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#252 Oct 31 2006 at 2:49 PM Rating: Decent
2,588 posts
phelyx wrote:
Not a newb question (since I’ve played a while) but a new thing to me:


When you are a brandie spanken new 60, where do you go from there? Quest for gold? Which realm first? What are the lower level raids/instances? What’s the progression? I mean I see UBRS/LBRS/NAXX/AQ20-40-60-8000 flashed about all the time in LFG, but what is the baby 60 raid and what’s the “You need X type of gear to even hope you make it out with your left pinky intact.”


run the 5/10-mans a load until you get some gear from them (like t0 or similar). the t0 set drops in strat, scholo and brs. dire maul has some good gear for most classes too. when you have some nice blue gear together, join a guild/raid that is doing zul gurub and mc or aq20. you will then progress to bwl, aq40 and naxx. if you're not all epic geared, forget aq40 and naxx.

this "natural" progression may be skipped if a well-geared guild would take you along and equip you. new members in our guild normally go from blue to t2, because our lowest scheduled run is bwl. we only do mc, zg and aq20 on off days with a lot of alts. i do not recommend this, because you will miss out content and the learning experience. there is a clear difficulty progression that is not just based on gear.

of the "blue" instances, the easiest are brd (if you want to count that, it's a bit below lvl60) and lbrs. then strat and scholo, then dire maul + ubrs last.

in short: do some lbrs and strat/scholo for experience and gear, then go for dm/ubrs.
#253 Oct 31 2006 at 3:20 PM Rating: Decent
Ghost in the Machine
36,443 posts
The BWL/AQ40 guilds on my server won't recruit anyone wearing less than tier 1. Heck, even the ZG/MC/Ony guilds want you to have epixx like they were free before even considering your application.

Question: How am I supposed to get epixx when I can't get into a raiding guild?

I should probably transfer to another server. Especially since I apparently got on the KOS list of the dumbest Horde guild on the server. The Guild Leader killed me 10 (ten - as in: nine plus one) times while I was trying to quest in the Badlands. I didn't give honor and he could three-shot me with auto-attack.

Yay for PvP.
Please "talk up" if your comprehension white-shifts. I will use simple-happy language-words to help you understand.
#254 Oct 31 2006 at 3:58 PM Rating: Decent
Mazra the Meaningless wrote:
The BWL/AQ40 guilds on my server won't recruit anyone wearing less than tier 1. Heck, even the ZG/MC/Ony guilds want you to have epixx like they were free before even considering your application.

Question: How am I supposed to get epixx when I can't get into a raiding guild?

I should probably transfer to another server. Especially since I apparently got on the KOS list of the dumbest Horde guild on the server. The Guild Leader killed me 10 (ten - as in: nine plus one) times while I was trying to quest in the Badlands. I didn't give honor and he could three-shot me with auto-attack.

Yay for PvP.

Most established and very well-progessed guilds won't accept members with inferior gear because they simply do no want to put the effort forth towards gearing up new members. Occasionally they'll lose a core member or two and need a replacement, but they need someone with gear that will be able to help them progress. In blues, you are essentially worthless to them.

Another reason why may not be the sole fact that they don't want to, but many guilds that are AQ40 and beyond don't even run BWL or MC any more. The gear gap between AQ40 and blues is just too huge, you'd just be a liability, you'd die every pull.

Your best bet as a new 60 would be to browse your realm forums and look for fledgling guilds that have aspirations for end-game, but haven't quite gotten beyond the 20man raids. Those would be the guilds to look for.
#255 Oct 31 2006 at 4:07 PM Rating: Decent
Ghost in the Machine
36,443 posts
I'm in a slow 10-man raiding guild at the moment. It's fresh and the comradeship is pretty nice, however, the lack of organization is annoying.

For instance, our guild message of the day wrote:

"UBRS run wednesday 7PM UK time, /w <officer> for an invitation"

7PM UK time.. hmm, gee, let me pull out my timezone map here.

Also, from 6PM UK time (the earliest timezone I could find) to 8PM UK time the officer was offline.

Then there are the nice BRD runs at monday morning, starting at 8AM server time. Yes, 8 IN THE MORNING ON A MONDAY!

I mean, seriously, I've got a dayjob. If I skip my dayjob to run BRD I'll get fired, then I won't have $15 a month and I won't be able to play at all.

Good thinking there, Guild Leader.

There's also a lot of drama brewing due to an apparently bisexual guy in the guild. You know, the temper and stubborness of a woman and the language of a sailor.

Bah. The server is messed up. It's split into Tier 2-3 guilds and Blue-Tier 0 guilds. 50% of the players below 60 are alts of people in those AQ40/Naxx guilds. Hell, I once saw an alt in Rank 14 gear and I saw her switch into her Tier 2 gear (fully decked). How in the name of everything that is sacred do you manage to deck your ALTERNATE CHARACTER in Tier 2 and Rank 14 gear?!

Edited, Oct 31st 2006 at 4:11pm PST by Mazra
Please "talk up" if your comprehension white-shifts. I will use simple-happy language-words to help you understand.
#256 Oct 31 2006 at 5:12 PM Rating: Decent
43 posts
Newb question: is there a way to auto-shoot a wand by right clicking a mob? just like auto-attack. I'm too lazy to look down at the toolbar...
#257 Oct 31 2006 at 5:30 PM Rating: Decent
2,634 posts
Of course, If you go into your spell book in the first set of pages, if you find the wands command and drag that onto you bar. It should do the same thing as your attack button for your weapons.

Even though that isnt a right click command, im sure there is a way to change it in your user interface.

Edited, Oct 31st 2006 at 5:32pm PST by lauisifer
#258 Oct 31 2006 at 9:31 PM Rating: Good
33 posts

What is a good auction house mod ?

As a Hunter i have gathered some great loot and always do - I am getting used to knowing items i can throw right away in favour of either more leathers for me

more slots for drops for the AH

or more slots for good vendor trash

When i farm leather picking up gorilla hair and bristly whiskers can turn into a huge amount of vended cash :)

And i am 38 now in level - thinking about my mount

So I am looking for a mod that would help the odd identification of oooo is that good? is it a good vend or a good AH

I know greys are vends - whites are useable etc

Or the odd white item - is it really worth stacking for the AH ? do people use it

Obviously without any mod the hard way is keep it - get to a city - check the AH and find out

Having this info in the field would be very handy as a Hunter I am now not just farming for my leathers - but on the look out for good AH items as well as good vendor trash too

I tend to grind on a farming session until my slots are totally full of good items before heading back home to the AH and bank to stock my loot

Also these mods are legitimate of course? AH info mods etc? They are not like cheats or anything - im not interested in any cheat orientated stuff

One i have noted seems popular wowecon price mod ?

#259 Nov 01 2006 at 1:18 AM Rating: Decent
2,588 posts
auctioneer from gathers auction house info and gives vendor prices on most items.
#260 Nov 01 2006 at 1:34 AM Rating: Good
Yup auctioneer is the one. Legal, and very useful.

Get the full verison including Informant (Tradeskills that use the item, vendor prices, how many vendors actually sell it, 0 if it's drop only, so useful to see if you can go buy that recipe from a vendor or shell out AH prices) and Enchantrix.

Another addon you should look for is called Component. If you control-right click a white item, it will tell you which recipes you have that use it. I find it very useful for knowing what meat drops to destroy and which ones to keep for cooking.
#261 Nov 01 2006 at 2:45 AM Rating: Decent

In FFXI, when you reach a certain LvL. You can go to a certain area to join groups and LvL as a team. Is there a place here in WoW like that? How do I find groups for exp. points? Then how can I find and meet with the other players? Then how do I know what role to play? Who is Tank, puller, DD, and so on? I don't get many worth while replies in the lookingforgroup chat.

#262 Nov 01 2006 at 2:50 AM Rating: Decent
2,588 posts
SothsayerAtlantis wrote:

In FFXI, when you reach a certain LvL. You can go to a certain area to join groups and LvL as a team. Is there a place here in WoW like that? How do I find groups for exp. points? Then how can I find and meet with the other players? Then how do I know what role to play? Who is Tank, puller, DD, and so on? I don't get many worth while replies in the lookingforgroup chat.

in your guild or in the lfg channel. you could stand around in front of instances, but it's little use. mostly full groups arrive there.

for normal quests, people don't group that much because you can do them solo.

what is your class?

warrior, paladin, bear druid

tank or hunter

priest, druid, paladin, shaman

damage dealer and support: everyone else.
#263 Nov 01 2006 at 2:52 AM Rating: Decent

I'm a 17 Dwarve Hunter.

What is a instance?

#264 Nov 01 2006 at 2:53 AM Rating: Default
3,478 posts
In WoW, people generally group together to explore instanced dungeons together. Randomly grouping with people to get the same quests done happens a lot too.

To find an instance for your level, simply talk to an innkeeper. If you would like to know what the abbreviations are, check out Jordster's WoW acronym and short form list.

edit: an instance is a dungeon that only you and your group has access to. If another group wants to explore the same dungeon, then a carbon copy of that dungeon is made specifically for them.

This way, there is no competition for the monsters and loot that are inside dungeons.

Edited, Nov 1st 2006 at 2:56am PST by Webjunky
#265 Nov 01 2006 at 3:02 AM Rating: Decent

Ok thanks.

But is there something I need to do with the innkeepers to have them show me these? The Innkeepers I have talked with, have only offered info. about Trick or Treat, make the Inn a Home, and show goods.

#266 Nov 01 2006 at 3:28 AM Rating: Default
3,478 posts
Well you said your 17, so they SHOULD be showing you what 'dungeons you can explore' pretty soon.

At your level though, you can do deadmines (or VC, for Van Cleef, the last boss, for short - DM is taken by a high level instance).
#267 Nov 01 2006 at 4:31 AM Rating: Decent
2,588 posts
SothsayerAtlantis wrote:

Ok thanks.

But is there something I need to do with the innkeepers to have them show me these? The Innkeepers I have talked with, have only offered info. about Trick or Treat, make the Inn a Home, and show goods.

go to westfall and do all the quests at the tower. the ones where you have to kill defias. then you will be sent running errands. in the end you have to do an escort quest and finally you get a dungeon quest. there are 2 more dungeon quests in the dwarven area in storwind and another one in westfall (iirc; collecting bandanas). they will be listed in your quest book under "deadmines".

you should now be level 19-20 and ready with 4 deadmines quests in your book. find a group and you're off. the entrance is in moonbrook. gl =)
#268 Nov 01 2006 at 5:59 AM Rating: Decent
do I need to read all the storys of the games to enjoy it better? ive never played a warcraft game.
#269 Nov 01 2006 at 6:14 AM Rating: Decent
2,588 posts
deadmanxzxz wrote:
do I need to read all the storys of the games to enjoy it better? ive never played a warcraft game.

no. a lot of the story is explained in the game. you will get some more immersion if you know the lore from previous games and books, but it isn't necessary at all.

i do recommend reading every quest text. if you get round to it, read some books lying around in the world (in taverns, dungeons and cities).
#270 Nov 01 2006 at 6:36 AM Rating: Good
33 posts

In answer back to the whole trick or treat thing

its the 1st Nov its all over today I think

I havent logged in yet but I now expect to see no pumpkins as the servers here in europe were down a little longer than normal

#271 Nov 01 2006 at 7:24 AM Rating: Decent
I equipped a piece of clothing and a message came up saying that if I equipped it would bind to me.

What does that mean?
#272 Nov 01 2006 at 7:48 AM Rating: Decent
Rogues and Hunters can gain AP through Agi. (Rogues: 1 Agi = 1 AP, Hunters: 1 Agi = 2 RAP)

what does this mean????? i'm only a level 16 and i have no idea what i'm doin
#273 Nov 01 2006 at 8:00 AM Rating: Good
ToodlesOodles wrote:
I equipped a piece of clothing and a message came up saying that if I equipped it would bind to me.

What does that mean?

Most gear that is Uncommon (green) or better becomes Soulbound- either when you pick it up or when you equip or use it. The message that you got is warning you that it will bind on equip, which means that after it's bound to you, you cannot sell it on the Auction House or trade it to other players. The only thing you can do is sell it to an NPC vendor- or disenchant it if you have Enchanting as a profession.

XxBadNewsXx wrote:
Rogues and Hunters can gain AP through Agi. (Rogues: 1 Agi = 1 AP, Hunters: 1 Agi = 2 RAP)

what does this mean????? i'm only a level 16 and i have no idea what i'm doin

For Rogues, every agility equals 1 attack point. For Hunters, every agility increased causes an increase of 2 ranged attack points.

Edited, Nov 1st 2006 at 8:04am PST by Wondroustremor
Longtail | Evilynne | Maevene | Kornakk | Steelbelly
#274 Nov 01 2006 at 8:05 AM Rating: Decent
ToodlesOodles wrote:
I equipped a piece of clothing and a message came up saying that if I equipped it would bind to me.

What does that mean?

When an item binds to you, you can no longer trade it (or put it up for auction). The impact this has is that when/if you replace the item, you can only get rid of it by selling it to a vendor, rather than trading it to one of your other characters or trying to sell it to another player.

This is called "Bind on Equip" (ie, BOE)

A similar process is used for very special drops off of main mobs, but those items actually bind to your character as soon as you loot them.

This is called "Bind on Pick-up" (ie, BOP)
#275 Nov 01 2006 at 8:44 AM Rating: Decent
Ghost in the Machine
36,443 posts
Andyone wrote:
Newb question: is there a way to auto-shoot a wand by right clicking a mob? just like auto-attack. I'm too lazy to look down at the toolbar...

I don't think so. The closest thing you'd get would be to bind the wand button to a key easy accessible. For instance, my Hunter's Mark ability is placed on the actionbar where I would have to press '=' to activate it. To make my life simpler and prevent my left index finger from falling apart, I made it so instead of pressing '=' I now press 'F'.
Please "talk up" if your comprehension white-shifts. I will use simple-happy language-words to help you understand.
#276 Nov 01 2006 at 9:58 AM Rating: Decent
2,588 posts
Andyone wrote:
Newb question: is there a way to auto-shoot a wand by right clicking a mob? just like auto-attack. I'm too lazy to look down at the toolbar...

you can bind keys to the toolbar spots. then you just hit the key with the wand linked in it, instead of clickin on the toolbar.

deadmanxzxz wrote:
Rogues and Hunters can gain AP through Agi. (Rogues: 1 Agi = 1 AP, Hunters: 1 Agi = 2 RAP)

what does this mean????? i'm only a level 16 and i have no idea what i'm doin

attack power (AP) adds damage to the dps (damage per second) of your weapon.

14 ap = 1 dps

so if you have a 10 dps sword and 14 ap (= 1 dps), you do 11 dps damage.
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