Allright Guys-
Heres the situation. I moved over to WoW from FFXI with a couple friends of mine, one in real life, and a couple from the guild.
Me and my friend had both gotten our characters on Alleria up to 18, when my friend from FFXI decided to come over. So we restarted on Mal'Ganis Server. I'm now a level 20 Night Elf Rogue, hes a 18 Night Elf Druid, and my other friend is a 18 Dwarf Hunter. After the actions I saw tonight I am questioning wether I should ditch the 50 hours played I have on my character on Mal'Ganis and go back to my old server.
I was sitting in Redridge tonight, doing some quests, its an Alliance dominated zone. Well, here came a group of Horde, not just a group though, but an actual army almost. At least 100 players, and they just slaughtered us, we tried and fought as hard as we could, but there were just too many for us. I died around 9 times trying to defend the Alliance. That's not really the worst part for me, though. Its that, it seems like all the little 10-15 year old B-Net kiddies think being the Horde is so badass. Yes, I realize that there are great gamers on the Horde's side, as well as the Alliances, but there is a severe advantage for the Horde on PvP servers right now from what I have seen and heard. Something like 65/35 in favor of the Horde. The Alliance stands no chance with odds like this.
I am questioning wether I should level my character to 60 only to find out every time I want to step outside my own town I'll get assaulted. I realize that part of this is what PvP is about.... but it just seems like the Alliance side is at such a dis-advantage right now... that I dont know if it will ever come back around.
Another part of me doesnt want to leave this server, I like my character, and my friend and I allready switched servers, and I know he wont be happy if I tell him we have to switch back again... but I don't know what else too do.
It just seems like I am fighting a hopeless cause.