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Lost my character's underpants (really)Follow

#977 Aug 30 2005 at 3:51 PM Rating: Excellent
8,832 posts
I ate them.
#978 Aug 30 2005 at 4:26 PM Rating: Default
Duke Chubbycox wrote:
Since this thread is already near the top, I don't consider this keeping it bumped.

Can anyone make a Hello Kitty skin?

Joke or not, Hello Kitty World of Warcraft would be hilarious, if nothing else.

Also I love how you are all threatened by a thread that you didn't have to click on, so had to spam it. Also, someone named "Chubbycox" can hardly flame anything in this thread.

Edited for a typo. Ah Sealab

Edited, Tue Aug 30 19:16:13 2005 by WizardCaT
#979 Aug 30 2005 at 4:39 PM Rating: Excellent
12,905 posts
Lighten up Wiz!

Join the spam crew!

EDIT: And his name's cHubbycox!!! I just call him the Duke though :P

Edited, Tue Aug 30 17:51:24 2005 by KTurner
#980 Aug 30 2005 at 4:45 PM Rating: Excellent
8,832 posts
Actually I really don't care about this thread one way or the other.

But I can't resist a good time when it pops up. Smiley: grin
#981 Aug 30 2005 at 4:50 PM Rating: Excellent
12,905 posts
Banana, I will make you a +10 shirt of Smiley: spam if you double this threads posts in wasted garbage.

Deal? c'mon... i know you wanna!
#982 Aug 30 2005 at 4:52 PM Rating: Excellent
8,832 posts
You got yourself a deal.
#983 Aug 30 2005 at 5:11 PM Rating: Default
Some people are threatened by sex as it was probably forced on them as kids ... or maybe some arbitrary and inconsistant code of morality was forced on them in which pixels resembling nude females make them bloated and pissy..which is more likely, though I see either as distinctly probable.

On that note. Fnog ! Nobody has yet managed to convert the models into something readable by maya/3dmax. I think this thread is probably dead and will be moved to a new forum more conducive to create works...and with less people that have strong sexual fixations to bananas or meat in a can.
#984 Aug 30 2005 at 5:20 PM Rating: Default

#985 Aug 30 2005 at 5:25 PM Rating: Excellent
12,905 posts
I think this thread is probably dead and will be moved to a new forum more conducive to create works

Woot! i hope so!

Everyone that cares about this topic follow Razira to a new forum and never come back!!

and let Banana spam in peace.
#986 Aug 30 2005 at 5:30 PM Rating: Excellent
8,832 posts
How did he know I was raped by a can of Smiley: spam Oh the shame oh the humanity Smiley: cry

Threatend by sex? You pathetic loser. I love sex I love talking about it. Real sex not this pathetic loser digital crap. You make us look bad to all the new people who stroll in here and go "Oh look at the size of that thread! It must be very interesting!" Click on it and promptly freak out.
#987 Aug 30 2005 at 6:07 PM Rating: Excellent
Ghost in the Machine
36,443 posts
This is messed up, lol.

Zetan, I don't really care if other adds are violating the EULA too. All I'm saying is that the topic here is violating one or more points in the EULA and is thus considered illegal by Blizzard. In this case illegal = unauthorized.

Send your whine to Blizzard, just don't give it to me.

Go make a bunch of nekked characters, but please keep it off a forum like this. Some players might find it less than charming when people post about how they can add pubic hair to their characters because.. it's hawt or whatever.

Feel free to make your own forum and discuss it there.

This is the Allakhazam WoW main forum for crying out loud. Not the sexsite for cartoon fantasies. Why would you even wanna watch characters with player created genitals? I mean, what does it add to your gaming experience?

I'm guessing you people are those freaks at the beach who refuse to use bathing suits even though your skin looks like something that grow on dead trees.

And don't tell me it's not about the eroticism. Don't give me the 'naked by nature' crap, cause it's just a bad excuse for being a pervert. You make naked characters because you want to live out the fantasy it is to have a naked person under your control. The fantasy of having your naked character do all the stuff you don't dare yourself. Cyber-Nymphomania in some sense.

Or maybe Miss Cyber gives you a turn-on, but I really don't wanna know. And I vote for a lockdown.
Please "talk up" if your comprehension white-shifts. I will use simple-happy language-words to help you understand.
#988 Aug 30 2005 at 6:07 PM Rating: Excellent
3,826 posts
WizardCaT wrote:

Joke or not, Hello Kitty World of Warcraft would be hilarious, if nothing else.

Also I love how you are all threatened by a thread that you didn't have to click on, so had to spam it. Also, someone named "Cubbycox" can hardly flame anything in this thread.

1. Yes, Hello Kitty would rule
2. Pay for this site, then I will leave this thread alone.
3. It's Chubbycox, and regardless of my name I've been here way longer than you.

I think that about covers it.
#989 Aug 30 2005 at 6:25 PM Rating: Default

Feel the love.

Also Braindead's avatar is a *** with a face and you still think this thread is lame? I fixed the typo btw. I was on Allakazham back when I played Final Fantasy Online, but I don't see how that is relevant anymore than a paid account. While a disporportionate amount of time was spent on nudity, there is also the real aspects, like changing warlock pets so they aren't in the way/ugly and druid animal forms. I doubt anyone on the Internet would be using wow for nudity, since they are on, you know, the Internet. It's more difficult to not find nudity. /shrug
#990 Aug 30 2005 at 6:27 PM Rating: Excellent
3,826 posts
Nevermind...this is so asinine.

Edited, Tue Aug 30 19:36:33 2005 by Chubbycox
#991 Aug 30 2005 at 6:33 PM Rating: Excellent
Ghost in the Machine
36,443 posts
Then someone should lock this thread and make a new one with the title:

Change your WoW skins (Not authorized by Blizzard).

This thread just have too many people posting on how to make their characters look as if they have penises and vaginas.

People who find interest in changing the skin of their Voidwalkers and make Night Elves look like Taurens would probably also be glad that they're no longer associated with nudity issues.

Ps. Why would people want to turn their races into other races? I just don't get it. Back home we call that rerolling another char.

Please "talk up" if your comprehension white-shifts. I will use simple-happy language-words to help you understand.
#992 Aug 30 2005 at 8:48 PM Rating: Default
I really don't understand people. All of you naysayers about this thread, why do you bother? Is it that hard to scroll down to the next thread if you don't agree with this one? Everytime one of you pops in to tell us how retarded we are you yourself bump it to the top. I really don't think any of us are here for the OMGZ BOOBS!! factor, it's just having fun reskinning your characters or other models. The shock factor of showing my friends my naked Orc was enough to make me glad this thread is on. And about Mr. "if you paid I wouldn't say anything", if that was intended by the site creators, non-members wouldn't be allowed to post, so shut up. I could go on, blah blah, internet, free speech, etc. etc., but I won't. If you don't like the thread, don't read the thread, that simple.
#993 Aug 30 2005 at 8:49 PM Rating: Excellent
8,832 posts
Because we can. Smiley: grin
#994 Aug 30 2005 at 9:08 PM Rating: Default
Okay, that took way too long to do... to release a fixed version
of the Patchin' Batch. I could have done it in 5 minutes, but I
was just trying for something better, and it took me much longer
than I originally anticipated. Mainly, I'm guess I'm just a bit
out of practice with coding. Ah well...

Rather than re-post any useful information on this board too,
I'll just point where the news is posted.

Mirror 1
Mirror 2
Another support site

Same ol' rules: As soon as I'm comfortable with a release, I
release it, because if there are problems, I expect people will
let me know quickly. No reason for me to keep re-testing
(more than what I already have) something that works before
letting other people benefit.

If anybody has more mirrors available, let me know. Also,
although the opposition to this thread is being immature, the
fact is I have no particular reason to *want* to keep using
Allakhazam for this topic. I've been using Allakhazam since
that's where the thread was, but if this thread is locked, or
in whatever way it's decided that Allakhazam isn't a good home
for furthering the progress, I'm all for being civil.
Therefore, if somebody would let me know an alternate
location for further discussion, I would anticipate posting
the location on my site (if somebody lets me know somehow).
That's assuming that this board becomes undesirable, like if
a board moderator/administrator does make an objection. If
it's just someone acting childish because (s)he didn't like
the on-topic content of the thread that (s)he decided to read,
I'm not overly eager to suggest that we try to give into
whatever demands are placed by someone who thinks it is a good
idea to cause trouble, and do a bad thing, just because (s)he

Edit: fixed link to Mirror 1 (left off http://, board decided
to not make it a link) and changed address for Mirror 2 to an
IE-only link (firefox won't like it too much), since working in
IE only is better than having the link mutilated and become
unusable for all. (I am just not a fan of that host name, but
it's not like there's a lot I can do...)

Edited, Tue Aug 30 22:14:59 2005 by TOOGAM
#995 Aug 30 2005 at 9:32 PM Rating: Excellent
8,832 posts
Smiley: cheese
#996 Aug 30 2005 at 9:56 PM Rating: Excellent
196 posts
anybody else noticed that this thread is home to the "my first post on the alla forums" which got up to 10, 15 etc etc... ? except for our cute little usual spammers <3
and as for the one that posted something that went along the lines with a "here for the ladies, my fist male naked skin" (whatever it was, dont feel like going thru the spam to dig it) I'm sorry but was there a point somewhere? Pixels doesnt turn me on, i'm sorry if it does for you :/
(p.s: a skin of the banana might turn me on >.>;)

#997 Aug 30 2005 at 10:22 PM Rating: Default
can any1 tell me if i can make my tauren animations like a nightelf but still look like a tauren? i managed to turn my tauren into a nightelf but i dont like the skinnie style however i dont like the way tauren weild their weapons its so boring and slow... the nightelf one is pretty cool tho. To all those idiots who complain about us modifying the game to how we like it, it DOES NOT affect you AT ALL so why the **** cant you just let us do our stuff? I dont come to your house and flame at your mom because your so damn ugly either and i dont like your ugly pants or whatever so just being total nerds and if you wanna mess with people do it in real life where you can get a nice fist in your face instead of being cowards and doing it here where we cant do anything about it.
#998 Aug 30 2005 at 11:20 PM Rating: Default
Ok, Toogam. I think I have all of the files from your site in the right place, but I keep getting the "Error in Server response, closing control connection" message the first time it tries to connect to the ftp. Do you know what the problem is and how to fix it? Or is the ftp just overloaded at the moment? Hopefully it is easily fixed.
#999 Aug 31 2005 at 1:04 AM Rating: Excellent
286 posts
Please let this thread die. If you want to see naked elves, there are plenty of hentai out there, google it.
#1000 Aug 31 2005 at 1:34 AM Rating: Default
All I see in the spam posts is a bunch of little kids so used to having their way that they go and cry to the closest thing they have to a mommy: the admins. Until they get their way, they see fit to show another aspect of their poor upbringing by throwing an tantrum; they do the best to annoy other people in an effort to draw attention to their plight. If anything, the admins should spank them and ground them; suspend them for spamming.

And, KTTurner, you hypocrite. Trying to get a thread closed for pixelated nudity, yet you have a picture of an *** as or icon. Good job.
#1001 Aug 31 2005 at 2:03 AM Rating: Default
this thread must live on forever. If for no other reason than to **** off Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton.
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