There IS an Alliance Master Leatherworking, who is located in Aerie Peak in The Hinterlands (just north of Hillsbrad).
Once you reach 225, you do have the ability to chose a specific path to take your Leatherworking. To do so, you have to complete a quest for whichever NPC offers the path you chose. All 3 of these quests are designated 40+.
The Elemental NPC is located in Searing Gorge.
The Dragonscale NPC is location in Azshara.
The Tribal NPC is unknown to me as of now.
I am currently level 40, and the Elemental and Dragonscale quests are still grey to me. I have been told that you need to be 41 for Dragonscale, 43 for Tribal and 45 for Elemental but this has not been confirmed.
Hope this helps.