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Banned for using macros.Follow

#1 Mar 15 2006 at 12:13 PM Rating: Decent
678 posts
Found this at work today. Thought it was pretty messed up. GG Blizzard. GG
#2 Mar 15 2006 at 12:29 PM Rating: Decent
483 posts
That's just ghey!

He seemed to think it had alot to do with his keyboard though, and I don't think that's the case. Jordster, I think it was, just got the Logitech G15 and I haven't heard any complaints from him.

My guess is that it was something to do with his Linux/WINE stuff.

Sad thing is...Blizzard bans these people on poor assumptions based on limited, uneducated information.

It's also sad that good players like this guy have to suffer because people choose to hack/bot and exploit the game...usually for dumbass reasons like Gold Selling/BOE epic farming. Stupid Bastards.

Another casualty in the ongoing war of Online Gaming. R.I.P Infernix.
#3 Mar 15 2006 at 12:38 PM Rating: Decent
Ghost in the Machine
36,443 posts
I can just see the O-board topics:

Player banned because of WHINE.

On the topic:

He used his keyboard to repeat an 'attack + heal + cast spell' macro. This isn't doable without that keyboard and is, to my knowledge, considered forbidden. It's the same reason why there's no /pause in the macro system. To prevent people from AFK-grinding.

Unless he was manually hitting the button that heals as well as casts HoW there's no way it could happen within the game's settings. He's have to hit a button to cast HoW, then a button to attack, then a button to heal. If his keyboard is able to put pauses in between those abilities and then loop it, that's considered botting.

I think.

Edited, Wed Mar 15 12:43:54 2006 by Mazra
Please "talk up" if your comprehension white-shifts. I will use simple-happy language-words to help you understand.
#4 Mar 15 2006 at 12:41 PM Rating: Decent
Player was banned because he divulged too much information in his email and it made him sound like he was botting.

He made a weapon swap button, ok np.
He attacked a mob that would take awhile to kill, and kept pressing the button to switch between the weapons.

But in his email he came off as making it sound like he programmed it to automatically switch the weapons while he was attacking and afk.

#5 Mar 15 2006 at 12:47 PM Rating: Decent
Actually, player was banned because after Blizzard makes their decision they just don't want to hear any more about it. I'm sure with 5 million subscribers they sacrifice customer service for volume at least part of the time. Some noob probably saw a level 60 beating on a low-level mob and assumed it was a botter, then reported him. The actual suspension email said "Witnessed use of third party software", which is bull in and of itself (how can someone that isn't watching you play the game witness you use ANY software?) but that would lead me to believe that someone reported him.
#6 Mar 15 2006 at 1:09 PM Rating: Good
5,645 posts
Due to the time spent and money spent on the game, regardless of what a TOS says they cannot actually ban you for "no reason" like this. Although I will admit it is borderline botting even though he has to press a button since there is a reason WoW does not allow multiple casts in a single macro. But that's beside the point.

What he should do if he really cares is hire a lawyer and formally file a lawsuit. It will probably never go to court, but the fact that legal action was taken will at the minimum get you talking to someone with some authority who can do a real review of the situation.
#7 Mar 15 2006 at 1:11 PM Rating: Decent
Ghost in the Machine
36,443 posts
And then leak it to the press...
Please "talk up" if your comprehension white-shifts. I will use simple-happy language-words to help you understand.
#8 Mar 15 2006 at 1:12 PM Rating: Excellent
Spankatorium Administratix
1oooo posts
After reading his details, I must say my respect for Bliz has diminished somewhat.

#9 Mar 15 2006 at 1:14 PM Rating: Good
5,645 posts
He did shoot himself in the foot with a freaking dwarven hand cannon when he said he was watching a movie at the time, even though he tried to correct himself later the damage was done.

Think about every real botter they catch, i'm sure they hear the same excuse and normally rely on the warden to provide hard evidence.

Since he's running on linux warden appears not to work so he doesn't have that to back him up.

#10 Mar 15 2006 at 1:27 PM Rating: Good
3,771 posts
That's rough, but Blizzard has to remain consistent in their policies or they risk losing credibility.

If he had tried going over the heads of the help desk dummies maybe he would have gotten somewhere. Since he made it public though he probably hasn't a fat chance in hell now.
#11 Mar 15 2006 at 1:37 PM Rating: Decent
105 posts
Many times I'll play another game on my other computer while I'm soloing lvl 60 mobs. So I can see someone watching tv while soloing a low level mob to get weapon skills. Just keybind a few macros/abilities and every once in a while press one.
#12 Mar 15 2006 at 1:43 PM Rating: Decent
The person did everything they could possibly do to look, act, feel, and smell like a bot. Everything, all they way down to /DND.

My advice? Don't do that.
#13 Mar 15 2006 at 1:44 PM Rating: Decent
he even said he was using the keyboard and a macro to auto attack, auto heal, and auto switch weapons..

thats botting..maybe not the kind gold farmers, or power levelers use..but its still botting..he even said he goes afk to watch movies lol...

im not surprized he got suspended..a ban may have been a little too much for the situation..but how can bliz be sure that a person that is using a auto killing macro isnt a gold farmer/power leveler..

bliz didnt do anything wrong here..he broke the rules...botting is botting..wether u are gold farming, power leveling, or raising weapon skills..what his macro was doing..was power leveling weapon skill..
#14 Mar 15 2006 at 1:54 PM Rating: Decent
From what I read, his macros were keybound, so he had to at least hit a button to do change weapons and such?
#15 Mar 15 2006 at 1:56 PM Rating: Good
183 posts
How is it that after reading this post i got a picture of scared Blizzard summer worker seeing a Virus/etc warning on screen going totally my mind :)

According to what he said id believe hes telling the truth and he handled the thing very well when writing those mails. But as Blizz people seem to be total robots without enough recourses to handle customer support i aint surprised that he got that like response.

I concur with the suggestion to get help with a lawyer or something. Though that would cause only addittional expenses to the player and probably might end badly. Still i can help to feel sick of the way this was handled. If you have a service do it and dont spam some premade mails to people.

And if the macro is the reason he was banned....that just bull. hes gotta be there to push the button right? So how the **** do u differ pushing that button from pushing several buttons AKA playing ? :P

Well enough ranting. Just gets me worked up to see something like this happen without given the proper answer and explanation to the people in question. pffft.
#16 Mar 15 2006 at 2:59 PM Rating: Decent
Dude is a botter.

I had put myself on /DND with the note that I was watching movies and was not paying much attention to the game, which i muted because of the movies I was watching. Now it is quite well possible that during that time people contacted me in-game without me replying. After all, it was from the late hours of Saturday till the early hours of Sunday and I was watching the movie screen 99% of the time.

If it is "quite well possible" that he missed a /tell, how on earth can anyone claim he wasn't botting? If it required botton pushing, it required attendance at the screen. He was not in attendance at the screen if it was possilbe he missed /tells.

Possibly the stupidest botter ever, not only for botting Priest weapon skills, but for openly admitting to Blizzard that he botted and helping their investigation (which probably consisted of waiting for another email telling Blizzard what he did and how he did it)....

Good catch Blizz....
#17 Mar 15 2006 at 3:08 PM Rating: Decent
Ghost in the Machine
36,443 posts
AAofficer the Braindead wrote:
Many times I'll play another game on my other computer while I'm soloing lvl 60 mobs. So I can see someone watching tv while soloing a low level mob to get weapon skills. Just keybind a few macros/abilities and every once in a while press one.

Addicted to games much?

You play another game while playing WoW...
Please "talk up" if your comprehension white-shifts. I will use simple-happy language-words to help you understand.
#18 Mar 15 2006 at 3:17 PM Rating: Decent
573 posts
ill sometimes play on my psp or something while logged into wow, but normally its like on flight paths or while waiting for a raid to form up etc
#19 Mar 15 2006 at 3:21 PM Rating: Decent
Ghost in the Machine
36,443 posts
I usually hit Alt-Tab and post a lil' here.. like right now for instance.
Please "talk up" if your comprehension white-shifts. I will use simple-happy language-words to help you understand.
#20 Mar 15 2006 at 3:21 PM Rating: Good
5,645 posts
If it is "quite well possible" that he missed a /tell, how on earth can anyone claim he wasn't botting? If it required botton pushing, it required attendance at the screen. He was not in attendance at the screen if it was possilbe he missed /tells.

If i am mindlessly grinding on stuff alot of times my routine is:

Hunters mark
Send pet
Fire Sting
Fire Aimed Shot
Let autoshot do the rest

All this guy did was make a macro that did the equivalent of:

Send pet, Fire Sting, Fire Aimedshot

All on one button click.

He then would target something and hit that button. While he was doing this he was watching a movie and not staring at the chat log.

This is a grey area, i don't think it is conclusive that this is considered botting or not. I think for that reason alone, the fact that it is a grey area, is reason enough for a ban NOT to have occurred and to have been first issued a warning.

This is how it went:
Bliz: "You did THIS and THIS is wrong!"
Player: "OK this is what I was actually doing and I thought it was ok, is it? If not I'm sorry."
Bliz: "No, and now you are banned for it"

This is how it should have went:
Bliz: "You did THIS and THIS is wrong!"
Player: "OK this is what I was actually doing and I thought it was ok, is it? If not I'm sorry."
Bliz: "No, but since the policy on hardware devices is not clear we will only give you a 3 day suspension. Please do not continue using the keyboard macro's in this fashion."
Player: "OK, sorry about this, I thought it was ok"
#21 Mar 15 2006 at 3:32 PM Rating: Good
He was using the third party software programed into the keyboard to bind several marcos to a single keystroke, you can not do that in the game and you can not do that with a keyboard and windows, it isn't the keyboard, it is the software that runs it that got him into trouble.
#22 Mar 15 2006 at 3:35 PM Rating: Good
TseTsuo the Wise wrote:
If it is "quite well possible" that he missed a /tell, how on earth can anyone claim he wasn't botting? If it required botton pushing, it required attendance at the screen. He was not in attendance at the screen if it was possilbe he missed /tells.

If i am mindlessly grinding on stuff alot of times my routine is:

Hunters mark
Send pet
Fire Sting
Fire Aimed Shot
Let autoshot do the rest

All this guy did was make a macro that did the equivalent of:

Send pet, Fire Sting, Fire Aimedshot

All on one button click.

He then would target something and hit that button. While he was doing this he was watching a movie and not staring at the chat log.

This is a grey area, i don't think it is conclusive that this is considered botting or not. I think for that reason alone, the fact that it is a grey area, is reason enough for a ban NOT to have occurred and to have been first issued a warning.

This is how it went:
Bliz: "You did THIS and THIS is wrong!"
Player: "OK this is what I was actually doing and I thought it was ok, is it? If not I'm sorry."
Bliz: "No, and now you are banned for it"

This is how it should have went:
Bliz: "You did THIS and THIS is wrong!"
Player: "OK this is what I was actually doing and I thought it was ok, is it? If not I'm sorry."
Bliz: "No, but since the policy on hardware devices is not clear we will only give you a 3 day suspension. Please do not continue using the keyboard macro's in this fashion."
Player: "OK, sorry about this, I thought it was ok"

you are leaving out the programmable keyboard though. Which, with some knowledge could have wait scripts setup to repeadetly click the button for him while he watched his movie.
#23 Mar 15 2006 at 3:43 PM Rating: Good
Risto wrote:
That's just ghey!

He seemed to think it had alot to do with his keyboard though, and I don't think that's the case. Jordster, I think it was, just got the Logitech G15 and I haven't heard any complaints from him.

My guess is that it was something to do with his Linux/WINE stuff.

Sad thing is...Blizzard bans these people on poor assumptions based on limited, uneducated information.

It's also sad that good players like this guy have to suffer because people choose to hack/bot and exploit the game...usually for dumbass reasons like Gold Selling/BOE epic farming. Stupid Bastards.

Another casualty in the ongoing war of Online Gaming. R.I.P Infernix.

has nothing to do with wine or with linux. if you are running a game/program via wine/cedega then the program/game thinks it is running under WINDOWS and you even have a C:/Program Files/Application Name directory structor that is being reported. there are even C:/windows or C:/winnt directories to look at for all of the .dll extentions etc...

this guy was banned, if this is real and i doubt it is, for use a 3rd party hardware/software combination that is agains the EULA. this is no different then useing 3rd party macroing repeatable software, often refered to as bots...

sounds more like that is the issue then running linux. in fact on the official blizzard forums, all the blues there say about linux is we dont support it, but you can use it and good luck making it work. if it works great, if not, dont come to us for help.
#24 Mar 15 2006 at 3:47 PM Rating: Decent
People can complain about this saying that blizrard wasnt fair and that they shouldnt have banned..but then if it was really a power leveling bot, or a gold farming bot and they failed to take care of it correctly..then bliz would be getting flammed for that far as i can see..bliz did the right thing.
#25 Mar 15 2006 at 4:19 PM Rating: Decent
Well, if it's the case that this guy DID use that keyboard, he shouldn't get banned at all. You see, Blizz "promote" this keyboard.. They post all over their site: Buy this keyboard, and play WoW better. Or something like that. So if he used the keyboard, which maybe is some kind of extra-good-macro or something, he shouldn't get banned. If he botted, he shouldn't get permanently banned. Maybe for a month or 2. If they caught him in doing it again from there, then it's the permanent ban, but a permanent ban for (maybe) botting once.. That just isn't okay.. Another thing is, which I myself experienced quite a few times, Blizzard doesn't want to talk thing through, you know, as many of you other guys said. They say like:
Blizz: Ban because we say it
Player: Why?
B: Because that's the way it's going to be

Maybe that was a bit exaggerated, but still. You get the point

My point of view :)
#26 Mar 15 2006 at 4:22 PM Rating: Decent
Origin wrote:
as far as i can see..bliz did the right thing.

This guy didn't even get a warning. He didn't get a temporary suspension, even if it was for a few months. No apologies accepted. Nothing. That's not fair. He didn't gain anything but weapon exp., and if that was wrong, he should have been told.

Blizzard shouldn't have done something like that.

All he worked for was put to waste. That wasn't fair.
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