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#27 Oct 14 2006 at 7:10 PM Rating: Good
239 posts
Well thanks for your help, all you people, and Barrelhunter, I was just saying no undead because that seems to bge the most poular horde rogue race.

I'm making a TAUREN rogue :-D !

You'll never see'im coming......
#28 Oct 15 2006 at 1:24 PM Rating: Good
33 posts

Hey folks - just got the game itself and ended my trial of about 6 days - level 19 hunter now and loving it

I just discovered the NUM LOCK key for auto run and had a laugh at myself - could have saved my finger those long journeys ;)

I typed in General Chat - a general dear oh dear - just discovered auto run at level 19 lol

Then got like 6 whispers aking - auto run??? whats that lol - so never be ahshamed to broadcast how daft you are it helps others :)


My question - does this game have a console ? Like FPS monitor - net performance - choke and loss etc of packets ? - That i cna display on the game while playing at all ?

The game is gorgeous i have all my details and graphics maxed - the system can handle it but often if there is congestion its often good to tone back the graphics to make some FPS savings

However it looks too cool with all the lushness turned on but id like to see how often the server chokes or when i get major fps drops

#29 Oct 15 2006 at 1:41 PM Rating: Good
1,233 posts
There is a UI addon called Titanpanel that will show you all the information you just asked for as well as a bunch of other cool stuff like exp/hr and gold/hr. It also tells you when the game is about to dump (trash collect) the cache files so that's when i'm thinking you get those FPS lags.

If you have a 3 button (or more) mouse and you're not super into PvP, i found it extremely beneficial to bind autorun to the middle mouse button, makes it a lot easier to hit and you don't have to ***** up your num-lock in the process.

One of the biggest things i've seen in WoW so far is the new guys who always always ask where a certain trainer is. All you have to do is ask one of the Lv55 Guards. That's it. They'll tell you exactly where to go. Even put a little flag on your minimap to show you.
#30 Oct 15 2006 at 4:26 PM Rating: Good
Question about priest.

So are they just boring heal slaves or can they actually do decent damage and solo well too? are they fun too play or do you just sit in the back and heal? no offense but thats how whm's were in ff11 lol. weak heal slaves.
#31 Oct 15 2006 at 5:25 PM Rating: Good
deadmanxzxz wrote:
Question about priest.

So are they just boring heal slaves or can they actually do decent damage and solo well too? are they fun too play or do you just sit in the back and heal? no offense but thats how whm's were in ff11 lol. weak heal slaves.

My priest has a blast, I can melt a mobs face and at the same time heal people with me. We are not the WHM's from FFXI, try one and see just how fun they really are. :)

#32 Oct 15 2006 at 6:32 PM Rating: Decent
Why should I ask someone who appears to be "braindead" for help? ;)
#33 Oct 15 2006 at 8:56 PM Rating: Good
How does a hunter stable a pet. I know it costs 5 silver. I know that you have to see a stable master, but how does one put the pet in the stable. Is there any other way to keep your pet loyal while you are off line? Can you and your pet hide in a secret place? Can you and your pet stay in a inn while off line?
#34 Oct 15 2006 at 9:19 PM Rating: Good
978 posts
If you want to stable your pet, just go talk to the Stable Master. When the window opens up, you just drag the portrait of your active pet into an empty stable slot. You will basically use this when you want to get train a new pet, or switch between pets you already have.

When you go offline, your pet loyalty does not decay. To increase loyalty while you are logged in, make sure your pet is always well fed (green happy face). When you feed your pet, always make sure to wait until the feed-pet icon underneath your pet goes away, before feeding them something else. Otherwise, you're just wasting your food!

And finally, it is always good to log off at an inn while leveling, as when you do you gain rested experience, ie you will gain double experience for killing monsters as long as your rested experience lasts.

Hope this answers your questions hrlocx!
#35 Oct 15 2006 at 9:37 PM Rating: Good
Khalane wrote:
When you feed your pet, always make sure to wait until the feed-pet icon underneath your pet goes away, before feeding them something else. Otherwise, you're just wasting your food!

Also, allow the pet to finish eating before you have him attack something. It may only save you one food a level which would make it worth it but I'm sure it would be more like 50 per level with my cat’s appetite.
#36 Oct 15 2006 at 10:44 PM Rating: Good
NazgulSHD wrote:
First of all, nice thinking. Maybe we will never get another post saying "HOW DO I SWIM IN THIS GAME UNDERWATER*(or something along the lines of that)Nazgul

Well heck! Maybe we'll get people to stop posting in the boards forever!!

Nice try webjunky man, a nice idea ofcourse, but wasted time my friend.

You could have a sticky at the very top, with the title "Everything you ever wanted to know...ever!" in flashing neon color And inside this thread would be a complete masterpiece of a listing in splended detail, of every thread, topic and question that has been posted about World of Warcraft, but you STILL get people posting new threads asking us "Rogue or Hunter?" and "Wuts diff bout ally and horde?" or "NEED HELP!!!!11!1!!1!1!1!!ONEONEONE!!!!11111".

But no worries, cause the stuff we don't use anymore get tossed waaaaaaay down to the bottom, and tossed out eventually by allakhazam, so to make room for more posts like "BUY GOLD NOW, ASK ME HOW!"

But again, I like your thought behind this. Hope it works out.
#37 Oct 16 2006 at 12:42 AM Rating: Good
2,588 posts
the 1. aid trainer in sw is in the cathedral, halfway down to the right.

i think that mana classes are less gear dependant than melee classes. why? simple. when you buy rank X damage spell (like fireball rank 3), you get the newest and best damage spell. it won't do less damage if you have less int/sta/agi/spi/str. you mostly have enough mana to kill one or two mobs at least before drinking. so you are always at your most powerful. (this is based on the assumption that +dmg gear is not huge while leveling because it is not so widespread before lvl50 and you need the int/sta stat boosts to survive).

a melee character on the other hand is VERY dependant on his weapon. if a level 30 warrior is carrying a lvl15 blade, he will significantly gimp himself, despite his high sta/str/etc.
#38 Oct 16 2006 at 2:25 AM Rating: Excellent
3,478 posts
Yobari wrote:
Why should I ask someone who appears to be "braindead" for help? ;)

Don't ever judge a book by it's cover Smiley: wink

@ Magilsoro: I realize this thread will not eliminate all question threads, but it might help a little. What matters is that this thread is being utilized Smiley: smile.
#39 Oct 16 2006 at 2:42 AM Rating: Good
ok, heres a very good questions for you hoss.

Addons i am hearing more and more about them. coming from FFXI it is illegal to run any third party program even a windower. now i hear that Wow doesnt mind you using them can you explain where to get them and process to install.

Thanks very much for this thread and i would also like to say thank you for all of the kind people that have offered input and helpfull advice along the way.
#40 Oct 16 2006 at 3:19 AM Rating: Good
XPuggX wrote:
Addons i am hearing more and more about them. coming from FFXI it is illegal to run any third party program even a windower. now i hear that Wow doesnt mind you using them can you explain where to get them and process to install.

First of all, I have to clear up a misconception. Add-ons are not considered "third-party programs". They do not run outside of WoW, but instead use a programming language internal to WoW to implement their results. The changes can be as simple as displaying map coordinates, or as extensive as changing the entire user interface alltogether.

The best place to look for add-ons (also called mods) is Curse Gaming. On that site, there is also a guide, which includes how to install add-ons.
#41 Oct 16 2006 at 3:48 AM Rating: Good
xpugx wrote:
Addons i am hearing more and more about them. coming from FFXI it is illegal to run any third party program even a windower. now i hear that Wow doesnt mind you using them can you explain where to get them and process to install.

So long as an add-on doesn't allow a player to walk away from his machine and keep a character from hibernating (called AFK or Away From Keyboard), you’re OK. If it allows a user to keep collecting goods or experience while away from the machine it is against the user agreement. Every class has the ability to continuously swing their melee weapon of fire their ranged weapon but spell casting and movement is required to have human input. Melee response to an enemy attack (when not afk), Hunter and Warlock pest, totems, traps and engineer goods are pretty much the only exceptions and all turn of or expire in a reasonable time to not allow AFK characters to gain exp or profit from their use. Auto self cast of Buffs to self and party members has also been build into the Blizzard interface now so long as the party members are with in casting range.
#42 Oct 16 2006 at 6:10 AM Rating: Good
42 posts
This is really decent of you man.There are so many new players (with me not that far from new) that need help but are afraid of having people give them grief. Sometimes veterans forget how overwhelming the game can be specially for younger players. Good work!
#43 Oct 16 2006 at 5:02 PM Rating: Good
33 posts

I agree with Rikard there - I have been a little annoyed in game at questions like - where can i buy a pet like yours etc - really basic reading - a little of the game manual when on the loo - or reading the guides while downloading a trial would answer these

But - still - i have had a lot of in game help including a fantastic GM response on a prob i had when on trial - i could only sell x amount of items then would have to log out n back in again

Anyways - help is great to give and receive all round - :)

I need help again - just a query

Since i leveled to 20 or 21 - something changed - I dont know if i played with settings - or if its a game thing - or if its because i even visited the eastern kingdom


Beasts and enemies etc - all now have a bar over them - displaying health etc

For example when i run round darnassus city - squirrels n toads light up with a yellow bar over them

This never happened before unless i hovered my cursor over them - now when something is i guess in range - it lights up with a bar over its head?

Anyone know what I mean ? - Is this just a Hunter skill increase past 20 ?

Or maybe have i ticked an interface option?

I cant decide yet if its helpful or annoying :) - as before i had the bar on top right displaying my target (enemy) health etc

And for the newbie laughs - i was in eh the harbour? menithil ? menthil? anyways - i had died earlier as there is a lot of 20 plus beasts around and i was just hitting my 20

I suddenly was attacked by crocolisks ! ! - where did they come from

Typed in to general - Why are Crocolisks not showing on radar ? what are they ?

What strange beasts are these :)

Nothing but ................ forgetting to re enable beast tracking after death



Still loving the game its fantastic - new areas - new beasts - its all new to e first time tonight meeting crocolisks

and i skinned some o em :P

and super super thanks to the hero dwarve who helped me with sildas bag - i need to note names - heroic help he gave :)


I love my pet sooooo much - its now hardened up and surprised me at how tough its been in battles to the last pixel of health :)

#44 Oct 16 2006 at 5:31 PM Rating: Excellent
3,478 posts
Karminial wrote:

Since i leveled to 20 or 21 - something changed - I dont know if i played with settings - or if its a game thing - or if its because i even visited the eastern kingdom


Beasts and enemies etc - all now have a bar over them - displaying health etc

For example when i run round darnassus city - squirrels n toads light up with a yellow bar over them

This never happened before unless i hovered my cursor over them - now when something is i guess in range - it lights up with a bar over its head?

Anyone know what I mean ? - Is this just a Hunter skill increase past 20 ?

Or maybe have i ticked an interface option?

It is a configurable bar, that you can set in your keybindings.


V - show name plates

Shift + V - show friendly name plates (great for healers!)

Control + V - show all name plates (enemy and friendly)
#45 Oct 16 2006 at 10:15 PM Rating: Good
Karminial wrote:
and super super thanks to the hero dwarve who helped me with sildas bag - i need to note names - heroic help he gave :)

Press O, look at the tabs, the first one to the left is for Friends and Ignored people.

If you add a friend (it's as easy as clicking a button and typing a name, or if the name is too hard to type, shift-click it in the tab window), you will see when he logs on/log off, his level, where he is. But most importantly you'll know that this person was nice enough to deserve getting there.

On the other hand, there is also an ignore tab, same place as friends, where you put the idiots/ninjas/stalkers/annoying pricks/spammers/ChUck NOrris fans. Same as with friends, click the ignore player button, shift click his name. (or /ignore playername)
Ignoring someone filters out all their chat, whispers, and after a certain patch, even emotes. It also stops them from dueling you (Praise the lord).

You can only add friends/ignore people of the same faction, obviously :)
#46 Oct 16 2006 at 10:27 PM Rating: Good
danieldakkak wrote:
Karminial wrote:
and super super thanks to the hero dwarve who helped me with sildas bag - i need to note names - heroic help he gave :)

Press O, look at the tabs, the first one to the left is for Friends and Ignored people.

If you add a friend (it's as easy as clicking a button and typing a name, or if the name is too hard to type, shift-click it in the tab window), you will see when he logs on/log off, his level, where he is. But most importantly you'll know that this person was nice enough to deserve getting there.

On the other hand, there is also an ignore tab, same place as friends, where you put the idiots/ninjas/stalkers/annoying pricks/spammers/ChUck NOrris fans. Same as with friends, click the ignore player button, shift click his name. (or /ignore playername)
Ignoring someone filters out all their chat, whispers, and after a certain patch, even emotes. It also stops them from dueling you (Praise the lord).

You can only add friends/ignore people of the same faction, obviously :)

Aww, You mean I cant /ignore all the Horde and waltz into Ogrimar? (SP) :(

#47 Oct 16 2006 at 10:58 PM Rating: Good
264 posts
The One and Only wwdragon wrote:
danieldakkak wrote:
Karminial wrote:
and super super thanks to the hero dwarve who helped me with sildas bag - i need to note names - heroic help he gave :)

Press O, look at the tabs, the first one to the left is for Friends and Ignored people.

If you add a friend (it's as easy as clicking a button and typing a name, or if the name is too hard to type, shift-click it in the tab window), you will see when he logs on/log off, his level, where he is. But most importantly you'll know that this person was nice enough to deserve getting there.

On the other hand, there is also an ignore tab, same place as friends, where you put the idiots/ninjas/stalkers/annoying pricks/spammers/ChUck NOrris fans. Same as with friends, click the ignore player button, shift click his name. (or /ignore playername)
Ignoring someone filters out all their chat, whispers, and after a certain patch, even emotes. It also stops them from dueling you (Praise the lord).

You can only add friends/ignore people of the same faction, obviously :)

Aww, You mean I cant /ignore all the Horde and waltz into Ogrimar? (SP) :(


What about putting all the Hordies on my friends list, therefore making them friendly to my character, and heading over to Thrall's chamber to discuss the difference between shamanism and the holy light like civilized people?
#48 Oct 17 2006 at 12:50 AM Rating: Good
KEmperor wrote:
What about putting all the Hordies on my friends list, therefore making them friendly to my character, and heading over to Thrall's chamber to discuss the difference between shamanism and the holy light like civilized people?

Placing people on your friends list does not make them friendly. It only means that you have placced them into a list (and can be notified when they come online). I also believe that you can only put your own faction into your frirnds list. Going into the one of the opposite faction's Capitol cities will automatically flag you as PvP, and you can then be attacked by any player of the opposite faction.
#49 Oct 17 2006 at 4:01 AM Rating: Decent
How do you make your armor appear blue or green in the chat log to where someone can click it?
#50 Oct 17 2006 at 4:09 AM Rating: Decent
264 posts
Shift click on the armor in question with the chat window open. Bear in mind that you cannot link things in general chat. Only in trade channel, a whisper, party/raid, or in guild.
#51 Oct 17 2006 at 4:28 AM Rating: Decent
KEmperor, you missed /s and /y (say and yell)

How about /bg? Isn't it supposed to be like /raid?

In that case /bg as well.
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