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No nude patch for 1.11 -sniff-Follow

#52 Jun 21 2006 at 10:50 PM Rating: Default
It being porno and art all depends on how you look at it. The fact that it IS nude pictures it is consider softcore **** I guess. However someone had to draw and create the images and find a way to have them display in the game which I believe is art. Anyway you look at it, I STILL WANT MY NUDE ELFS!!! :P So anyone have any luck yet on it?
#53 Jun 21 2006 at 10:54 PM Rating: Decent
I can't believe there are this many people against nudity and sex. You wouldn't be here without it, people. Someone wants to look at naked characters, respect there choice. It's not my thing, but i won't judge em.
#54 Jun 21 2006 at 11:01 PM Rating: Decent
Repressed Memories
21,027 posts
You know what. I finally udnerstand Evangelion now. Suddenly the most mysterious and confusing show all makes sense. Gendo, Selee, Shinji. they all want human isntrumentality to occur for this reason. They wanted to unite everyone into one being for this very reason.

So they could tell you that you are all stupid at once.

Anywho yeah the above are both, jsut, jsut so very very wrong.

It's not art. Art has a point, nude patches don't except for kiddies to get a har don. Secondly this isn't intentional by the blizzard designers, this is you removing the model of all it's acessories and leaving he original skin (in computer terms). the cloest this comes to being art is that fact that you're destroying someone elses art, and even that is a stretch.

No one here has anything agaisnt nudity or sex. But pointless, ianane, and frankly lacking nudity is just annoying and pathetic. It's like you're a bunch of 6th graders getting all riled up over a picture of a girl in a swim suit. I'm not punching the crap out of you because I hate nudity. I'm punching the crap out of you because you're a psusy.

Eloquence, no. But a thread about green bewbies ain't gonna see no elqouence.
#55 Jun 21 2006 at 11:17 PM Rating: Good
My literary teachers say there's two levels to shakespeare. There's the entertainment (Witches, Sex, Violence!) and then there's teh art. To be honest all I see is entertainment.

The Taming of the Shrew is a comedy just like Robot Chicen. Except that Robot Chicken is funnier at this point in time.

Romeo and Juliet is overly simplistic, the characters' conflicts are bland. It's on par with the movie A Walk to Remember (originally as book just as bad), and I think the most recent movie of the book Prirde and Prejudice is better than the play.

Macbeth is alrighty.

Pah...Shakespeare's awesomeness lies in his construction.
His stories drew on themes that were easy to relate to, that had a thread of commonality and humanity that kings and peasants alike could understand; that in itself is no mean feat. It's not easy to write for everyone, but Will Shakespeare came goddamned close.
If R&J, for instance, seems simplistic it's because he was writing for the guys in the penny seats as well as the lettered aristocracy in the balconies, and the beauty of it is that he managed to rivet both. Simplicity is not always bad, and in fact it's usually better.

His writing was masterful in the way that a pilot in a dogfight is masterful, or a great pianist is masterful, or an excellent mathematician is masterful; he wrote with outstanding skill and ability, came out with legendary prose, and made it look easy. There's a reason the guy's work has been considered the bar standard for genius for four hundred years.

If anything coming out of our culture today is still around in four hundred years, you can dig me up and draw an amazed look on my skull. Smiley: jawdrop

Don't tell me you're serious about Robot Chicken. Progress, my ***.
In another four hundred years, the comedic tastes of the Western man will probably have devolved to the point where anything not containing nonstop bathroom humor will be considered too inaccessible to be funny.

At any rate, 'comedy' doesn't necessarily mean 'funny' in the Robot Chicken sense. It's a dramatic category; for instance, Dante's Divine Comedy isn't exactly the sort of thing that Adam Sandler would star in.

Man, I don't need to defend Shakespeare, wtf am I doing. :P
#56 Jun 22 2006 at 12:04 AM Rating: Decent
Repressed Memories
21,027 posts
Don't tell me you're serious about Robot Chicken. Progress, my ***.
In another four hundred years, the comedic tastes of the Western man will probably have devolved to the point where anything not containing nonstop bathroom humor will be considered too inaccessible to be funny.

You're missing my point.

All Robot Chicken has is humor. And most of it is contemporary humor. No substance.

And so to the Taming of the shrew.

Shakespeare's problem was that he wrote for the everyman. It is far easier to write a best selling novel than it is to write a good novel.

Shakespeare's plays weren't meant in half as simply a means to bring in profit, like your typical devoid of creativity blockbuster. The other half was his own expression and art. But his own expression is just not very good.

Sophocles gave characters fanciful situations and yet realistic conflicts and feelings. Shakespeare gives his character realsitic situations, and yet inane emotions and reactions.
#57 Jun 22 2006 at 12:40 AM Rating: Good
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12,636 posts

For someone who takes such joy in their ambiguous gender and sexuality, you sure are quick to label certain sexual niches as "unacceptable" and call others weirdos for liking green boobs. (Is it okay to like the naked Human females with flesh colored boobs?)

#58 Jun 22 2006 at 1:00 AM Rating: Decent
Citizen's Arrest!
29,527 posts
if another guy takes one look and averts his eyes because there's a ***** there,

I shall call you "Eduardo"!

Sorry, couldn't resist.

I'm going to be terse though. These people jsut want to look at nekkid people. There are better places they could be doing it and we really don't want to hear them talk about it.

True that, though we did get an interesting discussion about art out of it.

Allegory wrote:
You know what. I finally udnerstand Evangelion now.

I'm glad someone does.

Edited, Jun 22nd 2006 at 2:06am EDT by Poldaran
#59 Jun 22 2006 at 1:03 AM Rating: Good
1,275 posts
Shakespeare's comedies aren't called such because of the humor (although they tend to be less bleek than his tragedies; humor has it's place), it's because they follow a certain dramatic formula. Merchant of Venice is grouped with his comedies because it generally follows the pattern of his other comedy plays, but I don't find myself laughing through most of it.

Read some of Mercucio's lines, and you forget that Romeo and Juliet is a tragedy. Read some of Shylock's, and you forget that Merchant of Venice is a comedy.

I'll admit, Taming of the Shrew is one of my least favorite of his plays, but I also wouldn't use it as an gauge of his worth as a poet/playwright. If the reactions of his characters seem far fetched, it's probably because these are dramatic plays, and drama is sometimes better served by the unusual or the outrageous. Sure, plays can be quite inspiring when they're down to earth, but part of the appeal of drama is that it's often extraordinary in some respect. If Othello had given his wife the benefit of the doubt, or if Romeo had had second thoughts about downing the poison, I doubt either play would have endured.

Shakespeare's problem was that he wrote for the everyman. It is far easier to write a best selling novel than it is to write a good novel.

And it's even harder to write a good novel that's accessible to the everyman as well as the literati. I wouldn't lump Shakespeare in with the authors of the Left Behind series simply because the uneducated were entertained by it.
#60 Jun 22 2006 at 1:41 AM Rating: Default
Repressed Memories
21,027 posts
For someone who takes such joy in their ambiguous gender and sexuality, you sure are quick to label certain sexual niches as "unacceptable" and call others weirdos for liking green boobs. (Is it okay to like the naked Human females with flesh colored boobs?)

It's not hypocrisy. I enjoy my own state, but I don't expect others to accept what I am, and I certainly don't go around asking them to mods games to my particular tastes.

I'm telling them that what they are doing is socially unacceptable, anoying, irritating. If they want to look at that kind of stuff I won't object to it anymore so than just calling them dumb. Basically I'm just confroming right now to social norms; nothing particularly wrong with that.

And human characters aren't really any better there, or less creepy.


As for Shakespeare I'm really not prepared to argue my case well. It's eben awhile and I forget things easily. All I can say is that I did not enojy any of the plays I read except Macbeth and that was just passable. I don not have an aversion to plays either.

Perhaps I'm embellishing because I wish to fight agaisnt the appeals to age and popularity of these artists such as Shakespeare. I don't want them to just be accepted as good and be done with it. Each and everytime I look or read something that has be known as high art I ask myself "Does this suck?" I go in with the notion that the ideas and appeals are ephemeral, belonging to that time and situation, and then look for something worthy.
#61 Jun 22 2006 at 1:51 AM Rating: Decent
Naked gnomes, or dwarves for that matter, are kinda scary yes. I plan to manually remove that part of the patch as soon as I find one that works :P
#62 Jun 22 2006 at 2:08 AM Rating: Decent
It's... aliiiiveee! :) Finally got this to work:

What it boils down to is this: DL the patch, use the included MPQ editor to replace the textures in Warcraft's textures.mpq (step-by-step instructions in english included) and you should be good to go. AFAIK this is a perfectly legal mod since it does not inhance gameplay in any way.

If you make it work then spread the word to the rest of the smut-loving community ;)
#63 Jun 22 2006 at 9:26 AM Rating: Decent
Lunechild wrote:

If you make it work then spread the word to the rest of the smut-loving community ;)

As a smut-lover, I'd have to take offense to this. *smirk*

I swear to Bob, if I find out anybody's been fapping to nekkid hacks of my Tauren female, I will personally hunt down your Furry-lovin' butt and shove my original WoW discs up there so far you'll be crapping out shards of plastic for weeks.
You know what would be sweet...
Make a mod like that to replace nekkid night elf skins with the goatse guy and put it out there as a Blue Bewbie Patch.

BTW, I have no problem with nudity. I have nekkid pics of myself online (yes, for sexuality's sake. Some of the shots are pretty artistic, but they're still smut). I even like tentacle hentai.

I just don't think hacking a game that you play WITH OTHER PEOPLE around the world is right. Maybe I misunderstand the purpose or how this works...

#64 Jun 22 2006 at 9:35 AM Rating: Decent
Lunechild wrote:
AFAIK this is a perfectly legal mod since it does not inhance gameplay in any way.

Since when did Blizzard let larpers set the rules?
#65 Jun 22 2006 at 9:36 AM Rating: Default
What i can't understand German any type of translation program help?
#66 Jun 22 2006 at 9:44 AM Rating: Default

Rejoice, your cravings can finnaly be fulfilled.
#67 Jun 22 2006 at 10:46 AM Rating: Good
3,152 posts

Just sayin'...
Rehuhu of Kujata
#68 Jun 22 2006 at 11:25 AM Rating: Good
xyriach wrote:
For the love of....

Art throughout the ages has been obsessed with the human form for several reasons, cheif of these being that it is one thing that all people share. We all have an interest in the human form because we all have one.

Others would include our predispostion to be sexually engaged by attractive forms and our biological drive to find them.

Humans, like any animal, are preprogrammed to reproduce, we don't have any choice in the matter its in there. So we naturally strive for what we interprate to be our idealism of beauty.

This, in civilised society has turned itself into more than admiration and desire and into something infinately more complex. For a start, we are constantly shown images of women that simply could not exisit. A list celebs have said time and again that after a publisher has finished with their photos that they hardly recognise themselves, meaning that those we hold on the highest pedistals of attraction simply do not exisit.

In WoW, the characters (certainly humans and elves) have been given some of the more desirable traits of human sexuality in an effort I would presume to make thme more attractive to players (or programmers). As a result, you would expect there to be some people out there who would see beyond the fact that they are looking at characters composed of binary and light and see something they desire.

This is no more strange or freakish than finding someone intensely likeable because we've read the words they type or felt some kind of connection with them aross the internet.

If you read this and agree then a connection has been made, if you read this and disagree then a connection has been made, if you read this and feel nothing then a connection has still been made because you've read it.

I would venture that people who have nudity mods and find elves attractive are simply doing what the majority of guys do which is focus on the outter layer of someone they find attractive. They've probably run into or chatted with a player of the opposite sex and felt a desire which has translated itself into a desire for the character, not the person behind it.

As such, a sexual desire because of this is no more strange than people calling sexlines, buying posters or atually falling in love with real people who can quite often be more ficticous than anything you will encounter in WoW and often more dangerous.

(Rant ends....)

I very much agree with this post, well done.

Regardless of what you all think about pornography, art, and whats wrong and right I'm going to say my fair share and draw a bottom line. I don't really post on forums very often because its usually pointless since you always get into beotching sessions with other people and nobody is willing to listen, but for once I feel it necessary to add to this thread.

I am a person who enjoy pornography on a daily basis in all forms, take that as you will. I enjoy digital women as much as real women, and I jerk to both equaly. I have many fetishes that some think are either disgusting or wrong, I shall not mention them here since that is too much off topic, but belive me I'm into some very kinky things.

I belive that what gets you off sexually is a very personal matter and there are no standards of right and wrong, just about everyone has something the community at large thinks is wrong/disgusting that gets them off.

I also enjoy art, but I enjoy it for different reasons then I enjoy pornography, and there is a fine line between the two. I like nudity in video games because it getts me off, not because its art, plain and simple.

I like nudity in WoW and other video games because they offer a different female form, real women aren't perfect, they don't have glistening skin and the perfect bodies. They have tan lines, and freckles, sometimes fat, hair in unwanted places, strange bewb shapes, and sometimes its those imperfections that turn me on, but sometimes I'm looking for something without them. To the people who made comments about gnomes, I personally like gnomes, I don't know why, just something about them, I like every race to some degree except dwarf and taured. And to the person who made the furry comment, I don't like Tauren but occasionally furries turn me on too.

On the issue of people being disturbed about others jerking to their charachter, well what you don't know doesn't hurt you and if your running around naked and dancing naked what exactly do you expect people to do?

Finally, I'm not some hopeless loser who will never get laid, nor am I not attracted to the women I meet, nor are they not attracted to me. Bottom line, I like a variety and though my tastes may be different from yours its not your place to criticise me on my sexual preferences, this is a thread that is trying to fix a problem, no more nudity in WoW, it is not here for others to tell every one how grossed out they are at what gets us off. If your not trying to help, why are you even posting, this does not concern you one bit.

Now about the problem, I can't read german, and I have no idea what to do at that link someone posted and I am missing my WoW smut. If there is another link that is in english or russian I will be able to read it, post if anyone finds something like this.

#69 Jun 22 2006 at 11:27 AM Rating: Default
2,580 posts
Where's the link to "Everytime you ********** God kills a kitten" when you need it. /sigh
#70 Jun 22 2006 at 11:40 AM Rating: Decent
GFLenin wrote:

On the issue of people being disturbed about others jerking to their charachter, well what you don't know doesn't hurt you and if your running around naked and dancing naked what exactly do you expect people to do?

...except in MY game, they're not naked. They're wearing undergarments.

#71 Jun 22 2006 at 11:53 AM Rating: Decent
948 posts
Jimpadan wrote:
Where's the link to "Everytime you ********** God kills a kitten" when you need it. /sigh
#72 Jun 22 2006 at 12:12 PM Rating: Good
Tepetkhet the Shady wrote:
GFLenin wrote:

On the issue of people being disturbed about others jerking to their charachter, well what you don't know doesn't hurt you and if your running around naked and dancing naked what exactly do you expect people to do?

...except in MY game, they're not naked. They're wearing undergarments.


Still what kind of reaction are you expecting from people when your doing this, I mean do you expect them to walk away and ignore you, or do you expect them to stop and stare? The later is much more likely. I do wonder did you know there were WoW nude mods before, and if you did then you must've known when you were doing an underwear dance that others could see your charachter naked. So my question still stands.... you don't have to let other people see your charachter naked but you do anyway, so how come you feel so offended that people enjoy seeing your charachter? If you didn't know there were nude mods then this question is not aimed at you but somone else that did.

Also if on your game your charachter is not nude and on other's it is then how is this hurting you in any way what so ever?
#73 Jun 22 2006 at 12:17 PM Rating: Default
2,580 posts
Thanks Zaknalfein.
#74 Jun 22 2006 at 1:03 PM Rating: Good
It is far easier to write a best selling novel than it is to write a good novel.

Allegory, I really respect you, I have since FFXI, but I deeply disagree with this one. I SO wish it were true, but there are bajillions of good novels that never make it to print...usually because they're inaccessible, too complex, or have too narrow an audience.

I know if I sat down to do it today, writing a good novel wouldn't be so hard. Writing one that would appeal to a wide enough audience to make me rich? And continue to be accessible to an audience centuries from now? Oh God, don't I wish. ;)
Sure, there are plenty of one-hit wonders and pundits that do well. Ann Coulter has sold thousands of books, and most of the time she sounds just like Hitler. But will she still be around in 400 years? (or ten?

I'm not trying to convince you to like Shakespeare, and since this is a big-***** tangent I'll make an effort not to drag it out any more. You're left-brained, I'm right-brained, we box, no one wins.

They wanted to unite everyone into one being for this very reason.

So they could tell you that you are all stupid at once.

Smiley: laugh
#75 Jun 22 2006 at 1:12 PM Rating: Decent
2,711 posts
I have a huge, HUGE, HUGE problem with people modding nudity into World of Warcraft, and I do believe nudity is fine and natural and all that.

Have you been keeping up with the news recently? Grand Theft Auto, Oblivion, and other games are getting their ratings changed based on the way consumers are altering their end product, effectively being forced to take responsibility for content they did not include in the release of the game. Blizzard is simply covering its own *** so that the ESRB and your mom don't take up arms and give the company bad press for "allowing" minors to make and share their own nudie alterations.

Regardless of my own opinions about the naked human (not nightelf lol) body and modding and hacking, I don't want to see the game go downhill. Yes, if they are forced to rate the game "M" it will mean like 5 or 10 fewer young teens and preteens per server IF their parents hear about it, but it will also mean less revenue for Blizzard therefore longer turnaround and lower quality on future updates.

Also people were using it to cheat. :P
#76 Jun 22 2006 at 1:30 PM Rating: Default
Yes, if they are forced to rate the game "M" it will mean like 5 or 10 fewer young teens and preteens per server IF their parents hear about it, but it will also mean less revenue for Blizzard therefore longer turnaround and lower quality on future updates.

Yet GTA remains the one of the highest selling console games on the market. Blizzard, like most manufacuters in entertainment would love nothing more than to court controversy like this. This is stuff that gets on prime time television news, an advertising spot that for 30 seconds can run into the millions.

Sales of Manhunt went through the roof following a murder that was linked to the game, sales of Ninja Turtles did exactly the same following a kid getting impailed on a BBQ fork.

Front page news is a publishers wet dream, a naked computer character you control is, well, pretty damn harmless in comparison wouldn't you say?

Edited, Jun 22nd 2006 at 2:30pm EDT by xyriach
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