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Lost my character's underpants (really)Follow

#502 Aug 01 2005 at 2:04 AM Rating: Decent
Been working Troll females a little bit...very tough, as I'm no artist and there seems to be a lot of UV wierdness in the sensitive area, but here's a preview of what I have so far (torso only, no [significant] pelvis modification]:

Just making the damn things round was is an incredible challenge ><
#503 Aug 01 2005 at 2:04 AM Rating: Decent
Duplicate message (why wouldn't it show a link to page 11? sigh).

Edited, Mon Aug 1 11:19:08 2005 by TomPaxton
#504 Aug 01 2005 at 2:07 AM Rating: Default

Edited, Mon Aug 1 11:18:03 2005 by TomPaxton
#505 Aug 01 2005 at 5:12 AM Rating: Decent
Well this thread has really given some nice "modification" options to me and lots of thanks to all gurus here. ^^

I installed MyWarcraftStudio and started examining what mpq's had eaten. But I faced one problem: is there a way to find out what texture is linked to model selected other than comparing textures.mpq and models.mpq information?

I decided to change new model to Bloodfang Hood.
Ok, so I found the new model here:

and the new texture here:

And old Bloodfang uses the following model:

But what I couldn't find is the texture(s) for the old model (which is same for SC helm, felhide cap, ghostshroud and BF helm).
So any hints how/where to search for the texture?
I checked many times textures.mpq>Item\ObjectComponents\Head\ but didn't seem to find any texture what would fit to the model.
#506 Aug 01 2005 at 7:13 AM Rating: Default
I have created a troll nude skin, but I don't have anywhere to upload it. If anyone has some good suggestions, let me know. I'll look around later. I'll try to fix up an orc skin to if nobody has made one yet.

I think my troll skin looks pretty good, but there is a slight problem I'm having with the pubic region. It seems that everything down there is stretched over the model rather akwardly so that some pixel changes won't even show, and others appear as massive blobs. I've managed to create a cute slit, but anything more gets stretched and bent a bit too much. A shaved look isn't nearly as easy to make because of this... but shaved is the only viable route for trolls !

One problem I am noticing is that the current skins only overwrite the underwear textures and not the base skin. For those of you working on nude skins, you should copy over your work to the base skin. The reason is that certain armors allow parts of the base skin to show through, but ignore the underwear skin entirely. Any of the pillagers chestguards will let nipples and part of the breast show through..and the lords leggings will probably let part of the pubic region show through. Its a simple problem to fix as you can just copy the work from the underwear skins over into the base skin files.
#507 Aug 01 2005 at 7:16 AM Rating: Default
Heh, I didn't notice someone else was working on trolls. My troll nipples look better than Mr. TomPaxton's. I'll try to at least get some screenshots posted tonight if nothing else. I really need some reliable webspace to host the skin though.

You have to make the nipples crushed and wide so they get stretched rough. Your nipples would look much better if they were moved off the side and up a little more.

Edited, Mon Aug 1 08:16:21 2005 by RaziraER
#508 Aug 01 2005 at 10:24 AM Rating: Default
Cool man, its all you then...having more fun with Orc anyway. And I agree re. modifying the base texture instead of the naked ones. I actually just deleted all of the "naked" textures and WoW seems to be perfectly happy with simply not drawing them.
#509 Aug 01 2005 at 11:13 AM Rating: Default
Hello there

I'm a mage looking to wield the hand of ragnaros.

Which model is it?

Does anyone know offhand?
#510 Aug 01 2005 at 12:23 PM Rating: Default
Can you replace 2handed weapons with 1handed weapons?

I tried to do this and everything seems to be replaced in the MPQ but when I load WoW I still have my same old staff

I replaced the right models because the texture has changed but the model hasnt
#511 Aug 01 2005 at 12:39 PM Rating: Default

I got it...looks friggin awesome
#512 Aug 01 2005 at 1:43 PM Rating: Default
i wonder what happens if i open the dbc.MPQ and
change the chrRaces.dbc ? *i still want to replace the ugly troll with the cute NE*

but the problem is i don't got a Editor for dbc,
anyone kow a shareware?
#513 Aug 01 2005 at 5:18 PM Rating: Default
FWIW here's a shot of my orc female:

I guess it would help to be an artist...
#514 Aug 01 2005 at 5:38 PM Rating: Default
Hmm... I was looking through all the MPQs in WoW with MyWarcraftStudio, and I was trying to delete various things in a copy of the textures MPQ. However, after WinMPQ crashed multiple times after messing with it, I tried to go onto WoW. I got an error that said "Could not access fonts.MPQ". I hadn't done anything with it except look in it, and it looked exactly the same since the last time I looked at it. Could anyone tell me what's possibly wrong, or do I have to reinstall?
#515 Aug 01 2005 at 6:03 PM Rating: Default
TomPaxton, the orc female pubic area looks awesome ! Can you get anything like that on the troll ? So far, anything more than a slit on my troll stretches out too much. On both your troll and orc, I love how bold the nipples are, but I think the placement should be adjusted...of course it all comes down to personal preference, I wish we could get a hundred different nude skins for each race just to offer choices.

Deleting the underwear textures works fine for people like us that are willing to ***** with the Textures.mpq, but for distribution, we need to replaced both the underwear and base skin textures so that people aren't required to delete the underwear textures themselves. The base skin isn't horribly important, but it doesn't take a huge amount of time to copy the skin edits over into the baseskin..just a bit tedious having to hed edit each file before encoding. Besides..its just more efficient to put in 20 minutes of work to save hundreds of people from having to put in 5 each.

An issue I would like to address for all would-be nude skinners.. There are a LOT of naysayers, but even so, you will get a ton of support. I did a few nude skins for Ragnarok and after 2 years, I still get people IMing me about them. Of course.. we do have to openly admit our extreme perversion, but I can live with that.
#516 Aug 01 2005 at 6:17 PM Rating: Default
Alright, I made geocities thingy, so here are screenshots of my troll skin. I wish I could get the crotch to look more like paxtons orc :\
#517 Aug 01 2005 at 6:30 PM Rating: Default
Could anyone possibly send me a copy of their fonts.mpq? I think mine might be messed up...
#518 Aug 01 2005 at 6:38 PM Rating: Default
I could send you the fonts.mpq, its only like 1.2mb, so it shouldn't be much trouble. My AIM is RaziraER (no big secret or anything, so anyone can feel free to IM me when I'm on it)
#519 Aug 01 2005 at 6:50 PM Rating: Default

Edited, Tue Aug 9 03:10:38 2005 by Demonshade
#520 Aug 01 2005 at 8:09 PM Rating: Default
I've improved the crotch area a bit and the nipples very slightly. Unless I learn some new tricks, this is probably my final version..though I might touch up the skins a bit to remove some slightly odd shadows and such. I'm kinda doubting that geocities will hold out very long hosting the actual skin, so if anyone has some good hosting, let me know.
#521 Aug 01 2005 at 8:15 PM Rating: Default
Any of the pillagers chestguards will let nipples and part of the breast show through..and the lords leggings will probably let part of the pubic region show through.

How about, instead of working around specific clothing to get partial nudity, we just let almost all of the clothing to be entirely see-through?

Female Clothing Transparentizer (zip file) (Edit: Be sure to get the latest version, as of this writing the current directions for doing this are described on my first post on page 12.)

The file referred to in the above link was tested on a Windows 98 SE system using the 4DOS command interpreter. I'm guessing it will work with no problems from regular COMMAND.COM in any Windows version, including Windows XP. However, even if it does, it wouldn't surprise me if some people might have trouble from running a batch file from a different location than it expects to be run from.

See also: Blizzard Response to asking about their reaction to content that wouldn't receive a T rating from ESRB

Edited, Wed Aug 3 22:18:48 2005 by TOOGAM
#522 Aug 01 2005 at 9:13 PM Rating: Default
I double clicked the bat. file, and a DOS window appears and disappears very quickly. I run the game, and nothing happened...
#523 Aug 01 2005 at 9:47 PM Rating: Default
On the wowstudio program thing, for some reason all the files suddenly went out of order. How can I make them arrange themselves by name again?

Also, could somebody please give a short little step by step set of directions for messing with the equipment files? It seems a little too complicated for me, who hasn't been able to do anything other than changing my bear form on my druid into a silithid scarab.
#524 Aug 01 2005 at 10:31 PM Rating: Default
Yeah, that's exactly what I thought would happen...
"it wouldn't surprise me if some people might have trouble from running a batch file" because they tried to run it from a GUI and don't know how to interact with command line programs well.

I thought to myself that there would probably be somebody that would just download the *.BAT file and not know what they're doing, and double-click the batch file hoping that it would magically work. The batch file, which has a lot of copy commands, would try to copy a file that doesn't exist, because the person running the batch file didn't read the batch file. In this case, the batch file gives instructions on what file to download and rename so the batch file would work, but on many Windows systems, Windows is set up to just close a command prompt session as soon as it is over, so the user won't see the instructions given by the batch file. So, since the person isn't following the instructions, they assume the batch file doesn't work. Not that I blame the person: Windows very well might be configured so that the directions aren't easy to see.

If the DOS session ends extremely quick, that is most likely because the batch file's copy commands are all completed unsuccessfully rather instantly, and the reason the copy commands fail so quickly is because the file to be copied doesn't exist, because whoever ran the batch file didn't put the to-be-copied file where it needs to go. (Some subdirectories (a.k.a. "folders") should have been created under where the batch file was run, unless they pre-existed.)

The solutions are: A) End user learns how to use a command prompt well. B) Installation is made more user friendly. C) End user tries to open the batch file in Notepad, and reads the directions at the top, and tries successfully to follow them.

The best long term solution for helping the most users would be option B), and I thought that somebody out there might want to convert the graphics to affect the "base models" (instead of altering the versions wearing underwear) and then release a package that is easier to install Although I figured some people unfamiliar with the command line would have troubles, I decided to post my "unfriendly" batch file anyway so that those who can benefit from it can start doing so.

Now if somebody tells me that the copy commands failed using CMD.EXE due to spaces in the filenames or something like that, I might look at fixing it. I don't want to invest a lot of effort in trying to test this batch file on lots of systems (like trying to find access to a Windows XP system with WoW to test this batch file on), as I'm leaning more towards the direction of this batch file being replaced or intellegently merged into a more elaborate package that also includes modification of the base models. So when a report comes in that a command prompt disappears rather instantly and things don't work, I'm inclined to think that's user error.
#525 Aug 01 2005 at 10:36 PM Rating: Default
I'm kinda doubting that geocities will hold out very long hosting the actual skin

You think GeoCities is likely to leave around the JPG files that have "Nude" in their filenames, longer than they would a *.BLP file that your average GeoCities staff person probably wouldn't even know what it is? (Not only would the BLP file be more likely to stay around longer, it would be more usable for others.)
#526 Aug 01 2005 at 10:36 PM Rating: Default

I want to be a demonhunter!

How would I get the textures to work? I cant seem to get NPC(creature) textures to work on PCs(Character)

I was able to get textures as a Qiraj Prophet, but cant get textures with other models

Any assistance?
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