. I think I can at least find time to hit 55.

I'm level 55 and am learning to enchant.
#11 Dec 18 2006 at 5:50 AM Rating: Excellent
I was off from work on friday so I never posted my goals, which is just as good b/c I didn't have any. Not much playtime, really.

- Got my priest to 14.
- Added another 75 copper ore to my growing stash in preparation for jewelcrafting.
- worked a little bit on my warrior

- Went to see the Trans-Siberian Orchestra in Richmond with my girlfriend (our first weekend trip together; aww, how sweet).
- Took care of an abandoned kitten for 2 days. (any college student that abandons a pet at the end of the semester should be castrated and beaten).
- Went to hear my girlfriend sing in a Christmas "thing" for her church Sunday night.
#12 Dec 18 2006 at 6:08 AM Rating: Excellent
3,801 posts
Well let's see. I spent a lot of time at work this weekend, and I'm actually almost caught up! Almost, but not quite. And of course, everyone wants everything before Christmas, but that's life.

As far as WoW goes, I got up to the needed honor on my warrior for either a new helm or new leggings. I need both, but I can't decide which to take first! AHHH!!!!

On my Pally, I wound up getting up to 9k total honor, so I farmed like 2500 over the weekend. I also did a portion of a BRD run, going to Marshal Windsor, Bael'Gar and Incendious. Wound up gaining like, 30% of level 58 in xp, bringing me up to about... 36% done. I really hate grinding out xp.

I did actually start my shopping this weekend. I got half of my wife's present, and got my mom's present. Just need to get the other half of my wife's gift (which I had a coupon for, but they wouldn't let me use it at the same time as I used the coupon for the first half. That's fine though, I can come back if it means I can get $5 off) and my dad's and my bro's.

I would have to say that by far, the most awesome thing I did was my anti-afk campaign in AV. I believe that the reason the knockback snowballs stack to 5 is because it takes exactly 5 snowballs (and a little over 2 minutes, so you KNOW they're afk) to take someone from the spawn in point all the way out the exit. Yes I did also have fun knocking horde off the bridge, but overall, I got the best feeling of victory from knocking those damn afk honor leeches out.

#13 Dec 18 2006 at 6:15 AM Rating: Excellent
5,135 posts
Computer died Saturday while I was working on my final project for tonights VB class. (The same report I just started 10 mins. before it broke)


Figured out it was my video card thanks to the help of a litte internet cafe. (Or is it WoW cafe?) They sold me a use ATI 9600 256K card for $70 which was a decent enough deal but when I got home to install it I found it to be junk.


Sunday I went there to find out they don't open until 2:00pm.


Went back at 2:30pm and found them not to be open at all.


Said ***** it and ran to Best Buy. (AKA the debil) I though my eyes to be deciving me when I looked down and saw this card maked at $49.99 but I didn't question it. Went to the register and it rand up at $317. I then pointed out the $49.99 price tag and they actually sold it to me for that!


Computer fixed, project done.

No WoW, no problems.

I'll [lay tonoght.
#14 Dec 18 2006 at 6:22 AM Rating: Excellent
4,574 posts
I did some of the Christmas quests on a few of my characters. Unfortunately, some of my characters, such as my rogue, can’t pick up the yeit quest. I put in a ticket and I got an e-mail saying they know of the problem and its being worked on.

While on my rogue I bought one of the new, reusable, throwing knives from the AH for six gold. One throw and it vanished. I made another ticket. I got an e-mail saying they know of the problem and its being worked on. *sigh* I decided my rogue was bad luck and switched to my warlock.

I’d not played my warlock since the patch. So I did some research and decided to change from Affliction, which I used all the way to 60, and spent my points in Demonology. It’ll take a bit of getting used to, but I really like my new pet. In truth my warlock now plays a lot like my hunters. *smiles*

Now I just need to figure out what I’m going to do with my 60 priest. If I solo I need to go shadow again. But if I try to play healer I guess I should go holy. Decisions… Decisions…
#15 Dec 18 2006 at 6:33 AM Rating: Excellent
181 posts
Actually managed to get a little playing in while in OKC and prepping for a party I ended up partially-funding.

Didn't do much 'cept help the g/f in her own quests, resulting in her Mage hitting 55. Now to do some BRD. Yay us.

Real Life: Birthday party for a friend of mine in OKC. Much fun, much alco-ma-hol. Much sleep the next morning.
#16 Dec 18 2006 at 7:07 AM Rating: Excellent
217 posts
Managed to get a level on my shaman, and a run of sunken temple. He is now 51 :)

Did not do much on my warlock, grinded perhaps 20k. He is still at 49.

Spent a lot of time grinding AB. Got about 2k this weekend, so he is at 10.5k or so. Still 11.5k to go :(

The best thing about this honor grind, is that its quite often fun! I am also getting better at this pvp thing, and I am still optimizing my UI. Downing 3 allies in 10 secounds does not happen often, but MAN its fun! I consider myself lucky, being horde, queues are basically instant.

RL: Helped my mother getting the last presents for christmas (and tree). Got the car's tail-lights fixed. Not bad, to be honest :)

#17 Dec 18 2006 at 7:33 AM Rating: Excellent
1,259 posts
I also had friday off from work due to lack of sleep and an oncoming illness.

Friday I played most of the day away. Running through ST a few times, Scholo, some PVP.

Goal of 13,000 honor for Field Marshal's Spaulders

Not met. almost 8,000 now.

Also starting thinking of tackling a larger goal to start. IE Grand Marshal's Bullseye. Gear may come and go, but great DPS without running MC for the petrified leaf seems like this is a great option.... mind you its 24,000 honor.... only 1/3 of the way there.

Goal of Beaststalker Cap, boots, Pants, shoulders.

None of the above. Ran the instances that they drop from several times with no drop. /sigh

Goal of Level Warlock to 19 and pwn some noobs

Also not reached. However jumped 4 levels, got escorted to Cookies stirring Rod, bought blue staff off AH for 20g (lvl 19 wep) Also learned a lot about lock, how to play, aggro control, multiple enemies at once.

Goal of Earn more G towards epic mount.

Did not do much farming at all. 720G or so for the training. What a painful process..... 120g that is limbo. I make some, lose some, buy consumables. Being a hunter isn't cheap :i

Overall I still had a blast. Lot of good logged hours. A whole lot of BG marks.

spelling/grammar edit.

Edited, Dec 18th 2006 10:41am by Ebonspine

Edited, Dec 18th 2006 10:46am by Ebonspine
#18 Dec 18 2006 at 7:40 AM Rating: Excellent
With the exception of cooking, I was not able to get either my skills or my professions to 150. I did manage to level them up and purchase more recipes and patterns, so I have something to work with. I was also able to purchase all of my spells for level 20, and some for level 22, but I still need to make some more silver.

My wife did not have our baby yet. =( I tried to setup the changing table on Sunday, only to discover that it was poorly made and that the wood snapped too easily. So, we have to return it and hope to find one that is actually decent. (And that I feel safe putting my daughter on..)

#19 Dec 18 2006 at 7:57 AM Rating: Excellent
224 posts
Delily, Eater of Souls wrote:

My wife did not have our baby yet.

Hang in there, your bundle of Joy will be here before you know it. Any chance of a New Years Baby?

>> Dinged level 60 (my first since converting from FFXI a month and half ago)

>> Got Warlords Shoulders but was told to go kill myself and family because a horde group in AB didn't like my mix of green and blues with the only Purple I have.

>> Ground out more honor and I am sitting about 6k from Warlord's Leggings (WSG tokens are not fun to get against premades)

>> And finally I have come to hate Horde that kill their own teammates in AV with snowballs. Soooo frustrating to battle it out with an Ally to suddenly have yourself hurled off a road/cliff/bridge by someone on your own 'team' then die as my huge Tauren butt goes splat at the bottom of a ravine.
Something witty.
#20 Dec 18 2006 at 8:05 AM Rating: Excellent
1,030 posts
Let's see ... RL - Nada, zip, zilch. I get to goof off ALL weekend.

Yep. Managed to pull this one off. :D

For WoW - MC tonight (and tomorrow night) - since the group down'd Rags last week (in 3 days), we're going to see what we can do about getting it done in 2 days this week. Maybe some more Prophecy (now that I've got the DKP to spend) or an Eye of Divinity. At the very least, I'll be able to finish my Hydraxian Waterlords quest (collecting their Hands).

Well, I made Friday night's run. Start to Sulferon (with a pitstop by Golemagg on the way by) inside of 4.5 hours. For our group, that's the farthest we've made it on the first night. We usually stopped after Shazzrah. I managed to get my hands on Choker of Enlightenment and Vambraces of Prophecy. Nice that I was the only priest in the raid that didn't have them, yet.

Other than that - Get my mage to 50+ (she's at 49.5) and Honored with the Timbermaw (she just hit Friendly last night). Work on my warlock - get him to 30.

Let's see ... warlock - nada. I think I logged into him long enough to check his mail.

The mage? She hit 50 last night, trained, and is about 25% of the way from Friendly to Honored with the Timbermaw.

I did get my hunter from 32 - 34, picked up cats that let him learn Prowl 1 and Dash 1 and then trained them both to his Nightsaber (named Boots - original, I know).

My Paladin went from 40 to 42 while mining enough Iron and Mithril to complete her Weaponsmith quest. She's now an official Weaponsmith! I started drooling (and so did the guild's Axesmith) over some of the new Weaponsmith/*smith weapons available in the xpac. They're BoP epic craftings that require 350/375 Blacksmithing AND Master Axe/Sword/Hammersmith to use. Sweet stuff though. 2 of the hammers (one's an upgraded version of the other) had a nice slow 3.90 weaponspeed. Can we say made with a Retribution Pally in mind? :)
And in general - just have some fun.
#21 Dec 18 2006 at 8:05 AM Rating: Excellent
3,801 posts
Oh yeah, I forgot to say, I chased Tomec into a horde town where he hid behind the level 65 guards using the excuses "Oh I need more ammo". After that, since I had 5 seconds left before getting removed from the AV queue, I went in and ditched Tomec.

Bring it on, tough guy! ;)
#22 Dec 18 2006 at 8:07 AM Rating: Excellent
12,905 posts
Didnt play much except for some Live Strat that I got to tank on my pally, which was surprisingly enjoyable. With this came tying to tank in AV when everyone was dinkin around at Drek. Unfortunately the healers only healed the 2H warriors and i obviously got facepwnt whenever i tried.

I spent most of the weekend lying around being a major bum. Made coming to work something to actually look forward to at least. 4 day week then I get 11 days off.
#23 Dec 18 2006 at 8:12 AM Rating: Excellent
Real life: Completed my Christmas shopping. The usual household chores.

WoW: Not very much at all. I started grinding in Winterspring for Timbermaw rep (less than 1,000 rep to go for Honored), and got a request to help someone with a few quests in STV. Two hours later, we'd done several, and I logged out for a bit. It was a nice break from the Winterspring scenery though.

Later, I was grinding Winterspring again, and noticed a Mage trying valiantly to kill the Furbolgs near the Hot Springs. He seemed surprised when I whispered him to ask if he was questing, but was happy to group up. We swathed a path through the Furbolgs, much to the disgust of the Hunter who had been trying to out-claim both of us on just about every mob that popped. What is it about limited-quantity, high-demand mobs that seems to bring out the asshat in people? Anyway, he got all the mobs in that area, so we decided to hit Winterfall Village, where we got the Shamans and Ursas he needed. A feral Druid moonfired a mob I'd already marked, but then apologised, and buffed both me & my pet. I was actually pleasantly surprised. Finally, we killed the Elite chief for the last leg of his quests.

Unfortunately, that was about it for me- not much game time for Wondy. Smiley: frown
Longtail | Evilynne | Maevene | Kornakk | Steelbelly
#24 Dec 18 2006 at 8:13 AM Rating: Excellent
Well as a mixture of WoW and RL this week it makes this weekend pretty short and sweet.

I got sick on Thursday which allowed me to stay home from work for a couple days (*cough*). I played WoW a lot from Thursday through Saturday working up professions (my DE alt, and I dropped 300 tailoring on my mage to pick up Mining to make some extra money).

I finally got enough money to buy my 150 riding skill (already had my 8g frostwolf mount).

PvPed enough with a few battlegroups of mine to get my HWL shoulders and am 5k honor into getting either the pants, boots, or chest. Still haven't decided when I am going to start saving for the HWL spellblade, but I better start.
#25 Dec 18 2006 at 8:18 AM Rating: Excellent
869 posts

[ ] Run Pally through BRD (more than once if possible), get Timbermaw Rep to Neutal & Farm for Epic

[X] PvP with my 37 Druid

[X] Level 20-22 on other druid

[ ] Level 33-34 on Warrior

[ ] Make the trip out to Tracy to visit friends.

My Pally... I went into BRD twice, but neither party got very far. The first was good, but kindof slow... and we got lost somewhere between the Grim Guzzler and Ring of Law, eventually breaking up. The second trip, we were pushing our luck. Had, at all times at least 2 50-52 players in the group... me doing the healing... and Aggro issues all over the place. Didnt work out. Finished a couple of quests, and got about half way (i think) through the Windsor chain. Guess I know what I'm doing next weekend. Didnt make it to Felwood/Winterfall (worked around WPL/EPL instead). Ran SM Graveyard to see how that works, but I wont know how much $$ I made until some things clear the AH. It wont be much.

Ran a few WSG games on that Druid. The first game became a turtle-fest at 2-2, and I had things to do, so I /afk'ed out. Subsequent games were more successful.

The one druid I actually got to 23. I ended up chewing up all of his rested state rather than switching back and forth between that character and the Warrior.

Couldnt motivate to make the 3+ hr round trip to Tracy.

#26 Dec 18 2006 at 8:52 AM Rating: Excellent
1,876 posts
WoW Stuff:
--PvP a lot. Hoping to get 1 or 2 more pieces of WL gear over this weekend (have BP and Shoulders already, aiming for gloves and probably boots next).

--Raid something on Sunday, we had a backup MC scheduled, but not many have signed up. Hopefully will be able to bring Dithers and play with a shadow spec in a raid. I won't do the most damage, but may be able to help boost spell damage for our mage and lock crew.

Not too much else.

RL stuff:
Nothing :p

WoW - I PvPed a bit, but I find that I'm getting bored of it :( picked up about 5k this weekend. Most likely going for my bow next and then on to the other 3 set pieces.

We did form a guild group and rolled a few pug groups in AB. (Most of my guild is T0 or below with some exceptions, far from the AQ/T3 rolling groups though).

Raid didn't happen. With 2 wars and 1 priest signed on at raid time, we felt it was in our best interest to not die over and over again.

RL Stuff - I got to order pizza from my pizza girl for the first time in nearly a month (/rude her managers), we talked for a bit and all is good :).

This week I'm working 2 days. So, looks like I'm going to be PvPing a ton...and hopefully I'll stick to that :).
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