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Most overpowerd characters since 2.0Follow

#1 Dec 11 2006 at 8:43 PM Rating: Decent
Im not sure if anyone else feels this way but Locks are way to overpowered in both PvE and PvP. I dont see how Blizz can put out this crap and allow one class to be so overwhelmingly dominant..

Edited, Dec 11th 2006 11:46pm by Hugrafix
#2 Dec 11 2006 at 9:07 PM Rating: Decent
Ok..first of all I can outdamage a Warlock in PvE that's my level unless they have uber +damage gear. PvP as much as I hate Warlocks blizz is paying for how warlocks used to suck horribly
#3 Dec 11 2006 at 10:13 PM Rating: Decent
Overpowered? Hardly, I guess people just needs to relearn how to play against these new Warlocks; I am willing to bet that a few of these kind of threads will pop up around TBC's release or when people hit 70.
#5 Dec 12 2006 at 1:42 AM Rating: Decent
You know, its hard to tell if your serious or not?
#6 Dec 12 2006 at 6:58 AM Rating: Decent
I play a warlock and I don't see them being OP. Maybe they got a buff, but anybody that plays their class right they can be OP. Like you can have bad hunters and good hunters. You can have Good pally's and bad pally's. It's all determined on how you play.

Even though I have had people run from me when I sic my Fel Guardian at them, even when they were happy when they killed him they chase after me. so i fear them...Summon Imp Sacrifce >Firestone >Curse of elements >Death Coil >Fear Soulfire and ends up killing them with a 1K over Kill...

Then I been killed so fast that I hardly have a chance of reacting, so it's all determined who gets the pre emptive strke and/or how good you are...And the way it sounds like to me that you been pwned a few times....

Edited, Dec 12th 2006 10:11am by MPDO
#7 Dec 12 2006 at 7:14 AM Rating: Decent
Hey... what aim shots for 3000+ has a pet and wears mail?

Even a warlock can not fight off thre wrath of the skilless class.. HUNTERS!

#8 Dec 12 2006 at 8:05 AM Rating: Decent
1,117 posts
Hunters are the ultimate anti-caster class, where as paladins are anti-melee.

With a hunter, you have an attack that can be the same range or longer than your opponent, and the pet is just a nuisance to anyone with cloth. For plate wearers like me, you can ignore them completely. If anything, don't fight them at all and get backup! Having someone of ANY class by your side is the best thing you can have in PvP.
#9 Dec 12 2006 at 9:28 AM Rating: Decent
Calling the pet a nuisance to casters would be an understatement :P
#10 Dec 12 2006 at 10:34 AM Rating: Decent
I can also out DPS hunters and warlocks in PvE still, because I am a petty rogue of course, but when it comes to PvP a hunter usually owns me because of the spam of flares and traps, but warlocks... It's hard, sometimes I can kill a real easy one, but then there's one I can get a 1k crit off and doesn't even lose 1/4 of his health, sometimes they don't seem squishy enough as a cloth class imo, when a warlock can have more health then a MT easily it seems kinda weird I guess, but you also have to remember that these new talents have been placed in basically for level 70, so right now it may seem we are getting owned, which we are, but when we have like 8k HP unbuffed, a 2k arcane shot won't completely one shot us, I guess what i'm saying is don't forget this system was/is basically implemented for lvl 70, if it still seems rigged then, then there is problems =P
#11 Dec 12 2006 at 1:12 PM Rating: Decent
62 posts
Any class, in the hands of someone who knows the class' strengths and weaknesses, will seem overpowered. Yes, hunters and locks seem overpowered. But keep in mind, most people playing these classes have been doing so for a while, learned the best use of their spells/abilities, figured out what gear best suits them, and now have some improvements added.

Thing is, people expect every old tactic they had to work the same against every class. Nobody wants to admit they might need to start thinking outside their little box, so they say hunters, locks, rogues, paladins, <fill in class here> is overpowered.
#12 Dec 12 2006 at 6:24 PM Rating: Decent
Actually, most classes are very evenly balanced, some people whine about rogues being owned in these past few patches, but that is not true.
Rogues have barely been nurfed, they have actually just had other classes catch up to their(our) incredible stun and dps advantages.

From experiance the only class to be able to own almost anything is my pally.
She has heaps of +dmg and healing gear from BWL and a hammer of Jin'zu .
Many times i have killed a lock in under 3 seconds with the SoC crits 1.4K, white crits1K and then judgement crits 800.

That was before the new patch, and now, the dps is insane. Crusader strike hits for constant 370's and when it crits its a good 800 or so.

If you add all these things together with the healing capabilitys the paladin in truly in a league of it's own. The only i time i have ever died horribly is when i come across a rogue that know how to play his class.

If anyone that plays a rogue is wondring how to do this, theres a great video on Google Vid's called World of Roguecraft. This movie will show you how to pvp in a way that will make people scream out that rogues are so overpowered that they will probably end up rerolling to our class.

#13 Dec 12 2006 at 8:57 PM Rating: Decent
814 posts
Actually, most classes are very evenly balanced, some people whine about rogues being owned in these past few patches, but that is not true.
Rogues have barely been nurfed, they have actually just had other classes catch up to their(our) incredible stun and dps advantages.

From experiance the only class to be able to own almost anything is my pally.
She has heaps of +dmg and healing gear from BWL and a hammer of Jin'zu .
Many times i have killed a lock in under 3 seconds with the SoC crits 1.4K, white crits1K and then judgement crits 800.

That was before the new patch, and now, the dps is insane. Crusader strike hits for constant 370's and when it crits its a good 800 or so.

If you add all these things together with the healing capabilitys the paladin in truly in a league of it's own. The only i time i have ever died horribly is when i come across a rogue that know how to play his class.

If anyone that plays a rogue is wondring how to do this, theres a great video on Google Vid's called World of Roguecraft. This movie will show you how to pvp in a way that will make people scream out that rogues are so overpowered that they will probably end up rerolling to our class.

Wow... I don't know what to say... O yea I do... Pally own almost anything?!?!?! Uhhhh... Pally's freakin suck against other spellcasters. We for sure don't have anything against mages since we'll never cath em. Druids, pally's might be able to deal with if druid is resto, otherwise no way. Against shamans its only who ever gets the lucky crit first. I don't know how you ever beat a lock unless he was stupid... And priests... Priests just eat us for breakfast. Hunters to just kite us from afar. The problem with pally is that we can't control the space between us and the caster. Funny thing is rogue's should be cake for pallys and you lost to 1 ever so badly.

As for the rogue's wtfpwnage stunlock your talking about, anybody with skill in these classes will handle it no problem: mage, warrior, paladin, druid, and hunter.

As for the original message I say no class is over powered and has their weaknesses.

Edited, Dec 13th 2006 12:03am by Setai
#14 Dec 12 2006 at 10:06 PM Rating: Decent
Watch the World of roguecraft idiot, no not anyone can get out of this certain rogues stunlock. He is prep specced and so uses his CD's.

And no the lock was not stupid im just well geared for pvp, a mixture of Lawbringer and zandalar along with the AQ40 hammer owns all.

So before you post anything else stupid to try to contradict me again either:
#1 Reroll paladin, go ret spec and watch people fall.
#2 Verse a paladin thats ret spec,and get your **** kicked.
#3 Watch the World of Roguecraft Video, and learn how to play a rogue,or how skilled rogues are meant to do it properly.

The end,
#15 Dec 13 2006 at 7:34 PM Rating: Decent
814 posts
Watch the World of roguecraft idiot, no not anyone can get out of this certain rogues stunlock. He is prep specced and so uses his CD's.

And no the lock was not stupid im just well geared for pvp, a mixture of Lawbringer and zandalar along with the AQ40 hammer owns all.

So before you post anything else stupid to try to contradict me again either:
#1 Reroll paladin, go ret spec and watch people fall.
#2 Verse a paladin thats ret spec,and get your **** kicked.
#3 Watch the World of Roguecraft Video, and learn how to play a rogue,or how skilled rogues are meant to do it properly.

Ha ha I don't need to watch the damn video. I've been stunlocked plenty of times before and I am full aware of its capabilities. And furthermore I didn't say everyone can get out of it. I said, "Any of these classes with skill will handle it." Technically the only class that can "get out of it" is mage with blink. As you can see the exact terms I said was handle it. Rogue fights a warrior, dead. Rogue fights a druid while in bear or boomkin, dead. Fight a paladin, dead. Hunter sees you, dead. Unless mage is stupid and doesnt blink, dead. Rogues problem is once a class survives the surprise attack its over for you. Period. End of Story.

As for that pally crap your talking about NO pally has EVER beaten me in a duel and thats with limited space to. Paladins rely on luck to do burst damage, and thats a fact. And if you don't think this is true, you tell me how the pally controls it.

Edited, Dec 13th 2006 10:37pm by Setai
#16 Dec 14 2006 at 11:23 AM Rating: Decent
You guys know that World of Roguecraft video is staged, right?
#17 Dec 14 2006 at 5:45 PM Rating: Decent
HUNTERS pwn all classes now we are most Overpowered MUHAHAHA!!! We'll come for u just wathc out :)
#18 Dec 14 2006 at 9:42 PM Rating: Decent
There are certain classes that tend to beat other classes more often than others ie Pally vs War/Rogue. It all really depends on skill gear and spec. I will have to say that locks do tend to melt faces a lot but, that is really just becuase there are so little locks out there that they all know how to play it.
#19 Dec 15 2006 at 12:03 AM Rating: Decent
No, I have noticed why Warlocks tend to rack up kills, cause their DoTs have no range limit after casting. So if the opponent runs and tries to fight another day, it favors the lock, the skills have plenty of potent offense, but the DoT aspect just allows them to pick off runners without too much threat to themselves, especially since healing isn't that common in pug bgs. Also depends on their spec, a destrolock and a demonlock are gonna be two very different fights.
#20 Dec 17 2006 at 1:20 AM Rating: Decent
fredriklitzheim wrote:
HUNTERS pwn all classes now we are most Overpowered MUHAHAHA!!! We'll come for u just wathc out :)

Wierd... I wonder why I still beat the crap out of every Hunter in Bg's with my lvl 35 Rogue...Doesn't matter if they are lvl 32 or 39, they will be dead!.
#21 Dec 17 2006 at 1:31 AM Rating: Decent
854 posts
Presens wrote:
fredriklitzheim wrote:
HUNTERS pwn all classes now we are most Overpowered MUHAHAHA!!! We'll come for u just wathc out :)

Wierd... I wonder why I still beat the crap out of every Hunter in Bg's with my lvl 35 Rogue...Doesn't matter if they are lvl 32 or 39, they will be dead!.

Wait until you level up. ><

Edited, Dec 17th 2006 4:34am by lpadirn
#22 Dec 17 2006 at 2:38 AM Rating: Decent
:D dont joke ! im priest - hunters are so weak to me, i just ignore theyr pet and kill them with pleasure :D the most important thing is to go in meele range, because they are powerless without their ranged abilities :D
#23 Dec 17 2006 at 7:38 AM Rating: Decent
Lol, you gotta be kidding me? Get in melee range? You're gonna revise that tactic when my two-hander hits you with a raptor strike crit that makes you soil yourself. Oh and a pet with a 1.0 attack speed is not something for a caster to ignore.Ever.
#24 Dec 17 2006 at 9:19 AM Rating: Default

We need to come together AGAINST the classes that **** us off and take ZERO skill EVER to play and pwn people with...........HUNTER AND WARLOCK!!!

If you ever think you are sweet while playing one of those classes.....All i have to say to you is.....

L2PvP Noobsauce

#25 Dec 17 2006 at 11:03 PM Rating: Decent
So umm, being squishy, surviving long enough for your DoTs to kill someone is umm noobish?

Sounds like someone needs to take their own advice and learn to play against those classes...only noobs complain about overpowered classes and not think of ways to expose and abuse their weaknesses.
#26 Dec 18 2006 at 7:45 AM Rating: Decent
So umm, being squishy, surviving long enough for your DoTs to kill someone is umm noobish?

Sounds like someone needs to take their own advice and learn to play against those classes...only noobs complain about overpowered classes and not think of ways to expose and abuse their weaknesses.

My friend, you may be squishy, but you got way too many survival talents....

You can make people go running around like retards as much as you want so no one can even get teh while, you have 5 different DOTS on someone while they run around like retards, PLUS a pet which runs around with us pounding the **** out of us, while you /lol shadowbolt us somemore or life healthstones ...Tell me how any class besides a hunter and maybe a priest or lucky (VERY lucky) mage should be able to kill you?

Ive rolled paladin, warrior, rogue and have a mid lvl mage. pally and warrior (unless fury, and with these nerfs, hardly makes a diff anymore) get totally pwned. Rogue gets pwned unless i blow CD's and get the first jump on you, and mage, only w. enough points in arcane to silence your *** for a little..Believe me i hate warlocks and hunters so much, the majority of my time is spent readign up on how to kill them...NOT VERY MANY WAYS MY FREIND
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